Sparkle--That is so sweet about how well your little ones are getting along, I think that is the dream of any mommy, to see their children grow up close to and loving one another. C is such a great big brother!! So glad that you have him set up in a good school, that has to be a relief!! I really hope you are feeling better and getting the rest you need! xx
milos--How is little Callum doing? I too am wondering if this might be a boy. A lot of old wive's tales say that you end up having the opposite sex of what you dream, but that wasn't the case for me with Grace (I dreamed girl, had a girl!). And yes, this pregnancy is so different--Grace really spoiled me, even with the SCH scare, the GD and all the visits to the doctor late in the pregnancy--my pregnancy with her seems like it was so much easier!! haha
Grey--so excited for you!! Maybe you are headed for an xmas baby!!
I think that is so wonderful that you will have family around and that you are feeling so well! And excellent news on the weight gain, that means you have probably lost weight throughout (like I did with Grace!), that will make things a lot easier for you!
Beth--still thinking of you, hope you are recovering well. sending my love.
AFM: Had my 10wk appt today, got my 1st trimester scan scheduled for next Wed, the 12th. Will do the nuchal fold and the bloodwork. All of my initial bloodwork came back great, NO GD!!
Huge relief!! I think the 40lbs in weightloss after Grace really helped. Of course, they are going to check me again throughout the pregnancy, I can still get it, but massively happy to have passed the first test!!
I am still sick, bleh! Managed to get the tree and decorations up this past weekend though!
Grace of course taught me that I went too low on hanging ornaments, so had to do some adjusting there!! I have also put on a whopping 10 lbs!! Doctor told me that once I am past the sickness, I should be able to slow down some, I sure hope so!! I would hate to put back on all the weight I lost! rofl!
Hope all of you ladies are doing well!