Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

HI everyone, Shell, I have a g/f who slept in a lazy boy when heart burn when heartbirn was bad at night and she said the elevation helped-just a thought!
I am doing fairly well, Ive been following you girlies and enjoying my summer with some day trips but aso teaching summer school! I am gearing up to head back now getting my class ready for a new grade (Older kids) so will be quite a change! and a new room! I also have heart burn that comes and goes and seems to be getting worse at night but still have lots of energy so far which I am happy about! I am almost 29 weeks and feel time is flying-we have painted the nursery and bought the furniture but the flooring we got is not co-operating at all!!! Its supposed to click together and it doesnt! Hello to veryone else and positive vibes to all you first tri ladies-it is rough-sleep often! Hope all is well with all you ladies!
Shell - definitely ask your doctor for Gaviscon, its a lifesaver. My DH suffers with acid reflux and it works wonders for him.

:hi: everyone.

Having no luck getting an early scan. Had telephone appointment with Doctor thus morning and he has said that its up to the midwife if she feels I need one. Waiting for a call back with number for midwife.
Think I'll end up booking a private one.
Babybond near me is fully booked til October.
There is a new place near me thats just opened up. Don't know how good it is but they charge £55 for a scan which is nearly half the price of babybond!
They don't scan til 8 weeks though!
New-hopefully if you explain your situation to the midwife she will let you get an early one.. but if not 8 weeks isnt too far away.. hope the ms is leaaving you alone a bit..

AFM-Im feeling good.. ms is tapering off as long as i dont wait too long to eat.. energy is starting to come back some.. so going to take advantage of it and clean house some today.. did my last prog suppository last night.. so thats a great milestone to get past.. now 3 weeks till my next appt.. :)
Hey ladies, got a little bit of time to catch up! :happydance:

Neffie--:hugs:was thinking about you this weekend and hope you got through it ok. Those anniversaries are very hard, and I hope that DH and Coco helped to ease the pain a bit. I know peanut's DD anniversary was hard, even though I had little Grace growing in me.

Lil--very glad to hear that your doctor's appointment went so well and that you got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Definitely a good, strong one there, that is so wonderful! Also glad to hear that your energy is returning and ms is easing, that makes things so much easier! Don't overdo the cleaning today!

Kizzy--goodness girl, not much longer now! I am so excited for you, snores and all!!

New--I totally understand your symptoms right now with the nausea. I never actually threw up this pregnancy, but just had horrible, all day nausea, it was the worst!! Like the other ladies have said, a series of small snacks/meals did wonders, and getting enough rest is so crucial. If you don't rest, you become more exhausted and feel more ill--trust me on this one! Also, you will find that you will have certain foods that work for you and others that will not. For example, I was told to drink lots of water and eat lots of crackers--both of which made me sick! I ended up settling for fizzy drinks (like others have suggested) and peanut butter w/bread or cheese. I think everyone has their own list of what foods were best for them, the key is finding the ones that work for you!

I hope you are able to find a place to get your scan scheduled hun! Hopefully the midwife will pull some strings and get you in soon!

Imp--hope you are enjoying Vegas!!!

milos--you will have to post pictures of your nursery when you get a chance, it sounds so wonderful, and how awesome for your dad to come and get it painted!! we are close to getting ours finished as well, have the furniture put together at last and now it is just a matter of getting the rest of the stuff organized and into the room!

shell--i hope the heartburn clears up for you hun. I have been experiencing similar problems these past couple weeks. I'm guessing maybe it is normal for 30ish weeks? I have acid reflux as well (pre-pregnancy), and have been trying to use tums and milk, but I have to switch to ranitidine some nights when it is bad. Talk to your doctor, maybe they can recommend some medication for you to take on nights when it is really bad.

angela--hope school gets off to a successful start for you! and sounds like your nursery is on a roll too! glad to hear you are doing well!

AFM: much relieved after yesterday's ultrasound. I have been panicking inside for the past week and a half over that phone call about her size. I saw the doctor last Thursday, and she set my mind at ease to a good degree, but the best was seeing little Grace moving around yesterday on the screen and hearing the tech say she was back up where she was before growth-wise (she is actually over just a bit!). Today my parents and grandmother are in town for a visit for my birthday--they are also bringing down a cradle that my mother used for me when I was born (a 37 year old item! yikes!)--we are going to put it in our bedroom so we have a place for her in the earliest days right next to us.

DH is out of town tomorrow for 3 days, and then possibly again for another 3 days next week! I imagine I will be a bit insane for a few days without him, I miss him so much when he is away!

:hi: to anyone I may have missed, hope you are all having a great day!
:hi: Everyone!

New - Happy 6 weeks! Hope you're able to get a scan soon, and that the m/s eases up.

Milos - Glad that the nursery is coming along well. Hope the heartburn goes away soon...

Amber - That's awesome news that Grace is doing just fine! What a relief! Have fun with the family....

Shell - Hope the heartburn eases up. Are you keeping stuff bed side to help when it strikes in the middle of the night?

Angela - Hope the transition to the new class goes smoothly! Nice progress on the nursery. Hope you're able to sort out the floor issue.

Lil - You've passed your previous milestone, so happy for you!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, this weekend was tough with the due date of our previous loss. I know OH shed some tears as well. The 1 yr anniversary of our loss will be coming up soon, and I think that will be a roller coaster as well. Will just have to take it slowly when it comes....

On the bright side, we have our gender scan in 2 weeks! :happydance: I've been having a hunch that we're having a boy, but then last night I had a dream that I was breast feeding my daughter....she was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. :cloud9: So now I'm totally confused! :dohh: Oh well, it doesn't matter what we have...either one would be a blessing! The most important thing is that he/she be healthy!

p.s. Has anyone heard from Grand lately? She's been MIA for a while. Hope she's doing well.
I have not heard from Grand. She has not updated her journal either for some time. I hope she is doing ok!
Thanks Amber and Neffie... It was great passing my miscarriage milestones.. 13 weeks tomorrow..seems to be flying by for us all..

Amber-happy to hear grace is doing just fine.. :)

Neffie-hugs for your dd passing.. i had mine back in june.. so i understand how hard it is. our one year loss in nov. so i too will be thinking of my bean that day.. wow 18 weeks already.. cant wait to hear boy or girl.. :)

New-Happy 6 weeks.. sailin through.. :)
I was wondering about Grand - hope she is just having internet issues and she is keeping well x

Shellney and Kizzy - sounds like we are suffering the same heartburn issues and Kizzy I am definately snoring too! Dh actually finds it amusing at the moment cause I always complain about his snoring and now he can complain back again! I was up in the middle of last night having a glass of milk so I think I might need to investigate some gaviscon for bedtime use.

Shellney - I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

Amber - wonderful news about Grace, glad she is growing well x Hope your OH gets home soon x

Neffie - can't wait to hear if you have a blue bump since its mainly girlies on here so far! My dad thinks we are having a girl because apparently the neutral colour we have painted the nursery looks pinkish to him! I think he needs his eyes tested cause it looks neutral to me!

AFm - midwife this morning and its a new one who seems much more enthusiastic than the last one which is good and I think she will now be my midwife until the end. My blood results from 28 weeks are missing which isn't great but she said she would chase them up and ring me if there were any problems! However squiggle is now measuring small which is a little bit worrying, my fundal height was only 29cm today so I am not abnormally small just at the low end of normal. The midwife thought squiggle felt small too and could not decide which way up squiggle was. Anyway I have a scan in 2 weeks anyway to see if my low lying placenta has moved so they are going to check position and measure the growth of the baby then too.

Hope evryone else is well xxx
Hmm, so I have been having "period" type pains all day today and most of last night, nothing too painful and nothing "contraction" like either but I can only describe it as that feeling you get just before you come on, a couple of friends have said their labour started this way but I am sure its not that, I'll keep you all posted just in case!! :)

Happy birthday Amber!! xx
Kizzy - exciting, keep us posted - this could be it. Hope you're all organised :wohoo:

Lil - 13 weeks tomorrow, how wonderful :thumbup:

Milos - Hope everything is ok with squiggle and he/she is behaving in there. Oh and BTW, your dog is gorgeous and for the record, I've always wanted a dog and call it Milo, its my fave dogs name :D

Amber - HaPpY BiRtHdAy! :cake:

Neffie - Hugs, I know how you are feeling - its the one year anniversary of my ERPC today :hugs:

AFM - worrying again, feel ok today and not tired. I know symptoms come and go but can't help but worry. Don't know why I can't get it out of my head that this pregnancy will end the same as the last. People say every pregnancy is different but this one has been the same so far, same symptoms - so that's why I think I keep making comparisons to last time.
I wish I could be more positive!
Kizzy!!!!! I am so excited for you!!
Happy Birthday Amber!
New that is the normal rollercoaster ride, try to relax and have faith easier said then done I know.
Ive also been wondering about Grand maybe she is reading from afar without time to post? Hi to everyone else!!!! and thanks for al the wishes for the class and the nursey, we got half the floor put on tonight it takes 2 of s though so now Im bushed :)
Sorry ladies, still here, nothing happened, slept well tho and pains have eased off today so that's good! Got ante natal at docs this afternoon so will tell her, might even be baby getting engaged :)
Hi all

Kizzy things are starting to happen.
Amber - happy birthday.
New - My doc was reluctant to organise a scan so I phoned our local epac unit myself and explained what had happened. They were really nice and understanding and booked me in at just over 6 weeks.

Shell - could be reflux couldn't it. Hope it eases though.
Neffie- Great that you have gender scan to look forward to.
Lil - Glad you are feeling better.
Milos - Nursery sounds lovely.
Grand - Where are you?

AFM: My blood test has shown that my thyroid is still low so have got to up thyroxine again. Weird cause with my second it never changed. Anyway staringto get a lot of the "do you want a girl as you have 2 boys". Arrrggghhhhh No a baby I don't mind. Might start yeah and if its a boy we will send it back - see what they say then. XX Sorry for that rant I knew we would get it but it is still winding me up. XX
Just posted at the same time Kizzy.

It is still probabbly baby getting prepared though even if it doesn't happen straightaway. XX
Ok ladies, here are Stage 1 Pictures from our Nursery. Bear in mind this is just the painting and furniture we put together, I still have to add the rocking chair, wall hangings, and other bits, so will have some final pictures in the coming weeks, but wanted to share! We did the painting all by ourselves and put both the crib and dresser together ourselves also! The yellow walls are what the room looked like before!


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Hi there Ladies :hi:

Milos - ahh, sounds like your nursery is really starting to take shape now! How exciting! sorry to hear that Squiggle appears to be measuring small, but Im sure he/she was just in an awkward position, and is growing just fine.

Amber - glad to hear that Grace is measuring perfectly again. I knew the last measurement was just a blip! Bless your chunky little madam! ps, Happy belated Birthday to you!

Kizzy - the thought of you waking yourself up with your own snoring made me laugh! ooh, how exciting that Tinks may be making her entrance sometime soon!

Angela - hope you enjoy your new class at school. and hope your nursery floor starts behaving itself soon!

Lil - glad the MS is going away, and your energy is coming back. Happy 13 weeks, and congrats on reaching 2nd tri!

neffie - how lovely that you met your baby is your dream! I remember meeting Bo for the first time in a dream. She was so beautiful, and I fell in love with her! Maybe you are having a girl then?

New - sorry to hear you're worrying. Please keep up the PMA! this pregnancy will be different, this will be your rainbow baby!

Bean - sorry about the thyroid and thyroxine. Hope it gets sorted soon. and I think you should say that your sending baby back if its a boy - that should shut people up!

Grand - where are you, my lovely? I hope that you are just too busy to post, or your internet is down. If you are reading this, please let us know you are ok.

Hi to everyone else :hi:

AFM: The heartburn wasn't so bad last night, and i slept much better.
I do keep my packet of Tums on my bedside table. And I had been keeping a glass of milk there too, but its ever so warm and stuffy in here at night, and the milk was getting abit gross. So I have to venture downstairs to the fridge for my midnight milk fix now.
Thanks for your advice ladies, I will go to the Docs and ask for Gaviscon or Rennie, I think.

On another (far more depressing) note - me and OH havent been getting on very well lately. It started on saturday night with him coming home from a night out smelling of cigarettes. (OH used to smoke, but quit when we started TTC 18months ago. he started up again during the stress of our loss last year, but quit again when we started TTC this baby). He knows how much I hate him smoking, and that im worried about his health, my health and Bo's health. Anyways, it started a big arguement, and we have barely spoken since. Its his birthday today, and we have barely said one word to eachother. He is going out with friends tonight, and I just know he's gonna smoke again. Oh dear, what are we gonna do?? :shrug:

Will catch up with everyone tomorrow, but just wanted to drop a note for Shell.

Shell--I am so sorry about the cigarette argument you are having with your OH. I'll share a personal experience: I am strongly opposed to cigarette smoking anywhere around me, and have been since I was a teenager. When I met my DH, he smoked. I spent weeks/months pleading and arguing with him to stop. The thing that worked is one day I put a note in his box of cigarettes that said "Do you REALLY need one of these?" He was at his fraternity house that night when he opened up the box, saw my note, and then threw the cigarettes into the bonfire and has never lit another cigarette since; although he has admitted to being tempted from time to time.

I am not sure something like this would help in your situation, but the only thing that seemed to work for me was a mild, loving note (at least that is how he interpreted it).

Somehow he needs to really see how much this is hurting not just you and him, but your little Bo as well. You know him best, perhaps think of a way to approach it in a way that he would take you seriously and not take it as an opportunity to argue with you. My DH told me that my yelling at him about it made him want to rebel and smoke even more, but the note made him pause and think. :shrug:

Men can be so complicated, especially when they know what they are doing is hurting the ones they love, but they are so stubborn about things like smoking and drinking and such. I hope you are both able to patch things up hun! :hugs::hugs:

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