Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Aww, glad you had such a lovely wedding anniversary Sparkle. You both deserve it after the year you've had :hugs:

Yes, being a SAHM does make me jealous, Lil. :sick: lol. I dont think that its too early to tell your family about your bean. I was about 9-10 weeks when I told the family this time round. Good luck! let us know how they react!

Hi my friends-
All though I have been missing in action, I have been following you all closely! So much good news! I am also a teacher and finished last week-took a week of holiday with hubby at the lake and will teach summer school starting next week! I am hoping to work as long as possible in the fall because I am afraid I will make myself a little crazy if I have time off prior to L&D-I will freak myself out! Looking forward to hearing more from everyone and being a part of the conversations agaon-I have missed you'se!!
Sparkle - Happy belated anniversary! Glad you're having a fab time with your family. Good luck on your next scan!

Lil - Uh, yeah of course I'm jealous at your SAHM situation. :haha: Have fun telling OH's family!

Angela - :wave:. Hope you had a great holiday with OH. I hear you on the working to keep yourself busy before L&D...get some R&R at the same time though.

:hi: to everyone else.

I finally mustered up the courage to use the doppler this weekend. OH held the probe, and I held the monitor. I had an idea of Coco's position from the last scan, so based on that OH put the probe on my belly, and voila...we found the heartbeat right away! It was AMAZING!!! :cloud9:. Now I'm getting really greedy, but we've decided not to over do it. We'll probably stick to using it no more than a couple of times a week. We also went for our 2nd prenatal class. It was great!
Hello ladies!!

Hope everyone is doing well, it sounds like it from all the great posts!!

AFM, I had antenatal at the docs today, they found a slight trace of urine in my protein which was also there three weeks ago so he's called me back to see the m/w in a weeks time rather than waiting three weeks for my next appt just to be on the safe side. My BP was higher than normal but still within the "normal" range so not high at all but I think it's good they are keeping an eye on it as I certainly dont want to develop pre-eclampsia and if I do I want it monitored of course. I am not stressing about it, I dont see the point in getting panicked and worried so staying cool :thumbup: I also got the results of my GTT which were fine but the blood tests showed I am slightly anaemic so I've been given tablets for that. Again not worrying about it, its all controllable and I am sure will be fine. :) As for Tinks, she's moved positions and is now head down. EEEEK! not engaged or anything but she's getting in the right position, clever little thing, hehe. I am sure I am going to be early but even if not I cant believe it's only 8 weeks away!! My mum is getting all excited and wants us to go shopping this week for my hospital bag stuff and get it packed to be on the safe side. haha! Eager much??

big kisses to all ladies and bumps xxx
Wow, kizzy 8 weeks thats all that is left.. your pregnancy has flown by.. cant believe it.. so excited for you.. you have 8 left and im only 8 lol.. so fun..

AFM-tired of this heat.. its 96 out today and feels over 100 with the humidity.. ugh.. oh well.. im tired and wishing i could have a nap.. :) have my next appt next wed.. so excited.. nothing much happening at it.. but still fun to check base.. :)

Hope your all well..
Neffie: Thats so exciting about the doppler, I just know I would go crazy with over use if I had one and be sneaking listens in when DH wasnt around :)
Kizzy: 8 weeks and moved into position wow!!! and you are so calm! I hope I can be as calm as you when I get there!
Lil: I here you on the heat, we are in the middle of a heat wave here in ontario as well , thank goodness for air conditioning, good luck at your appt next wed!
Happy hump day to everyone, stay cool!
Hi everyone. I just got back from my midwife appt, and got the results from my last ultrasound. Everything looks unremarkable, which is good. Only one small concern, my placenta is low laying. This only means that I have to go for another ultrasound and make sure its moved up. If not I'd have to have this baby by c-section. Either way I'm fine with it though as long as my baby is healthy. My midwife isn't concerned though as its not right over top of my cervix, its about 1 inch away so she thinks its already started to move. Next ultrasound Aug 30th just to be sure.

I also have our 3D ultrasound booked for Aug 14th! Cont wait for this! Everyone thinks we are having a girl, we'll find out here!!!
Happy Wednesday everyone! I'm having a bugger of a time finding time to post! Have been so busy with work (which is both good and bad, haha!)

Shell--glad you are doing well and finally have the time to relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy at home! I think it is wonderful! I wish I was able to take the time off, but in my position at work (supervisor), it just won't be possible. I'm not even taking the 90 day FMLA we can get here in the states. I'm taking 20 days off, then working from home for 2 months, then back to work full time. It will be interesting!

Sparkle--Happy belated Anniversary hun! It sounds like you had a wonderful time! GL with your scan!!

Angela--good to hear from you hun, glad all is going well! Hope you had a good holiday and good luck with teaching summer school! Don't wear yourself out!!

Neffie--so glad to hear things went well telling the parents and how exciting at you getting a dopplar and hearing little Coco! Glad the prenatal classes are going well!!

Kizzy--I can't believe you are 8 weeks away already! Wow time has sure flown by!!! Glad to hear Tinks is getting herself in the right position, she is indeed clever making it easier for her momma!

lil--I hope the heat is not pressing on you too badly. I know you all were steaming yesterday. It is headed our way (Pittsburgh) and we are going to D.C. this weekend, where it is supposed to be even worse. Being pregnant during a heatwave is not fun, that is for sure! All I can say is thank god for Central Air!! I hope your appt goes well next week!

IMP--glad your results came back good! And try not to worry about the placenta. I had the same problem and it has since moved away from the cervix. Your midwife told you the same thing my gyn told me, plenty of time for it to move away. I am exited for your private scan! Will definately want to see some pics!!

Sorry if I missed anyone! I hope all of you are doing well!

AFM: 26 wks today, feeling little Grace move more and more each day (yesterday she gave me a good poke after I ate a banana! haha). As I said above, we are off to Washington, D.C. this weekend to visit with friends and to pick up some more hand-me-down baby stuff that my friend has been holding for me! Should be a fun, albeit HOT weekend!!
Wow Kizzy -- only 8 weeks to go thats amazing! Hope you are feeling well, when do you start mat leave?

Neffie - great news on the doppler. I don't have one cause I would use it all the time but then again I can just have a peek at baby on the ultrasound machine at work!

IMP - try not to worry about the placenta. Mine is exactly the same but they said its a 9 out of 10 chance it will move and we can have a normal delivery. I don't get rescanned til 34 weeks to see if it has moved though!

Amber - enjoy your trip to Washington. I hope its not too hot and you can relax and enjoy the trip. Very exciting to get some baby goodies too x

Grand - any news on your internet, its very quiet around here without you!

AFM - had a great time at the wedding and I managed to fit into my dress, although my high heels only lasted an hour! My bump was about the same size as my friend who is 22 weeks pregnant with twins so we had fun talking babies x Just been this afternoon and bought our pram second hand off 'gumtree' really pleased with it - few marks and scrapes on the frame but nothing I wouldn't do myself within weeks!
Hope everyone else is well xxx
Thanks ladies, its certainly flying by now! I am starting to feel prepared and getting my mind set into it. Although I had a f'd up WEIRD dream last night that Neill (my OH) was breast feeding from me!!! EEEIIIWWW!! It was horrible, really freaked me out! haha!

Re mat leave I officially start on the 1st September, but taking holiday from 16th August confirmed yesterday, exactly one month before my EDD. But over the next 4 weeks I am working 2 days per week from home (like today), 2 in the office and 1 days holiday so it's not to bad. I have a long and shitty commute to work so it was becoming really hard, lots of changing underground trains etc so not having to go into the office too much is so much better for me! Then I will hopefully take a year off and go back next September ideally in a part time position but I dont know if that's feasible as I am a senior manager in my company. That said they are not replacing me for the year I am off so I do feel like surely having me in three days per week must be better than nothing right?? :)

Amber, I cant believe how little time you are getting/taking off :( what will you do with Grace when you go back to work? I feel for you hun, and I know we're very lucky in the UK and I am especially lucky being able to afford a year off (although I may re-think that when I have NO money coming in at all!!)

Shell you have a great mat leave/package, how wonderful, must feel great to be off already!

Milos, glad wedding went well and good on you for even attempting high heels, I am impressed, mine are definitely confined to the wardrobe for the forseeable future!! I have my work summer party tomorrow night and a girls night out Sat and it will be flip flops all the way, shame the weather is so crap though here! (Essex/London).

Neffie, glad you are enjoying the doppler, I resisted the urge to get one as I know I'd be tormented by testing it all the time and probably drive Neil and everyone else around me mad! haha! that's the best bit about when they start kicking all the time, you just know everything is ok (and then they have a quiet hour or so and you have to start poking them to get them moving and reassure yourself again! haha)

IMP, glad scan went well hun x

Lil, I remember being 8 weeks and everything felt soooo far away and now I cant believe how quickly its gone, I am sure everyone else further along can tell you the same, for me from about 25 weeks has flown but everything after 12 weeks was certainly quicker in time than before.

Angelas I do feel quite calm, I am a relatively calm person I think (although I do have my moments and I am sure OH would declare otherwise sometimes haha) but I dont see any point in working myself up about stuff. I havent written a birth plan yet but when I do it will be very flexible and "loose" as I dont want to set myself up for a fall, you know? I am not even scared of the L&D part - YET! ask me again in a few weeks!! hehe!

Milos--I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time at the wedding!! I too am impressed that you managed to do high heels, even if you ended up having to change them, I don't think I would have lated 5 minutes! Also glad to hear that you were able to finally get a pram that you liked! :thumbup:

Kizzy--so glad that you are able to work from home now. I know if I had to take the bus/subway into the city each day, it would be driving me crazy by now (and I am not as far along as you!) Also glad to hear how well your work is working with you for your time off, that is great!

DH and I had a long, hard talk before we started TTC about the leave I would need to take and working with my job. I am not sure, I may have mentioned it somewhere before (I try not to mention it a lot), but we are both lawyers with pretty insane schedules. It is nothing for us to put in 10-12 hour days sometimes. My position as a supervisory attorney is pretty crucial in my firm, and they honestly could not replace me very easily (not because of me personally, but because of how hard the position is to train for), it took them 8 months to train me, and I am not even the Senior Supervisor (that would probably take another 8 months!). Fortunately, unlike DH, my position does not require a lot of travel (he travels all over the place). The only reason I can really take the first month off and work from home for 2 months is that the Senior Supervisor, Office Administrator and Managing Partner are going to cover for me while I am out. That is why I cannot be out for long.

As a result, after she turns 3 months old (I refuse to part with her sooner), Grace will be placed into a very well-accredited daycare, in the city, just a couple of blocks from my workplace, so I am close by and can come and see her during the day. I will also be cutting back my hours (will still be full time, but no more 10-12 hour days for me!), and the firm knows this.

It was a really hard decision for me not to quit my job and become a full time mom. Both of my parents worked full time when I was growing up and I think I turned out pretty well, so at least I have their model to go by. But I know there are going to be many days where I want to be with little Grace and not in the office. I know it is going to be SO HARD!! That is why I am so glad I will be so close to her and able to see her during the day!

Sorry for the lengthy post, but felt good to share and get it out!
Amber: The balance between work and Mom must be so hard, I also work long days and love my job and so does DH so I am not looking forward to that part either. Grace is a very lucky little girl to have a hard working and confident momma and she will grow up happy and strong! You will do the best you can in both worlds and it will be hard but worth it :)
Kizzy - Wow, only 8 weeks left?? Your LO will be here before you know it. That's amazing that your work place is going to hold your job for the entire time that you're away. :thumbup:

Lil - I hear you on the heat. It's bloody madness right now! Hope it starts to get cooler soon, although I know that's not going to happen. :nope:

Imp - Like the other ladies have said, the issue should resolve itself in due time, and the placenta should move back into place. Glad to hear that everything went well with the scan!

Amber - Happy 26 weeks! This thread is soon going to be full of little baby pics. :haha: You all are moving along nicely towards D-day. Have fun in Washington! I hear you on the maternity leave & returning to work situation. I'm pretty much in the exact same boat as you. Will be taking 12 weeks off, and then the LO will go to day care.

Milos - Glad to hear you had fun at the wedding. You go girl with those heels! :thumbup: And yay for finding a pram!

:howdy: to anyone I missed.

AFM, I've been absolutely knackered the past couple of days, especially once I get home from work. Been headed straight to the bedroom to have a lay down. Haven't been able to workout in a week either. If all goes well, will hit the pool today. The bright spot of my day yesterday was getting to use the doppler again and hearing Coco's heart beat. :kiss: OH has put us on a schedule for the doppler use, so I have to abide by that. :winkwink:
Urgh, these pregaday iron tablets are making me feel sick, I actually cried because of it, bloody hormones!! :(
Urg kizzy - can you try a different iron tablet see if they don't make you sick?

Amber - sounds like you have your mat leave and return to work all planned. We are very lucky in the UK to get more time off. I am luckily planning to take about 9 months but then will need to go back full time to cover my boss (who has a year off work for other stuff in her life!) Dreading juggling baby, nursery and 10 hour days 4-5 days a week> still need to chat to my boss about it in the hope I might be able to do 3 days.

Lil/ Neffie - don't complain about the heat too much - us Brits are jealous cause its miserable and rainy here again! Suspect our summer may have been and gone!

Hey Ladies - We finally set up internet last night...I can't wait to catch up...I'll have to go back 2-3 weeks now when we moved. I'll post updates and a proper post hopefully tomorrow AM before work if not then Saturday. X
Poking my head in today before heading off for the weekend! Had a check up this afternoon with the gyn and all is well. Grace's HB on the doppler was 143 (she was wriggling around all over the place, was hard to pin her down!), my bp was good. I have to get a special sock for my right ankle--apparently the swelling in my ankles are affecting an old surgical site I have on my right ankle--I have a plate and 8 screws there from a nasty fracture I suffered in 2002 (3 surgeries!) and the swelling is causing this all to cramp my foot up pretty badly--the sock/hose is supposed to help alleviate that, here's hoping it works!)

I also have my next growth ultrasound for Miss Grace on July 29 (next friday).

I hope you all have a great weekend! And may all my fellow north/northeast US ladies stay cool!!

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