Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Kizzy- where are you? We live close to chalk farm and Camden and I didn't sleep much. Too terrified... Stay safe ladies xx
Hey sparkle, you poor thing, would have hated to be so close to it all last night :( I live in Essex but work in Camden, Bayham Street just behind the High Street, do you know it? Try to get a nap today hun xx
Thinking of you both Kizzy and Sparkle :hugs:
Stay safe xx
Hi ladies,

I got a lovely message from Shelleney and felt a bit guilty about not posting or catching up in here anymore. :hugs:
Everything is going ok so far, but i am just sooooo scared. Its really hard to enjoy this pregnancy and DH and I have said we will breathe once we get to 16w.
Today was a bit hard. Had an appt with the hospital OB. I am 13+3 today and I was 13+3 when I saw Evie dead on an ultrasound after some spotting and cramping. The OB has agreed to keep me under Dr care until I am happy to transfer to midwife care. He also broke out the ultrasound machine today and showed me a very happy, very bouncy little baby. :cloud9: He has also booked me in for another appointment on Monday to check babys heartbeat with a doppler and or ultrasound just to reassure me.

I find it hard to keep up on some threads because everyone gets really chatty over the other side of the world while I am sleeping! I'll do my best!
Much love to you all, and thank you for thinking of me Shelleney. :hugs:
Shell - Glad to hear that you had such a lovely time over the weekend. Enjoy the theme park tomorrow.

Kizzy - Glad to hear that you're feeling better today. The LO is probably just getting into position for when it's time. Stay in mommy's tummy until it's time Tinks! :winkwink:

Melly - Good to hear from you. So nice to hear that things are moving along well. That's awesome that your OB is doing everything possible to keep you reassured. Stay in touch.

To all the ladies in London - Hope everything gets better soon. Please stay safe in the meantime!

:hi: to everyone else.
Hi ladies!

Grand--That is wonderful news about the Doula and you being able to have your home birth! I am so happy for you! It is also great that you have the hospital nearby for backup, so you have all your bases covered. Little Blue is definitely in good hands!!

Milos--your elephant comment had me cracking up! I can't tell you how many times I feel like a turtle on its back these days when I am trying to get up off of the couch or out of bed! 1-2-3 Roll!! haha

lil--thinking of you as your 12 week scan draws near! I can't wait to see the pics!

Imp--I can't wait to see your photo shoot pics when you get them (you will share 1 or 2 I hope!). GL with your 3d scan, I can't wait to see those pics either!

Neffie--Hope you have a great appointment this Friday! I am sure they will do a doppler for you there also, they always do at my checkups, and it is always nice to hear that little hb chugging away! Hope the ahem, other issue, does not progress any further painwise for you.

kizzy--glad you are feeling better today hun! Little Tinks definitely better wait for her daddy! :flower: Also glad to hear your commuting is almost at an end, please be safe on those trips with everything going on!

Shell--Hope you have a great time with the kiddos tomorrow, sounds like fun, even if you have to avoid the rides! I hope the weather is good!

Melly--thanks for stopping by and letting us know how you are doing! I am happy to hear that all is going well and you are getting the attention and care that you and the little one need.

Sparkle/Kizzy/all our london ladies--please be safe, I am thinking of you all and praying that everything there gets under control soon. :hugs:

AFM: Nursery is painted!! We have to do some touchups though, haha. The worst part was taking the painter's tape off of the windowsill only to have some of the white paint from the window come off with it (I thought painter's tape was supposed to be special and prevent that from happening, lol)! :dohh: So, we will have to do some touchups to the window and a couple of other spots where the tape took some paint with it, but other than that it looks great! I'll try to get some pictures this weekend once we are done with that part. Now we are on to putting the furniture together! Fun times!

Grace is doing well. My only concern is she has days where she is very active and days where she seems not to be so active. I am not sure if this is normal or not. I read that at 28 weeks I should be feeling her all of the time, but I don't! She goes through spurts of activity and non-activity. Has anyone else had this and been told it is ok? Or should she be constantly moving now?
Amber, Im the same I spoke with my OB and he said it is normal all the way through-He said some ppl only just begin to feel movement at 28 weeks so dont worry-I know its stressful!!
Hi everybody

So much has gone on again. Can't keep up.

Congrats new that is fantastic news.

Have been super bust decluttering loft and decorating etc..... Also youngest has not been to well - he is iron deficent and has bad constipation so have been at docs a couple of times this week.

I also hope you ladies in London are ok - I would be petrified. Its awful. XX
Thank you for all your thoughts ladies. I'm too distracted to post more. Kizzy- hope you're home and safe already xx
Hi everyone, you'll have to bear with me on this thread - I am quite behind you and am probably spouting things you all covered ages ago but I need some reassurance as I'm panicking already.

I have no symtoms really - I feel "normal". Boobs only mildly sore (when I prod them)
I did another ic and is slightly darker than yesterday though.
Is it too early to be looking for symptoms? Was 5.5 weeks before I found out last time so have nothing to compare to.

Can't get in with my doc of choice til at least Monday (he's on holiday)
He's the only one who truly listened to me last time and acted on my fears.
I saw all the others prior to him who all just basically told me I was worrying for nothing.

I want an early scan but not before about 6-7weeks cos last baby died around 7 weeks so I know I'll still worry even if I see hb at 6 weeks.

Arrgghh, I promised myself I was going to keep calm!!
Hey New, dont worry hun, it might be a while ago now but I still remember the fear and worries you have so will try to answer as best I could from how I felt. :)

4 weeks for me is very early for symptoms so I honestly would try not to worry about that, plus also remember that they DO come and go. I used to get panicky and paranoid and poke mine a lot (poor things, surprised they were not black and blue some days!!) and there were days I completely convinced myself that I wasnt pregnant and had made the whole thing up!

I tested every day for the first couple of weeks, couldnt help myself (and I was never a POAS addict before) and each time I just allowed the positive sign to let me breathe again - until the next day when I just HAD to check again.

I waited until 6 weeks to go to my doc, called up for an appt and couldnt get one for another week and cried my eyes out!! I was so gutted but in the end it was good to wait, it was another few days further on etc and each week felt like such a milestone so I'd say if you can possibly bare it, wait for Monday and see the doc you wanted.

I was going to get a scan at ten weeks (either beg the NHS or pay for a private) because I was sure that it would make a difference. With my shrimp I got a h/b on a scan at 8 weeks exactly then m/c at 9+6 so I felt like you that I had to be passed that point but the closer it got the more scared I became and in the end didnt have an early one at all. I just had to learn to trust my body and accept that what would be will be. I had my scan at 12+4 in the end, which felt like forever away of course and was pretty traumatic (until I saw and heard my bubba moving about) but also turned into one of the best moments of my life, I'll never forget it. :)

Lastly I would say trust yourself and your instincts, if you are worried or concerned, speak to someone, let yourself worry and cry if you need to (to a certain extent) but most of all believe in your body's ability to do this, you CAN have a baby, you WILL have a baby and your body is an amazing machine. I am in complete awe of the fact that what was once a few cells etc is now a wonderful little bubba kicking around inside me causing me heartburn, sleepless nights, to look like a weeble and waddle like a duck, its amazing and I hope you grow to fully enjoy and embrace the whole experience. First tri is the worst and hardest because its so frightening and drags on forever but when you get to this stage (35 weeks) it flies by, I promise xxx
Thank you so so so so much for your reply Kizzy - that's just what I needed to hear and brought a tear to my eye. (in a good way)

I will keep trying to be positive and tell myself I CAN do this.

Kizzy Couldn't say it better if i TRIED!

New My experience was very similar to what kizzy explained. Just try to keep faith! Its definitely hard, and there are good days and bad. But it does get easier as the time passes!!
New--First of all, huge hugs to you hun!:hugs: Your worries, fears and concerns are totally normal!

I got my BFP around 4 wks in february and I don't remember having any symptoms at all until around 6 weeks or so, and even then, they were "hit or miss" symptoms. Some days my boobs would be sore and other days I would just feel "off" if that makes any sense. Then I would have days with ZERO symptoms that would send me into a panic! But ebb and flow of symptoms is very normal in the early weeks, so please try not to panic. If something feels wrong, or you are worried about anything, never hesitate to call your doctor!

As for POAS, I was told by my MD that we are not supposed to keep doing that as every test can vary in line darkness depending on the type of test, time of day and how diluted your urine may be at any given time. So a lighter line a few days after a dark line can be very misleading of something being wrong when everything is actually just fine!

I am glad you are able to get in to see your doctor on Monday, even though I know the next few days will crawl for you. It is so important to be seen by a doctor you are comfortable with. I insisted on seeing the same MD who got me through my miscarriage for my entire first and second trimesters. Now that I am in my third, I am much more comfortable seeing the other doctors in the group if mine is not available.

As for scans, you need to go with your gut and what is most comfortable for you. I had spotting around the same time with this pregnancy as I did with my m/c and went into a panic (and this was after an u/s showing a hb) and had yet another scan that showed an SCH with baby just fine. But it was so stressful, so I totally understand your desire to wait until you are past a certain week!

Kizzy is right, the first trimester is by far the longest and filled with the most worry and stress (even though as PAL ladies, we will all continue to stress to some degree until we hold our little ones in our arms!). Just know that we are here for you to provide love, encouragement and support! :hugs:
Glad to pass on some reassurance New honey xx

Just had my midwife appt, my clever little bubs is in a perfect position and measuring at the right size, not engaged yet which I am glad about but she said the pains etc I felt the other night were probably her pushing down further and getting ready for things to come. all other checks fine and she said I have quite a lot of fluid but not too much to be worried about so all in all good times.

Also just saw my auntie who cannot make my baby shower on Monday, she gave me a gorgeous little soft toy and some delicious fudge and some money which is enough to buy the changing unit I want! I am overwhelmed at their generosity (sp. that doesnt look right??), people are so kind it amazes me :)

How is everyone else doing today? xx
New- Big hugs... the first tri is the worst.. it drags for forever.. as one the most recent ladies to join.. i do completely understand your worry.. for me every week with no spotting or bleeding has been a milestone.. i got past my second mc mark, now im waiting to get past the 12 week mark.. only one left to go.. :)

I agree with the other ladies.. you need to trust in your body and know that you can and will do this and you will hold your baby in the end.. but if you do feel something is off call your dr.. i hope your doctor will be as wonderful to you as mine has been to me.. I have never been so happy to have a new dr, that cares.. makes all the difference.. so i too would wait till monday.. and 7 weeks is not that far away hun.. will be here and gone before you know it.. but to you it will drag... like mine is..

PMA goes a long way.. I hope that has helped some.. you can be scared and nervous and worry but dont let it take over...

ETA: symptoms, i havent had much either.. occ. ms, but mostly tired and hungrier and peeing more.. but most symptoms dont start till around 6 weeks.. so dont fret over them.. I too poas for a long time after.. crazy but comforting.. but what amber said makes sense.. so dont worry.. :)
I am so trying not to freak out right now. I just got a call from my doctor's office about my ultrasound 2 weeks ago. They tell me that the ultrasound revealed a "decline in fetal growth", that it was low, but NOTHING to be concerned about? :saywhat: How do you tell me something like that and then tell me not to be concerned?

I remember at the scan the tech saying she was measuring great at 2 lbs, 7 ounces, and in the 61st percentile. All the little estimates as the u/s went along appeared normal also, so I am very stressed out and confused right now. All the charts I have found online have her at a good weight for her gestational age at the time (27 weeks, 2 days).

Sigh. So anyways, I am back for another ultrasound on 8/22 to see how she is faring. MD appt is 8/18, so I am going to be asking a lot of questions!!

Has anyone else been told something like this with prior children and things turned out just fine?
amber-i had a bunch of scans cuz my dd was always so little, and they wanted to make sure she was growing... which she was just small... that doesnt really help but she turned out perfect, just little at 5lbs 6oz.... dont stress too much im sure baby is perfect and still has lots of time to grow :)
Thank you so much Lil. I am really hoping she is just little, like your DD. As you all know, I have been having issues gaining weight this entire pregnancy and it is not like I have not been eating, I will even force feed myself when I am not hungry trying to make sure I get in everything she needs and I have been following my GD diet to the letter!

My DH was on the small side when he was born (6 lbs even I think), and small babies run on his side of the family (compared with the little porkers on my side with some 9, 10 (me!), and even 13 pounders!), so maybe she is just taking after him! I sure hope so!

I just need to take a deep breath and try to relax for another week until I see the doctor.

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