Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Changing it now! Shell...thanks for updating...we're having all day vicious thunder storms so I'm stuck at home and OH is working so BnB it is :)
My OH is playing tennis with his brother, and im bored. So BnB all afternoon! :thumbup:
Thanks for updating me xx
Yeah me too - on call all day DH watching some old war movie so Milo and I BnBing - although he is actually sleeping on one leg while I have the laptop balanced on the other!
Me too! Just catching up and enjoying snuggles with cars on the sofa!!
Sparkle - CONGRATS!! :) Glad you're back here with us. Sending tons of sticky :dust: your way.

Amber - Good luck for your scan tomorrow!

Milos/Grand - YAY for baby movements! I'm sure it's a thrill!

:hi: to everyone else.
Hi all

Hoe you have had are having a nice day.

Sparkle and Desperado - congratulations. So pleased for you both.

Grand my second son is called James. It is such a lovely name. We were watching something the other day with a child called James in it and when they called his name my dhh said it does sound so lovely when someone says the name. Fab choice for a second name. XXX
OMG Ladies....I'M BACK!!!!

These were taken today at 12dpo with second morning wee. Its faint and you've gotta squint but its there! I'll ring FS tomorrow to get an appointment for all of my blood results. There'll be a stack of them, I've had 15 vials of blood taken! We were going to wait until DH had done his SA before we made an appointment but no point now. I'm just so happy to be pregnant again, and I'm feeling more positive. (Still shit scared though!)
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I'll try to have a good catch up on you all!

WOW Congrats Melly!!! Really made up for you! so glad ur feeling so positive!!
Morning Ladies and Babies :hi:

AFM: just on a sad note. Its exactly a year ago today that we lost our first baby, Baby C. I had a really good sob in the car last night, and have been slightly tearful this morning, but Im ok. It was such a traumatic episode of my life, that re-living it is quite painful. But Im hoping that once today is over, I will be able to focus my full attention on Little Bo. I will never forget Baby C, but it really is time to move on now. Bo is my future....Thanks for listening :flower:

Awwww Shell!!
Ive also been thinking about my lost one recently, july 16th was my due date... and its also my bf due date... pretty bitter sweet, think im going to light some chinease lanterns that night, dont want to be morbid but i wont let anyone forget about my baby, as so many pple are more than happy to forget and dont mention that time arent they!? Hope your picking up a little now, thoughts r with u x
wow i must learn to come on here more often!!
soooooo i have baby brain at mo, but i see we have out first:blue: Congrats!!!
After reading 10pgs of updates i dont remember a bloody thing,
Congrats on all your scans, and we have another pink?? amd a few new members and a few returning members! CONGRATS SOOOOOO glad to see you ladies bk!! im crossing my finger for a happy 9 months for you all!!

Ohhhh theres so much i forgot!!

just worked out what AFM means sooooooo
AFM LOL nowt new! next door had her babys friday and im soooooooo jelous lol i feel like crying each time i hear him cry! i want my babys!! roll on 17 weeks lol

Ohhh i bought a tens machine today!! We use them at work on chronic pain sufferes and for some they are amazing and ive bought mine second hand (new sticky pads lol) i would defo recommend one if anyone can pick a cheap one up, if nothing else i belive they take ur mind of the pains lol

Anyone have any ideas on breast vs Bottles????

I for one havent as yet decided altho i have bought a sterliser and bottles! As i felt terribly pushed to breast feed my daugther and i hated ever minuet of it, and i gave up :-( what your feeling on the subject ladies!?!!!

Much luv xx
Hiya ladies i just wanted to let you know i have my 12wk scan on the 14th FX'd I'll be 12+3 Im sooo nervous!!
hello all, so much good news, congrats to new and returning members and our first biy Grand that is awesome! Next time you update my next scan is june 20 and my due date is nov 13!
Breat vs. Bottle is a stress for me, I had a breast reduction in the past and have alot of pain in my nipples and have even gotten frost bite on them in not that cold of temps and very embarrassed had to go to the docs-you can laugh-quite funny I know! I have such issues I do not want to breast feed-I know I will be so stressed and in pain and I just want to have relaxing feeding times with my baby! I ma aware of all the benefits and feel a little guilty about me decision but thats my decsion. I am scared shotless to tell the dr. I know I will be pressured and pounded and Im not very assertive-so for now avoiding the topic-any advice-whats everyone else doing?
Breast vs bottle. I dont know how pushed women are to breastfeed elsewhere but in Australia, midwives dont even talk about bottles. I'm a biggie for breastfeeding. I loved it. I swear I ate ALL day long, all very high calorie foods (I am not kidding when I say I would easily have eated5000 cals a day) and I lost weight. It was wonderful. My first I bottle fed. I was very young when I had her and single and living with my parents. The thought of getting my boobs out in front of anyone to feed a baby made me really uncomfortable. 10 year later when I had my son I didnt care. I fed him walking through the shopping centre. I never hid myself away to feed him. I did wear tops that made feeding very discreet though. For the first few weeks it was REALLY painful, but I just kept at it then carried on feeding him for the next 18 months. Loved it! I cant wait to do it again!
Hi all

Breast feeding issue. I have been fortunate enough to be able to bf mine but I am under no illusion that it will work this time, even though I am hoping it will. Thing is though that is how I feel. I strongly believe that if you are distressed about it then that is not going to help you or the baby and that you should do what you feel comfortable with. Your body, your baby - all of the formulas are so good. Nobody should make you feel guilty or pressure you. I got used to just saying yeah, yeah to some of the health advisors and hen did it my own way anyway. I know that they are only trying to be helpful but pressuring a new mom is not helpful in my eyes.

Thats my rant on that subject over. Good luck angel with whatever you decide to do. XXX
Grand - My next scan (19weeks) is June 29th... we'll be finding out gender!

wow busy weekend on here! just poped in to see how everyone was doing!

congrats sparlke!!!

afm heading to a Rehanna concert with some of my girls tomorrow, not great seats but should be fun!!
Wow, gone for the weekend and this thread exploded with happy news! So wonderful!

Sparkle!!!!!---OMG Congratulations hun! :happydance::yipee: I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping all was well with you, and I come on today to see you got your BFP!! Welcome back hun!!! So excited for you!!!! woohoo!!!

Desperado--Congratulations to you as well hun and welcome to our lovely little group of ladies! Happy belated birthday to you, and I hope that you have a H&H 9 months!

Melly--good luck with your appointments and scan this week, keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Kizzy--so happy to hear that your appointment went well and I hope you are enjoying your trip to Spain!

neffie--I hope you and coco and DH had a wonderful weekend with DH coming home after being gone! (I hope he gave coco some extra rubs!). Thinking of you this week with your scan coming up on Friday!

milos--:happydance: for feeling little squiggle move! that is so wonderful!

grand--:happydance: for you feeling little blue moving also! So exciting to see our little ones finally able to communicate with their mommies and daddies!

shell--congratulations to your friend and her pregnancy! it is so wonderful to have someone nearby who you can share this special time with!

vix--breastfeed vs. bottlefeed. When it comes down to it, I think it is purely a matter of personal preference, and I don't like to see ladies put in the uncomfortable position of being told that they "have to breastfeed". When my best friend had her little boy a couple years back, she tried so hard to breastfeed and he just would not take, and they kept pressuring her on it, and made her feel like a failure. She switched to formula and he is a healthy, happy and well adjusted 1 1/2 year old.

I will probably try to breastfeed, but if it doesnt work, I have no concerns about switching to formula if I have to. As for breast reduction and its effects--I consulted with an md about a breast reduction a few years back and when I told him that I wanted to have children down the road, he told me that a reduction could have an effect on being able to breastfeed, so I put the surgery off, much to my back's disappointment I am sure!

IMP--Have fun at your concert tomorrow!

AFM: Donuts--I was a good girl, I only had one, but it was delicious!

Echo scan today went very well! Thank you ladies for all of your well wishes and PMA!! Phew! Baby Grace's heart looks GREAT and the specialist said there is absolutely no sign of any major defects or life-threatening concerns. BIG stress off of my shoulders! She was a little more active today than she was last week, but was good to see her again, she is so sweet, arms and legs kicking and flailing around in there (which I can't wait to feel!) I am in love!
Thank you ladies! It's still sinking in. Called dr yesterday and saw her underling last night, got to love private healthcare! He said I should think positive. There isn't a lot they can do so I have to be positive. I will have an early scan in the next few weeks.

Amber- so pleased about baby Grace's heart. What a beautiful name your little girl has too x

Breast v's bottle is so difficult. I was so keen to breast feed C it never occurred to me I wouldn't be able to. We exclusively fed for 5 months and then combination fed as my milk just couldn't keep up and despite feeding 2 hourly he was loosing weight. Since he was a preemie I felt a lot of pressure to help him grow... My sil had huge trouble feeding her Tongue tied baby and it's really opened by eyes to the problems. I shall try to feed this baby but who knows... I'm open minded
Hi girls - welcome to those joining or returning with BFPs - lovely news!

Breastfeeding? I was lucky enough to be able to feed my daughter although it really wasn't always easy (I got thrush which has left permanent internal scarring and even had to have my boob lanced at one point) I persevered and really enjoyed the whole experience in the end. It was convenient, snuggly ( i used to love the way she would play with my hair and look at me while she feed) and free! Will definitely be doing it again this time if I can. However I appreciate that not everybody can or wants to for whatever reason and really don't believe it makes that big a difference - good parents are good parents and breast feeding doesn't change that.
Amber - great news on Grace's heart scan - it must be a weight off your mind to know all is OK x

Sparkle - really hope the next few weeks flies by for you til you get to see little beany on a scan x

Breast vs bottle debate - I want to try breast feeding but after seeing many friends and family struggle I am well aware that it might not be as easy as it looks and I might have to consider changing to bottle. I hate how women are so pushed into it here that it makes them feel bad when they don't manage - its just not fair and have to agree with Chilli tht it doesn't make you a bad mum if you can't manage it or don't even want to! I love how balanced and fair our discussion of this topic has been on this forum - I have seen this debate flare on other boards and it can get heated and grumpy even online!

AFM - midwife this morning and all fine with squiggle and I, 4 weeks til our next check which seems like ages away!

:hi: Everyone,

Vixmar - Your baby will be here soon. :flower: I understand the feelings of jealousy though. I'm only a few weeks along, and already feel that way. :haha: As for breast vs. bottle, I personally would like to breast feed, but am completely open to the idea of bottle feeding if for some reason breast feeding doesn't work out. I do think that at the end of the day, the decision should rest in the mother's hands. This is definitely not a time to fall to peer (or in this case doctor, lactation consultant, etc.) pressure. So my 2 cents is definitely do what you feel is best.

Sam - Good luck for your scan! It's right around the corner. We'll be waiting for picture updates. :winkwink:

Melly - Thinking of you. Hope your scan went well!

Imp - Hope you had fun at the Rihanna concert. And good luck for your upcoming scan! Any gender guesses?

Amber - Glad to hear that everything went well at your echo scan. :thumbup: I'm sure it was a treat for you and OH to see Baby Grace again.

Milo - Yay for another great scan! I agree....scan dates seem to approach in slow motion. It sure is a snooze fest.

AFM, having OH back is nothing but amazing. :kiss: As I predicted, he got plenty of belly time with Coco. And when he talks to me, he always talks in terms of plural, which is cute! We're anxiously awaiting our scan on Friday. I've had a bit of intermittent brown spotting since yesterday. I'm trying to stay calm, and not delve too much into it, but of course it's in the back of my mind. I just hope all is well, and we get to see Coco and his/her little heart flickering away in 2 days.

:wave: to anyone I missed.

Have a great day everyone.
Hey there everyone! :hi:

Amber - great to hear the scan went well and all is good with Baby Grace!

Imp - have fun at the Rihanna concert! I have tickets to see her in October (I will be 38 weeks by then, ooops). Let me know how it goes!

Milos - glad to hear all is well with you and Squiggle!

neffie - please try not to worry about the brown spotting (easier said than done, I know) but Im sure its nothing. I had brown spotting from 6w6d to 7w5d....and Bo is fine! Thinking of you!

Vix - the breast vs bottle debate sure is an interesting one. I have the same opinion as everyone who has commented so far - its a woman's decision, and nobody should be made to feel guilty, pressurised, etc. I would love to breastfeed for at least a year, but if for some reason I cant manage it, I wont beat myself up about it. Hope you are well!

AFM: it was mine and OHs anniversary yesterday. We have been together 3 years. I was working til 7pm, but then we got dressed up and went out for dinner (OH paid!) It was lovely just sitting across the table from eachother and chatting about life. Best evening ive had in ages!
Also, Bo is moving more and more. lots of wriggling going on in there. and whilst I love to know she's there, physically it still feels strange!

Hope you're all well today!

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