Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Neffie - 1st tri is definitely nerve racking...never did HCG levels so can't help with that but the fact that they are rising is excellent...also it is not an exact science those HCG hormones so keep the faith!

Amber - Congrats on TEAM PINK :pink:!!! Lovely name :flower:

Shell and Kizzy - I toss and turn all night long sometimes as well...:shrug:

Bean - Happy 15 weeks! Glad you have a due date now...near my Bday! :)
Neffie: Ugh. Armed with too much information. I know that feeling well. After the MC, I did too much googling etc. As Grand says, those numbers are not exact science. Don't assume the worst and don't let bad thoughts get in your head. Just talk to your wee bairn and breathe and try to relax as much as possible. As long as your numbers are rising, you're going to be fine. :hugs:
Bean - congrats on the scan! so glad that baby is healthy and kicking away. and im loving your new ticker! :thumbup:

neffie - sorry to hear that you are worried about your hcg levels. Its such a shame you had to have your levels taken, because in the UK, they dont test them at all, and therefore you cant worry about them! Im pretty sure that as your levels are rising (albeit not doubling) thats a great sign that Coco is doing well. Thinking of you :hugs:

Milos - where are you? we all want to hear about yesterday's scan! :shrug:

Amber Congrats on team Pink!!! So exciting!! I'm really wanting to have a girl just for all the cute shopping! lol But I'll be happy either way.

Bean - Our Due Dates are Sooo Close. Im Due on Nove 23rd so we'll be expecting around the same time!

Afm, I went to the Dr appt yesterday and I feel better for choosing a midwife now. I really liked the dr, However just the atmosphere of the hosipital waiting room was not as nice. I only waited about 5 min and got in on time when I saw the midwife, the dr had me waiting about 45 min, and was really busy. Typical for a dr office. There aws 4 other girls waiting before me when I got there for my appt at 10:30, and I didnt get in till after 11:00. I did get to hear my little one again though which was nice. Heart Rate 155, and moving around like crazy. The dr had trouble pinning down the rate. lol This also calms my nerves as this is what I have been getting on my doppler. The dr told me that like us the babies heart rate will rise and fall with activity.
Morning lovely ladies!

Lil--hope your appointment went well hun, and I can't wait to have you back here with us soon!

New--thank you so much for your lovely words! I know what you mean, we would have been happy with either a boy or a girl, but it did feel good to see DH wiping tears from his eyes when the US tech said "looks like we have a little girl here!" My heart just swelled to see his reaction! I hope all is going well with you, hun, and can't wait to have you here with us soon!

Bean, my scan buddy!--wonderful news on your scan! Congrats on 15 weeks, that is wonderful! Also glad you got to see your little one kicking around! I hear you on being nervous for the scan. :hugs: I go into every scan scared to death, even yesterday I was fretting until I saw Baby Grace's heartbeat. A loss changes us, we will always have that fear I think, up until the day we hold our beautiful babes in our arms!

Neffie--:hugs: hun, everything you are feeling is totally normal. I didn't get HCGs done either (I am not sure why, they just never offered it to me, which I thought was wierd), but I understand how stressful numbers can be. I agree with Grand, the first trimester is so stressful and full of worry! Especially when we are as educated as us ladies are about pregnancy, having suffered through loss and having the knowledge we do. It is ok to have nervous days (I still have them!), very normal for us Femmes, just know we are here for you anytime you need an ear or encouragement! Sending you love and extra PMA today hun!

Miss Grand--I saw your lovely photo on your pregnancy journal--totally adorable! :thumbup:

IMP--so glad you have a wonderful appointment yesterday and have been able to make your decision! I know how stressful that was for you! And yay for a good HB on that doppler! So exciting! I had the exact same problem last week when the doctor was trying to get Baby Grace's hb--she was moving around too much for her to pin it down, and finally got a reading of 150! haha little squirmers! :flower:

milos, also my scan buddy!--thinking of you, hope everything went well yesterday!

AFM: didn't get a chance to scan any pics yet (I also have a 6 minute video that I may try to upload a portion if you ladies would like to see!)--I was so tired when I got home last night, I fell asleep in the middle of dinner! DH thought it was a riot! Apparently I was mid-sentence talking about dry-aged steak, and just started snoring! lol!:rofl:

Also, I think we are pretty settled on Mary Grace--just a history on that name for anyone that may not know, Mary Grace is my DH's late grandmother's name, and he was very close with her, and she was a really great and wonderful lady. She is also the person who appeared in my dream a day or so before my BFP! DH was just worried that I may not want to stick with that name for some reason, sweet man. I pointed out to him that Mary is also my mother's name, so it is actually a name from both sides! We will be calling her Baby Grace though as her day to day name. I am so glad you ladies like her name! I've always thought it was beautiful (just like my little one!) Can't you tell I'm still stoked? haha!
My appt went really well, he told me that two miscarriages in a row is enough of a reason to start looking into things, so I have a us set up for the 28th, after my next af.. and bloods for the same day.. He said he could do it yesterday but things may be a bit off since I just had my mc... He checked my throid and said it was fine.. and told me I would probably be a good candidate for clomid, so Im expecting that for the cycle after..

Now if I do get my BFP before the 28th, he will have me come in the same day as I tested and do my hcg levels and progesterone and start me on supplementation if my levles are low..

So I now have a plan.. and lots of HOPE!!!
That is so wonderful Lil! So happy that you have a doctor who has set forth a plan for you that should get you your forever baby in short order! I am also glad that he is not making you wait for 3 mc's (as so many do) before helping. Very positive news!! I can't wait to have you back here with us!! :hugs:
Got my BFP (yay) on April 13th, EDD is Dec. 19th (YAY!), heard the hb at my first scan on April 28th (even bigger yay!) and saw Little Bean wiggling around at my last scan on May 26th (biggest yay yet!).
Nichole--congratulations and welcome hun! So glad to hear you got to see your healthy little bean moving around, that is wonderful!
Hello ladies - sorry I have been so useless at getting online! I have had a manic few weeks and have not been here much but I have kept up with the gossip! Hopefully I won't miss too many people out but here goes

Nichole - welcome and congratulations, hope you are feeling well x

Neffie - try not to worry about those numbers (easy to say I know) but I do hope you can try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy with little coco x

Amber - HUGE congratulations on team pink and what a beautiful name so pretty and traditional which is just what we are looking for too!

Bean - so pleased your scan went well - I cried my way through my 6 and 12 week scans so I can imagine how nervous you were. Hope your blood results are all okay too x

Grand - hows the bump growing? Sorry to hear about the delay in your scan but I am sure the time will fly for you x

IMP - yeah on choosing the midwife! Its what we class as normal over here and all the ones we have met so far have been lovely x

Lil - your new doctor sounds fab very proactive and positive and I it seems to be rubbing off on you too which is great. Always good to have a plan of action I think x

Shellney, Kizzy, vix, sam and everyone else I know I have forgotten - love to you too hope you are all well xxx

AFM our hectic few weeks was rounded off yesterday by the best ever day! I had my 20 week scan in the morning and took my husband and sister along with me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scan screen the whole way through cause it was so amazing and so detailed you could just see so much! Anyway squiggle is all fine measuring to date and all bits present and correct. Squiggle was not behaving though - too wriggly to start with then went sleepy in a really akward spot so she couldn't get the 4 chamber view of the heart she needed! After some jiggling about and rolling from side to side the ultrasonographer was eventually happy and so were we cause it meant the scan was much longer than normal! Only small problem is that my placenta is a bit low lying slightly over my cervix so I need another scan at 34 weeks (6th September grand!) to see if it has moved which apparently 9 times out of ten they do move so fingers crossed for that.
Then we had an appointment in the maternity ward with the lovely midwife who checked my blood pressure etc as normal, booked me in for hospital ante natal classes and infant feeding classes (we have also booked NCT classes too - can't know too much I think!) I was asking her about the new birth pool and she let us have a look in the room - its huge like an enormous jacquzi with underwater lighting and everything. Then she showed us round the rest of the delivery rooms and ward and was just so lovely, quiet, peaceful and clean that I left hospital with a real bounce in my step!
Then..... I went with my sister and best friends to the Take that concert at Sunderland which was just fabulous and I screamed and sang at the top of my voice all night - hopefully squiggle will have memorised all of their greatest hits by the time he or she arrives!

Oops thats what I forgot to say - we are on TEAM ....:yellow:
Sorry to tease but we really don't want to know and the ultrasonographer never even offered to tell us which was a relief so we were not tempted! Its going to be a surprise baby from us. Photo I will upload from my phone later.

Love to all and I promise to try to be better at keeping up to date xxx
Milos--I have a confession--I have been lurking all day waiting for you to post! haha CONGRATS on such a wonderful scan and day hun, it sounds so lovely!! And no worries on staying team :yellow: ! (I am beginning to suspect that all our little boys are hiding out with the team :yellow: mums! hehe)

I am so excited for you! As for the placenta, I had a low-lying one at 11 weeks, and it has moved. So you have a very good chance of yours moving as well, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it does!!

Can't wait to see your pics!!!
Hi all

Grand thanks hun - my birthday is the 3rd December so clsoe to that also.

Shellney thanks hun hope you are well.

Neffie - Sending you a hug hun. I didn't have hcg levels either hun.

Imp - Wow we are so close. How exciting. How are you?

Amber - Mary Grace is a really beautiful name. I love names that are after others aswell. My first is named after my brother and both boys middle names are after our dads.

Lilrojo - so glad that your appointment went well. Hope you get your bfp real soon.

Nichole congrats hun.

Milos - yeah.... Fab .... Congrats on team yellow. So pleased that you had such a great day.

AFM - I am a bit worried about the docs in the morning and worrying cause I have period type pain. One worry over another one starts.

I hope that I hae not missed anyone - Hugs all. XX
thanks amber nice to have you lurking about! Maybe you are right and the boys are just being shy and staying yellow!

Bean try not to worry too much i get allsorts of weird aches and pains in my lower abdomen and in 'my bits' no idea what they are but all seems ok so far x let us know how you get on at the docs xxx

right going to try to attach a piccie from my phone no idea if it will work ...


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yeah success! As you can see squiggle was upside down and being akward just hoping we don't have a trouble maker in there! Night all x
OMG Ladies....I'M BACK!!!!

These were taken today at 12dpo with second morning wee. Its faint and you've gotta squint but its there! I'll ring FS tomorrow to get an appointment for all of my blood results. There'll be a stack of them, I've had 15 vials of blood taken! We were going to wait until DH had done his SA before we made an appointment but no point now. I'm just so happy to be pregnant again, and I'm feeling more positive. (Still shit scared though!)

I'll try to have a good catch up on you all!
Melly!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and DH! welcome back! :yipee:
Was just thinking of you yesterday, as I realised all of our babies so far are girls (and Evie was the first).
Good luck, Hun. I really hope that this is it - your perfect rainbow baby!! :hugs:
Congratulations MELLY!!! Very happy for you...you guys must be elated. :flower: Let me know when you confirm an EDD! :)

Milos - Hip hip Team Yellow!...saves suspense till the very end. I'll add your new scan date hon...I have one at 34 weeks as well...common here to see position of baby etc. before birth.

Welcome Nichole :hi:...I'll be updating later today and I'll add you to the frontpage.

Milos - Everybody at work knows I'm preggo now just by my bump so although that dress may be deceiving in a picture the bumpette has made its debut to the public. I'll be taking another one this weekend.
Hi there Ladies :hi:

Imp - congrats on making a decision (you made the best one IMO) and I hope everything goes well with your midwife from now on. and great news on hearing your LOs heartbeat at the Drs. Now you know that your doppler is accurate!

Amber - cant wait to see pics (or your video, wow!) of Baby Grace. Its just occured to me that Grace is the middle name of your little girl, Vixmar's little girl (Libby Grace) and Melly's angel girl (Evie Grace). Popular name, huh? Anyways, loved the story of you falling asleep at the dinner table. Made me chuckle!

Lil - sooo glad your appointmnet went well, and that you now have a plan (and hope). Good luck Hun, I hope you get your BFP, and come back to us very soon.

Nichole - welcome Hun. And congrats on your little bean!

Milos - wow, sounds like you had a great day, Hun! Your maternity ward sounds lovely, and I bet Take That were brilliant. And congrats on the excellent scan!! I love that he/she is upside down in the picture - what an awkward little thing! lol. and yay to team yellow! im desperate to stay team yellow, but OH wants to find out, and I think he may persuade me...

Bean - please try not to worry about your pains. I think all of us on here are having some sort of twinges or pains regularly. Im sure its just growing pains, and your body makes room for your precious little one to grow. Happy 15 weeks!!

Grand - hi there! cant wait to see pics of the bumpette in all its glory!

AFM: not much to say really. Bump and boobs are growing bigger by the day. Getting less and less sleep every night. Counting down the days til my scan (15 days away!)
I want to stay team yellow, but OH really wants to find out. But ive had a feeling from the start that im having a girl (another pink for the list). and its likely i will be able to tell you in 2 weeks either way, as OH will probably convince me to find out. No other news really. Hope you are all well :friends:
Hi all!
Neffie: I also had my hcg monitired and I was the same as you once I got into the 1000's it really sowed down and freaked me out but all was well so please dont worry-at this point you only need rising they ate to high to double!!
Bean and Milo's so happy with your scans! Amazing, I cant wait, mine is not till the 20th, and like you Shelleny pretty sure my DH will convince me to find out-Id really like a girl but I have a feeling its a boy-which will make DH vey happy at least!
Bean-Im 17 weeks sunday and still getting all those pains off ond on so dont worry hun! I tell myself I am not aloud to painc with anything unless there is spotting-easier said then done!
NIchole and Melly-welcome and happy and healthy 9 mths!
Imp: sounds like the midwife was agreat choice for you-congrats!
Grand-so happy all is going well for you.
Hello to anyone that I have missed!
Not much is new with me except I have had a brutal headache for days-I am calling the dr. to make sure I dint need to get it checked out-did anyone else have this? and I am anew contract teacher that needs to bump up to full time, especially before a mat leave and next week is when I can apply-so its been a little stressful trying to hide a 16 week bump and headaches haha-oh well the wait is almost over-fingers crossed! Happy Thursday to all of you lovely ladies!
Morning ladies!

Bean--aches and pains are going to be common right now, please try not to worry. For the past few weeks I have had cramping type pains in my sides and, ahem, in the nether region--very uncomfortable. My doctor last week told me they are called round ligament pains as the body adjusts and stretches to hold the evergrowing uterus. Make sure you tell your doc when you see him/her though, just to be sure--it always eases my mind to get my worries off my chest to my doc, and she is always very understanding and reassuring!

Milos--beautiful picture hun! Squiggle is getting so big!!

Melly---!!!:happydance::yipee:Congratulations Hun!!!:yipee::happydance: I am so very happy for you, welcome back!!! Such wonderful news!!!!

shell--glad everything is going well, not long until you get to see Bo, so excited for you!! Also excited to see if you stay team yellow or if DH gets his way! :flower:

grand--can't wait to see your latest bump piccy!

angela--headaches are common in pregnancy, especially the 2nd trimester. I had one 2 weeks ago that lasted 3 days. However, you should make sure you let your doctor know as it could also be a sign that your blood pressure may be up (one of the first signs of high blood pressure is a nasty headache, that is how I am always able to tell mine is up)--especially since you have had a lot of stress lately, stress can also affect blood pressure.

AFM: I got the video of Baby Grace downloaded on my computer, but it is in the wrong file format for me to upload on emails and messageboards, so DH PROMISED me that he would figure out a way to get it converted to the appropriate file tonight or tomorrow. So I should have it soon to share with you lovely ladies (and the evergrowing impatient grandmas who are stalking their emails! haha).

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!

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