Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Morning Ladies!!

Thought id pop in as its my day off and im stuck in waiting for the gas man:wacko:

Im loving the scan SAM i did my own scan at work and i could only get a pic of her sidways like your baby!! how cute, she looks like a little teddy bear!! and i don think your team pink!!

Shell im waiting patiently to see your pics..... seems as tho youve been pregnant for a lonnnnng time!!

Had a shit week starting monday.....
Ive hidden it with a spoiler as i know alot of us have had previous loses and wouldnt want anyone to start feeling anxious....

My cousin is 25 weeks, (not close cousin) she was taken into hospital monday with cramping and bleeding..... Her little girl was deleivered by c-section early hours of tuesday, sadly little Esther Leigh (names after our grandmother) didnt make it, due to a low heart rate.... and she was born sleeping.... makes my hair stick up on end.... Rachel was still on a ventilator due to bleeding heavily.... everyone knew her Angel had passed before she did..... shes now recovering in hospital but my heart aches for her, we arent close infact altho we only live a few miles away i havent seen her for a few yrs, but i cant beggin to imagen what she is going through.... on monday night when i heard little Esther was to be born i prayed for her, and i kept on praying until i heard the devastating news at 3am, now my prayers are with Rachel.... such a sad end to what should have been a fantastic new life:cry:
My neice Ruby was born b s section at 24weeks 3yrs ago and is now a perfect healthy 3yr old..... so bitter sweet.... all week ive clung to my bump, im truley gratful for every kick and hiccup..... RIP Esther

Apart from that, we are bouncing along.... i leave for mat leave August 19th YAY!!!!! just trying to get my head around my mat pay!!

Oh i forgot..... we now have hiccups.... allllllllllllllllll the time.... not sure im liking it, feels almost like a pulse in my stomach, also now the whole family have seen my belly do funny things, she seems to be responsive to noise now!!

Happy Friday Lovely FF Ladies!

Shell and Grand--good luck with your scans today ladies, can't wait to see some pics! Also hope to hear how you both are doing!!

Desperado--hope your scan went well yesterday!

kizzy--congrats on 3d trimester hun! that is wonderful! :happydance:

morticia--thinking of you and hope everything is going ok!

Vix--I am so, so sorry to hear about your cousin and the loss of her little angel. I will say a special prayer for them both as well as your family through this difficult time. I am also so glad to hear that you are moving along so well and that your little lady is responding to noise and making her presence known (even if it is hiccups!).

AFM: DH informed me this morning that all his depositions and hearings in California next week got cancelled because the case may settle soon (which is good news on the work front)! :thumbup: The even better news is that it means more time with me and little Grace! :happydance:
Hi ladies :flower:

Just a wee update, I haven't had any bleeding since that occasion earlier this week and am definitely still feeling very pregnant - my boobs kill and I am queasy all the time when I haven't eaten! So fingers crossed all is progressing as it should, despite the scare...scan is next Friday (24th June) at 10 weeks so will keep you all posted.

Lots of love xx:kiss:
P.S Vixmar...such a sad story about your cousin. Thoughts with you and her x
:wave: Gals,

Sparkle - Good luck for your scan on Tuesday! I'm totally with you on the being nervous part. I'm sure everything will be fine though. :hugs: Already showing ehh?? I've heard that the second time around you start showing a lot sooner, but maybe that's what it is?

Sam - I have by no means mastered the art of nub guessing as of yet, so not sure. But I'll go on a whim and say girl too. :winkwink:

Amber - Scan on the same day as your anniversary, how cool! And yay for OH not going out of town! :thumbup:

Morticia - Like you said, try and stay positive and think about all the lovely things to come. Spotting/bleeding sure can be a downer. I had it on and off for a weekI hope the next week flies by, and you get to see & hear that little heart beat on Friday. I have a feeling it will be a fantastic b-day present. :flower:

Kizzy - Congrats on hitting the 6 month mark!

Vixmar - That's such a sad story about your cousin. :cry: My thoughts are with her. On a brighter note, yay for hiccups and movements!

Shell - Good luck for your scan today. Can't wait to see pics of Bo!

Grand - How was Italy? And how was the FOOD? Same to you with the scan...hope to see some pics.

:hi: to everyone else.

5 days until our next scan....can't wait to see Coco again! The sickness has been consistent, and is hitting me on a daily basis so I'm taking that as a good sign. The spotting has stopped as well (knock on wood!). Question for you ladies regarding the EDD. Did you guys get new due date estimates after each scan depending on how you were dated, or did they just keep it the same if there wasn't too much of a difference?

Have a great weekend everyone!
Neffie--Yay for sickness sticking around, that is a good sign! Also excited for you that you get to see Coco again next week, I am sure he/she has grown a lot! (they grow so fast week to week early on, it is amazing!).

As for EDD, mine was changed twice, but movement was only 1 day. At my first dating scan (6 wks I think), they dated me 1 day earlier, and then it got set back to the original date again at my 12 wk scan and has not changed since. My doctor says that the baby will usually measure within a few days from there on out, so they just keep the EDD the same. For little ones that have much more of a growth difference, they will move the date. So far, Grace has stayed within 1-3 days. Hope that helps!
Vix, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, I think its every woman's worst nightmare! My heart goes out to her and her family xx as for the hiccups/vibration I get them too, sometimes quite low down which feels weird :blush: its a strange sensation!! we also go on mat leave the same day, only 9 weeks to go!!

Neffie, I moved forward 8 days at my first scan which I wasnt surprised about, I knew I'd caught early with this bubba so I had a feeling I was further gone, they havent changed it since though and although I was measuring slghtly bigger at my last docs appt she said it was within normal range :)

Morticia, great news you have had no more bleeds, yay!

any updates from the scan ladies??

afm, Tinks has been moving SO much this week, I feel like she's trying to kick her way out some days, OH feels her a lot more too which is lovely. This morning we had a lazy morning and stayed in bed playing music on my ipod to her, she liked The Libertines and the new Beyonce single which is produced by my brother so its good she's already a fan of uncle Dave's music :) hehe

Really need to start shopping, I still havent bought a single thing!! Gonna starft with pram shopping tomorrow :)
Hi all, I'm finally home and back to the noraml swing of things after a grest week with my girls at the cottage. Weather was bad the day we arrived, which gave us a relaxing evening and time to charge for the rest of the week. Then we had great weather! Lake was onyl about 70 degrees, but it was a refreshing jump after we got too hot. Got in lots of swimming excercise which was great!! Other then that I have my next mid wife appt on monday so should get to hear lo hb again, and just a general check up. Then next Wednesday I finally have my 19 week Ultrasound!! Its crazy I feel like I should have a bigger bump to be finding out weather we are having a girl or a boy!! lol I feel like this week wont go fast enough, I cant wait to finally get to see him/her again!!

Oh and in other news I've found a photographer who wants to do a maturnity shoot with me!! He even offered to have my hubby in some too!! It woult be for a while yet but still exciting!!
I think my LO has learnt the lambada somehow and keeps dancing it on my bladder!!!:dohh: Love it!!! Actually starting to believe that my nightmare is over and I can move on to enjoying being pg.

How is everyone? Any news on the scans?
Oh its all quiet on here today! Hows everyone doing?

I had a manic weekend on call ended up at work til 4am this morning with an emergency but it was lovely driving home as the sun rose! Exhausted this afternoon so slobbing in front of the telly doing MORE pram research cause I still can't decide which one to get!

Happy Monday ladies!!

Grand/Shell--hope your scans went well!

Kizzy--awesome news on Tinks! So happy to hear she is bouncing around in there and enjoying the wonderful music you are playing for her! (and it IS important that she likes her uncle's music, I agree!!)

Imp--so glad that you had such a wonderful vacation with the girls! Sounds like you had a blast! Good luck with your appt today! We are scan buddies for the 29th, although yours is going to be so much more exciting, I can't wait to hear what you are having!!! :hugs: Also, great news on the photo shoot! I can't wait to see pics!!!

chilli--good to hear from you and that little one is doing so well! Are you playing any music for him/her or is he/she making their own little concert in there? :flower: Also glad to hear that you are finally able to start relaxing and enjoying the experience!

milos--ugh, shopping! I feel your pain!! I am taking a break from that this week I think, last week drove me nuts! I think I have things narrowed down though, and will revisit my finalists next week with fresher eyes!

Hope all you other ladies are doing well today!

AFM: We got the nursery cleared out this weekend (I had been using it as a dressing/sitting room) to prep for painting and went to Home Depot and bought all the needed paint and supplies! Going to get the boarders and everything taped up this week so we can start painting this weekend, very excited!!!!:happydance:
Well hello there Ladies! :hi:

I am so so sorry I have abandoned you for a whole week! But it wasnt my fault. My internet was down, and we could not get it to work. Now that would be annoying any time, but especially the week of my big scan, when I wanted to share my news with you....

So, as most of you will be aware, I wanted to stay on Team Yellow, but OH wanted to find out the gender. So we decided that the only fair way to do it would be to toss a coin - Heads we stay Team Yellow, Tails we find out the gender.
So, the morning of the scan, we tossed the coin, and it landed on Tails - we were going to find out what we were having! OH was delighted!
Our scan was at 4pm, and I dont know how I got through the day. Eventually, the time came. Bo was so beautiful....and so big! The sonographer showed us all of the organs and body parts in great detail. It was lovely. And finally, my OH asked the question "can you tell the baby's sex?"
Well, Bo clearly didnt want us to know their secret, because they had both little feet in the way! The sonographer searched for 15 minutes for any sign of genitalia, but Bo was being stubborn. Just was we were about to give up, Bo opened their legs......and.....

:pink: Bo is a girl :pink:

We didnt get any potty shots, but here are our beautiful scan pictures of Bo....

I promise I will catch up with you all properly later.
Hope you are all well


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Ah ladies such lovely lovely news here!!

Shell- congratulations on being team pink! How does it feel knowing that Bo is a girlie!! What a lovely story about your scan too

Amber- well done on getting started on the nursery!

Kizzy- great work introducing the little one to some good music- when I was pregnant with C he loved Mamamia and would always bounce around to it!!

Imp- glad you had a good trip!

I've missed loads sorry ladies. Hi to you all!!

Afm- I'm starting to feel really worried about scan tomorrow. I've been having some low level cramping but no spotting, it just freaks me out. Hubby keeps trying to reassure me but I can't help but worry.
Shell--Congratulations on Team Pink hun! :happydance: Your pics are so gorgeous, Bo is beautiful!!!! :hugs: So glad everything went so well!!!

Sparkle--good luck with your scan tomorrow hun! :hugs: I know it is so hard not to worry, but try to stay positive! Cramping is very common early on as our bodies adjust and prepare for the little one to grow. It is a very good sign that you are not spotting! Will be thinking of you and sending you lots of sticky bean dust! :dust:
Sorry for being MIA since babymoon...been a stressful couple of weeks.

Sparkle - I know it's scary the 1st scan...Have OH with you holding your hand.

Shell - Congrats on Team :pink: Great pics hon! Another team princess :kiss:

Haven't read back that far but tomorrow I have the morning free so I will update and catch up on all the news I've missed. Bisous!

AFM: Baby is absolutely perfect...all good morphology and organs etc. He's in the 50-90% for growth and I'm so proud of my little guy. Little blue is still team :blue: blue obviously. :flower:
So I might be back soon.. got my bfp at 10dpo tonight.. going to drs tom. to get my levels checked.. will keep you posted..
Congratulations Lil!! :happydance:
So happy to have you back...your seat is still warm!
Please try to stay positive - this IS your forever baby!! :hugs:
Bellas - That is absolutely the best and clearest scan pic I've ever seen...you're very lucky.

Vix - I don't think I'm getting a GTT test - atleast no one has mentioned it to me yet? :shrug: I'm so sorry about your cousin and her angel :hug:

Amber - So happy your BP is good and in control...15th anniversary and scan..what more could you ask for and plus OH won't be traveling so you guys can get on with your nursery - pics please! I love seeing befores and afters of nurseries.

Neffie - Coco is so cute and the perfect size for right now - M/S is definitely a good sign that she/he is growing well.

Milos - Wow 13 hour days! What are you doing??? That's super long for you and squiggle...hope you have plenty of time for rest as well.

Bean - How's M/S hon...still feeling sick? Excellent news on HB!

Morticia - Sorry for your spotting scare...sounds like all is better now and with your upcoming scan you should be totally relieved. Happy Bday very soon!

Kizzy - So happy you had a relaxing time in Spain...you look great in your bump picture and belated congrats for reaching 3rd tri!

Melly - Your HCG levels are awesome - how's things going?

SamB - Excellent Scan hon - I'm bad with nubs and guessing but if this thread has a trend then it could definitely be a girl.

Chilli - Happy belated Viability Week! :dust:

Nichole - thanks for sharing your bump - very cute!

Imp - Your lake vacation sounds really great...I've got to get back in the water...it does feel so good, doesn't it. So cool you are doing a maternity shoot...you must share pics when it happens!

Sparkle - How're you feeling hon? :flower:

LilRojo - Congratulations! :dust: Amazing news - keep us updated!

AFM: Stress was caused by the fact that we were promised a place by the sea 2 months ago (nothing written - bad idea!!!) and all the sudden the landlady calls saying NOPE at the last minute. We had stopped looking for a place since we thought it was all good. So here I am thinking me, OH and little blue will be homeless (in the South of France in July and August it's virtually impossible to find a place!!!) There were tears, anger, desperation and a lot of prayer. Well Monday OH was driving me to work and we bumped into one of the builders where we live and we told him our situation - he said he'd make a call. 15 minutes later he told us to meet him in a nearby village that a friend of his at an agency had a place. We visited - it's perfect!!! A one bedroom by the sea with everything we need - it's even better than the 1st place and cheaper. We were so blessed...we've signed a contract and paid and we move in on Friday!!! SO SO SO happy...we were at a serious low point last week. Anyways needless to say it's a major relief to have a home to bring little blue up in his 1st year.

PS. Bump and Scan pics in journal on Page 9 :)
Mum@madhouse - April 11th 12 week Scan ??? - any news on sex or are you staying on Team Yellow...it's been awhile.

Mellybelle - June 8th Scan ???

Desperado - June 16th Scan ???

Angelashope - June 20th Scan ???

Imp - Is your scan on the 22nd of June or 29th of June?

Chilli - Are you staying on Team Yellow?

Bellas - Just confirming - you're on Team Yellow right?

Thanks for filling me in so I can finish the updates on page one! Merci :kiss:

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