Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi to everyone :hi:

Lil - you're trucking along now :happydance:

Amber - glad you got to see Hayleigh Ann again, she sounds like she's going to be so different to Grace, although maybe look similar. I love your pics of Grace on FB, she's so cute :hugs:

Love - hope you're hanging on in there. Sending you some love xx

Grey - Isabelle is growing fast now. Not long til you're TTC again, exciting

Nicole - I have the same worries re movement at the moment. My midwife said not to worry too much about it til around 26 weeks as it can be quite hit and miss as they are still so small and it depends where they're kicking as to whether you'll feel it or not.

AFM - Had a midwife appointment yesterday, all fine. She did BP which was 100/70 and my urine was clear. She also measured my bump and its 26cm which she said is 'spot on'. When I looked at my notes when I got home, she has plotted it on a graph and its half way between the 50th & 90th centile. She did say its in the normal range but seems big to me, idk

I also mentioned the movement to her as he isn't a big wriggler and I worry that its not normal. She reassured me that there is no normal and as long as the pattern of his moves is the same, I should be ok - but I have to start making a mental note of the patterns now so that I can get used to what is 'normal' for Haribo.

Have submitted my date for finishing with work too, 26th July so 9 weeks today although the first 3 and a half weeks will be holiday with the mat leave starting on 22nd August - five days before DD

New symptom is swollen feet and ankles, more the left foot as well which is odd.

Hoping they're not going to stay like this til the end :dohh:
Hi everyone, update for you.

Growth scan went well, everything is fine and Haribo is measuring average size, following the 50th centile. He was head down with his feet under my ribs on my right side. He didn't move much but she showed us his little heart beating away - don't think I'll ever tire of seeing that after all the heartache. :cloud9:
My placenta is still high and so is the succenturiate lobe so that's good news. Fluid level is normal so that's another worry ticked off. She also checked the cord and again, all fine.

Didn't get a picture as it wasn't that good, could just see parts of him. She showed us his feet - so cute! I don't mind so much about not having a pic as we have a 4D scan on Sunday.

Had an antenatal clinic appt too, she felt and measured my bump - 29cm. BP was 113/65 and urine clear.

All in all a successful day - and I don't take it for granted, I am very grateful to be here and doing so well. Just waiting the GTT results, apparently I'll hear today but they'll only call if there's an issue.
Sounds like it's all going really well New, so happy for you :D 3rd trimester now? :D Has it gone fast for you? Fingers crossed the GTT results are good :)

Yeah, 3 months now til we're NTNP and 6 til TTC...scary but I'm not waiting around, I'd rather they were closer together than preferable than miss the boat entirely. She's doing really well and is a happy little girl...mostly ;)
Nicole/New - re the movement. I was at the midwife today and she was saying if you are concerned have a sugary drink or treat and go sit somewhere quite. You should feel 6 movements min in a 2 hour period. Bebes can sleep for 90mins at a time so if you feel nothing for the first 90 min you should fee 6 in the last 1/2 hour. Also if ya feel 6 right away then you don't have to wait the full 2 hours. If you don't get the 6 movements in 2 hours call you dr or midwife :)

Afm. Everything spot on. 22 + 2 weeks and measuring exactly that. Blood pressure good. Bebe heart beat good.... Less then 1/2 way to go now!
Hey ladies
Sounds like you are all doing well! Can't wait to 'Meet' the new batch of femmes fatales babies! Who is due first I have lost track - amberyll is it you?

As for us all good here wee man getting more and more fun! He is a typical boy, climbing running digging holes etc We are spending lots of time out in the garden at the moment with the sunny weather and he seems to be constantly covered in scratches and bruises from some form of mishap!
We changed to cloth nappies a couple of months ago and I seem to be unable to stop myself buying lots of new nappies in cute patterns - I fear it is a new obsession!
He walks almost all the time now when we are out but will suddenly get tired and want up for a carry but i hate our big toddler rucksack with the metal frame and its so big to fit in the car so I have bought a soft structured carrier which arrives today - hopefully this won't lead to an obsession with toddler wearing too! My poor bank balance!

Love to all bumps and babies xxx
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks, we have had a lot going on!

New: So glad to see that everything is on course with little Haribo!! :thumbup: I hope your GTT results come back good, and I am excited for your upcoming 4D scan, you MUST share some pictures!!!

Lil--you should be in your 2nd trimester now if my calculations are correct? I saw the pics from your 12wk, they are lovely!! What a beautiful little one you have growing in there!

Grey--Wow, not much longer before you are trying for #2!! I'm excited for you and your little lady is such a doll! I love seeing our little thread of Femmes growing and shaping along!!

IMP--Wow, 1/2 way there already! This is going so fast!! So glad bebe is doing so well and you are too!! If I may ask, how is your sister coming along with her TTC? I have been keeping her in my thoughts.

Milos--I have heard of nappy obsession and I have seen all the beautiful nappies that are out there, I can't blame you for going crazy, haha! I can't believe how quickly your little man is growing up, he sounds like a typical little boy, getting into everything!! :thumbup: I hear you on the exhaustion with carrying. I have been trying so hard to reduce how much I pick up Grace (especially with a Section looming here in a couple of weeks), she will run around just fine and loves to walk, but when she is tired, she wants picked up, and she always insists on me, not DH picking her up. It is hard getting her to understand that Momma cannot do it all the time!

As for DD, I think you are right, I may be the next one due, my C-Section is scheduled for June 21st, so not much further to go for me!!

Update on me: I have had a couple of high blood pressure scares in the past couple of weeks which have sent me for constant pre-eclampsia testing. Fortunately, *knock on wood* the blood tests and urine tests all come back clear and fine, so my OB thinks it is just my personal HBP that is high, and carrying a larger baby is simply having an effect on my body this time around. I will be 37 weeks on friday, so I am very excited to be making it to term with her, I have been having a lot of cramping and pressure down below, but no signs of pre-term labor, Dr. checked me on Tuesday and my cervix is still high and not dilating!

Grace is doing so well! Her tantrums at school are almost non-existant now, and her vocabulary has just exploded. She chatters all the time and tries to repeat everything we say, she has also started to indentify her classmates by name. DH and I are going to try to take her to the pool here in the coming weeks before the baby is here. I just spent the past couple of days scouring safety sites for the best floating gear for her to keep her safe, I am paranoid about her being in the water (but then again, I am paranoid about most things when it comes to her!). I'm also worried about her trying to drink the pool water--she loves water and always tries to drink it (bath water, etc.), so the chlorine water has me scared for her as I know a good dose of chlorine water can burn the throat! Other than that, she is a typical toddler, running around and exploring, she loves to play outside and is fascinated by flowers and plants, so when she sees them, she has to touch them. I have a feeling we are going to have a rather busy/exciting summer on our hands!!

Hello to all of you ladies!! I hope your summer has started off well!!:flower:
Hey all yep im trucking along too.. 13 weeks on Friday.. next apt with the dr is June 20th.. so not long to go now.. :)

Yeah I do believe its Amber-New-Imp-Nichole-me... correct me if im wrong.. im guessing.. :)
22 weeks 3 days!
I hope everyone's been doing good. Had to put off my most recent scan because my insurance decided to be fussy. :/


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wow amber..how exciting to be so close ...Grace sounds adorable.
Nichole, that is a lovely bump pic

:hi: all..
sorry I don't get on much, too depressing for me, i'm happy for you all, just trying to stay distracted with other things and not dwell on my infertility.
wow amber..how exciting to be so close ...Grace sounds adorable.
Nichole, that is a lovely bump pic

:hi: all..
sorry I don't get on much, too depressing for me, i'm happy for you all, just trying to stay distracted with other things and not dwell on my infertility.

Been thinking about you too. I understand and was in a similar place once. I couldn't come on this thread as it made me sad. :hugs: and :dust: to you.
Love, you are ALWAYS in my thoughts. I might not post much about it but I do hope that you get your much deserved BFP.
You have supported me so much and I would love to do the same for you :hugs:
bittersweet sad day for me. My youngest graduated from prek today. Next school year she will be starting kindergarten. :( I cried as I had hoped to have another baby with not another huge age gap. She will be six in Oct.
so in honor of her, (Hayleigh Noelle) I am posting a pic of her at 10mos old and her today with me


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Milo I hear ya on the cloth diapers obsession!! I think I have about 32 in my stash now. And I find more I want every day! Lol

Amber as for my sis ttc thanks for asking she has had 3 rounds iui now w no luck. They are going to take a break for the summer and move onto ivf in the fall! Hopefully this works quickly for her as its wayyy more expensive! I feel for her. Ttc is hard enough w a man. She's going this alone. She loves kids sooo much.
Love--you are always, always in my thoughts and prayers every day, I am never giving up on you, I want so much for you to have your rainbow baby, you deserve it! And your little Hayleigh is just so gorgeous, thank you for sharing those pictures. :hugs:

Nichole--what a lovely bump pic! I can't believe you are 1/2 way there already! Everyone is going so quickly this time around it seems!

Imp--thank you for the update on your sister, I will continue to keep her in my thoughts. I had friends who did IVF and you are right, horribly expensive! I hope it works right away for her as well!!! Keeping my fx'd!!

Lil--Happy 13 wks!

AFM: Made it to Term today (yay!) She is so big, I was so worried I was not going to make it to 37 weeks, but we did!! Now I can relax and, if she comes, she comes! Otherwise, it is 2 weeks exactly to D-Day! I'm being sent back this weekend for more pre-E testing, ugh, so frustrating, the doctor says I am now "boarderline", whatever that means.

Will try and post a pic my "term" bump that I took this am, it will probably come out sideways again, so I apologize in advance!

Monday is my last US before she is here, VERY curious to see how big she has gotten!
Here is my 37 week term bump! She is huge! Lol


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amber, you look lovely and look to be carrying low..anyday now:)

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