Tested against my better judgement this morning at 11dpo and BFN. I'm absolutely crushed.

Part of me was still hoping for a positive despite everything going on. I was originally going to test tomorrow as well, but now I'm not sure. I know it will be devastating to see the inevitable BFN on Christmas day. I've already had to endure BFNs on Thanksgiving
and Christmas Eve.
I've had sore, tingly boobs for 3 days, so it looks like AF will be here this weekend. If those symptoms were due to pregnancy, I would have had a BFP by now, but it was stark white on FRER this morning.

Looks like we're on to month #5...
If it doesn't happen next cycle, I think I may need to take a month off TTC because this is becoming too much for me. I feel like this is deja vu from TTC my daughter all over again (BFNs for all the holidays, depressed for all the family gatherings, etc.). I'm literally experiencing the exact same thing as last time. I just don't understand why I can never have happy news for the holidays like so many other people
I know I should be counting my blessings and being thankful for all that I do have, but I'm really struggling. The waiting and hoping every month, followed by disappointment over and over is just awful. I want to have faith and trust God's timing, but it's getting harder and harder. I believe He's in control and ultimately knows what's best, but I just can't understand His reasons for all this disappointment right now. I can't see how anything could possibly be better than having a BFP for Christmas
I'm reaching a point where I honestly can't imagine ever seeing a BFP... ever.

It's as if I'm destined to
always see that horrible, stark white FRER for the rest of my life. That may sound ridiculous but it feels very real. I think I might need to take a break from these boards for a while; it's just too painful
I don't know what to do from here. I'm feeling really depressed. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I want nothing to do with it now. I don't want to see family (just more stress and more babies to see). Yet again, just like Thanksgiving, I have to fake a smile and pretend like everything is ok. Tomorrow is going to be absolute torture
Now I'm crying and I have no choice but to just suck it up and go on with my day, not to mention handle a 2 year-old's temper tantrums at any given moment. I just wish I could fast-forward time. I feel very alone (my husband will never understand the pain).

All I want to do is crawl into bed and wake up a month from now.