Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Great news New! I have my fingers (and toes) crossed that this is your rainbow baby xxx
A BFP really is the best Christmas present a girl could ask for!

Amber - love the scan pictures, I also have no idea about nub guesses but can't wait to hear if Grace is getting a brother or a sister!

Must fly supposed to be working! xxx
Lol i am def after you love.. :) fxed and thanks im excited to go into it.. :)

Hope everyone is well..
That's AMAZING news New!!!! Congratulations!!!! So excited for you :D Lots of sticky :dust: being sent your way, I hope you have an amazing Christmas and I'll be sending up positive thoughts for you :D

AFM: Went to a baby cafe today and saw a lactation consultant about the trouble we've been having - I've been literally crying with pain when Isabelle's been latching on and feeding - turns out 3rd person checking her is a charm, my little girl is tongue tied. The lovely lady who diagnosed it has also got her an appointment on Christmas Eve to get it checked/snipped if needed and I've been given some exercised to try and help loosed the tight muscles. Keeping everything crossed that we can get through this hurdle and my little girl can finally nurse from me as we should - happily and pain free!
Grey- Sorry to hear youve had problems fx that xmas eve it gets sorted!! thumbs up for keeping it up tho x

New- How amazing!!! im so happy for you :) xxx
New that is fabb news to hear. have everything crossed firmly you.

Lil...ahhh snow....bet that was fun...I am a bit jealous of the snow.

Love.....hi......you sound very busy at the moment.

Amber ...Hello...How are you??

Well after starving nate from 6.30 we were told at nearly 3.00 that he was not well enough for op. Obvisously I want it to be safe I just wish someone had said earlier as poor little thing had screamed with hunger nearly all day and as I am stil breast feeding you can imagine how much he was pulling at my top.....Gotta go back in a few weeks.

bean, that is horrible..i would've been highly irritated..lol
grey..glad things are getting sorted out with bf..one of life's great joys for mom to bond with baby
Grey ...what a stress for you. So glad that it has been spotted and you are getting it sorted. Gorgeous avatar photo.

Hi all.....XXX
Hey Ladies, happy holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying their time with their loved ones!

Grey--so glad you are finally getting some answers with the BFing, and I hope everything went well at your appointment! :hugs:

Bean--oh I would have been so frustrated, your poor little man! I really hope that things go well in a couple of weeks for you. :hugs:

AFM: Doing well, MS is still here, but confined mostly to the evenings these days, after I am tired from a long day. Christmas was awesome! Grace is grasping the concept of what a present is and how you open it--thing is, once she opens a gift, she is focused on the gift and has zero interest in opening anything else! haha Which is fine for us at home (she still has presents under the tree), but not so fine when you have grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. anxiously waiting to watch her open THEIR gift! lol She also still hates dressing up, I think we only got 1 or 2 pictures of her in her Christmas Dress where she is not screaming, lol. Oh well, maybe next year, haha!

We are headed down to Baltimore for the New Year to visit with our close friends like we always do. Then I have a doctor's appt right when we get back. Just a standard checkup to go over my blood work and such. Oh--that reminds me, bloodwork came back great, low risk, so no need for further testing (amnio, etc.) at this time! :thumbup:
Hi Amber - sounds like you have had a fab xmas. Great news about the blood results.
Can't believe you are 13 weeks + already..........Hope you have a great time at your friends.

Hi everyone, hope you all had an amazing Christmas. I was quiet as I dropped my new iPhone 5 down the loo whilst I was cleaning it on Christmas Eve. Gutted isn't the word!
I'm getting a new one on Sunday but its costing me - not as much as it should but still.
Another annoying thing is that I do have insurance but didn't update it to this new phone.
Anyway, the cost of the new phone isn't much more than the excess on the insurance anyway so I'm doing it and learning from my lesson!

I'm 4 weeks 5 days today and doing ok so far (it's going very slowly)
The steroids aren't bothering me too much, I will gladly take it all if they do the trick though! I'm not sleeping well and am a bit agitated and bad tempered but it's DH that's suffering for that bit, lol :)

I started noticing my boobs today so think they're a bit sore. I was told that the steroids can mask pregnancy symptoms so I'm not obsessing over that at the moment.

My latest test is very dark which gives me some comfort

New--that is a GREAT line!! Nice and dark!! And I hear you on the steroids, I had the same mentality with the insulin shots I had to take while pregnant with Grace--I told the doctor "If you need me to stand on my head 3 hours a day to make sure this baby comes out whole and healthy, I will do it!" :flower: So every night, I gave myself those shots with a smile. =)

Sorry to hear about your Iphone, that is awful! I dropped my Motorola Razr (yes, I still have one of those old things, and I refuse to part with it, rofl!) in the toilet last year and was in tears because I LOVE that phone, haha. Fortunately I just had to replace the battery. But I know the new gadgets arent simply a matter of them drying out, etc. They can get ruined pretty quick. I have an IPad that I carry around in a big thick case, I get so worried about dropping it! Kinda defeats the purpose of a lightweight portable computer, but it really is still lighter than a large book!

Bean--yeah, I can't believe I am already only a day away from the 2nd trimester! Time is going WAAAAY too fast for me with this one!

DH and I started talking yesterday about him getting snipped vs. me getting my tubes tied (during my section). I think we have finally decided that 2 is going to be our limit. Now it is just a matter of deciding how we are going to prevent any "oopsies" from happening after this little one is here, because we have proven that we are quite capable of having an oops baby! :blush:
Hey all, happy second trimester Amber. I think if anything I would have my husband get snipped if it ever came to that, less invasive procedure for the man.. but at this rate I won't need to
Feelung down n out..been sick with flu for days, my girls are finally feeling better. My days off have been spent laid up sick
Went for u/s today, two cysts, no clomid this month..I feel close to tears. Over two years we've been trying..I am just not meant to be a fertile person I guess?
New - brilliant test always good to see such a nice BFP! Hope the steroids aren't too bad I know the side effects can be horrid but so worth it for bump x

Amber - pleased to hear your bloods are all normal and you had a good Christmas, I hope you enjoy your new year trip x

Grey - how's the Bfing going I hope they managed to help you at the appointment on Xmas eve x

I was wondering with you just starting to BF how many of the rest of us are still BFing? Anyone still feeding their Los?

Bean - sorry to hear nates op was cancelled at the last minute
Very annoying especially with a hungry baby x

Love - sorry to hear your scan results, hopefully a break from the clomid will settle down your ovaries and let you get back to TTC next month. Keep thinking positive honey it's all you can do xxx

AFM - I was on call for my job over Xmas and had a really busy day, opened pressies with Callum and managed lunch with the family but out for the rest of the day:( managed a quiet Boxing Day with DH and dad but then today DH has decided to get a cold (now its developing into man flu) and I think Callum might be teething his molars so I think the next few days of holidays could be tiring for me! X
Love--oh hun, I am so sorry to hear about the cysts. :hugs: Are they going to just delay you one month or do they have to put you back on the BCPs? I am hoping and praying for you, I want this so much to be your year!!! You have waited and suffered long enough for this beautiful rainbow baby, don't give up!! We are here for you and cheering you on! :hugs:

On the snipping, we would definitely be going that route if I was having this baby naturally, but I will be having another Section due to the issues found when I had Grace, so I figure they may as well do it while they have me on the table instead of making DH go through a separate operation. There is no way I would do it otherwise. We are still weighing our options though, there is this little person in the back of my head that just doesn't want to give up that possible future with another little one if we change our minds one day, even though I know we won't--I know I am getting older, but I love being a mom so much, maybe I WILL want one--not a decision to make lightly, I want to be 100% sure.

Milos--sorry to hear your menfolk are feeling poorly, I hope everyone is doing better soon! I am glad you got to spend some time on Xmas with Callum, so important, but I am sure you are exhausted at this point with the hectic schedule you had to keep!

On BFing--I stopped BFing Grace at one year, so that was back on October 21, 2012. Funny thing is, my breasts are STILL producing milk--I thought I would have dried up by now, but maybe the pregnancy has them confused!
I give you ladies credit..I only bf for four Weeks with littlest one as I had to return to work. Wasn't sure how that would work..me pumping at work ya know.
Milosmum, sorry to hear about your fellas being sick. If its anything like this flu uts no joke.
Amber, I hear ya on the 100%sure feeling. I have to feel 100% sure before I coyld make that decision.

Drs office rang back, I don't have to take bcp but I opted to so that no new cysts will form. I go back on Jan 21st for u/s. I hope this is our year. Have only gotten to take clomud 3 times and not consecutively.
So I have a question for u ladies...what is boxing day about?
Sorry for typos on phone until internet gets put up
Aww so sorry to hear love.. but you def cant lose hope it will happen.. hugs hunny

New great test line :)!!

Amber i dont think i could ever just taking away that possibility is heartbreaking to me.. hope your feeling well :)

AFus.. not much new.. had a fab christmas.. trying to deal with the aftermath.. of garbage.. food and presents.. aka toys!!!

Hope everyone is well.
oh love i am so sorry that the scan showed more cysts. this year is nearly out ...new year......the cysts will shrink and you will get on the clomid. big hugs to you.

milo oh no ...on call xmas day. what is your job again?

lil....i know boxes everywhere...ours have had a lot of lego....its everywhere. xx
Hi guys, has a bit of a stressful weekend as noticed a bit of brown on the TP on Saturday night. I'm hoping its the progesterone suppositories irritating my cervix as I have heard that can happen but I'm panicking as you can imagine.

I did a CB Digi and it came up 3+ last night within seconds but had quite bad cramps for about half an hour so was worried sick.

Got docs appt today at 9:50, going to ask for betas to be done.

Scan on Thursday seems like ages to wait.
New - I hope your appointment went well at the docs,did they take bloods? Have the cramps settled down, hope you are feeling better x

Bean - I am a vet so on call is what we sign up for when we join this profession! Generally my on call at the new practice is quiet so my hectic busy Xmas day was a bit of a shock!

I agree about the boxes - our house looks like a toy bomb has gone off in it and we have only let him open a few of the toys! There are so many that I know if we open them all he will be completely overwhelmed so we are going to spread them out over the next few weeks and months so we get something new fairly often!
Ladies, babies and bumps, wishing you all a happy healthy and wonderful 2013 xxxx

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