Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Bonjour Mes Femmes Fetales! - I had a wee read this morning and so much lovely news.

SamIam - Many many hugs my dear...I am so sorry for your loss and your wee angel gone too soon. We didn't TTC for about two months after the loss then bought Conceive Plus and two months on that worked for us right away (as opposed to the two years it took to conceive our first wee nut). Much dust and courage for your TTC :dust:

New - Your seat is awaiting you hon - thanks for checking in.

Sparkle - I'm so happy things are going well - Jersey sounds so nice - I love islands...perfect place away from the rush of cities to just be blissfully pregnant and relaxed. Happy belated anniversary...I think a little glass of champagne to celebrate is wonderful.

Shell - Enjoy your school holidays - Your maternity leave sounds amazing - I'm jealous too :winkwink:

Neffie - Happy belated Bday! Congrats on your negative tests for genetic issues. What an awesome present - the preggo pillow...I have one of those long tube pillows that came with our apartment and it has been amazing - I call it the "worm" LOL

Amber - What a tough job you have - sounds very interesting as well - I think having your baby near you and you can visit during the day is great. OMG that toilet story sounds horrendous...I thought it was a real snake too LOL

Imp - about the crib - we got a dontated one as well and I think it's just fine...so it's not new but like Kizzy said it's not their forever bed just for a year or two. I've got a low-lying placenta as well...I'm a bit nervous...we'll see where it is on my next scan...so far the docs have said it's not a problem but the internet searches make me wary.

Milos - I have anterior as well and it definitely cushions the little kicks and punches. Wow you're working till 38 weeks - do you have a physical job or one that you can relax a bit? Don't push yourself too hard. Sounds like a nice wedding...heels are on their way out...gives me piggy feet now.

Bean - Sorry about your OH's truck - I hope insurance will take care of it. So glad you had a positive scan!

Beth - MAJOR CONGRATS!!! :dust: happy and healthy 9 months!

Pixie - Good to hear from you - Lovely Spanish holiday you had there.

Neffie - Awesome scan news...I've always had to have an empty bladder - funny how all docs/techs are different with their preferences.

Kizzy - Super news that Tinks moved into position. I'm a nerd too - I'm starting to get mine and little blue's hospital bags ready now as well. We'll prepare them and then put them in the closet...the fact that my sister had her babe at 35 weeks makes me think I should be prepared sooner than later.

Vix - Ugh I hate the comments people make...you're too big...you're too small...touch the belly without asking...I hear you...seems like pregnancy opens the door to some insensitive and judgmental comments. I'm sure you are beautiful and pregnant!

Angelas - Nice to "see" you - I didn't know you're a teacher too - so many on the our little forum here!

SamB - Did you find out the sex?

AFM: Feeling great...OH and I finally DTD after many months (I think we've only done it 3 times since conceiving little blue) and it was nice to be close again. I was a little scared but so far so good. We love our little place here and I like my new town near the beach and train station and local market with fresh veg and fruit. It's only a 1 bedroom but it's perfect for a little family. We just got a crib donated as well as a changing mat and tons of little baby boy clothes...very nice since we're on a budget. Little blue is still kicking and boogying down there and his head is down. No complaints so far. I definitely suggest a pregnancy pillow or just a long tube pillow (what I have) for between the legs and supporting the belly during sleep...it's been a lifesaver.

So happy to be back amongst friends here! I'll update page one tomorrow since I shouldn't spend all day on the computer.



Just thought id share a pic of my very nearly 30week baby and bump. Had a private scan done this morning, baby not being very cooperative and was not able to get brilliant pics so they have asked us to come back Wed eve to try again. Was lovely to see baby again :cloud9:

Welcome back Grand!!
Nice to have you back grand, sounds like your new place is lovely and you are getting well set up for little blue. Loving the sound of the 'worm' think I may have to go a find one of those!

HEY!!! yea i did we are offically team pink :pink: im sooooooooooo excited :D as you can see by the pix she is very dramatic :p

Oh yea and they confirmed my due date to be the 20th Dec not the 24th now lmao!!


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Grand--so nice to hear from you and your new place sounds wonderful! I would love to be within walking distance from shops and fresh food (and the ocean too!). Glad to hear little blue is growing big and strong, and I too may need to get myself a worm pillow, sounds like a great thing to have!

Pixie--lovely pics, and what a gorgeous 30 week bump!!

SamB--grats on Team Pink hun!! :happydance: And your pictures are beautiful too, thank you for sharing them!

AFM: Back from a weekend in DC/Baltimore area. Came home with lots of hand-me-down goodies. 2 containers of baby clothes from 0-12 months, a nursing pillow, a changing pad, a breast pump, some miscellaneous newborn toys, a small vibrating/musical chair for the baby to rest in (not sure what those are called, but it is great!), and a wipe warmer. A pretty nice haul, my best friend has clearly been saving up for me!! Also had a lovely visit with our friends and their 1 1/2 year old little boy--he is growing so fast! Grand--it is so wierd you mention you and DH finally DTD after many months, DH and I also DTD after many months when we got home (sorry if tmi!), and I agree, it was so wonderful to be so close again, I was feeling pretty darn awesome afterwards!!!

Busy 4 day week of work ahead for me, but Friday I am off and we get to see how big Grace is getting on our next US, so I am excited for that!!

Hope you ladies are having a great Monday!
Pixie P - I agree - Lovely bump and beautiful photos!

Amber - I know after all these months it's nice to finally relax and be intimate...better take advantage because in a couple of months we'll be dead tired :winkwink: - What a sweet friend...those all sound perfect and useful things to have. I definitely suggest "the worm" LOL - Like I said it's just a long tube pillow not made for pregnancy at all but it works just the same

SamB - Happy Team Pink :pink: Still so many girls on this thread!

Milos - Get "the worm" - I've slept so much better with it. It looks like this:

Sam - what a beautiful little girl. Congratulations on team :pink:

Grand - I love my worm....but my OH is getting jealous of it :haha:

SamB - congratulations on your girl! Lovely photos x

Amber - what a great friend to keep you all those bits for Grace. Always nice to get free stuff! Good luck with the ultrasound on Friday x

Grand - I am on a mission to find a worm!

Sam-those pics are lovely.. yay for team pink.. :)

Grand-a worm huh.. will have to look into one as i get further along..

Pixie-lovely bump and beautiful scan pics.. thanks for sharing..

Just for an update for the front page
next appt is july 27th wednesday.. nothing fun just a general checkup
:hi: Girls!

Milo - I hear you on the weather in the UK right now, but trust me...this heat is absolutely BRUTAL!! I'd prefer to be somewhere between the two. :winkwink: I agree that a pregnancy pillow is just amazing..mine is absolutely humongous! I didn't quite believe my eyes when I first saw it, but it totally works! :thumbup:

Grand - Welcome back! Glad to hear that things are working out well with the new place, and that the LO is doing well! :thumbup: for the freebies! That's always awesome!

Amber - Looks like you had a fab time in DC. That's great that you've got many of the things for little Grace squared away. Sorry to hear about your ankle...hope the sock eases up the pain! Good luck for your scan on Friday!

Pixie - Cute pics, & bump!

SamB - Congrats on team pink!!! Those pics are very nice!

:wave: to anyone I missed.

We got to listen to Coco's heartbeat again this weekend. It never gets old, and just makes me more greedy. In a very futile attempt, I asked OH the very next day if we could listen to it again, and was told to wait as per the schedule. :haha: We also looked at a few strollers, and think that we have narrowed down our choices to a few. We still have time until we buy one, but that's one less thing to worry about when the time comes. The next thing on our list is to make a decision on a daycare center. We have a few tours scheduled this week, so hopefully we'll be able to come to a decision on that soon. Also, got the NT results back, and they were negative with a risk of 1 in over 10,000 so that was great news!

p.s. Grand - My 16 week appt is on August 12. No scan...just visiting the doc for some tests, and to listen to the heartbeat on a doppler. Merci! ;)
I had all of that fun blood work and stuff last week and I also got to schedule my first ultrasound! We will go on the 5th of August to see the baby and to check the heartbeat. I'm so nervous, but I'm still super excited and optimistic.

Oh, and my due date has temporarily been declared March 4 by the doc, but, because of my pre-existing Type 1 Diabetes, I will more than likely deliver earlier for both of our health.
Hi Ladies :hi:
Just catching up with you all.....

neffie - aww, glad you finally bought a doppler, and that you're enjoying listening to Coco. and great news on the low risk NT results! hope you manage to find a stroller thats perfect for you.

Imp - hope your placenta moves before LO arrives. cant wait to find out what team you're on after your next scan.

Kizzy - cant believe how fast its all going for you now! glad you are starting to work from home more now, with less travelling. and having a whole year off with Tinks sounds great!

Amber - glad to hear Grace is giving you some good pokes. hope that your special sock helps your ankle. and your collection of hand-me-downs from your friend sounds great!

Milos - glad you had a good time at the wedding. and great news on buying a pram. which one did you get?

Grand - glad you're feeling so well. your little home sounds wonderful, im jealous! and im glad that you finally DTD with DH. make sure you get plenty in now, you will be too big before you know it!

Pixie - loving your bump. its gorgeous! and your scan pics are sooo cute!

Beth - ooh, exciting that you've had your scan date through! not long now!

AFM: so, im off work. and sitting at home everyday. not got anything to do, coz OH, family and friends are all working....watching TV, going on BnB, doing abit of housework everyday. Hmmm....
I do go to aqua natal classes on a Wednesday with my preggo best friend. Loving that!
Also, my OH is giving me little jobs to do. This week, my job is to pack my hospital bag (at 27 weeks!!) which is actually quite exciting! Next week, my job is to write, type up and print out my birth plan. Also exciting, but scary too!!
Has anyone else packed their bag/written their birth plan??

Hope you're all ok?? :friends:
Wow Shell, you are so organised, I havent started my bag OR my birth plan yet! what kind of things are you including in your plan? Mine is going to be very flexible I think! x
Shells - wow seriously that is very organised! I have not even thought about a birth plan! I have a few things for my hospital bag but will need to do some major shopping at sometime soon to get all the bits for me and baby.

We eventually bought an icandy apple 3 wheeler job with big air filled tyres to cope with our gravel tracks and off road dog walks! Took me ages to decide but atleast it is one thing done!

A questions for all you ladies who are having their second ones - where would you recommend to get basic baby stuff, good quality but not too expensive for things like sheets, blankets and baby clothes in the first couple of sizes?

AFM - midwife today for 28week check up and squiggle is doing well. Head down at the moment (explains the kicks in the ribs!) fundal height measuring exactly 28cm and heart beat sounded wonderful! She even managed to get my bloods with just one needle stick - what a relief! Next appointment 4 weeks time at the end of August x
Grand- welcome back!! Glad to hear you and little blue are doing so well.

Shell- that is super organised! Well done... Maybe while your off you could also scope out some baby groups for when little one is here. When C was little I took him to a group that had some pregnant ladies too. Unfortunately it's now closed :(

Milosmum- what great news about your appt! I never measured correctly with C so fully expect not to again...
We bought most of our baby bits from John Lewis, in terms of blankets etc... I have to say almost 3 years on they are still going strong. In terms of clothes we bought a few nb bits from marks and Spencer and then 0-3 from John Lewis. Although then C was teeny and prem so I had to send my sister on an emergency small clothes run and we ended up with next tiny baby which fitted best.
I have to say that certain brands didn't fit him well when he was tiny, but do now. He's not that tall and very skinny!!

Ive missed loads of ladies! Sorry xx

Afm- coming to the end of our 3 weeks in jersey. Had such a lovely time... Bump is growing well...
Morning all,

Hope everyone is well!! xx

I have a midwife appt this afternoon, extra one so they can check my bp/urine etc. I have had a bit of an up and down week really, firstly the awful iron tablets made me feel terrible, then at the weekend I was really tired and emo having a bit of an identity crisis which OH dealt with very well and let me ball my eyes out whilst doling out cuddles etc, then yesterday I felt rough again, lots of tummy pains, back ache etc so was tearful again, its not like me to be on a downer so I am glad that today I have woken up feeling fine and back to my happy self again! I am 33 weeks on Friday so I guess things are going to start to get a little hard, I am getting a trapped nerve in my back (sciatica I think) and getting to and from work is getting harder and I am so swollen by the time I get back so gonna have a good chat/moan to my midwife today for the first time (normally I say "yep, all fine, feeling great" because I am!) and hope that everything is ok with my tests and results :)
Kizzy - hope your midwife appointment went well honey and you feel better and brighter today. Sounds like a bad week but hopefully she can give you some help and advice to make you feel better and your results are all good x

Sparkle - thanks for the advice - I was thinking of going with john lewis bedding and stuff seems to have good reviews x
Thanks Milos, back now and it was allllll good, so I am even happier now. She said the doctor had made a "waste of time appointment" haha, dont think she was impressed ;) no protein, great blood pressure, baby in perfect position, still head down but not too far to make things imminent and she said not to bother taking any of the iron stuff unless I feel I need to so I might do the odd one here and there. Sorted! :)

Love your pram Milos, I really wanted an iCandy, I have pram envy hehe! x
Kizzy - Yeah, my birth plan will be quite laid back too. im actually doing 2 birth plans - 1 for if i have my homebirth (FXd), and 1 for if i have to go into hospital. Im just including things like birth partner (OH), positions (upright), pain relief (entonox), etc. Nothing dramatic or strict! lol.
Sorry to hear you have had an "up and down week". Hope things start to look up for you soon. Im here if you need to talk/moan.

Milos - Oooh, your pram sounds great! I will be buying all of my baby clothes, blankets, etc from Asda or Tesco, as we are on a budget. You can buy some gorgeous little bits from there. Also, great news on the positive midwife appointment. Glad Squiggle is doing so well.

Sparkle - Glad you've had such a lovely time in Jersey. and great news on the growing bump! Do you have your dating scan booked for when you get back?

Hey ladies appt went great! Got a us cuz dr couldnt find hb with the doppler... will upload pic later... but baby is perfect hb was 174... spotting was nothing just an irritated cervix...measuring perfectly at 9 weeks also have the start of a YI ugh...

Next appt=possible scan is Aug 17th
Due date=Feb 29th

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