Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Shell - Wow I'm impressed! I have to get organized. LOL

Sparkle - Enjoy the rest of your holidays...bump pic???

Kizzy - Excellent news - Glad you and tinks are well!

Lil - so happy for you :happydance: that's a great strong HB.

PS. I know the front page is lacking in updates...I will get there ladies...I have my one-on-one midwife appt. today...bit nervous...I wish it were in English...I don't know all these birthing words ugh!
Just thought I would share a pic from my scan yesterday..


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Afternoon/evening ladies!

Neffie--so glad to hear your NT results came back good, that is wonderful!! Wow, your DH is good at sticking to his guns about the doppler! I just know that I would be a sneak and try to hear without looking, haha! Hope your stroller and daycare hunts are going well!!

beth--excited to see those pics from your upcoming scan next week, I hope all goes well!!

shell--wow, you are being so productive with your time off, and so organized!! like the other ladies, I wish I had a fingers worth of your organization skills right now! hehe I really do need to start thinking about my birth plan, I have no clue where to start honestly, not a good sign!! :dohh:

milos--glad your midwife appt went well and baby is doing fine!! very nice pram selection btw! :thumbup:

sparkle--your jersey trip sounds like it has gone very well, that is wonderful!! I too would like to see a bump pic!!!

kizzy--so glad to hear that your mw appt went well and that you got the iron sorted. hope that your sciatica is improving as well!

lil--glad your appointment went well and thank you for sharing the lovely pic! looks like baby is growing nice and strong, so wonderful!!

:hi: to anyone I've missed!!

AFM: Growth ultrasound on Miss Grace tomorrow, hopefully she is not growing too fast for mommy!! She has been so much more active these last few days, and she does seem to be getting more routine with her movements, which is a good sign!!

After much searching, I FINALLY found my diaper bag (believe it or not, this was considered by me to be one of my most important purchases--it took me longer to pick this out than the crib! lol). I have a link to it here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0014JJD3G

I got the all black one. The manufacturer also has one that has a fleur d'lis design on it (not shown on amazon, but other vendors have it), but it was $15.00 more just because of the design!!! So I decided to be frugal about it (much to DH's delight! haha) and go with solid black. I really wanted a big bag with lots of room (since I am a notorious overpacker!) but one that also looked classy and was gender neutral in appearance so DH would not mind carrying it around. I should have it next week, very excited!!!

I hope you ladies have a great day! I am off of work tomorrow (yay!) so hopefully can get some of my other tasks on the list taken care of!
Amber - Very stylish bag hon...nice choice...especially the fact that OH can use it too without it looking "mommy" or too "girly". Enjoy your scan tomorrow - I'm sure she's getting big and strong.

Thanks for sharing your pic Lil!

AFM: Midwife appt. went well - She was so cute and young...but well informed and fun to talk with even when I didn't know the right words in French. It was good and not so good.

Good: You can move around, take showers, exercise ball, different positions for labor/pushing, music, lights dimmed, can eat and drink until you are actually in the birthing stage, skin to skin right away and breast feeding on demand, OH can cut cord

Bad: 90% of women at that hospital given Oxytocin to regulate contractions (I don't want this - I think it's like Pitocin), Most women opt for epidural but you don't have to have one, You have to give birth (final stage) on your back, they will use forceps and cut (episiotomy) if they have to although she did say it wasn't very common, if there's an emergency OH not allowed to come during C-section

Seriously mostly Good - I think the one thing I really didn't like was automatically giving the artificial hormone to speed things up.

BUT I made a decision to do some more research and found a French/English speaking Doula two towns away (they don't really exist here in France and aren't recognized like in the USA so I'm lucky that one is even here!) and we are meeting next week. I need some coaching if I'm going to get through this birth without an epidural and to get some advice from her about maybe even trying to do a home birth. I feel really happy about my decision to get some help other than books and I hope that this will lead me to have the type of birth I want barring any emergencies obviously.

Wow that was a long essay...Anyone else trying for a natural type birth or hiring extra help like a Doula?
Grand - sounds like you appointment was mainly positive but I agree with you about avoiding the oxytocin! (Pitocin is the trade name for oxytocin which is the active ingredient) AN english/french doula sounds perfect to help support you and your decisions while you are in labour - you might need someone to fight your corner to avoid unnecessary meds.

I too would like to try to go as natural as possible. We will hopefully all being well deliver at the local midwife lead unit where you can't have an epidural as there are no doctors! They have a huge new pool and encourage different positions, moving around etc. I am also trying some hypnobirthing (could not afford the course but doing an online program and MP3) only problem is that every time I listen to the relax MP3 I fall asleep half way through! Its only 30 mins long and I have not yet heard the end of it despite listening to it every night before bed! Need to try again at a time when I am less sleepy and then maybe I can move onto trying the next track!

Hope your doula meeting goes well x
Grand--glad you had a good visit and also glad you were able to find a doula that you can meet with, I hope that meeting goes well and she can give you some more options so you can get the natural birth that you want! Keeping my fx'd for you!

I have to admit, I am probably not going to go the natural birth route, as I probably won't have the option due to my GD, which is ok. I have a very low tolerance for pain, so I am pretty sure I'm going to want an epidural. I am not so sure on the other drugs though, I plan to do my research. They are probably going to have to induce me early though, so that means drugs. We shall see.

I absolutely do not want forceps used for Grace's delivery, however, I don't even know if I can ban that from happening or not (something else I will have to look into!). I would rather they cut me open via C-Section than deliver her via forceps--I just can't bring myself around to being ok with them, I've read too many horror stories of harm they have caused to little ones. As for episiotomy, again, I will happily take the cuts and stitches if it means she comes out ok without any harm!!
Grand-I am going to try to go all natural this time around.. had drugs with my dd and it honeslty still hurt like hell anyways... and i tore and needed stitches.. I really hope your doula meeting goes well.. :)
Grand- just a quick one. I had a very long labour with C but only used gas and air as pain relief. He was an emergency forceps delivery tho as he was too far into the birth canal for a c section I found out afterwards. His heart had slowed right down and it was a case of out now or else.
I really want to birth this baby naturally too.
Lil - glad your appointment went so well. But im surprised your Dr even tried to find a 9 week heartbeat with a doppler? That must have been worrying for you when he/she couldnt find it. At least the scan showed that everything was well. Great news!

Amber - please dont feel bad because you are not as organized as I am...I am now at home full time, so have plenty of time to be organized. If I was still working like you, I wouldnt have time for anything baby-related. I love your changing bag, its so classy! Mine is also black for the same reason as yours - I would feel guilty asking my OH to carry a pink or flowery bag around with him. Lol. Good luck with Grace's growth scan today. Hope she is growing at the perfect rate.

Grand - it does sound like your appoinment went well. Far more positives than negatives. Great news about all the low-risk birthing stuff. But sorry to hear about the Oxytocin. I am stating in my birth plan that i do not want it under (almost) any circumstances. I just do not feel that it is neccessary, and believe that it ruins your chances of a natural birth. I trully hope you do not need it. Also, just to let you know, we have the same rule here in the UK about not allowing OHs into theatre for an EMCS. I think thats normal everywhere (although horrible). Finally, I think your decision to hire a Doula is a great idea. I dont fancy one myself, but I think it would be wonderful for you to have an English/French speaking advocate to guide you through it all. Good luck!!

Milos - your Midwife-led Unit sounds lovely. So relaxing and low-risk. And if they cant physically give you oxytocin/epidural, then you're guaranteed your natural birth (unless you have to move due to complications). But I often think that hospitals give you these unnecessary interventions, because they are available, not because you need them. Just my opinion though. Good luck with your natural birth!

Amber (again) - sorry that your GD means you will have a high-risk labour. But im glad that you are OK with that. I understand your fears regarding forceps, but Im not sure if they are worse than a C-Section? I think I would rather have forceps than a C-Section (although, in an ideal world, I would have neither). Good luck with whatever decision you decide to make.

Sparkle - sorry to hear you had such a tricky time with C. I hope that its true what they say, and 2nd time round its so much easier for you.

AFM: i spoke to my midwife last week, and she says that she will support me 100% in my decision to have a home birth (and that the other midwives in my area will also support me) even if the consultant at the hospital isnt too keen on the idea. So I think im going to go for it :) I want a water birth, and will be hiring my pool quite soon. I am hoping to just need Entonox (gas and air), but obviously if I am struggling to cope, I will be transferred to the hospital (5 minute drive from my house) for an epidural. We shall see what happens.
Also, its my 3D/4D scan tomorrow. woohoo! im so excited about seeing Bo's little face. and hopefully getting our gender confirmation so that we can go out and buy lots of pink things! I will post the pictures up ASAP.

Hope you all have a good weekend :)
this is my changing bag, my friend bought it for me on sale for £30 as my baby shower present :)


cant wait to use it!!

I also have the Boots freebie one (black and grey) for Neil to use, he wouldnt be up for the yummy mummy one haha!
Hi all

wow loads going on. Have not been commenting much but have been reading. Everyone sounds like they are making lots of decisions and getting organised. Reading about Bags has reminded me that I need to get one. Had forgot about one of those. Need to get everything down from the loft and see what I already have - definetly no nappy bag there though I threw that out as it was ruined.

Kizzy - when I clicked the link, it took me to the website, but didnt show me your bag. But when I looked at the bags on offer, they are all gorgeous!! Im jealous! mine's black and boring :cry: lol. ooh, thanks for reminding me, I keep forgetting to join the Boots baby club! will do it today!

Bean - thanks for stopping by! i cant believe you are over 23 weeks already! time is going so fast, hey?

oh really, mines the peace blossom laminate :)

yes, defo join Boots club, the bag is worth £30 and you only have to buy a pack of nappies, plus you get sent various different vouchers and get extra points on baby stuff and emails etc. have you joined all the other birth clubs, Tesco, Sainos, Asda, Huggies, Cow and Gate, Mothercare etc? I have joined them all, my hotmail is inundated. haha!
Kizzy--love the bag, the link didnt work for me, but I did a search for yours and found it, it is lovely!!!

Bean--:hi:Hey hun! Glad to see you! Hope all is well for you and hope you are able to find a bag you like!

shell--I am so glad you and your midwife are able to get you a home birth, that is wonderful!! Also, good luck with your scan tomorrow!

AFM: Had u/s today and got to see little Grace, she is doing amazing! She weighs 2 lbs, 7 oz, which puts her in the 61st percentile, meaning she is growing totally normally (phew!). She was also awake and wriggling about, she even moved her mouth like she was trying to talk to us, it was so adorable!! I also got some great pics (posted below), one of which is a beautiful 3d shot of her little face.

Here she is at 27 weeks, 2 days!


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Kizzy - searched for your bag, and it is indeed lovely :) wow, you really have signed up to everything! I have only signed up for mothercare, and that was only last sunday. I need to make it my mission this weekend to sign up to all of the others you mentioned. Thanks for the tip! :thumbup:

Amber - great news on your scan! so glad that Grace is growing normally. And isnt she beautiful?! she looks so pretty in that 3D pic! gosh, I cant wait to see my little lady tomorrow :cloud9:

Wow amber - wonderful pictures - amazing how much grace has changed since 20 weeks. So pleased for you that she is growing at a normal rate x

I too need to spend the weekend joining more online baby clubs already done boots, tesco and sainsburys but there are a few others to get sorted with - I just love a money off deal or voucher!

New pregnancy development last night - awake at 3.30am for the normal trip to the loo, could not get back to sleep and was STARVING! Ended up rading the fridge at 4.15 this morning and then still struggled to get back to sleep! Made today a very long day and I am working all weekend

Amber those are lovely pictures.. the 3d one is amazing.. she is really beautiful.. thanks for sharing. :)
Kizzy - LOVE the bag - very cute! I can see why your OH will need a more masculine one though LOL

Amber - Amazing pics! - She looks perfect...so cool to see her face clearly before you meet her in person.

Sparkle - Wow I remember you mentioned that you had a traumatic birth at the end with little C - that's what my hospital said is that they will only use them if they have to - I'm OK with that obviously.

Milos - Take care hon! Maybe have something protein laden at night time so that you won't have hunger attacks in the middle of the night/morning. I haven't been up for food yet but I was up 4 times just to pee...my goodness!

Bean - Nice to see you! How're you getting on?

Shell - You are having my ideal birth! In water and at home...sounds lovely and I hope it all works out. I'm glad the midwives are behind you all the way. My London friend is doing the same thing at home - Her sister is actually a midwife and has a pool. I love the idea of having a wee water baby. Can't wait to see your pics of Bo!

AFM: Went shopping at the local veg/fruit market and picked up loads of amazing and yummy stuff for the weekend. Then we walked to our local family beach and had two swims...little blue and I loved it! I've started to feel more uncomfortable now that he's growing more - like I can't breath sometimes and just a bit awkward now with bump...being in the water takes it all away an I feel like a mermaid :kiss: Great start for the day.

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