Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Thanks guys :)

Well, at my MW appointment today they noted static growth from 2 weeks ago, so off for a growth scan today - worried!

Hope you're all well :)
Thanks guys :) All good, she's measuring fine and estimated to be 7lbs at the moment :)
How are you feeling amber.. have you told anyone yet..
Just you ladies, close family, my best friend and my boss (since I have appts scheduled off and such, he would figure it out sooner or later!).

We are waiting until after our 12 week scan to announce, like we did with Grace. I should have that scan set up sometime next week. As long as all goes well *knock on wood*, we should be announcing around xmas. :flower:

As far as feeling, I still have horrendous nausea, and I am still eating like a horse!! Plus my skin is just awful!! Totally opposite of how my pregnancy went with Grace!! It sure is true that every pregnancy is different, haha!
Well, I finally had a dream last night about this baby. I dreamed it was a little boy that we named Jamison (we are not going to name our little boy that if we have a little boy, but I thought it was funny how you do things like that in dreams!).

Obviously dreams could be wrong, but I did dream about Wyatt's late grandmother (whom Grace is named after) and Grace being a little girl when I had her, so I was excited to finally dream about this little one, kinda makes me feel good about the pregnancy in general!!

We honestly have no preference on gender. A little boy would be awesome for lots of reasons, but I also think it would be neat for Grace to have a sister so close to her in age (I always wanted a sister, and I have this crazy fantasy about them being best buds, haha!)

Guess we'll see!!
Grey- great news about your scan

Amber- aww I love pregnancy dreams! I dreamed about cormack being a boy before he came along! I have to say I love having one of each.

Afm- my babies love each other so much! Emilia saves most of her kisses for cormack and he just loves 'helping' his sister. The other day I even caught him wiping her nose. It's wonderful. We finally decided on a school for C for sept which feels like a massive relief, he will go with oh to the school he teaches at (private, mixed, lovely!). My chemo continues I'm exhausted and nauseous, much like the first trimester!!

Lots of love to you all ladies

Beth- special hugs for you, how are you?
Grey - glad your scan went well 7lb is a good size although they hugely inaccurate as I found out! Callum was supposed to be about seven and a half pounds and when he was born two days later he was only 5lb9oz!

Amber - very excited to hear about your dream, I wondered if it could be a boy this time when you said your pregnancy was so different than with Grace! Are you going to find out the babies sex again this time?

Sparkle - C and E sound so cute together. Hope you are not feeling too sick and the little ones are letting you get plenty of rest x

Beth - so sorry to hear of you loss xxx
Pregnancy dreams are weird, yours sound about right Amber ;)

Yeah, so less than a week until my EDD! Can't quite believe it, my Greyboy is settling in well after finally being back with us for a week, we've started Christmas decorating to get it ready for our family coming over Christmas day (hopefully!)
No major twinges or signs of labour yet, have some pain when I lie down at night sometimes, but sorted by sitting up for a while. I'm only just at the stage of having to get up once a night to pee and generally I'm doing really well, so I'm feeling very lucky to have had such a good pregnancy (bar the constant worry she's not moving enough!)....still only put on 7lbs so happy with that too :D
Sparkle--That is so sweet about how well your little ones are getting along, I think that is the dream of any mommy, to see their children grow up close to and loving one another. C is such a great big brother!! So glad that you have him set up in a good school, that has to be a relief!! I really hope you are feeling better and getting the rest you need! xx

milos--How is little Callum doing? I too am wondering if this might be a boy. A lot of old wive's tales say that you end up having the opposite sex of what you dream, but that wasn't the case for me with Grace (I dreamed girl, had a girl!). And yes, this pregnancy is so different--Grace really spoiled me, even with the SCH scare, the GD and all the visits to the doctor late in the pregnancy--my pregnancy with her seems like it was so much easier!! haha

Grey--so excited for you!! Maybe you are headed for an xmas baby!! :xmas8: I think that is so wonderful that you will have family around and that you are feeling so well! And excellent news on the weight gain, that means you have probably lost weight throughout (like I did with Grace!), that will make things a lot easier for you!

Beth--still thinking of you, hope you are recovering well. sending my love. :hugs:

AFM: Had my 10wk appt today, got my 1st trimester scan scheduled for next Wed, the 12th. Will do the nuchal fold and the bloodwork. All of my initial bloodwork came back great, NO GD!! :xmas12: Huge relief!! I think the 40lbs in weightloss after Grace really helped. Of course, they are going to check me again throughout the pregnancy, I can still get it, but massively happy to have passed the first test!!

I am still sick, bleh! Managed to get the tree and decorations up this past weekend though! :xmas9: Grace of course taught me that I went too low on hanging ornaments, so had to do some adjusting there!! I have also put on a whopping 10 lbs!! Doctor told me that once I am past the sickness, I should be able to slow down some, I sure hope so!! I would hate to put back on all the weight I lost! rofl!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well!
I'm still here. Still hanging on. It seems harder this time because people expect me to just be thankful for Selah and to be glad that I wouldn't have to worry about two so close together. I'm not glad. I wanted two close together. It also doesn't help that I have close friends who just announced pregnancies, due around the same time I would have. I know you ladies understand.

But! this has made me MORE thankful and in love with my little girl (if that was even possible). And my husband is now 110% on board with trying again Feb/Mar. We're going to skip NTNP and go straight for TTC. Hopefully things will work out without a problem next time.

Thanks for your love and understanding. I don't know what I would do if I had not found you guys after the loss we had before Selah.
I changed my pic to one of S's Christmas pictures. I love how she's more excited about the cookies than Santa. That's my girl!
Oh Beth, Selah is so beautiful!! I LOVE that picture!!

I totally understand where you are coming from with your loss. I have already been told something similar by family/friends if my current pregnancy ended in a loss "Well, at least you have Grace, etc., etc.". They simply don't understand, especially those of whom have never experienced the loss of a child. My heart aches for you, I know how much you wanted this little one. :hugs: And yes, it is doubly hard when those around you are announcing pregnancies as well... that happened to me with my first loss, it was really hard.

I'm going to keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your Feb/March rainbow baby. I'm hoping to see our Femmes family start filling up with more BFPs in the new year!!

I too am so thankful all of us ladies found one another, and that we have managed to stay in touch when we can. I feel like I have sisters here to turn to when I need them! :hugs::kiss:
Amber great news from your tests, woohoo, well done honey, sorry you are still feeling sick :(

Beth I think people just don't know what to say and say silly things which to them make sense. Of course you are grateful for your lo we all are but it doesn't stop you wanting more (or not in my case!!). I hope you get your bfp early next year xx

Grey, it's so exciting, start banking that sleep girl, you are gonna need it haha! Seriously tho I am v excited for you!!

Hi to everyone else!!

As for us, all good here, no illnesses which makes a nice change and G's appetite is back with a vengeance! I find it so worrying when she doesn't eat :( she's pretty much walking full time now and being a little comedienne which is hilarious plus Neil
Has been off work a few days so we have had lovely family time :) the only down side at the moment is she keeps hitting us! She lashes out in anger when she doesn't get her own way, anyone else get this? How do you deal with it?!? Xx
Hey Kizzy!! So glad G is eating well! We are trying to expand Grace's palate to something beyond cheese, cheese and more cheese! haha

On the hitting. Grace does not hit, but she loves to throw things when she is mad or she arches her back and lets out a scream, (scares the heck out of me sometimes, I get afraid that I am going to drop her!) When she throws something, I take her hand and politely tell her "no, it is not nice to throw," or something like that. Then I try to see if there is anything I can do to either distract her or address what is upsetting her. I am not sure if it is working, but that is what I try! I do know that our little ones are at an age where they will either hit, throw or bite, or a combination thereof to express anger (since they can't quite say "I am so mad because...",) so at least it is considered "normal" behavior. The key is trying to teach them that it is not the way to act now, so they don't continue with it when they are older!

Yesterday I had a very bad stomach bug, and Grace was home with a sinus infection--ugh! There I am hardly able to move and a rambunctious toddler on my hands! It was awful!! And I was ready to kill my DH--he still worked late (I was hoping he would try to come home early) and then got upset with me when HE had to take Grace downstairs in the middle of the night (she was fussing, but went right back to sleep when he took her down), and told me not to be so dramatic, that I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything---EXCUSE ME?!?!!? The man had NO CLUE!! He apologized this morning when he asked me how I was feeling and I said "obviously fine, I don't have to go to the hospital or anything..." rofl! I mean really, I'm pregnant with MS, a headache, dehydrated from this stomach bug, all my muscles hurt...I'd love to see him try to take care of Grace with all that! HA! :xmas18:

Sorry for the vent, felt good to get it off my chest though!
Men are very insensitive to us women and when they get sick total babies about it..
You are so right!! I remember the last time he had a stomach bug similar to what I had (similar being just the bug, he was of course not 10 wks pregnant on top of that!) and he laid around on the couch for 2 days while I waited on him hand and foot!! I swear the man just thinks I'm Superwife and Supermom and that means I never get sick! lol

I'm very tempted to plop Grace on his lap the next time he is sick and say "ok hun, Im out to the store for a couple hours, cya!" rofl! :xmas13: But I would not want to do that to Grace!

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