Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Amber!! im having the oposite problem!! My bp dropped to 90/50 last week, and i was too weak to drive home from work, midwife says its because of the stage of pregnancy im at, but nothing medicine wise can help :-( just regular fluids n rest :-( I hope your going to try and de-stress and maybe get change to put your feet up???

Kizzy- How did the GTT go? i have mine next week, im not sure were u are, but i have to fast from 9pm, and my app at 9am, which isnt too bad but as my bp is low and im feeling rather wobbly when not eating im dreading passing out!! also altho i take bloods at work i hate having my bloods done and seeing my own blood will make me pass out lol im such a wuzz!! how long did results take?? my bmi at 26weeks was 3 (which i dont see as bad) i am probably over weight but not too much, im a size 14-16, so i was pretty offended when doc told me i was overweight and could be affecting my growing baby!!! but then explained becasue my previous 2 babys have been 9lb 2, im more at risk of gestational diabeties so ill hold my mouth and get on with it!!

Everythings fine and dandy, im pretty ready to have my little girl here now, Im fed up of being huge, and people telling me how 'massive' i am, i mean come on if i wasnt pregnant that would be really offensive, and people keep touching my stomach without asking, which i know theyre just being nice, but ffs!!! its my stomach and i feel like grabbing their boobs and saying nahhhhh didnt like that did ya!!! lol in my line of work i see 20+ patients each day, and i grit my teeth and answer all their questions 'is it your first' when are you due?' wow your big'
I have automatic answers now!! 'No she is my 3rd and final baby' And yes i am pretty huge but all my babys have been big' and im due on the 1st October lol Therfor the cant ask the sex, or if its my plan to have anymore, or if im having flaming twins lol

Hope all you ladies are well!!
Happy v day amber :)

Sam-I didnt bleed for too long after.. maybe like 5 days at most.. and it wasnt heavy for long either.. but for you hope it persists.. till oh gets back.. im just so sorry your going through this all again.. its so hard... Big hugs.. what are they doing at your appt tomorrow?

6 weeks along today... yay and 6 days till my scan.. :)

Well, they took hcg levels today and tomorrow they'll do a vag ultrasound to see what's left (if anything). I'm bringing a sample, sorry if TMI and they are going to have it analyzed. We already have the progesterone plan ready in case I get preg this cycle. So we'll see what the scoop is. I know I could have taken a preg test again at home, but I just couldn't handle it. So OH and I agreed to wait until doc gives us the final verdict tomorrow. Anyway, I think I'm probably going to need angel wings added. :cry:
oh Sam, so sorry honey, my heart aches for you xxx

happy V day Amber xxx

hey vix,

I havent had any results from my GTT yet, it was last Friday so almost a week ago and they said I would get the results from my midwife at my next app unless there were any anomolies, as I havent heard anything I am hoping its all good. I was the same (I live in Essex) had to fast from 9 the previous night til 9 in the morning, they drew blood (just dont watch them do it, it doesnt bother me though) and I went off for a couple of hours but only in the hospital grounds and then came back and they drew more, that was it. I was starving after, had a banana in my bag which I ate straight away then went to McDonalds. haha! My BMI was high at my booking in (I am a 14-16 too, mine was 36) so I got told ages ago I'd have the test, I didnt really mind, would rather know if anything was wrong tbh. I have always been chunky and heavy but I am very sporty and solid too so I wasnt surprised I came up as the "High risk" catgegory although I've been put back to low risk now anyway. :)

AFM, working from home today, its so nice not to have to do that commute, I am a bit over it but I only have 6 weeks left at work and only 14 days of them I'll have to go into London, the rest I am wfh or on holiday :) I am 30 weeks tomorrow, cant quite believe it, am looking forward to being in my "30's" hehe :)
So sorry sam.. hope you bounce back quickly with a bfp... Big hugs..

Kizzy-wow 30weeks already.. that went so fast.. fabulous to hear everything is going so well.. gives us all hope..

Im only 6 weeks.. yay for that.. 5 more days till my scan..:)
Hey there Ladies! :hi:

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I only have 1 week left at work, so I have been so busy sorting stuff out everyday...and crashing fast asleep as soon as I get home. But Im awake now, so thought I would check in with you all.

Amber - happy V day for yesterday, my dear! Hope Grace is growing nice and strong :happydance:

neffie - Happy Birthday for this weekend! what day is yours? mine is Saturday (9th) and I will be 24 :cake:

Sam - so sorry Hun :hugs:

Kizzy - 30 weeks already? how time has flown! Hope you and baby are well :thumbup:

Hi to everyone else! :friends:

AFM: today is my V Day! woohoo! im just so relieved that we made it this far, and if she decided to make an appearance now, she would have a good chance of surviving (although, I would much prefer her to stay put until October!)
also, its my birthday on Saturday, and I will be 24. I have a couple of meals out planned over the weekend, with friends and family, which I am looking forward to.
finally, I only have 6 days left at work. then it will be summer holidays, followed by maternity leave. and im not going back til June 2012! :yipee:

OMG shellney I have total maternity leave and holiday jealousy! I am working right through til 38 weeks!!!

Kizzy - 30 weeks - congratulations it is flying by!

Amber and Shellney - brilliant that you have both reached V day it is a bit of a relief x

Vixmar - i hope your blood pressure improves a bit so you feel better and good luck with your gtt X

Happy birthday neffie and shellney x

SAM - so sorry honey, I hope tomorrow is not too distressing with your bloods and scan xxx
Thanks Milos.
Gosh, I cant even imagine working right up until 38 weeks. Im struggling now at 24 weeks.
I hope you manage to get plenty of rest when you are at home. Take care xx
Yep. It's over. :cry: No D&C needed though and he's ordered a host of tests, so onward. Save my seat again, girls.
Stay strong Sam - hope you'll be back with your forever baby soon!

Anyone else have to bite their tongue when they dip into other parts of forum and everybody is moaning cos they have pg symptoms - yes it's tough sometimes but how wonderful to be feeling all that!!!! Grrrr
I try not to let stuff like that get to me tbh, its not worth working yourself up, I think everyone can have a moan about stuff sometimes and that's what places like this are for, if you're feeling a bit crappy or low or tired or whatever you just need to vent and I am sure we've all done it or will do it. Same as when mates or whatever moan about their kids (oh she's being a little cow bag today etc), they dont really mean it, they love them to death but just having a little whinge, its life and it happens but I am sure everyone is very grateful to be in the position they are in. (Apart from the complete scumbags you see on the street etc screaming and swearing at their kids telling them they wish they'd never had them etc, they are the ones I could cheerfully punch!!! :))
on speaking of other parts of the forum though, I am not so keen on third tri, I dont know why I dont feel that comfortable in there? I loved first and loved second even more, it felt a lot like people wanted to share advice, stories, wisdom etc in both but in third I dont get the same vibe. I rarely post in there but I admit I've started reading some birth stories!! I do love our thread though because we all "know" each other and care what each others doing and where we're at :)
You're right Kizzy! I don't get worked up, just have to stop myslef saying stuff... I wasn't brave enough to dip into 1st or 2nd triu much but I feel much more comfortable with my girls here and TTC buddies

So thanks for that all of you lovely ladies!
Hi everyone! Congrats to the V day girls! When exactly is that??

As for the forum, I dont even go to the other parts of the forum very often anymore... You girls are just about it for me now. Aside from the odd time when I have some extra time to kill. lol

Afm I've been a bit mia as my sister is home on her yearly visit from Singapore, though this year she is moving to China. AnywayI have been spending a lot of time with her. We went shopping yeaterday not intending to actually purchase but just to look at what I want and ended up coming home with a stroller for me. She purchased me the Quinny Buzz. There was a floor model on sale so we saved $150 off the price so just couldn't pass it up, and it still comes with the full warrenty in case something were to break or go wrong! So I am a Quinny Buzz girl and mom will be getting me the Maxi-cosi infant car seat to go with it. Gotta love family!

On another note I was wondering if I could get your oponions... I have a crib, given to me by my sister who has had 3 children in it. Almost in perfect shape, aside from needing a new matress (well not even needing, I think I'd just get one). However recently the safty rating has changed to not accomidate cribs with drop sides. I'm not sure if I should be looking to get a new crib or just using the one I have. On one hand I think heck there a a lot of prople who dont even have a crib I should be fine with this but then I also think "what if" maybe I should just get a new one..... What do you all think??
Hey Imp,

V Day is at 24 weeks so not long to go for you now!! :)

Re the crib, I am not sure I'd actually go and purchase a new one, I'd either use the one you have or do without, it's a big expense and bubs might not be in it long. I also am a bit of a believer in instinct and if you can see that the three bubba's who've been in the crib before are all fine, then I'd trust it for yours. These safety rules, although there to protect us and our baby's change so often that no one can keep up with it!!

UK ladies (not sure if this works outside of UK) I joined this website today, there's some great offers on breast pumps, bottles etc on the members only part, have a look https://www.philipsaventfamily.co.uk/ not sure what else everyone else has joined but I'm with the boots club, tesco baby, sainsbury's little ones, asda etc, well worth joining lots of different places and getting your offers :)
Hello ladies, I have days and days and days to catch up on, I know! I hope I am finding you all well today on this wonderful Friday!

Sparkle--Love your ticker hun, so happy you have posted it and so very excited for you!:happydance:

All our lovely teachers--Like others have said, I am so jealous of you all for your summer breaks! haha But I am so happy that you are all going to get some much deserved time off in the coming weeks to rest up, relax and prepare for your little ones!

Shell--Happy V-Day hun! :thumbup: Also, Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow!! :cake: So glad to hear that you are doing so well. I hear you on the tired thing, I don't think the exhaustion has ever gone away for me. Hopefully with school getting out for you soon, you will get some energy back!

Kizzy--Grats on getting your pram ordered hun, it sounds lovely!! Also, congrats on 30 weeks! Not much longer now!!! :happydance: I hope your GTT results came back ok, thinking of you!

Bean--so sorry to hear about your DH's truck being stolen. I hope insurance was able to help out some, although I know it never fully replaces the loss. As for bump size, mine actually changes throughout the day. In the morning the bump is much smaller and by the afternoon, I feel like I have a watermelon sticking out of my belly! I think it is common from what I have heard for us to notice that change from day to day.

milos--hope you are able to find your pram on ebay for a good price! your choice sounds lovely too! Hope your midwife appt went well!!

Neffie--Happy Birthday to you too this weekend lady! :cake: Not much longer until the 15th for you, just one more week! Excited for you!

lil--hope you are doing well hun and thinking of you with your upcoming scan next week!!

sam--:hugs: still thinking of you and your seat is absolutely being kept warm, i hope the test results give you some answers and that you are back with us next cycle!!

vix--I really hope you are able to get your blood pressure sorted out hun, low bp and high bp can be soo difficult to handle during pregnancy. Also, I hope your GTT went well and you get good results!! As for me destressing, I will be able to do that for sure once the in-laws are gone on Monday!! :winkwink:

Imp--I hope you are having a wonderful time visiting with your sister, so lovely that you are both making the time to spend together before she moves. As for the crib, if I were you, I would get the name, model and id of the crib off of the crib itself (it should be there on the crib) and you can then do a safety search online to see if that crib is high risk or not or if it was one of the ones involved with safety issues that arose. That should enable you to make the choice you feel is best! Cribs are indeed expensive!!

Chilli--I hear you on visiting the other forums. I am often just a lurker there and read, but don't comment. Every now and then I will pipe up in some threads, but it is usually just the fun little threads or when I feel I can help somewhere. I try to avoid all the drama threads, there are so many! I agree with you and the other ladies, I am so happy to have our Femmes Fetales group, you ladies rock!!! :thumbup:

AFM: Inlaws came in last night. Not even 24 hours and my 19 year old brother in law had the toilet in the main bathroom clogged--argh!!!:growlmad: Couldn't plunge it out so we had to go buy a snake. Fortunately that worked, so I didnt have to spend $100.00 on an emergency visit from the Roto Rooter man (or lady!)! Other than that, so far so good. I am trying so hard not to be neurotic about my house, but it takes me so long to clean it these days, that I just pray it is not destroyed too badly by the time they leave on Monday!! [-o<

Good news though! Baby furniture is out for delivery, so today I should have Grace's crib, dresser and mattress!! The bedding set arrived yesterday and I LOVE it!! So very excited!! :happydance:

Also, DH got to feel Grace for the very first time last night, it was magical!!
erm - buy a snake??? WHAT? haha!

lovely that your OH got to feel Grace, awwww so cute!! xxx
Urrrgghhhh! I just lost my entire post. :hissy: Here goes again, hopefully I won't forget anything.

Chilli - 2 and 1/2 weeks is not too far away. Enjoy your time off! I hear you on the part about ladies on other threads complaining about having pregnancy symptoms. It reflects off differently on those of us who have had a loss. At the same time, many of them have not experienced a loss, so I think it's only natural for them to feel that way. As far as posting on the other pregnancy threads, I haven't done so either. I glance from time to time, but that's about it. Nothing wrong with them, I just like the comfort of being here with my TTCAL/PAL friends. :friends:

Lil - Your scan is right around the corner. Good luck! I'm sure everything will be fine though.

Amber - Great news that baby Grace is doing well, and OH could finally feel her kick. Have fun painting/decorating the nursery once he's back. Sorry to hear about the bathroom clog. Glad you were able to sort it out without too much hassle. Hope the rest of your time with the in laws is less stressful. Oh, and happy V-Day! I still sit here in amazement seeing how so many of you are already that far along. Boy, time sure does fly by!

Vixmar - Good luck for your upcoming GTT. Hope you don't have GD. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time with all the comments. Your little girl will be here soon though, and I'm sure once you have her in your arms, those comments will be the last thing on your mind. :hugs:

Sam - Sending massive :hug: your way. Your seat is still warm, so I hope you come back real soon to sit on it. :hugs:

Kizzy - Hope all went well with your GTT test. And happy 30 weeks! Not long to go now. Only 14 days left at work, WOW!

Shell - Happy V-Day to you as well! And yes, we are birthday buddies! :cake: My b-day is tomorrow as well, although I'd kill to be 24 again. :haha: Only 6 days left for you? And you don't go back until June of next year? Ok, now I'm getting a bit nosey. How are you managing to pull that off? :winkwink: Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Bean - Hope you get some R&R. Working until 38 weeks seems like what I'll be doing as well, if all goes well.

Imp - That's great you've got the stroller out of the way. As for the crib, I say that as long as the drop down side locks back securely into place, and the crib is sturdy as a whole, there's no reason to get a new one. V-Day is viability day. It is when you get to 24 weeks. The baby's odds of surviving at this stage are a lot higher than before.

:hi: to anyone I missed.

AFM, not sure yet what we're going to do for my b-day tomorrow. I'm sure OH has something up his sleeves, he usually does. I'm just excited to spend the day with him. I'm sure he'll give me some extra belly kisses & rubs on my special day. 1 week until our scan. It can't come soon enough...we want to see our little Coco again (just bigger this time around!) :winkwink: I got the results back from some recommended genetic testing we had done at our last appointment, and all the results came back negative. So I feel like a hurdle, albeit a small one has been crossed.

Have a great weekend!
Kizzy--haha, not a real snake! =) You ladies may call it something different over in Europe. A "snake" is what we here in the states call a long coil of flexible metal that we funnel down into the pipes to clear them out! Sorry if I freaked you out, haha!

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