Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

hey ladies, just a quick update from me, had my second "attempted" stretch and sweep today and again she couldnt do it, cervix is still posterior so she tried to pull it forward (ouch!!). I am booked in for an induction on Wednesday so if she's not here by then I'll be going in then, not what I wanted and I have been crying all morning but since seeing the m/w actually feel a lot calmer about it and hoping I'll just be able to relax until then as I am going to tell myself she's not coming before.

Hope you're all well xxx
Kizzy - Oh honey sorry about it all...I've definitely heard positive induction stories and you seem to have a really nice midwife...will she be there with you on Wednesday? I have a feeling "little blue" is quite comfy as well just like "Tinks" - Trying to keep myself busy so I don't fall into obsessiveness. How many weeks are you now? is is 40 or 41?
I am 41+2 now, so will be 41+5 at induction. I have also heard some positive induction stories (altho quite a few which turned into c sections too) so I am hoping I will be a positive one, I just feel a little let down by my body that its not ready or prepared and that I will need intervention, I know it's silly but I had just hoped for it to happen naturally. I also can't help but relate the process of induction to the process of having my d&c which brings back sad memories and is horrible to think of, I told the midwife that today and she said it's a different process which made me feel better and as Neil says this time it's for a good reason, not a bad one :)

Grand, do you have just three weeks left? I hope you don't go over and little blue comes as close to edd as poss, but if he is late then he, like my little tinker will be so worth it!

Funny isn't it, 10 months ago I was crying at no longer being pregnant and now I am crying because I still am, can't win!! ;)
Oh and re the midwife, never met her before today, I have seen about 4 this pregnancy and all have been lovely :)
I'm scared for a C-section as well because it seems scary and impersonal. Neil could be there with you right?

I know I'm so pathetic as well...crying and moaning about being pregnant and now just impatient to see the wee man at the end. I know I'm only 37 weeks but with 2 years TTC then losing wee nut last September and getting pregnant again in the winter I just feel like I've been on the "pregnancy" emotional roller coaster for 3 years...I think that's part of it as well making it seem longer than it really is.

:dust: here's some labor dust...some ladies go from nothing to something in the blink of an eye...still hoping you go naturally through labor.

Oh Kizzy your post made me squeam.

I was booked in to be induced with my first on day 12 after edd, he came the day before on his own. I do remember going in with some pains and the midwife doing something similar to me - she said I am just pulling your cervix forwards. Lovely I thought. Anyway I know that you have said that you are telling yourself it won't happen before, but it might. There is every chance that tinks will come naturally yet.

Grand - totally with you on lttc and then the pregnancy. It all mingles so you feel like that has been your focus for years.


Hi everybody hope that you are all enjoying your weekend. XX
Kizzy- I have heard sometimes the threat of induction can send some ladies bodies into labour. Thinking of you. Just remember however it happens at the end of the day you will soon have your beautiful baby.

Grand- fingers crossed for you too.

Just remembered I forgot to update everyone after my 20 week scan on Thursday. After waiting for an hour, blinking hospitals, and having to send my mum to collect C from nursery she was perfect! The woman checked that she was definatly a girl! She is right on track and a perfect size. So so pleased.
I've been super busy since then, my Mum has been over staying from Jersey and hubby has been away for the weekend. Saw the midwife on Friday and she was also pleased. They are still keeping an eye on my cervical length but other than that all is doing well. Seeing them again in 4 weeks.
Aww Kizzy, Hun :hugs:
I know that I would be feeling exactly the same if I was in your position, (and I may well be in a few weeks time), so theres nothing to feel guilty/ashamed of. I trully hope that the threat of induction on wednesday starts things off naturally between now and then. But either way, by next weekend, you will have the beautiful Tinks in your arms. And that all that matters in the end, isnt it? Thinking of you :friends:

Vix - hope you are enjoying your weekend away! and hope Libby makes her appearance shortly after your return.... :baby:

Imp - welcome back! hope you had a great time in Cuba. We want to see a bump pic! :haha:

Amber - glad Grace was well behaved at your appointment on friday. and good luck for your next appointment. dont be worried about it, Im sure it'll be fine :hugs:

Grand - 37 weeks already? full term - woohoo! well done on writing your birth plan (in French!) and packing your hospital bags, Im loving Little Blue's tartan bag! :thumbup:

neffie - where have you been? ive missed you! good luck with the crib shopping. in answer to your question, Bo will sleep in a Moses basket at the side of our bed for the first 4-6months, and then move into a cotbed in her room. Oh, and Im sure your hair looks great now youve had it done! :)

Pixie - 39 weeks?! eeek!! glad you are starting to sleep better, but sorry to hear about your sciatica. hope it gets better soon....still no sign of baby yet?? :nope:

Bean - hey there, how are you? :hi:

Sparkle - glad all went well with the scan on thursday. great news that Apple Alice is growing so well (and is still a girl!) :haha:

AFM: So this weekend, I am feeling down. I have enjoyed almost every minute of my pregnancy so far, and was starting to think I didnt want it to be over, coz I would miss being pregnant.....well now I want her out!!
I have had period pains, lower backache and the runs (sorry, TMI), which all make me feel lousy.
I also have developed very late-onset SPD, or similar. My hips and pelvis are in agony, whether Im moving or still. I cant lie down, sit, stand or walk, without being in pain.
I have bad heartburn and indigestion. and am starting to get quite hungry, as I cant eat much anymore.
I also desperately need a pee every 10 minutes...but when I sit on the toilet, only the tiniest of trickles comes out - even though it feels like my bladder is full.
But i need to keep her in until at least 6 october (11days from now), otherwise I wont be allowed my homebirth. ARGHHHHH!!

sorry for the rant :haha: glad to have got that off my chest.

Hope all of you ladies have had a good weekend :)
Kizzy--Aww hun, so sorry things did not go well today!:hugs: Keeping my fingers crossed that Tinks will make a showing before Wednesday for you! And don't fret about being teary! It is a very emotional time!

Grand--Happy Term!! :happydance: I hear you on the rollar coaster ride from TTC and on, the journey has felt so long and it is hard to believe we are nearing the end!

Bean--hope you are feeling well!

Sparkle--so glad to hear that your scan went well and that they confirmed you have a little princess in there!

Shell--my goodness, you just listed my symptoms right now to a "T"! I didn't even know there was a thing called SPD--if it is this horrible pain in my pelvic region that feels like my bones are being pulled in every direction every time I try to move, then I have it too! Arggh! The backache, the peeing (and when Grace moves, I swear she punches my bladder, because it is all I can do to get to the bathroom in time! sorry if tmi!), the hunger with the inability to eat too much due to heartburn and sore stomach (from being pushed into god only knows what shape by now!), I have it all too! :hugs: I try so hard not to whine about it, but sometimes I can't help it. Fortunately DH is very understanding and does his best to commiserate!

Pixie--hope your sciatica improves, and happy 39 wks!

Vix--hope you are enjoying your weekend!

:hi: to everyone else!

AFM: You ladies have me all nervous about induction now, I didn't know that it was so bad!:shrug: I will have to read up on it (or maybe I shouldn't so I don't freak myself out!). If Grace does not come by 39 weeks, they are inducing me, I don't have much of a choice due to my HBP and GD. I really hope that I have one of the success stories in that regard!

We are putting the final touches on the nursery, I will have final photos hopefully by later this week! Chair was delivered yesterday (I LOVE it, it is so comfy and everything I had hoped for!). We got the artwork hung (but one fell off the wall and did a little damage, so we are in fix mode on that--had to do some paint touch-up), and I have all of Grace's little outfits washed and in her dresser! We also purchased a cradle swing for the living room https://www.walmart.com/ip/Fisher-Price-Starlight-Papasan-Periwinkle/5430278 . DH put it together yesterday and I absolutely LOVE it!! Hopefully Grace will love snuggling into it during the day when I have to cook or clean, etc.

In all a pretty busy weekend, but I feel so much more prepared! This week I have to pack our hospital bag and get some finishing touches for the Nursery and Grace, and then it is hopefully cruise control until she is here!
Kizzy - I can understand your disappointment but just think, by the end of the week you will be snuggling up with your beautiful Tinks and it will all seem a distant memory. Like any birth, natural, cesarean, induced or whatever, they are all different so stay positive and i hope all goes wonderfully for you.

Sparkle - :thumbup: that all went well at your scan..... over half way now!

Grand - :happydance: FULL TERM :happydance:

Shell - Sorry to hear you are feeling miserable, the final weeks are very tough and emotional, i forgot just how much so until i reached them! I think we are more than entitled to a moan :haha: Hope you feel better soon, not long now!

Amber - How exciting to have nearly finished the nursery, i cant wait to see some pics. :thumbup:

AFM - Well Happy 39weeks to me! Now counting days and not weeks! Scary stuff! Still losing mucus plug now and then but nothing else to report! Im not expecting anything to happen this week, just a feeling. Have my sweep on Thurs so if thats able to go ahead then maybe that will kickstart something. Im getting impatient now to see what colour my yellow bump will turn! (i have several lovely blue outfits to exchange if it turns pink lol :blush:).

Hello to everyone, hope you are all doing well x
Oh Amber :hugs:
Now, I wouldnt wish pain or discomfort on anybody....but Im kinda glad you know how im feeling (if that makes sense). Its nice to have someone understand, and also to know that what I am feeling (physically and emotionally) is completely normal. I will try not to moan about it from now on, as I really am grateful to be pregnant and have Bo safe inside me :cloud9:
ps - SPD stands for symphisis pubis dysfunction. It is often called PGP (pelvic girdle pain) too, so maybe you have heard of it, but by a different name? It is when the muscles and ligaments that hold your pelvis together start to relax and stretch, which causes you to feel "pulled apart" in the pelvis/hips region. But I feel lucky to have got it very late in my pregnancy - some women get it in 2nd tri!! :(

Pixie - good luck with your sweep on thursday (although I hope you go into natural labour between now and then) Keep us posted!!

AFM: off for a relaxing 1 hour long facial, and 1 hour long manicure today. Treating myself after my rubbish weekend :winkwink:

Hope you all have a good Monday :hi:
Amber Hun I have known people have inductions and they have been absolutely fine. Like giving birth itself everyones experiences are different.

Shell - sorry you are feeling miserable. I really hope that you feel better soon. I can sympathise with the pains. I was up at 2.00 am with regular pains in stomach and lower back. Started to get really freaked out by it. Anyway turns out I have water infection. XX
Shell--:hugs: back to you, and I agree, it does feel good to know that we are not alone in the things we are experiencing!! And please feel free to groan, that is why we have each other! Like I said, DH does his best to be supportive and understanding, but when I tell him it feels like my pelvic bone is breaking apart, he just gives me this puzzled look, but is still sympathetic!! Some things are just hard for them to understand.

I have had this going on 2-3 weeks now, it started out pretty mild but has gotten progressively worse (which makes sense, as Grace is growing by leaps and bounds now, adding more pressure "down there"). The hardest part by far for me is work--now I know fully why so many ladies take maternity leave a bit early. I can't imagine doing any job where I have to be on my feet a lot and putting up with this pain. Fortunately my job is mostly a desk job--I do have stairs that I have to go between 3 floors, but I try to multi-task and do 3-4 tasks in one trip now instead of the old days where I would just jump up and do it!

Then there is the 1/2 mile trek to and from the car garage downtown--that can be torture with sore hips!!!

Hey--is anyone else finding themselves constantly thirsty? I can't seem to get enough water, tea, juice, etc. I told DH this am that I could probably chug the entire gallon of OJ and not bat an eye. I am not sure if that is normal or if it is the GD--my levels are all good though, so I am not sure. :shrug:

Have fun at your facial/manicure today, Shell! You deserve it!!! :flower:

Pixie--I can't wait to see your yellow bump turn pink or blue as well! So excited for you and will be avidly awaiting your announcement!!!

Bean--thanks for the PMA about induction. I am going to ask a lot of questions at my appointment on Thursday with the specialist at maternal-fetal medicine to make sure that, if I end up going through the process, I am fully prepared!!
Bean - sorry to hear about your water infection. I hope it clears up very soon!

Amber - I cant imagine still being at work! I really take my hat of to people who work this late into their pregnancy. I am so exhausted! I need to have a lie-in in the morning, a nap in the afternoon, and need to be sitting or lying down in between. lol. When do you finish work? soon, I hope!
ps, yes, I am always thirsty recently, so I dont think its your GD. I drink glasses and glasses of juice, water, and milk every day! Much more that I used to, and much more than OH drinks. So I think it must be a late-pregnancy thing??

Kizzy - any news today???

AFM: the facial and manicure were very relaxing. Ive booked in for a pedicure next week, as I cant reach my own feet/toes anymore! :haha:

SamB - Glad to hear that all is well with the little one, and that she is a healthy little kickboxer. :thumbup:

Pixie - Happy 39 weeks!! It's almost time! Good to hear that your nights are getting better. I hear you on the pregnancy pillow. So far it has done wonders for me, and I'm looking forward to all the assistance it can provide me in 3rd tri.

Kizzy - Any update??? Sorry to hear that the last sweep didn't do the trick. Hopefully Tinks will be here on her own before Wednesday.

Grand - Happy full term!!!! :)

Sparkle - Glad to hear that everything went well with your scan! That's great news that she's measuring right on track. :thumbup:

Shell - Sorry to hear about the SPD pains. Hope things ease up soon. You have every right to moan...all those pains don't make things any easier. Glad to hear that you were able to head out to the spa for some R&R time. And you still have your pedicure to come. :winkwink:

Amber - I've heard induction experiences are different for everyone, just like a pregnancy is, so try not to delve too much into it. Everything will work itself out! :hugs: Cute swing! I saw it at Babies R Us the other day. We'll be getting a swing for Coco as well instead of a bouncer. Have fun packing the hospital bag. Looks like you're ready for Grace's arrival. :thumbup: As for being thirsty, I seem to be drinking a lot more water in the middle of the night. Don't know what that's about either.

Bean - Sorry to hear about the water infection. Hope it heals soon!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

OH & I think we have settled on our crib & changing table selection. He is out of town for a couple of days, so we'll order them once he's back. We also purchased some drapes for Coco's nursery this weekend (after which OH lured me into a store talking about the 'possibility' of doing some baby shopping. I should have known better. :blush: 30 minutes later the cashier was asking me if I was having twins with all the stuff we had bought. :wacko: But everything was on sale and it was a super steal, so can't complain too much :winkwink:).

I've also booked a prenatal visit with a few pediatricians in the coming weeks. Need to decide on who will be taking care of Coco once she's here.
Thought I would entertain you all with some bump pics! Here is my 35 week bump, taken last Thursday....


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Neffie - sounds like you and oh had fun shopping. Lovely times.

Shell - love the photos. Have you got away with no stretch marks. Looks like it on photos. Lucky you if you have. Mine are shocking. XX
Ahhh fab bump shell, love it!

No news from me girlies, ten days over today but so much more relaxed knowing things will be started off on weds!!

Great to hear how well everyone is doing, fab news all round and so many of us just days/weeks from holding our bubba's for real!! Will we start a new thread when the babies start arriving? Where will it go?? Xx
Bean--so sorry to hear about the water infection, I hope it clears up soon!

shell--love the bump pics!! :thumbup: I too am jealous of the no stretch marks!! I have them everywhere it seems!

neffie--glad you have the changing table/crib all set to order, those are by far among the hardest things to settle on (at least they were for me!). Also sounds like you had a great shopping trip, which is awesome! Your little princess is already being spoiled by her daddy (as all little girls should be! ::winkwink:)

Kizzy--keeping my fx'd for you on wed!! As for a thread for us after delivery, I was wondering the same thing over the weekend. There is a section for groups in the lounge section for babies, etc. Maybe we can start a Femmes Fetales Babies and Beyond! thread in there! I would love for us all to continue to stay in touch, I have come to care so much for all of you!

And thanks for all the positive input on inductions. I still will educate myself a bit more on them, I thought they were just routine things that sped up delivery, and I have been getting such stellar medical care that I had not put much thought into any issues about it. I am also glad I am not the only thirsty lady, phew! Seems like it is normal for 3d trimester!

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