FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - who has done it, who is doing it.....

I know, my last ultrasound was today and everything looks perfect so its a go for thursday :happydance:
how are you doing?

Glad things are nicely cushioned in there!

I'm anxious! I had my day 10 scan, my lining went down from day 3 - which I guess is good cause I was worried my baseline on day 3 of 8mm was too thick. Its now at 6.9mm and they will transfer when its between 9 and 11 - so I start my estrace today! Also meeting with my RE tomorrow morning to get a better idea of when the transfer will be so I can take the time off of work....
I know, my last ultrasound was today and everything looks perfect so its a go for thursday :happydance:
how are you doing?

Glad things are nicely cushioned in there!

I'm anxious! I had my day 10 scan, my lining went down from day 3 - which I guess is good cause I was worried my baseline on day 3 of 8mm was too thick. Its now at 6.9mm and they will transfer when its between 9 and 11 - so I start my estrace today! Also meeting with my RE tomorrow morning to get a better idea of when the transfer will be so I can take the time off of work....

ah thats interesting. I was on estrace for 10 days then had an ultrasound, it was 1.2 (12mm) triple layering so added progesterone and I think they said 1.4 (14mm) today, and it was compacting which is what they want when on progesterone. hope you dont have to wait long!
I might have to wait longer than I thought then! Which isn't horrible, my birthday is in 2 weeks and every year my DH does something incredible for me, last year was a suprise trip to Miami... but this year we're laying low in case of transfer and its got me kinda down. I wanted to lay low and not do anything, cause I wanted to be a mom by this birthday, but at the same time I feel like every aspect of my life is taken over by TTC, and the fact that my birthday is being taken over by it is kinda getting me down too.... so maybe although I won't be doing anything extravagent, I at least can enjoy it a little bit if the transfer is after my birthday!

Your lining sounds perfect, I'm sure this will be it for you!!! What CD are you? Did they try to mimick natural timing? I was expecting to have been started on estrace sooner, not sure why they didn't...
I might have to wait longer than I thought then! Which isn't horrible, my birthday is in 2 weeks and every year my DH does something incredible for me, last year was a suprise trip to Miami... but this year we're laying low in case of transfer and its got me kinda down. I wanted to lay low and not do anything, cause I wanted to be a mom by this birthday, but at the same time I feel like every aspect of my life is taken over by TTC, and the fact that my birthday is being taken over by it is kinda getting me down too.... so maybe although I won't be doing anything extravagent, I at least can enjoy it a little bit if the transfer is after my birthday!

Your lining sounds perfect, I'm sure this will be it for you!!! What CD are you? Did they try to mimick natural timing? I was expecting to have been started on estrace sooner, not sure why they didn't...

after so many failed IUIs and 1 failed IVF I dont really feel this is it, everything was perfect for them too! I think I will get pregnant with 1 of my 8 blasts so I wont be surprised if it takes a couple of FETs. And yes, Im on CD 14 and transfer will be CD17, so it somewhat mimics but I dont think it matters as they control the environment with medications so its like a false cycle.

and I know exactly what you mean about birthdays....ive been trying for 2 years and every birthday, mothers day, anniversary, valentines day, xmas day has come and go with no bfp! so I try to not put any pressure on certain dates anymore. I hope you can enjoy your birthday, you might not want to travel far when doing treatments but hopefully you can do something nice. :hugs:
Just checking in! I have one more scan on Wednesday and then my transfer is all set for the 27th!

Sarah-Your transfer is coming up! Thinking plus thoughts!!
Just checking in! I have one more scan on Wednesday and then my transfer is all set for the 27th!

Sarah-Your transfer is coming up! Thinking plus thoughts!!

yay thats just over a week, not long :happydance:
and yes please think of me on thursday!
So I met with my RE today. He says I'll prob be on estrace for a week and a half, then progesterone for 5 days before the transfer... so once they tell me to start progesterone I will know the real date!

So since I started estrace yesterday, my prediction is a birthday (Feb 1) transfer - but we'll see! He also said that I can push the progesterone start around if it doesn't work with my timings, but once I start the progesterone, its exactly 5 days after....

Also, spoke to him about transferring 2 - as I do love the idea of having twins.... but he said he really thinks we should do just 1. Oh well.
I have a month calendar with Estrace and Vivelle patch still on it until further notice once pregnancy is confirmed. All the clinics are so different! I will get 2 cc's of PIO a day too. That's the worst part I swear!
Hey Ladies I found your thread after looking at what to do to maximise Frozen Embryo Transfer! I started my FET cycle on 2 January and am desperately awaiting ovulation (now on day 17 and its looking like its going to be a late one)! Now im worried ill have a short leutial phase!

Just to give a bit of history I had one natural pregnancy after having a sonohystogram (must have cleared something out) which I lost at 11 weeks. Since then I had 3x chlomid all BFN, 1 ICSI (21 eggs, 18 fertilised and 1 5 day transfered) BFN! Then the cycle directly following that I fell pregnant naturally (totally dont get it) but lost that one at 6 weeks. I just did another fresh IVF ICSI AGAIN BFN!!! Now I am going to do my frosty from my first IVF (I did not get a single blastocyst frozen from the second).

I have concerns I am doing an unmedicated cycle and my clinic doesnt do any US to check lining! Does that sound normal? I will be doing progesterone pessaries (at my request).

Wishing everyone BPF!
Hey Ladies I found your thread after looking at what to do to maximise Frozen Embryo Transfer! I started my FET cycle on 2 January and am desperately awaiting ovulation (now on day 17 and its looking like its going to be a late one)! Now im worried ill have a short leutial phase!

Just to give a bit of history I had one natural pregnancy after having a sonohystogram (must have cleared something out) which I lost at 11 weeks. Since then I had 3x chlomid all BFN, 1 ICSI (21 eggs, 18 fertilised and 1 5 day transfered) BFN! Then the cycle directly following that I fell pregnant naturally (totally dont get it) but lost that one at 6 weeks. I just did another fresh IVF ICSI AGAIN BFN!!! Now I am going to do my frosty from my first IVF (I did not get a single blastocyst frozen from the second).

I have concerns I am doing an unmedicated cycle and my clinic doesnt do any US to check lining! Does that sound normal? I will be doing progesterone pessaries (at my request).

Wishing everyone BPF!

hi and welcome!! so sorry for your losses :hugs: and bfns. Ive had many bfns myself, but never had a proper bfp. each clinic does things differently so perhaps on an unmedicated FET they dont need to do US as they are just relying on your natural cycle. I am medicated...estrogen & progesterone, so they have been checking my lining is perfect before the transfer (tomorrow---yikes!)
is this your last frostie?
wishing you lots of luck...please keep in touch :hugs:
Tomorrow! Your transfer is tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!!
Lining is 14 and has 3 nice lines. I forget what that is called. I'm good to go now and transfer is next Friday the 27th! Praying 2 out of the 9 make it to blast. They were frozen as zygotes.
sending all you ladies lots of love and luck. Sarah have everything crossed for u gl xx
yes this is my one and only Frozen and this is my last attempt so im super stressed about it working!
im back and +1...at least for a few days!! the first blast they defrosted survived :happydance: and looked good, it was rated at 4BB. They are kinda dehydrated from the freezing and they said it was starting to expand. Im now in bed for a couple of days. Say a prayer for us!! I go for my beta test next saturday, will know the results on sunday, and if it hasnt worked I only have to wait 2 weeks to try again with another one (or two) of my 7 :happydance:

I asked them if a blast that survives the defrost and thaw means its a good one, and she said its a good sign, but I dont think thats always true as lots of FETS fail. I asked them if they are picky about what they freeze and they said very, and just as fussy when defrosting too and if anything doesnt look 100% they get a 2nd opinion and decide whether to defrost another. so that made me feel good.

the 4BB was actually the best grade of all 10 blasts (better than the 2 originally transferred) so I asked if that meant its likely to perform better than one of my 2BB or 3BC frosties. They said its just a visual grading at the time and seeing as they cant see inside its not always a good indicator. I suppose thats why someone with perfect blasts doesnt get pregnant and someone with badly graded at day 3 does, as all that matters is whats inside.

Good luck Sarah. hope the 2ww goes quickly for you :thumbup:
Had my transfer today! Both frosties looked great. RE & embryologist said they looked as good as fresh embies! :happydance: Beta on 2/2. Good luck to all of us! It's a new year, new hope.
Had my transfer today! Both frosties looked great. RE & embryologist said they looked as good as fresh embies! :happydance: Beta on 2/2. Good luck to all of us! It's a new year, new hope.

Settle in little ones for the next 9 months!!! :baby:
im back and +1...at least for a few days!! the first blast they defrosted survived :happydance: and looked good, it was rated at 4BB. They are kinda dehydrated from the freezing and they said it was starting to expand. Im now in bed for a couple of days. Say a prayer for us!! I go for my beta test next saturday, will know the results on sunday, and if it hasnt worked I only have to wait 2 weeks to try again with another one (or two) of my 7 :happydance:


Sending sticky happy thoughts your way! :dust:

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