Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Amber Nice photos!! I can't wait till our next scan!

Kizzy Cute Bage!

Grand I know what you mean about being in the water! Its lovely, to go for a swim, or to just float and feel weightless. I'm only up about 15lbs but it makes me more sympithic to thouse who carry alot of extra weight all the time.

Afm, been wokring on getting a registry together, my mother and my mother in law will be throughing me a shower each for each side of the family, so I want to have a registry somewhat organized for them. Its actually kinda stressfull to put together.... I have no idea what I want/need. lol
Morning all! I am at work and BORED! Supposed to be doing paperwork but can't be bothered so thought I would check in for the gossip and see what fruit or vegetable squiggle is this week!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend xxx
Hi Ladies :hi:

Just a quick one from me, will catch up later.
Had my 4D scan yesterday, and it was amazing! I cant believe that that's my beautiful little girl! She was being awkward, trying to snuggle up and sleep, even though I was moving around trying to wake her. She had her foot up by her face, and kept trying to suck her big toe! She's so funny!

I got loads of pics, but here are a few for you....


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:hi: Everyone....geez, loads to catch up on....

Beth - Good luck on your scan this week. Hope everything goes well!

Shell - I'm liking the organization. :thumbup: I'm a bit of a pre planner myself. Acqua natal classes sound like fun. Last, but not least, those pics of Bo are absolutely fab! Love the one where she's trying to suck on her toe. :winkwink:

Kizzy - Cute bag! Hope the sciatica & swelling get better soon.

Milos - Glad to hear that Squiggle is doing well. And great news on getting your pram picked out. Have fun picking out the other baby items. Oh, your birthing plan sounds very neat by the way. :thumbup:

Sparkle - Nice to hear that you're having a blast on your vacation. I agree with the other ladies....we need to see a pic of that bump. :winkwink:

Lil - Glad to hear that your scan went well. That's a nice strong heartbeat!

Amber - Cute diaper bag! I'm with you on getting one that OH can use as well. Those are lovely pics of Grace. She's adorable! Your birth plan sounds similar to mine. I'm planning on going the epidural route as well, but plan to stay off the other drugs, assuming all goes well.

Grand - That's neat that you were able to find a bi-lingual doula. Sounds like your appointment was positive on the whole. In a way, it's good that they told you up front regarding the oxytocin...that way you can do your research ahead of time, and won't have to deal with the news when it's delivery time. Hope you succeed in sticking to your birth plan. Good luck with your appt this week. And yay for swims in the ocean!

Bean - Happy belated 23 weeks!

Imp - Have fun picking out your registry items. Those are always hard to do.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, but :wave: if I did.

AFM, super busy week between work, prenatal classes, and trying to pick out a daycare. We've narrowed our choices down to 2, and will be going to see another one in a couple of weeks. Hopefully a spot will open up by the time Coco arrives...all the good centers have such long waiting lists, it's insane! It's a good thing we put our names on the waiting list a while back. We had doppler day again a few days ago, and it was awesome as usual! :kiss: I've been feeling these sensations on and off in my tummy. Sometimes I think it's the baby moving, but maybe it's too early to feel movements? Did any of you feel them this early?

Also, to date I've not really gained any weight (only 1 pound). The bloating is still very much there, but no real weight gain. I've done quite a bit of research on it, and it seems normal, especially if it's the first pregnancy. Apparently a lot of women don't start gaining weight until the 3rd tri. Will ask the doc at my next visit, but didn't know if you guys had any insight to offer.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Neffie-thanks, and happy to hear things are going well for you too.. hope the daycare decision gets made easily.. :) as far as weight gain, this is my second baby, 4th pregnancy, and i havent gained anything yet either.. granted im not as far as you.. but i do think its normal, especially with firsts, and with firsts too you prob wont feel movement till closer to 18-20 weeks..
Lil - glad your appointment went so well. But im surprised your Dr even tried to find a 9 week heartbeat with a doppler? That must have been worrying for you when he/she couldnt find it. At least the scan showed that everything was well. Great news!

Amber - please dont feel bad because you are not as organized as I am...I am now at home full time, so have plenty of time to be organized. If I was still working like you, I wouldnt have time for anything baby-related. I love your changing bag, its so classy! Mine is also black for the same reason as yours - I would feel guilty asking my OH to carry a pink or flowery bag around with him. Lol. Good luck with Grace's growth scan today. Hope she is growing at the perfect rate.

Grand - it does sound like your appoinment went well. Far more positives than negatives. Great news about all the low-risk birthing stuff. But sorry to hear about the Oxytocin. I am stating in my birth plan that i do not want it under (almost) any circumstances. I just do not feel that it is neccessary, and believe that it ruins your chances of a natural birth. I trully hope you do not need it. Also, just to let you know, we have the same rule here in the UK about not allowing OHs into theatre for an EMCS. I think thats normal everywhere (although horrible). Finally, I think your decision to hire a Doula is a great idea. I dont fancy one myself, but I think it would be wonderful for you to have an English/French speaking advocate to guide you through it all. Good luck!!

Milos - your Midwife-led Unit sounds lovely. So relaxing and low-risk. And if they cant physically give you oxytocin/epidural, then you're guaranteed your natural birth (unless you have to move due to complications). But I often think that hospitals give you these unnecessary interventions, because they are available, not because you need them. Just my opinion though. Good luck with your natural birth!

Amber (again) - sorry that your GD means you will have a high-risk labour. But im glad that you are OK with that. I understand your fears regarding forceps, but Im not sure if they are worse than a C-Section? I think I would rather have forceps than a C-Section (although, in an ideal world, I would have neither). Good luck with whatever decision you decide to make.

Sparkle - sorry to hear you had such a tricky time with C. I hope that its true what they say, and 2nd time round its so much easier for you.

AFM: i spoke to my midwife last week, and she says that she will support me 100% in my decision to have a home birth (and that the other midwives in my area will also support me) even if the consultant at the hospital isnt too keen on the idea. So I think im going to go for it :) I want a water birth, and will be hiring my pool quite soon. I am hoping to just need Entonox (gas and air), but obviously if I am struggling to cope, I will be transferred to the hospital (5 minute drive from my house) for an epidural. We shall see what happens.
Also, its my 3D/4D scan tomorrow. woohoo! im so excited about seeing Bo's little face. and hopefully getting our gender confirmation so that we can go out and buy lots of pink things! I will post the pictures up ASAP.

Hope you all have a good weekend :)

Shell- your pictures are so sweet!! Im very jelous!! my hubby has banned me from booking a 4d as he says their 'freaky'!! i dont think they are but he says with 9 weeks to go i have to wait lol!!
I have also packed my bag!! better to be prepared!!

Amber- As for the forcepts vs c section, ive had forcepts and suction cap, and given th choice after seing the terrible marks they left my babys with i will opt for a c section, even if it means no driving for a month and pain to myself, my babys were terribly bruised and swollen and had to be given pain relief after birth, id take their pain any day....

Off to docs tomoz, i have protein in my urine and ive now got shocking headaches and slightly swollen hands, altho my bp was ok on Thursday the headaches are getting worse so just going to get checked out!!
Also Baby is still in breech, at 31 weeks apparently she should have turned but she still has plenty of time to turn, ive been given info on the manual movment of her, i WILL NOT be having it, if my babys chooses to be breech then thats the way she will stay, i really disklike the thought of having such a procedure done, ive heard nothing but painful things about it, and would rather go for a c section! As my time draws nearer im getting increasingly nervoous about the birth, yes its my 3rd but ive had strep b (48hr stay) 2 retained placentas, a haemorrage, 2 surgers to remove placentas and forcepts and suction on both babys, plus stitches with each, im absolutley crapping myself about it!! ive spoken to mw about a elective c section, but i need to have a "real" medical reason or can prove my previous births have left me with "mental scars" so going to have to grin my teeth and get on with it!! Im such a scaredy cat lol :cry:

Hope your all well, and congrats SAM On team pinking with most of us, we all are either team pink or yellow? Noones confirmed as blue yet are they???
Vix - I'm Blue! :blue: but I think the rest are either yellow or pink...
Sorry about your traumatic birthing experiences...I think if you want an elective C-section they should let you.

Neffie - The baby's so small now plus with Morning Sickness not a lot of people gain tons in 1st trimester. I think you sound absolutely find in terms of weight gain.

Imp - Good luck with choosing baby items! - I would put a baby carrier - either a moby wrap or bjorn carrier just for an idea.
Hi ladies!
We had our scan today!! Baby is doing really well, saw all the right bits and the hr was 161...

Going to get oh to upload one of the 'bump' shots we took while we were away, I can't believe how much Im showing!!


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Well done Sparkle, really pleased for you!!

Amber and Shell, great pics xxx
Really nice Sparkle - great pics - looks like he/she is doing perfectly! :flower:
Morning ladies! Sorry I was mia for a few days, my mother and grandmother were in town. My grandmother was getting a cornea transplant in her left eye, fortunately all appears to have gone well!

Shell--such beautiful pics! and what a lovely little lady you have growing in there!! I too love the one with her little foot up in the air!!

Sparkle--lovely pics from you too! Your little one is growing so fast!! Great heartbeat!!!

Imp--I hear you on the registry headaches! I've been trying to get one together for 3 weeks now, I have a few things I definitely need, but after that, I'm just picking what looks cute (but then I worry they will buy the cute things and not what I actually need! argh!). Hope your registry building goes smoothly!!

Grand--sounds like you had such a lovely visit to the beach! And I am glad that you and little blue got to enjoy some water time!

Milos--sounds like your little one is a midnight snacker!! :winkwink: I have not had midnight hunger yet, but I have had a few days in the past couple of weeks where I am just starving for no reason at very wierd times, it's crazy!

Neffie--Don't worry about not gaining any weight right now. I'm almost 28 wks and am still down about 5 lbs from my pre-preggo weight. The doctor told me that this is ok so long as the baby is growing fine, and she is! It is true that a lot of women do not gain/actually lose weight with their first babies--a lot of it has to do with the lifestyle changes we make with our eating habits--we cut out a lot of bad things and try to eat more healthy for the baby, and that actually translates into us eating healthier for us too!

Glad you have found a couple daycare centers you like! I really need to get on top of that myself!

Beth--thinking of you this week with your scan!

Vix--thank you so much for your information and sharing your personal experiences with forceps. I know that I won't be able to rule them out entirely as a possible way to deliver if the situation requires it, but I want to make it clear to the MD that they are a last resort option, if at all.

I hope you are able to have the option of an elective C-Section. I think women should be able to deliver how they will be happiest and most comfortable. Given what you have gone through with your past deliveries, and the fact your little one is breach, I would say that you should be able to discuss C-Section as a viable option for you. FX'd for you hun!

And Grand is our only confirmed Blue baby! We have lots of little pink ladies, and lots of yellows (I am still standing by my theory that most of our other blue babies are hiding out with the yellow mums! :thumbup:) Will be so exciting to see more blues and pinks in the coming weeks/months!!

:wave: to everyone else! Hope you all have a fabulous week!

AFM: Nothing new to report, taking this week to recharge and relax and catch up at work! (easier said than done!)
Sparkle - gorgeous piccies, so glad your scan went well x

Amber - glad your grandmothers op went well. Try to have a relaxing week x

AFM - all quiet here - squiggle has obviously turned around a bit as I am now getting kicked on the left (last week it was the right!) no further midnight snacking which is good for my sleep and my waistline. I have gained enough weight without eating all night too!
Did my first proper baby shopping yesterday. I live near to the tomme tipee factory where they make all the closer to nature range of bottles and things. They have a little factory shop on site which I was told was much cheaper than normal so I went to have a look and spent £50 but saved atleast £35! I just got the basics incase my attempts at breast feeding don't succeed - so breast pump, few little bottles, cleaning things and the steriliser. Makes me feel much more organised. Still so much to sort out but I am paranoid about buying things or having them in the house incase I jinx myself and something goes wrong! Guess it will be a last minute shopping rush in September.

Hope everyone else is well xxx
You guys... I'm getting really nervous about the scan Friday. What if this is all in my head? What if the baby doesn't have a heartbeat? What if something is wrong? What if, what if, what if.

I've been trying to keep a pma , but this week, as we get closer to the scan, more and more doubts have entered my mind pushing out those positive thoughts and replacing them with the negative.

I thought you guys would understand...
Morning ladies! Sorry I was mia for a few days, my mother and grandmother were in town. My grandmother was getting a cornea transplant in her left eye, fortunately all appears to have gone well!

Shell--such beautiful pics! and what a lovely little lady you have growing in there!! I too love the one with her little foot up in the air!!

Sparkle--lovely pics from you too! Your little one is growing so fast!! Great heartbeat!!!

Imp--I hear you on the registry headaches! I've been trying to get one together for 3 weeks now, I have a few things I definitely need, but after that, I'm just picking what looks cute (but then I worry they will buy the cute things and not what I actually need! argh!). Hope your registry building goes smoothly!!

Grand--sounds like you had such a lovely visit to the beach! And I am glad that you and little blue got to enjoy some water time!

Milos--sounds like your little one is a midnight snacker!! :winkwink: I have not had midnight hunger yet, but I have had a few days in the past couple of weeks where I am just starving for no reason at very wierd times, it's crazy!

Neffie--Don't worry about not gaining any weight right now. I'm almost 28 wks and am still down about 5 lbs from my pre-preggo weight. The doctor told me that this is ok so long as the baby is growing fine, and she is! It is true that a lot of women do not gain/actually lose weight with their first babies--a lot of it has to do with the lifestyle changes we make with our eating habits--we cut out a lot of bad things and try to eat more healthy for the baby, and that actually translates into us eating healthier for us too!

Glad you have found a couple daycare centers you like! I really need to get on top of that myself!

Beth--thinking of you this week with your scan!

Vix--thank you so much for your information and sharing your personal experiences with forceps. I know that I won't be able to rule them out entirely as a possible way to deliver if the situation requires it, but I want to make it clear to the MD that they are a last resort option, if at all.

I hope you are able to have the option of an elective C-Section. I think women should be able to deliver how they will be happiest and most comfortable. Given what you have gone through with your past deliveries, and the fact your little one is breach, I would say that you should be able to discuss C-Section as a viable option for you. FX'd for you hun!

And Grand is our only confirmed Blue baby! We have lots of little pink ladies, and lots of yellows (I am still standing by my theory that most of our other blue babies are hiding out with the yellow mums! :thumbup:) Will be so exciting to see more blues and pinks in the coming weeks/months!!

:wave: to everyone else! Hope you all have a fabulous week!

AFM: Nothing new to report, taking this week to recharge and relax and catch up at work! (easier said than done!)

Oh amber I'm sooooo sorry, I should learn to think before I spk, whilst spilling the beans on how absolutley horrendous my experience my experience with forceps and cap was I didn't think about other 1st time mums who may have to have them! I had a very difficult births both times and I had to get babys out asap, and if I have no other choice and my babys life is at risk I wouldn't waste time preping for section of course I will do it again, I just would prefer a section over instrumental birth anyday again, purley because of the bruising it left my babys with but like I said this was due to complications and not everyone has bruising :) sorry again x
And grand sorry about ur bundle of blueness, I must have missed ur post :-( congrats on our first boy!! I think a lot if not all our yellows are actually blue!!! X
Vix--nono hun, I did not take what you said that way! :hugs: Remember--I said in my birth plan that I was trying to opt out of forceps if I could and just opt for a C-Section--for the very reasons you cited!! So what you said was very helpful to me!! No worries hun!!!

Beth--:hugs: I honestly feel the exact same way before every single ultrasound (even after feeling the baby kick, or hearing her hb on a doppler just days before at the doctor's office)!! I always go in holding my breath until I see that little hb and hear that the fluid amount is normal--then I breathe. So what you are feeling is totally normal and understandable! I try to do meditation when my anxiety is really high, is there anything you like to do that relaxes you and can take your mind off things for a bit? If so, try doing that in the days leading up, it really does help!! :hugs:

Milos--sounds like you had a great shopping trip with wonderful savings! I wish we had an outlet store for tommee tipee or something along those lines near me, would make the $$ hit a lot less painful!!!
Hey Ladies :hi:
Just catching up...

Milos - I havent started night-time snacking yet, but im sure its just a matter of time! im starting to feel hungry not long after having my main meals...so my hunger is definitely increasing. Im sure its just Squiggle getting the midnight munchies! also, loving your tommee tippee bargains!

Grand - i know what you mean about swimming taking the weight off the bump. I never used to be a big swimming fan, but now I go every week, and I love the weightless feeling it gives me.

Imp - im jealous to hear of your 2 baby showers. I would love just 1! lol. I hope sorting out your registry isnt too stressful for you. PS, happy V-Day for tomorrow!!!

Neffie - glad your search for the perfect daycare seems to be going well. and great news on you feeling Coco's first flutters! I wouldnt worry about your small weight gain - there's plenty of time for you to gain more!!

Vix - sorry to hear your hubby has banned you from having a 4D scan. My OH thought it would be "freaky" too, but he loved it when we were actually there! Cant believe you have less than 9 weeks til your little girl arrives. I hope that she turns round before then, and that you can have a stress-free delivery.

Sparkle - so happy to hear that your Rainbow baby is growing nice and strong! and your pics are so cute!

Amber - good to have you back. Glad your grandmother's op went well. Hope you manage to re-charge this week.

Beth - sorry to hear you are worrying so much. But its completely normal, and we all felt the same, I can promise you. Thats one of the sad facts of PAL - you never fully relax, because you know first hand what *could* happen. You just have to try to stay positive, and remember that we are all here to support you.

AFM: Got my 3rd aquanatal class tomorrow. Im really enjoying it. And on Thursday, myself and 2 of my best friends are going to London for a Theatre break! we are travelling down by coach, checking into our hotel, then going to the West End to see Legally Blonde the Musical, and then for a meal. The next day, we will be going shopping on Oxford Street, and then coming home. Im really looking forward to it!!

ps, just chipping into the weight-gain discussion. I have gained 28lbs :wacko: I know that sounds alot, but its all boobs and bump!! and im pretty sure I will lose it quite quickly afterwards.

So far I've put 9lb on, but I think I lost a fair bit with sickness, I may ask mw when I see her as it doesn't sound a lot especially as I'm 31 weeks and feel like the bk end of a bus, but I hadn't given it a seconds though till rereading ur comment shelley!

Also went to gp, no trace of protein yesterday and bp as low as it usually is at 100/70!! They suggested increase fluid, jesus all I do is drink drink drink lol glad no trace of PE tho!!

Amber- I just realised ur comment before was about instromental vs section lol I'm just very aware that a lot of ladies here r 1st timers and birth must be scary enough without me adding to it lol

Night ladies x
Grand - we are team yellow but im pretty convinced we will be joining you on team blue in 8/9weeks! :)

Beth - those fears still only feel like yesterday... def understand, i drove myself slightly mad with worry. thinking of you and i hope all goes well at your scan on fri x

Just to join the weight discussion, I've so far put on 16lbs. Sure that will double by October though! I put on roughly 30lbs with my son.

Hello to everyone! I check in daily to see how you all are but time to write the long posts i would like to are not an easy task for me! So pleased to see you are all doing ok though. xxx
So far I've put 9lb on, but I think I lost a fair bit with sickness, I may ask mw when I see her as it doesn't sound a lot especially as I'm 31 weeks and feel like the bk end of a bus, but I hadn't given it a seconds though till rereading ur comment shelley!

Sorry Vix. I didnt mention my weight gain to make other people worry about their own :wacko: Im sure that your 9lbs weight gain is perfectly normal for you, especially considering that you were sick alot in 1st tri. I wasnt ever sick, and I have been eating alot a suppose. It seems that its my weight gain thats abnormal, not yours. Please dont worry, your little girl seems to be growing perfectly well :)

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