FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - who has done it, who is doing it.....

Ladies congratulations on the success of your FET! Im so happy to hear they all thawed and they were good grades! It gives me good confidence for my upcoming transfer on Friday (four days time). My clinic doesnt look at lining at all, should I be concerned and ask they check it? I only have one FET after numerous failed fresh (lots of fertilised eggs but few make it to day 5). I ovulated very late day 20 and BD like crazy from day 14 to 20 so hopefully ive doubled my chances. Im on 200mg progesterone now twice a day. What protocol is everyone using for FET?
Ladies congratulations on the success of your FET! Im so happy to hear they all thawed and they were good grades! It gives me good confidence for my upcoming transfer on Friday (four days time). My clinic doesnt look at lining at all, should I be concerned and ask they check it? I only have one FET after numerous failed fresh (lots of fertilised eggs but few make it to day 5). I ovulated very late day 20 and BD like crazy from day 14 to 20 so hopefully ive doubled my chances. Im on 200mg progesterone now twice a day. What protocol is everyone using for FET?

I started baby aspirin and estrogen on CD1, and started progesterone when my lining was ready...first it was 2x a day then it went up to 3x a day. Thats different that they are not checking your lining but every clinic has a different way of doing things. 4 days....not long :happydance:
Ladies congratulations on the success of your FET! Im so happy to hear they all thawed and they were good grades! It gives me good confidence for my upcoming transfer on Friday (four days time). My clinic doesnt look at lining at all, should I be concerned and ask they check it? I only have one FET after numerous failed fresh (lots of fertilised eggs but few make it to day 5). I ovulated very late day 20 and BD like crazy from day 14 to 20 so hopefully ive doubled my chances. Im on 200mg progesterone now twice a day. What protocol is everyone using for FET?

I started baby aspirin and estrogen on CD1, and started progesterone when my lining was ready...first it was 2x a day then it went up to 3x a day. Thats different that they are not checking your lining but every clinic has a different way of doing things. 4 days....not long :happydance:

How are you feeling Sarah??
so just got back from our hotel trip and did a frer......have a real squinter of a 2nd line :happydance: well wont get too excited as I had faint lines last time on frer but this time no trigger so it would be beanie. it doesnt show up on a photo unless I darken it, and hubby cant see it (he gets annoyed with me asking, I asked him to look 4 times as I couldnt believe he couldnt see it. finally he said he saw something faint. he has terrible eyesight even with contacts in!!). this morning was bfn but definitely a little something now....please please get darker [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
Oh my Sarah sooo exciting! I'm sure this will be it for you!!!!

I got a call saying transfer is Friday, but I've asked if I can start my progesterone a little later so I can push it to Monday and still go away for my birthday on the weekend. If I can't no biggie, they'll call me tomorrow and let me know what my dr decides, as I would have to start them tomorrow anyways.

My lining is at a 10.1 right now...
im pretty happy with my line this morning at 5dp5dt or 10dpo.
heres a photo, its a bit darker in real life.
im guarding my heart till beta as last time I got faint lines and hcg was a 6, so hoping these get darker everyday. my beta is on saturday and results on sunday.
good luck Dis3tnd, it will all be happening soon!!


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I really hope those lines get darker sarah, so exciting!! I don't think I'd have the guys to POAS, I'd be so nervous!
Update, RE says its okay to wait and my transfer is on Monday. So I will be going away for my birthday this weekend! :)

I hope I haven't messed anything up by waiting (ie. my lining doesn't get too thick). Its already at 10.1 and I am still taking lots of estrogen...
Im sure it will be fine if they say its fine, and it doesnt really start to be ready until you introduce progesterone.
as for poas, I prefer to be prewarned rather than waiting for the beta! it makes the week go quicker. Im keeping an open mind as its really the beta that is the proper result.
Sarah - that line looks AMAZING for only 10dpo ..... and you had no trigger this time. I totally get why you are being cautious but I can do a happy dance for you and keep all the positive thoughts going!!!!
Sarah - that line looks AMAZING for only 10dpo ..... and you had no trigger this time. I totally get why you are being cautious but I can do a happy dance for you and keep all the positive thoughts going!!!!

thanks springy :hugs: Im being hopeful but cautious. Im very happy with the line for 5dp5dt, but want to see it get really dark! I should be ecstatic as its the first time Ive ever had lines on my own but theres always that fear of the beta, then fear of the 6 week ultrasound etc. so like I say, Im very happy with the line for 5dp5dt and will take each day as it comes.

its funny, when she did the transfer she was holding the ultrasound wand right over my pubic area on the left side. and its the left side Im getting a few pinches...but nothing much, if I wasnt so intune I wouldnt notice them.

if I can get pregnant with my 39 yr old eggs I have no doubt you will be able to. this year is going to be our year :hugs::kiss:
Congrats Sarah, I really hope that line gets darker and darker :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I just joined the boards and wanted to say Congrats to Sarah! I had my transfer on the same day as you with a 4BB blast too. I hope I have the same success as you. :)
I just joined the boards and wanted to say Congrats to Sarah! I had my transfer on the same day as you with a 4BB blast too. I hope I have the same success as you. :)

omg what a coincidence!! are you going to test? :hugs:
I just joined the boards and wanted to say Congrats to Sarah! I had my transfer on the same day as you with a 4BB blast too. I hope I have the same success as you. :)

omg what a coincidence!! are you going to test? :hugs:

Isn't it?? I got so excited when I saw your post. My little 4BB looked a little sad compared to my first cycle (which, was a chemical just like yours!).

I have no plans to test. My beta is the 30th so I will keep you updated!! Please keep me updated on your progress too. Did you have any symptoms? :) :)
I just joined the boards and wanted to say Congrats to Sarah! I had my transfer on the same day as you with a 4BB blast too. I hope I have the same success as you. :)

omg what a coincidence!! are you going to test? :hugs:

Isn't it?? I got so excited when I saw your post. My little 4BB looked a little sad compared to my first cycle (which, was a chemical just like yours!).

I have no plans to test. My beta is the 30th so I will keep you updated!! Please keep me updated on your progress too. Did you have any symptoms? :) :)

4BB is a good grading, and they say its just a cosmetic grading and they cant know whats going on inside which is whats important...thats why people with badly graded embryos can get pregnant with twins and someone with perfect AA blasts doesnt.

my beta is on sunday and I will get the results the next day. boy its gonna be a slooowwwwwwww week!! you are so good not testing!! I couldnt resist and prefer to be let down gently or get hopeful!!

I havent had many symptoms, sore nipples but had that every month Ive been on progesterone. had a few pinches and sensations in the area where she did the ultrasound for the transfer so wondering if thats the implantation site.

good luck :flower:
Congrats Sarah! So excited!!!!

My embies were in my dreams last night. They started the thaw so I think I will call the lab and check on them. I get no reports which sucks.
The nurse gets daily reports and she won't be in until tomorrow. Damn. I'm calling back tomorrow for sure! :)
Congrats, Sarah!

I'm 7dp5dt and still getting BFN. We had two good quality blasts transferred (my clinic only rates them as good, fair or poor). I'm so disappointed and really surprised this didn't work. I usually get pregnant fairly easily so I thought for sure at least one would stick.

Ugh. On to try again next month I suppose.

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