Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Afm, still nothing, I know I am being impatient as I still have 4 days til EDD but believe me ladies once you get this far you are ready and just want it to happen!! I had a curry last night but all that did was encourage the heartburn so now I am gong to bunce some more and eat some pineapple! And try to go for a long walk today. My sis in law said try nipple stimulation which I am giving a go but it's kind of irritating, you know like when you're a teenager and a boy thinks trying to tune in the radio via your nipple will turn you on? Haha! Neither Neil or I are up for sex so that's out of the question! And as I know and frequently tell myself, she'll come when she's good and ready!!

Who's due next after me? And when? Xx
New - I don't know hun. Can you ring them and ask them to explain to you what it all means. You can't take it all in at the time so I am sure you could do this.

I am thinking of you and so desperatly sorry that you are having to go through this.

Kizzy - you do really just want things to get moving by this stage. The not knowing when its going to happen is diffucult also.

Hope it happens really soon. XXXXX

AFM: OMgodness - I think the sickness has returned................XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Im sorry New :hugs:

Kizzy i have havent been on the thread in a while and WOW your almost at your due date congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: even thou your not up for sex have you tried making yourself orgasm i hear they works for alot of women :D
Here's what I got from the scan place.
Any comments on this welcome if anyone has any advice or guidance for me...

"TA & TVUS performed with patients verbal consent.
Bulky anteverted uterus containing an irregular gestation sac (30 x 30 x 19mm; MSD 26mm)
There appears to be a tiny embryo (3.3mm) but no evidence of any heart pulsations.
There is evidence of bleed around gestation sac.

Bilaterally the ovaries appear sonographically normal. No free fluid or adnexal masses.

Suggest rescan in 1/52 to reassess (in light of RCOG recommendations)"

New - this is what I can decipher from the above letter....

You had both abdominal and internal scans. They found a baby, but it was smaller than they expected, and they couldnt find a heartbeat.
They want you to go back and be scanned again in one week.
They are hoping that in a week's time, the baby will have grown, and they will see a heartbeat. If this is the case, then maybe you were not as far along as you thought (up to 2 weeks out?) and hopefully baby will be fine. However, if the baby measures the same, and still has no heartbeat, then it will be a missed miscarriage.

I trully trully hope that it is the first option....but perhaps for your own sanity, it would be best not to get your hopes up. Maybe you would best to believe its a MMC, and then if next week your rescan shows good news, you can be pleasantly surprised.

We are all here for you New :hugs:
New- shell has read exactly what I would into your report. Was this a private scan? Have you spoken to your gp?
My thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you xx
New - I'm so sorry about your Dr. Appt. - I honestly hate how they write medical reports so that no one but them can really understand. Did someone explain the results to you? I would call the office if you can. It seems there was no HB detected but there was a gestational sac (just not the right shape in their opinion) and an Embryo. Here if you need us - When's your next scan? :hugs:

To all Femmes Fetales: So sorry to have abandoned you these last few weeks...I have just caught up on all the news and so happy to see that most everyone is progressing nicely...both babies and bumps and nurseries and birth plans...my goodness there is a lot of pink in this thread! Happy little princesses! I have updated the Front page with all the new stuff...I'm missing your last two scan results Milos for some reason - when you can could you update me :). If I missed anything or made a mistake on anything just let me know and I can change it. My last day of work was Friday so I'm much more free and definitely want to be there for everybody here till all these babies are born safe and sound! Promise to be a better femme fetale!

KizzyT - How's it going hon...still bouncing away...so excited as you will be our first Femmes Fetales baby!

AFM: Little Blue and I are good just tired...still swimming...feet are like piggy feet by the end of the day all swollen no matter what I do. No homebirth in the end as the two midwives who practice them in the area are fully booked but still hoping for a natural hospital birth.
Kizzy - i ate half a fresh pineapple on the morning of the day i went in to labour, could be coincidence tho! I have 2 weeks and 6 days to go so not too far behind you! Good luck and looking forward to our first birth announcement! How exciting!

Grand - Hello! Nice to have you back, its tiring as you approach the end but glad to hear you and little blue are well.

New - Shell has said exactly what i would have made of your report too.I know there is nothing i can say to help but My thoughts are with you x

Hello to everyone else! hope you are all well. x
Grand!! There you are, welcome back honey, so glad all is well, how long have you got left??

Pixie I thought you were next, not long either hun and you might even go before me!!
So exciting xx
Mrs Grandbleu!!! :happydance:
I am so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking about you every day recently and was starting to worry.
I am so relieved to hear that you and Little Blue are doing well, but sorry to hear about your homebirth :(
Looking forward to hearing from you more often now you are on mat. leave.
Grand- So glad you are back, I was also beginning to get a little worried...

Cormack and I are off to look at 3 houses today. Hopefully we'll find something, I want to start Apple Alice's nursery! Have decided C is going to have a 'lighthouse' theme room and AA will have hedgehogs! Now we just need the house to go with it...
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your opinions, its pretty much the conclusions I came to after googling the life out of every word in the letter!
They did explain it to me at the time but all I could focus on was that I wanted to get out of there - I felt like someone was suffocating me and I couldn't breathe.

Been to see lovely doctor this morning who sat there and listened to me blub and has referred me for another scan on Friday morning - the delay is to see if there is any change in the baby. Doc said not to rule anything out at this stage.
I so desperately want to have some hope but I can't really as I am pretty sure of my dates and the fact that DH and I have not had :sex: since the 5th August - 3 days before I got my bfp.

Its a waiting game now - doc advised against a further ERPC if I can help it as I expressed concerns regarding a repeat procedure in case of scarring and future problems etc. Don't fancy a medically managed m/c but if its best for me and I'll recover quicker, then maybe I'll have to do it. (12 weeks for AF to return after ERPC)

I feel relatively ok at the moment, I have surprised myself, I don't know where the strength has come from but I'm getting through day by day

I thank you all for being here for me, I couldn't do it on my own without all of you :hugs:
New - I know you say you are sure of your dates....but so was I, and when I went for my first scan, everything changed.
I believed I was 7 weeks pregnant, due to LMP, when we DTD, when I got my BFP, etc. But the scan said I was only 5 weeks. There was no baby, just a yolk sac measuring 5 weeks. We trully believed that we were 7 weeks pregnant, and that the pregnancy had stopped developing at 5 weeks.
But we were asked to return 2 weeks later for a rescan. There, we saw a 7 week baby, with a strong heartbeat. We were surprised.

So in your case, you couldve gone for your scan when you were actually 6 weeks (hence the small embryo with no heartbeat) rather than the 8 weeks that you thought you were. When you go again on Friday, you may have a 7 week old baby there with a heartbeat.

You never know, Hun, it is possible. But try not to get your hopes up "just in case". I am here if you need to talk, anytime :hugs:
New - I never had a scan with my first M/C so I don't know what I would have or not seen. I am like Shell always hopeful...dates can be off and babies do develop individually and differently. I am glad you have inner strength that seems to be holding you together during this uncertain time. Don't do anything drastic until you know for sure and let your body and mind have time to grasp what is going on - I agree with your doctor about waiting it out and seeing what Friday's scan offers. :hugs: Many hugs and hoping for the best for you.

Pixie - Thanks hon...almost 36 weeks...time is flying.

KizzyT - I'm 36 weeks almost so I'm hoping only 2 more weeks...my mom and twin sister delivered between 36-38 weeks so I'm hoping I do too. He's head down and engaged and I've been having crazy Braxton Hicks since forever. Finger crossed for you that you have a lovely birth very soon...bouncing is good...I've heard castor oil in a smoothie (if you're brave), sex obviously, Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (try to get nice and pure at a health food shop maybe), Good Luck and keep us updated!

Shell - I've missed you! Sorry about the long hiatus but I'll definitely be more active now that I'm home and all the summer guests have gone (that's what happens when you live by the beach!)

Sparkle - So you're house hunting...so fun! Hope you find something perfect for your family. I love hedgehogs by the way...what an awesome theme for AA. My OH has a tattoo of one and we've got a little stuffed animal as well for baby.
New - I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. :cry: I really don't have any words of wisdom for you, except to concur with what some of the other ladies said. Your dates could you off by a couple of weeks, and maybe you were just early with the scan and it was too early to detect a heartbeat. Sending huge :hug: your way. We're here for you! I am still keeping my fingers crossed that Friday brings you some good news. :hugs:
Kizzy - It's almost time! Hope the bouncing, pineapple eating, and long walk do the trick. :thumbup: Can't believe we're already so close to having the first baby of this thread. =D>

Milos - Glad to hear that you had fun at your reunion. Virgin drinks, yummm! Although I must admit that I'll be ready for the day I can have a good ol' regular margarita again. :winkwink: Great news regarding the movement of the placenta, and that everything is fine with Squiggle. :thumbup: Enjoy the baby shower presents. :)

Bean - Sorry to hear that you're having a tough time at work. Maybe it's just your maternal nurturing instincts kicking in with the other children? Do you have a good relationship with your employer? I sure hope that they don't have any plans of just dropping you like a fly....maybe it's the hormones? :shrug: Hope it gets better soon!

Grand - :shock: :shock: :shock:!!!! (in a good way of course! :winkwink:) Where have you been missy?? [-X I was getting worried with you being MIA for so long. So glad to hear that all is well, and that you were just busy. Not too long now before petit bleu is here. Good to have you back, and yay for maternity leave!

p.s. Can you please update my August 12th appt on the front page? It was my 16 week scan, and all was well. They found Coco's heart beat right away, and I was measuring on track. Merci. :)

Sparkle - Good luck on the house hunt! Love the themes you've got going for C & AA. :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone else.

AFM, OH started painting the nursery this weekend! :happydance: Will post pics once it's complete...still have a ways to go, but hopefully it will be done within the next couple of months. We also ordered our stroller & car seat which should be here this week. I indulged in a bit of bargain shopping for Coco. Didn't buy a lot whole, but wanted to get a few things to give a bit of 'Tit for Tat Surprise' to OH. :winkwink: We are also getting closer to making our decision on getting a car in time for Coco's arrival. I love my current car to pieces, but it just wouldn't work with Coco. So I'll be giving it up soon (with a heavy heart, nonetheless...).

Question. Are you all planning on investing in an actual changing table, or have any of you considered using one of those compact travel changers instead?

Have a great day everyone!
Neffie - p. 1 Updated - thanks for letting me know...as for your changing table dilemma - we have a changing mat that somebody gave us for free and one or our wardrobes is the perfect height for changing so we're just going to put everything we need on there and not buy a specific table for changing. Good luck on your decision - If you plan to travel a lot and visit others that one that packs up sounds like a good option.
Good luck on the house hunting sparkle.. so cute themes.. love the hedgehog for a girl.. :)

Grand-welcome back.. happy to hear your doing well as is baby..

New-I too am keeping my fxed that friday will show a beautiful little baby with a nice hb..

Kizzy-so exciting.. I went 3 days early with my dd.. so could happen any time... cant wait to see the first little baby of the group.. :) seems to have flown by...

AFM-I am almost 16 weeks.. yay.. seems to be flying by for me too.. have a checkup on wednesday.. just to check the uterus height and hear the hb... then i will schedule my anatomy scan for sometime in oct.. so excited to see baby again.. feel like its forever between appts yet..

Well hope your all having a great day..
Grand - Thanks. For some reason though, the BB code is still messed up on Pg 1 for that particular update. Just thought I'd let you know.

Lil - Good luck at your appt on Wed. 16 weeks already, wow!!

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