Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Vix - good to hear from you! cant believe that you are 35 weeks already! sorry to hear that Libby is still breech, but she still has time to turn. I hope that you dont have to have that C-Section, and that you can still go on your family holiday.

neffie - hope you enjoyed your weekend with your in-laws. Ooh, not long now til your gender scan! how exciting!

Amber - i loved the pics of Grace's nursery. Cant wait to see more! And im glad that OH has no plans to go away in october. I get nervous when my OH just goes out and leaves me just for the evening, so I cant imagine how stressful it must be for you when your DH goes away.

Milos - sorry to hear work is manic for you at the moment. I hope you can start slowing down soon.

Sparkle - glad you had a great time in Ireland. I love it over there! Ooh, gender scan in 2 days time! how exciting! also, C looks so cute in your avatar pic...

Imp - glad you survived Vegas! hope all went well with your glucose tolerance test. and good luck for your scan, I hope your placenta has moved up. Let us know how you get on...

Amber (again) - I have had a small amount of "leakage" from my right nipple only, for quite a while now. it is always in the middle of the night, and I can never express any myself when I try. So I think that what you're experiencing is quite normal.

PS: thanks to all those who commented on my "smoking issues" with OH. He went out with friends last night, and assures me he didnt smoke (even though they all did) so I think our heart-to-heart may have worked. Thanks for all of your advice, support and hugs. What wonderful friends you all are :friends:

Shell--I am so glad to hear you and OH had a close bonding weekend together and talked through things! So wonderful!! :hugs: Also glad to hear that he took what you said to heart and avoided smoking with his friends, I am sure that was a very hard thing for him to do, so it is really a good sign!!

Good luck with the nursery this weekend! You and OH will have so much fun with it, it was really a good bonding moment for me and DH in doing it ourselves, mistakes and all! hehe

Thanks for your input on the leakage issue. I experienced exactly what you described, so I feel much more relieved. :thumbup:
Shell, great news that you and OH have worked things out, really pleased for you hun! x

Amber, no leaking for me but I know lots of people do get it, oh the joys of pregnancy hey? haha! love the look of your nursery, really, really pretty and classy! :)

Vix, Milos, Sparkle, thanks girls I am feeling good, nothing major to report, midwife appt again tomorrow so we'll see if Tinks is engaged!

Imp, glad you survived Vegas!! :)

AFM, all good, bag pretty much completely packed, nursery almost done (pics attached) and feet pretty much permanently swollen!! lovely! just waiting now for my baby girls arrival (and having paranoid moments she's going to turn out to be a boy!!)


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Those are of some of the wall art, the sky/clouds one is the loft hatch which is in baby's room, OH didnt want her to be scared of it so made it cute :) the flowers are below it and he's put some butterflies coming up from the flowers towards the sky, its so lovely and effective. Here's another one of the room and one of her wardrobe which is already better than mine!! Lucky little minx :)


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Kizzy your nursery looks so fabulous! I love the castle and flowers, but I mostly LOVE the penguins!!!! And wow, bonus points to you both for the sky on the ceiling, just lovely!!!
OH couldnt resist the penguins, he loves them, they do look good I must admit and stops the room being too "girly" :)
Kizzy- your nursery is GORGEOUS! What a lucky princess...
:hi: Gals!

Milos - Hope your replacement is getting settled in, and things are a bit more relaxed for you. Not long to go now before your LO is here!

Sparkle - Good luck for your scan tomorrow! Can't wait to hear all about it, and see some pics. :flower:

Imp - Glad you enjoyed your trip. Hope your glucose test went well, and that your placenta has moved.

Amber - Good luck furniture shopping! :thumbup: Should be plenty of super deals going on this upcoming weekend.

Shell - Glad to hear that things are better with OH! Looks like the long weekend away together definitely helped. Have fun painting the nursery, and setting up the furniture. Look forward to seeing pictures!

Kizzy - Very cute nursery! Tinks will be very cozy in there...

:wave: to anyone I missed.

AFM, 8 days until our gender scan! The impatience is starting to get agonizing. :dohh: CAN'T WAIT!!! It's been quite a while since we last saw Coco, and the next week is going to be like waving an ice cream in front of a toddler, but not letting them eat it if you know what I mean? :winkwink: Luckily, we are headed out of town this weekend on our 'babymoon', so hopefully that'll make the wait more bearable. We're going to the coast, and will be staying in a cozy little bed & breakfast. Really looking forward to it!

In other news, we are starting to work on Coco's room. The existing furniture has been moved out, and some other items have been moved in of what will be the nursery. OH will start painting it in a couple of weeks....

Have a great day!
Just had a midwife appt, baby is 3/5 engaged!!!
yay kizzy! she is almost in place, not much longer now!! so excited for you!! :happydance:
Neffie--Im so excited for you for your scan! I remember the wait for ours, the days went by so slowly, but then after that, everything started to go pretty fast!! I hope you guys have a fabulous babymoon, it sounds very romantic and relaxing! And good luck with the nursery, sounds like you are very organized!!

AFM: Tomorrow we do a second interview with our daycare of choice. We opted for the smaller one closest to our home, but furthest from the city. We decided to put our desire to have Grace in a setting where she will be closely cared for and watched as opposed to a center closer to town where she would be one of many in what we felt was an overcrowded center where she may not get the attention she would need. It will be very hard for me to be so far from her during the day, but I want what is best for her developmentally, and I want her in attentive, loving hands at all times.

Furniture--local store near us is having a 50% off special sale for Labor Day weekend of their entire stock, really hoping I find a rocking recliner there!!
Urgh, had a panic this morning, baby wasn't moving about so got in a real panic and called the labour ward who asked me to come in for monitoring which I did and all was fine, have to go back tomorrow for another check but she's moving fine now, little minx!! Was really scary tho for a while, glad I went xx
:howdy: Hi - I'm still here, sorry I've been MIA!

Amber & Kizzy - you're nurseries both look beautiful - can't wait til I can do ours!

Kizzy - sorry to hear you had a scare today - just shows that the worrying never stops. Glad all is well with baby and congrats on being 3/5 engaged!

Amber - good luck with the daycare, its such a hard decision to make and to know that this place will be caring for your precious cargo - the right decision has to be made. You have to go with your gut feeling on a place to know its right.

Neffie - Sooo can't wait to find out :pink: or :blue:, its going to be the longest wait but at least you have your babymoon to occupy you - have a great time!

Shell - glad you and OH managed to sort things out - I was holding my breath there for a while! Men can be such arses can't they. DH and I have fallen out over early scans and he's been really horrible!

:hi: to everyone else too, sorry not enough staying power to comment on everything at the moment.

AFM - Had my first midwife appointment on Tuesday and my plea's for an early scan fell on deaf ears - apparently I have to be bleeding to qualify for our EPAU.

Me & DH have fallen out over the whole early scan thing as he agreed with what the midwife said (i stupidly told him). She said that it will only give me a couple of days relief and then I will worry again and what will I do... book a scan every few days just to know everything is ok?...

She is the same midwife as last time and I didn't particularly like her then!
She also went on about my BMI and rang the doc to prescribe 5mg Folic Acid, went to collect prescription this afternoon and he queried it with her and has only given me 4mg - so he can't think that my weight is that much of an issue! (that's one in the eye for her!)

I have managed to work DH round to the early scan (its my body, like it or lump it!) and have booked one for next Saturday when I should be 8+4. :wohoo:
I am praying to god that everything is ok in there. Don't really feel pregnant anymore...[-o< please let everything be ok [-o<

I had been suffering with lots of MS, but did some research and stopped taking Pregnacare and resorted to just normal Folic Acid, and low and behold, I am only mildly nauseous now instead of retching and running for the loo all the time. I think it may be to do with the iron in the multi-vits, can make you feel sick apparently.

Anyhoo, some questions if I may...

I have been doing a lot of comparing with this pregnancy to the last - and one thing is, I have got a lot less cramping, hardly any... is this a good thing or a bad thing. I know cramping is supposed to be normal with things growing etc, but I hardly have any?

Also, I haven't noticed any body changes apart from my boobs feeling fuller, no nipple colour changes or veiny boobies - is it too early or should I be noticing things.

Any advice from you experienced pregsters :haha::haha: would be great - just to calm me down again...

Kizzy--so glad all is well with your little lady! hope things check out as well tomorrow too!

New--I posted a reply in your journal (I had been stalking it the last few days hoping to hear from you!). Short version here: glad you booked a scan, i would have done the same! Your symptoms thus far are very normal for how far along you are. Don't worry about the absence of cramping, that is not always a guaranteed symptom and your full boobs are a good sign! They will start to get darker later on in your pregnancy, so don't worry that they are not getting dark now!

AFM: We have the daycare matter settled and enrolled Grace today in the one we have chosen. I am happy with our decision, although not looking forward to the day I have to start leaving her there! Had first doctor's appointment today for fetal monitoring (where they put these bands around your stomach and monitor baby's hb and movements) and Miss Grace was not cooperating, but all is well! We were having a hard time getting her to wake up and move around. She was too happy snuggled away sleeping! I ended up having to eat a little chocolate to get her going. I have to go twice a week now for this for the rest of the pregnancy due to the GD. Hopefully she will be more cooperative in the future!!
Kizzy- sorry you had a scare. When C was 3/5 engaged he was born a few days later....

New- anything that puts your mind at rest is good in my book. Fingers toes knees and everything crossed for Saturday xx

Amber- great news about Grace's daycare. Well done for making your decision

As for me we had our scan and....


I'm so so shocked, still dont think its sunk in that C is having a little sister!
Kizzy - Glad to hear that all is well.

New - Sorry to hear about things with your OH. You won't always be in agreeance, but do as your gut tells you. As much as our OHs are supportive, at times they don't understand the entire gist of certain things. Glad to hear that you were able to get a scan for next week, that's great! As for your questions, my 2 cents would be to not compare every symptom to your previous pregnancy. In my opinion, that will just worry you more if things aren't identical. Not having cramping, and major changes with the body are completely normal. Stay positive, you'll do great! :flower:

Amber - Yay for selecting the daycare! That's one less thing you have to think about. Leaving Grace alone for the first time at the daycare will be hard regardless, but at least you know you have her in the best possible place. Glad to hear things went well with your appointment!

Sparkle - Congrats on team :pink:!!! What a trend it has been on this thread, ehh?? That's awesome that C will have a little sister soon! :)

Question for you girls. Did any of you get the flu shot? It's available at my doctor's office, and they have asked if I want to get it (from what I've read, it seems recommended). I'm leaning towards getting it just to avoid the 'what ifs' during flu season, but wanted to get some thoughts/suggestions.

Headed out for our babymoon tomorrow, so will catch up with all of you next week!
Sparkle--Congratulations on Team :pink: Pink:pink:!!! :happydance: Now C will have a baby sister to grow up loving and protecting!! Very happy for you!!

Neffie--I had gotten the flu shot in October of last year before getting pregnant again, so I didnt need to get one with this pregnancy. My MD did ask me about it though at my first appointment and told me that if I had not gotten it, they would have strongly recommended I get one.

I say if you anticipate travelling a lot and coming into contact with a lot of folks this winter, you may want to think about getting it. I probably would have gotten it myself if I had not already had it.
Kizzy - Tinks nursery is so cute! Makes me want to start Bo's nursery right this minute! and I love her wardrobe full of lovely little outfits! Sorry to hear about your scare...but glad all is well. and 3/5 engaged is very exciting!! :)

neffie - ooh, have fun on your babymoon. sounds abit like our weekend away in a B+B by the sea....make the most of it, as before you know it, little Coco will be here! not long now til your gender scan! regarding the flu shot, I will be having it next week or the week after. I have asthma, so I have the shot every year, and this year will be no different. Here in the UK, they recommend it for all pregnant women - and the earlier the better (september time).

Amber - well done for making such a difficult decision about Grace's daycare. But personally, I think you make the right choice - I would've chosen the daycare out of town too. It just sounds like she will be better cared for there. Although I can understand you being upset that you will not be able to visit her during the day...You have a sleepy Grace like my sleepy Bo. Hope she behaves herself next time!

New - sorry to hear you have been arguing with DH. Hope you make up soon. I understand your need to have an early scan, considering your past experience. I hope that it will put your mind at ease. Regarding your questions - can I say "please do not compare this pregnancy to your last one, or to other people's pregnancies". All pregnancies are completely different, and comparing them only causes worry and anxiety. Regarding the cramping, I had pulling, stretching and twinging rather than cramps. But Im sure its normal to feel nothing at all too. And regarding boobies, i didnt get blue veins until 2nd tri, and didnt get dark nipples until 3rd tri. I hope that you can start to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Im here if you need to talk.....

Sparkle - congrats on team pink! woohoo! another one for our team!! where are all the boys? lol. so glad all is well. cant wait to see some pics of your little princess!

Hi to everyone else :hi:
Ladies, thanks for all your support and well wishes, it just shows you never really stop worrying, I guess it's all part and parcel of being a mummy!! It's early hours and I can't sleep, once again I guess it's our bodies way of preparing us got what's in store!

Neffie, congrats on team pink, woohoo, lots of little ladies for us!!

New, sorry you and oh had a fall out with the scan, glad you are going with your instincts tho, you have to do what you are happy and comfortable with, can't wait to hear the results of your scan :)

Shell, doing the nursery was great, really enjoyed it and we both just keep going in there and looking around at it, it's beautiful :)

Amber, well done making your decision on the daycare, I am sure it will be perfect xx

Hi everyone else!!

Now, shall I have a toasted crumpet at 3.30am???

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