Hi all! Back from the honeymoon now- and back to reality! I have load of marking to do since all the project marks have to be in by Friday and I have to do them all this week instead of having had the past two weeks too like everyone else!
The wedding was amazing- we loved the hotel where we stayed and had the ceremony. We called my parents on FaceTime the day before the wedding, and I shouldn't have been worried about them feeling left out- they were absolutely thrilled! The ceremony was so nice- we loved having it just the two of us (plus the two witnesses who were lovely, the registrar and the photographer). Gibraltar was really nice, and the honeymoon in Andalucia was amazing. The weather was perfect almost everyday and we saw so much beautiful scenery and got to do so many different things in our two weeks there. It was just great spending all that time with DH (yay- not OH anymore!) without any work or anything getting in the way. We did miss the cats though!
I'll share some photos once I figure out the easiest way- the files are too big from the wedding, and there are too many good honeymoon ones to faff around with uploading a few at a time, so I'll put them on more public site with a link at some point.