Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi everyone, wanted to say hi as I read but don't post, but am thinking I might start (if you'll have me) as the other thread has gone quiet now. Once again, I'm the only one left :dohh: feeling lonely :haha:

My only news is that I paid privately for a endometrial biopsy to check for NK cells and its cone back high. The upper level of normal is 5% and mine are 12.51% so it looks like that could be my issue. Of course I'll never know for sure but when I get my BFP next time, I'll be put on steroids until 12 weeks.

Really hoping that it does the trick as I'm so fed up of waiting now.

Love to you all xxx
New--Thank you for stopping by and PLEASE stay here with us in this thread!! It really has long ago ceased to be a "pregnancy" thread and is more or less now a "sisterhood" thread where we continue to share the highs and lows together, whether it be TTC, motherhood, loss, new pregnancies, etc. So you belong here with us!!! :hugs:

I am also soooo glad to see that you are finally getting some answers!! I hope and pray that this gets you on the road to your long-deserved rainbow baby!! Are you guys actively TTC now or were you waiting for your test results?
Thanks for the warm welcome Amber, it's good to be back :hugs:
Hope you are doing ok and the ms is not too bad. I've been popping in to check you and beanie are doing ok :hugs:

I guess the next baby is Greys - can't wait to hear that she has arrived safely. Good luck Grey :hugs:

Yes, we are still TTC, was told by the specialist I saw to continue.
Not sure if you know but it turns out DH has a low sperm count so could explain the length of time it takes after each loss. But having said that, we DTD once in the month before Florida and I got preg so I'm not focussing on that too much.
We haven't been having much :sex: lately as we've had a few relationship issues but we're working through them and I'm confident we'll get back to normal.
I think the diagnosis has helped us tbh as we now know there is something that can be given to me to 'try' and prevent another loss.
I know it's not set in stone that it'll work as miscarriages are unknown for the most part but we both feel more positive about trying.

Ooh, I like it here - I'm settling in already :hugs:
Great to have you New honey and like Amber I'm pleased you got some answers, it's not all that uncommon to have a "helping hand" in the early stages of pregnancy, my friend saw a specialist after three losses and had to have steroids, pessaries, injections etc all thru her next pregnancy and now has a beautiful 13 month old boy. The doc told her "if you get yourself pregnant, i will help you stay that way" and it worked! So fingers crossed it can be the same for you :) I hope you get your relationship issues sorted out too, you're both under so much pressure it's bound to take it's toll! Lots of love to you xx

Amber men can be thoughtless donuts sometimes!!! I'm so like you tho, all about the sarcasm haha xx

Afm I had a job interview today and it looks like I'll get it!! Eek!! I also started a course so a busy day (probably hence why I am lying here wide awake at 2am thinking about a million different things instead of sleeping!).
Yay welcome over new.. we love to have you :)

So happy to hear you have some answers for you.. and hopefully this will be the key in keeping you pregnant.. I was on progesterone when i got preg and will be again this next time..

Love and hugs honey and happy to have you
New--I am glad you guys are working out your relationship issues, like Kizzy said, all the stress and pressure you have both been under with the TTC, the losses, and just not knowing had to be soo much stress in and of itself. :hugs: And I am soo happy to have you here!! I'm hoping to see some more BFPs in this thread in the coming months!! :xmas12:

Kizzy--whoohoo on the job!! :xmas8: That is awesome!! Boy, with the class and G, and now your job, you are certainly going to be a busy lady!!

And thank you all for the support with my frustrations at DH. I think he got the hint that I was not a happy camper, lol. He was a lot more understanding yesterday after work, lol! Grace is back to school and doing great. I am not sure if I told you ladies or not, but they officially moved her to the Young Toddler class back on November 26th. She is soo little compared to the other children in that room, it makes me nervous!!! (most of the kids get moved when they are 2-3 months older than she is now, but they let the kids go at their own pace, and she was ready at 11 months, but they kept her in the infant room until 12 months, lol). Don't get me wrong, I am so proud of her and how quickly she is advancing, but part of me is just so nervous for her. The toddler room is so busy and active and...well, LOUD, lol. I spent the first week crying all over again when I would drop her off!! Ugh, maybe it is partially pregnancy hormones, lol!
Hi New! Welcome back, I agree that this is more of a sisterhood thread, the other has gone quiet now. We're all at different stages here and yes, I'm next to pop - due today! Can't believe it, feels so long ago I found out, but no time at all too.
I'm glad you're getting some help New, I hope the steroids work next time :) How's little Milo?

Hi Amber - I'm sure she'll settle and be fine - she'll probably be ruling the roost in no time with the big kids! Can't believe you're 11 weeks long with your second! Hope your MS goes soon and you can get back to enjoying pregnancy :)
Happy Due Date Day Grey!! :flower:

And thank you, I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is moving myself, my pregnancy with Grace seemed to go by much slower! I too hope this MS ends soon, I really want to enjoy some holiday food, darnit! lol
Grey - Happy due date plus one! Did anything exciting happen overnight? Now when you asked how's little milo did you mean my four legged friend or has New got a milo in her family too?

New - lovely to have you here and great news that your biopsy gave some results for you. Hopefully that will take the pressure off you and Dh and you can enjoy TTC again !

Amber - how's he sickness? Feeling any better yet? I am sure grace will settle into the big group at daycare soon and is probably less upset about it than you! Callum is now up in his feet and walking well so I think he will be swapping groups soon too but the big and little groups at our nursery spend time together first thing and last thing in the day anyway (during drop off and pick up times) so he should be fine with the change.

Callum's Christmas outfit arrive this morning what do you think:


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And just in case you were wondering here is he other cutie in my life - milo!


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Omg, Callum's outfit is just too precious, what a cutie!! And your little Milo sure is adorable too! Glad to hear your little man is getting around so well. They combine the groups at the end of the day at Grace's school too, but usually they all go in to the infant room. I think it really is just me having the hard time. They have the kids visit their next room for a month before the switch, so I am sure she was much readier than I!

Sickness is still here but I think it is improving slightly. I was actually able to eat something other than a bagel with butter this morning!:thumbup:
Thanks for the welcome Lil, Grey, Kizzy and Milo's....

It's truly great to be here, although I would have preferred it with a :bfp: in tow, but hey!

Callum looks adorable in his Christmas outfit and love the pic of your Milo...

Here's my Milo in his Christmas outfit.... :haha:

New - so yours is a four legged milo too! I love his Xmas outfit, we have a doggy Santa suit from last year just need to search it out of the cupboard ready to embarrassy poor terrier again this year!
And just in case you were wondering here is he other cutie in my life - milo!

He's gorgeous! I have a soft spot for Border Terriers :)

Thanks for the welcome Lil, Grey, Kizzy and Milo's....

It's truly great to be here, although I would have preferred it with a :bfp: in tow, but hey!

Callum looks adorable in his Christmas outfit and love the pic of your Milo...

Here's my Milo in his Christmas outfit.... :haha:


Gorgeous :D He's looking so grown up!

Well, I'm officially overdue :) Not too bad so far, here's me full term...
Me @ 40 weeks exactly.

New--omg, you should make an xmas card out of that picture of Milo, he is so adorable! Of course, I have loved him from the start, he is such a sweetie!

milo--you have to share any pics of your milo in that santa suit!

Grey--you are simply glowing, that is such a gorgeous picture of you!! I hope your little lady decides to make her appearance here just in time for santa!!

hugs to you ladies!!
New--omg, you should make an xmas card out of that picture of Milo, he is so adorable! Of course, I have loved him from the start, he is such a sweetie!

milo--you have to share any pics of your milo in that santa suit!

Grey--you are simply glowing, that is such a gorgeous picture of you!! I hope your little lady decides to make her appearance here just in time for santa!!

hugs to you ladies!!

Thanks for your kind words about Milo, he is my baby and has healed a lot of hurt in our house. We've had him a year today and I adore him. He is spoilt rotten :cloud9:
New--Milo should be spoiled rotten, he is so darn cute and sweet!! I know how you feel about him, we had a beagle/basset mix (Dempsey) for 13 years and he was my baby! I still miss him so very much, :cry:. We have not been able to get another dog since, and it has been over 3 years now since we lost him to cancer. So give Milo extra snuggles and treats, he deserves it!! :thumbup:

Grey--hope to hear from you soon with your little arrival!!

AFM: Had my 12 wk scan today! Nuchal fold measurement was perfect, 1.5, well in range, so just waiting on the bloodwork to come back now. I have to say, this pregnancy continues to be totally different from Grace!! When we went in for her 12 wk, she was calm and resting and not moving around a whole lot, so we got the measurements really quickly and easily. Not this one!! He/she was bouncing off the walls and every time they would get him/her pinned down, he/she would kick or turn their head, it was kinda funny actually!! I definitely have a feisty one in there!!

As soon as the bloodwork comes back, if all is well, we plan to announce, I'm starting to get nervous now!!
Aah, I remember you telling me about Dempsey, they make such an impact in your lives, they can never be forgotten. Maybe one day when Grace and the little one are bigger, you can get a dog again.
Excellent news about your scan, glad everything is progressing as it should. Can't wait for the official announcement, exciting!
Oh and I think you have a little boy in there-do you plan on finding out?

Will be giving Milo a big snuggle from you tonight :hugs:
Yes, we will definitely be finding out (DH and I are NOT the patient sort! haha)

I have a scan pic, it is kinda blurry, but will scan it in tonight or tomorrow for you ladies!

Everyone who knows thinks I am having a boy, my mother even told me that my pregnancy thus far has mimicked her pregnancy with my brother pretty much to the letter. I will truly be happy with either a boy or a girl, so many positives either way!

And yes, our plan is to get another little dog at some point in the future when Grace and the little one are old enough to appreciate a dog and learn how to care for one. We always had dogs growing up, I think it is so important for little ones to be exposed to pets, whether it be their own or a family/friend's pet. We do still have our cat, which Grace chases around, "ki-kat, ki-kat!" ahha, he is so patient with her and will "herd" her from room to room and make her toddle after him--he is in for it though once she starts running! lol

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