Amber... brill news with you scan....
Kizzy and pixie good luck for you scan 2moz!
Rgn- Really glad to see you popping bk! Glad at least you now have a answer to why what happened did and now somthing can be done to prevent it!
Shellney- like i said in the private msg, im sooooo please for your scan result!!
Well ive reached 11 weeks now....roll on another 2 weeks and i will be able to breathe more easily!
Sickness has all gone!!! yay!!!
Ended up buying some maternity clothes from next the other day.... as no trousers fit me but my bump isnt anyway near big enought to keep maternity pants up lol so for a few more weeks ill just struggle on with a bobble keeping my pants up!!
other than tirdness and wee'ing allllllll the time all my symptoms have almost gone!!
Ive also bought a angelsound doppler.... and i can recomend it!!
I got it from ebay for £23 it comes with leads n discs fro recording and the gel included!! it says from week 12+ but as ive already been messing with the doppler at work i know i can pick baby hb up, and even with the angelsounds i can hear it straight away!!
as i work in the hospital i have use of a bladder scanner..... and yes ladies i decided to DIY a scan!!! my baby looks like a teddy bear with arms and legs and a flashing hb, he was moving his hand and feet! awww i cried! but then relised i shouldnt do it again as if i hadnt seen a hb id have been very worried and id have had trouble explaining that to epau!!
Tried uplaoding the scan pic i did but it wont let me i have no idea why
Hope you all well xx