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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi Ladies :hi:

Im so sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I went out Saturday night (clubbing) and it completely exhausted me. I have been sleepwalking all week. I didnt really enjoy the night out. I was tired, cold, and people kept knocking my poor boobs :nope:
Anyways, I have spend the whole week peeing and feeling nauseas. Still no actual vomiting, just feeling sick all days and all night. then yesterday, I had some spotting in my underwear whilst at work. I was terrified. I left work immediately and went straight to EPAU. My OH met me at the hospital. After an hour, we were eventually seen by a doctor, who did a speculum. He said that my cervix was closed, and I didnt seem to be actively bleeding. He said it looked more like brown CM, and may be due to a hormonal imbalance, or an infection such as thrush. He took a swab, and I will get the results back on monday. We were both so relieved, as we had expected the worse.
So today, we went for our rescan. (on our first scan last week, there was no baby, just a yolk sac). Well, today we finally met Bo! She was measuring 7 weeks, and her heart was beating away! I cried tears of joy and relief! :happydance:
So we have our first midwives appointment in 2 weeks time, and then our 12 week scan in another 5 weeks time.

How are you all this weekend? Hope you and your beans are all well.
Hey Shell so sorry you have had a hard couple of days! But sooooooooo happy you saw little Bo's heartbeat!!!! I have been waiting for you to come online all day!!
I am so so happy for you!!
Shell--I have been so worried about you this week! I am so happy for your happy news!! Seeing Little Bo's heartbeat!! :happydance: That is so wonderful!!!! :thumbup:


As for Grand, we may not hear from her for a bit as I remember she said she was going out of town this weekend and may not have access to internet. Keeping my fx'd!!
Bella and Amber (my original bump buddies)
Thanks so much for your very kind messages.
Im going to try to get online more often, coz I hate not being here for you all. Need to try to post at least every other day. Hope you are both ok?

I am doing pretty well, thanks!...like you, I am nauseous ALL DAY, it sucks! But I'll take it! No vomitting here, just feel sick all of the time. Eating helps, but if I eat every time I feel sick, I'm going to gain 20 lbs in a week, I swear! Also having some wierd cramping (butt cramps!) and lower vaginal cramps, I keep worrying about them but trying to tell myself it is ok, just growing pains.

I have bloodwork set for monday and f/u with gyn the end of the month, I don't get to see Baby L again until April 11th--which is going to drive me insane I think!
I am also doing ok thanks.
I have also been having shooting pains up my bum!!
I was also having pain in side but now all over, hopefully just stretching pains!
I am still waiting for date for early scan! Hopefully I get that soon xx
sorry ladies i have have not been on for a few days work has been manic!

Sparkle i am so so sorry for your loss all my love to you and your family at this time x

RGN lovely to see you popping in and i hope your blood results give you some PMA for your next try x

shells fabby new about your scan - did you manage to get a piccie? X

Grand hope all went well with your interview and scan x

Kizzy i LOVE your bump honey and good luck for the scan this week x 12 weeks already are you going to be the first of us into the second trimester? X

Chilli welcome nice to have you here and great news on your scans too x

amber, mum, bellas, hope the sore bums and sickness dont ruin your weekends!

Love to everyone cause its bedtime now xxx

Just for you Milosmum (and anyone else who is interested) here are some pics of my darling Bo. I love her so much already :cloud9:


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Beautiful pics, Shell!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Yippee Shell - great pics and know what you mean about the love!
Thanks again for the welcome all!
Not up to much this weekend - just escorting my daughter to all her parties!!!
Shell- what amazing pictures. I'm so so happy for you both xx
Love those pics shell. So pleased you got to see your little bo and all is well for you.

Will catch up properly later but wanted just to update you all. I went for my private scan today and everything is great. Saw bubs and could see and hear heartbeat. Finally feels like its going to be ok.
mum--so glad your scan went so well and you got to see the baby's heartbeat, that is wonderful!!! I hope you are able to relax a bit more into enjoying your pregnancy! :hugs:

On a somber note, I started to spot today. :cry: I've had cramping on and off the last few days, which I mentioned was starting to concern me. It is not filling up a pad or anything, but is there when I wipe, and it is pinkish/red, not brown. I'm terrified that we may have lost Baby L. This is exactly how losing peanut started for me (only that loss started much earlier, when I was only like 5 wks along). All I can do is call the doc come Monday and see if she will get me in for another scan sometime this week.
Amber- I can't remember where you are but if you are worried go to a and e. I went once when I started spotting in my pregnancy with C. They were able to scan me right away. Thinking of you xxx
Thanks Sparkle, I'm in the states. I have an emergency number for my gyn if the spotting gets worse or if I start to bleed. They will tell me to go to the er if it is bad, and I can probably have an external u/s done there. I'm probably going to stress it out until Monday, when the gyn will probably come in and have me scanned with an internal (their u/s unit is in the same office).

I'm just very worried and stressed out. I've been doing EVERYTHING right this time, I want to scream. And I know that, in the end, there is nothing I can do about it. :nope:

I know you are going through a rough time too hun, thank you for posting. :hugs:
Amber - my heart goes out to you - I've had on and off bleeding for a few weeks now - initially red on a friday night and couldn't get a scan til the Monday - I know it's really hard but don't despair - my LO is still going strong and hopefully so is yours! Try to chill out and think positive as much as you can - I nearly drove myself mad with needless worry.:hugs:

mumat - here's to great scans!!!!:dance:

PS I'm 10 weeks pregnant today!!!!!!!!!!!:yipee:
Amber - sorry to hear that hun. Like chilli said try and stay positive, will be thinking of you and hoping the spotting stops
Thinking of you Amber :hugs:
Please try stay positive hun, spotting is so common xx
Hiya everyone!

Kizzy - LOVE the bump!

mum and shell - great news about your scans, glad they went well. Love the pics.

chilli - 10 weeks!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Double digits! Glad all is going well for you!

Amber - big hugs, try and stay positive. thinking of you.

AFM - 11 weeks today! Dating scan on Wed, i cant wait! Still feel nervous but trying to focus on the excited feeling instead! Have had no more bleeding since 8 weeks so i'm praying bubs is doing ok in there.

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