Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hey ladies! Our little Miss Hayleigh Ann arrived at 9:38 am on June 21, 2013 weighing in at 8 lb, 11 oz and 21 inches long! We are in love, and Grace is accepting her just fine! I will post a proper update once we are home, including my birth story. In the meantime here is a picture of our newest princess!


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Congrats amber!! So crazy #2's are starting to arrive.

25+3 for me today time is flying by!
Only 10 more weeks of injections! Which means (probably) only 11-12 weeks until Adalynn is here. I'm convinced she's going to come either on the first football game of the season, the season premiere of my fav show, or my brother's bday. This kid is going to be so much trouble, lol. Hope all you ladies are doing well!
Hey ladies, sorry I have been MIA, Hayleigh is doing great, but I have run into some post-partum issues with my blood pressure. After I was discharged from my section, my blood pressure shot up to 210/120, and I have been back and forth to the hospital, including being readmitted last weekend. They have ruled out pre-eclampsia (which I did not know you could get post-partum!) as well as a suspected blood clot in my right leg. It has been pretty scary. When I was admitted, they gave me a water pill that drained 15 lbs of fluid out of me!!

Anyways, medication was adjusted, but it is still reading high, so now I have to get my regular physician involved.

Nichole-- wow not much longer now! I hear you on your timing concerns, my. DH was worried Hayleigh's delivery would interrupt the Stanley Cup playoffs, haha!

Hope everyone is well, we have a few more babies coming soon here, I can't wait to see all the new little ones!
sounds scary. I hope everything turns out ok Amber..
:hi: to everyone
Hey ladies.. all is going well here..

18 weeks on Friday.. going by fast..

We need to see some bump shots.. I will update mine on Friday..
HEy ladies sorry I have been MIA!

Amber - I can't remember if I said congratulations - she is beautiful! I hope your BP is settling down and feeding, sleeping etc is going well x

I hope all the other bumps and babies are doing well too, still can't believe we are starting to have number 2s appearing! We are still way off even trying for no.2 I joke that I won't have another until this one learns to sleep but at the rate he is going we will NEVER have another one! I guess at some point I will just have to get on with it and accept that I will just be tired forever!
So, this appointment did NOT go well. I had an u/s first, the anatomy one, although we already knew the gender from last time. Laying on my back for so long I started to get sick, felt like I was going to pass out. Came to find out that's because I'm anemic (which I knew about) but my levels are dangerously low this time around, so LOTS of iron supplements in my future (yay!). Then, my glucose test came back with me being diabetic, so now I get to see a specialist for that, plus having dr. appointments (not just my weekly injections) every single week now, too, with fetal monitoring. I got a prescription to get a glucose tester and supplies (4 times a day :/), I HATE needles. Got 5 vials of blood drawn on an empty stomach again (they NEVER warn me about bloodwork!) AND got my injection today which hurt like a m.....f..... Then the anemia caused me to bleed profusely from the injection. I bled through a band aid in less than 2 minutes, so bad it stained my dress! Geez. /end rant

HOnestly, I know it's not THAT bad. I just really needed to rant all of that.
gosh, you have had a time of it. Hope things get better for you Nichole.
had an apt with my new ob/gyn finally yesterday.

First off, it's the first male ob/gyn I have ever had. I was hesitant but because he is the husband to my primary care physician and I love how thorough she is, I thought I would give him a chance.
he is so dang awesome.
He did a pelvic exam and said my uterus is moveable, my ovary is not stuck and he doesn't feel any abnormalities to my ovary.
I have u/s set for next week with f/u week after that.
he is going to do an exploratory lap..he will shoot dye through my tube and look around to see if I have any endo and excise them. I think I have found my new gyno..so I have some renewed hope. I hope he finds something that will give me answers one way or another...
thank you all that have been supporting me. I know I have avoided bnb some but I didn 't want to face a lot of the pain thinking about ttc brings me..thank you all
Amber - hope you are doing well and that Hayleigh is being a good girl for her mummy. She is so cute, you and DH definitely make good looking babies. Sorry you were poorly after you had her, is your BP ok now?

Love - so so glad to hear that you've potentially got a new ob/gyn that you trust and can come up with a plan of action with some answers for you. It's about time. You sound a lot more positive and I'm so happy for you :hugs:

Nichole - sorry your appointment was so rubbish and that you ended up with GD. Hpw are you finding the diet? Amber could give you some good tips as she had it with DD1.

AFM - 35 weeks on Tuesday, can you believe it?! I can't.
Managed to get the nursery all sorted this week and have been busy washing clothes and filling the wardrobe and drawers, I love it!
I have had a relatively easy pregnancy so far and I'm very grateful. Have sailed through all the MW appointments and the growth scans have all been normal. GD test came back negative too which was a relief.
The only thing I'm suffering with is carpal tunnel and swollen feet and ankles. The CT is painful and my hands are stiff, numb and tingly in the mornings but loosen up during the day, although they do hurt most of the time.
At the most recent growth scan last week, I was given an estimate of 4lb 15oz with an estimated birth weight of 7lb 14oz. He's head down deep in my pelvis so praying he stays that way!

3 days left in work then it's my time to relax!

Hi to everyone else :hi:
I'm having a hard time figuring out the diet. I've never had to watch what I eat before and my PA wasn't all that helpful in explaining it either. :/ I'd love any tips anyone could give me. Honestly, it's the anemia that scares me the most. GD can be controlled with meds if needed, but if I can't get my iron up on my own, the next step is the hospital.

Love - good luck to you hon. You have all my best wishes headed for you!
New - good news on the estimated weight! Healthy! Glad your having an easy (ish) time. I got the CT too, it's terrible.
Are you on iron supplements? My friend had low iron levels (she wasn't pregnant) and followed an iron rich diet for 3 months as she doesn't like taking pills and her levels came right up - she did stick to it religiously though as she is so disciplined. I remember it included flapjacks which I thought was strange, but it clearly worked so maybe do some internet research (apologies if you've already done this, just trying to suggest stuff)
I've been taking iron supplements since I was originally diagnosed back in 09, those plus regularly eating red meat has usually been enough to keep it up. But, this time around it's not enough. Nothing has been enough. I appreciate ALL suggestions! It means a lot to mean that there are people I've never met, who still care enough to offer suggestions :)

I have a thyroid issue, so I'm thinking, maybe, that has something to do with being unable to regulate it... idk. But, they didn't draw my blood at my last appointment, so maybe it's coming up again.
well got the thumbs up from insurance, which covers the whole procedure and I got the surg date slotted for aug 30th. soon enough I will hopefully have some answers.
in the meantime, I am still using the progesterone cream to help combat low progesterone levels/lpd

amber hope you and baby Hayleigh are doing ok.
New, I posted on your journal
Nichole, hope you are doing better.

:hi: to everyone
I've been taking iron supplements since I was originally diagnosed back in 09, those plus regularly eating red meat has usually been enough to keep it up. But, this time around it's not enough. Nothing has been enough. I appreciate ALL suggestions! It means a lot to mean that there are people I've never met, who still care enough to offer suggestions :)

I have a thyroid issue, so I'm thinking, maybe, that has something to do with being unable to regulate it... idk. But, they didn't draw my blood at my last appointment, so maybe it's coming up again.

Hey, we all stick together here so if one can help another, we will do :hugs:
I have had an unbelievable amount of support from the BnB girls and don't think I would have had the strength to carry on and get to where I am today without everybody's support.

I will ask my friend and see if I can point you in the direction of her diet plan.

well got the thumbs up from insurance, which covers the whole procedure and I got the surg date slotted for aug 30th. soon enough I will hopefully have some answers.
in the meantime, I am still using the progesterone cream to help combat low progesterone levels/lpd

amber hope you and baby Hayleigh are doing ok.
New, I posted on your journal
Nichole, hope you are doing better.

:hi: to everyone

Excellent news hun. Both that you are getting this done AND that your insurance covers the whole cost :thumbup:
I am really hoping that this gives you some answers. :hugs:

AFM - very strange day for me. My last day in work. Emotional but I held it in check and didn't cry. I got lots of lovely gifts and even some off people I didn't know that well, I am truly touched. Glad to be out if the sweat box though (air con hasn't worked for past two weeks) and my feet are soooo swollen.
I am on hols now til 22nd August when my mat leave kicks in. Weird surreal feeling knowing I don't have to go back for a whole year

I am very much looking forward to a rest as not sleeping that well so a lie in tomorrow will be amazing!

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