Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Babies did great again. I'm starting to think that baby Oliver is really strong despite the concern with his growth decline. Monday will be interesting as we have our very last growth scan to see approx. how big they are when they're born the following Tuesday.

The doctor did seem a little concerned because I am having semi-regular contractions but she asked me if I'm feeling them or if they hurt. I told her that they don't hurt necessarily. I do feel them sometimes and they take my breath away definitely but not hurt .... yet. She said if at any point they start hurting that I should go into L & D. I was woken from my sleep last night 3 times with what I think were contractions that hurt but it didn't keep on going so I didn't think anything of it.

Either way I can't believe I'm going to meet these little buggers in 10 days! I am still terrified of the c-section but I am so excited to see their little faces, hold them, kiss them, and cuddle them. I love them so much. I've been waiting for this moment for 6 years so I'm just going to try and focus on that rather than the procedure itself. Plus, I was able to talk to one of the doctors about the c-section procedure and he answered all of my questions, even explained to me about the spinal block vs. the epidural because I really wasn't sure what the difference was. I will be getting a spinal block which once it wears off you're good to get up and walk around as long as you're able because of the pain of the procedure. And I like that it doesn't stay in there like the epidural. It freaks me out to have any type of needle in my back.

Anyways, I hope you're all doing well. Hubby and I are just doing final prepping for the babies and are deciding what we would like to do with our final weekends of it being just the two of us. :D
How exciting! Have they checked your cervix? Can't believe babies will be here!! It seems like it was just yesterday you had your bfp! I'm so excited for you and after everything you will have 2 babies!! Hopefully you'll make your c section date. Either way in 10 days or less babies will be here. I'm glad Oliver is strong despite some concerns last week.
My final growth scan was pretty accuracy. On the 29th it said 5 lbs 14 oz +/- 13 ounces. On the 3rd he was 6 lb 14 oz so. he ended up the higher range which inward happy with. But the growth scans can be off by a pound. Hopefully they will both be nice sizes.
so exciting 10 days Oh my gosh! enjoy your time as a couple before the cuties arrive!
Happy 36 weeks to my little loves! We are in single digits! I can't believe this is my last full week before these babies arrive. So surreal. We have an appointment tomorrow (NST and final growth scan) a meeting with my OB on Thursday, another NST on Friday, a final baby class on Wednesday so this week will fly by. Then the weekend (I think we may go up to Napa) and then Tuesday my c-section. It is crazy!
I don't know if I'll get around to posting a picture of my 37th weeks just because things are going to get really busy from here on out so I thought I'd post my 36 week picture. Here is it! I feel like I look like crap but it's hard to have the energy to do anything in terms of my hair or makeup so is what it is. I feel really big but really happy to have made it this far.
Happy 36 weeks! :flower: You look great hun!!! I remember how tough it was at the end of my twin pregnancy and I only got to 28 weeks, so I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are starting to get and how tired you are!! You are a super star though hun and the twins are healthy so everything is going to go just wonderful! :hugs:

Motherhood is an exciting journey and it is going to be like a whirl wind once the twins due date arrives! After everything you have gone through to have those precious twins I just know you will be an awesome Mommy! That is the one positive from the journey of infertility, we love our children so much and will never take them for granted!!!

If I get a chance I am going to try to make a list of things that I wish someone had told me about the C-section and some general advice! I read the books and watched the videos, went to the classes but there are a lot of things no one ever mentioned that surprised me!!! LOL! It isn't anything bad, but since I didn't know about it I was a bit surprised by some parts of the experience, if that makes any sense! The good news is that it happens so fast and once those precious babies arrives it will all just be a distant memory!!! Good luck with everything! I have you and your twins in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Happy 36 weeks! You look great and your belly is super cute! So so soon now!
Oh my goodness I can't believe you are so close to meeting your babies!! I've been barely keeping my head above water going back to work full time with two busy toddlers! I wish I could still be home with them but back to work it is.
You look fabulous!! So glad everything has continued to go well. Sorry that you will have to have a csection but your outlook on it is great. Most of us don't want to have a section, but sometimes it's just the best option to bring these little miracles into the world. So exciting you will be meeting them soon!!!
Ok so ... this is an exciting update.

The babies birthday has been moved up to tomorrow...

They both passed the NST, they passed the biophysical profile ultrasound they do buuuut when they checked Oliver's growth he dropped into the 5th percentile. The doctor said that because everything else looked ok they would be ok if we chose to keep him inside until next Tuesday however, we do not feel comfortable with that given he has only gained 4oz. since 2 weeks ago. We believe (and so do the doctors) that we will be able to give him more proper nutrition on the outside rather than the inside. Lucy still looks great, she was measuring 6lbs7oz. and he's measuring 4lbs15oz.

So yeah ... I have to be at the hospital at 10am and the surgery is scheduled for noon. Please wish me luck .... I really hope the surgery goes smooth and that I'm able to get some sleep tonight. I feel ... really afraid for the surgery still but I'm at least glad I don't have to wait another week and stress about it for another week. (obviously wish the babies could stay in longer but trying to look at the bright side)
sorry they can't keep cooking but I think your making a good decision mama knows beat! are you staying the night at the hospital or going back tomorrow? good luck hope Oliver is okay!
Omg Ashley!! Exciting but scary!! I hope Oliver comes out a little bigger!! Making 36 wks with twins is amazing. I hope they don't have nicu time but I know with Oliver being so much smaller it may happen. But remember ask for a pump as soon as possible if either twin goes and get lactation to see you. Hoping you don't need to worry about pumping yet and you get to cuddle those babies right away. Praying for all to go smooth. I can't wait for your update. Tomorrow you become a mom after 5 long years!!
I will be praying and thinking of you and the twins tomorrow! :hugs:I hope your section goes smoothly and the twins arrive happy and healthy! :hugs: I think you and the DR are making the right decision. Both of the babies are good size so they should both do really great! Even if Oliver has to stay in the hospital it won't be for very long! The twins will do great! :hugs:

Try not to be scared of the C-section! I know it is easier said than done, but it will be done and over with quickly and you will forget all about it once you get to see your twins! :hugs::hugs:

The c-section recovery really isn't bad at all. They give your RX pain meds but I only needed them for a few days, about a week at most. I was able to use tylenol to help with the soarness very soon after. The recovery from the surgery doesn't really hurt, it is just more of a soarness, i hope that makes sense. The best advice is to get up and start walking right away after the surgery. You will probably look at the nurses like they are crazy since they will push you to walk right away, but it is great advice! It helps with the soarness and helps you recover quicker. The hospital has any kind of meds you can imagine on hand! They have gas medicine which is great to use after the section since they put air in your stomach for surgery. They also have stool softtner if you need it to help you go since it can be a challenge after surgery! Anything you need just ask the nurses!!!

Buy some of those big granny panties briefs in a size or two bigger than what you normally wear for after the C-section. Loose flowing dresses or high wasted stretchy pants are great after a c-section because they come up over your c-section scar and they are loose/comfortable. Pack a warm bath robe to wear around the hospital.

A few things I remember that I wish someone had told me is that after the birth your legs will be very swollen! I remember seeing my legs and thinking what the hell is wrong with me??? I asked the nurse whether iit was normal or not since I had never heard of this before! LOL! This is totally normal though and the swelling goes down over time. They also give you pitocin in your IV fluids to make your uterus contract. I was pumping breast milk when I was home shortly after the birth and I had contractions. I was yelling out in agony as the contractions came in waves! Once again totally normal but no one warned me that this would happen! They won't discharge you from the hospital until you poop!!! After surgery it takes several days to be able to poop because of the anesthesia! I was so happy when I finally pooped and I told the nurse! LOL!!!! Your stomach still looks pregnant even after the babies arrive! It is not like the movies where a women gives birth and is back to pre-pregnancy body the next day! You are petite though so you will probably bounce back quickly! I was surprised by this though!!!

Just a few things about the NICU, or just in general if Oliver has to stay in the hospital a bit longer since he weighs less. They are going to want to make sure he can hold his body temperature on his own, nurse or bottle feed alright on his own and gain weight. The twins had feeding tubes and they were in incubators to stay warm. Bigger babies sometimes just have a warming light over them. Of course they they will make sure all vitals are okay. Sometimes babies have jaundice and need to be put under these blue lights for a few days,this is very common though. It goes away quickly though, and none of these things are to worry you, I just wanted to tell you a few things I remember so you aren't caught off guard. But hopefully you won't have to worry about any of this and your twins do great!

As far as pumping. The hospital will let you use their pump. The nurses are very helpful and there should be a lactation consultant to ask questions. Just don't get discouraged and hang in there, it might take several days but eventually your milk will come in! I preferred pumping because it meant the twins could be bottle feed and your DH can grab a bottle to help out with feeding the twins to give you a much needed break from time to time! I made it to about 4 months pumping for the twins. Eventually I couldn't meet their milk demands. Keeping up with 2 is a challenge, but formula is always an option so just do the best you can and don't be to hard on yourself. Being a twin Mommy is exhausting but wonderful and rewarding as well! I do think even though I wasn't able to pump as long as I originally wanted, those few months of breast milk that the twins had made a huge difference, and I am sure they were both healthier as a result!

Sorry for the long post, I was just thinking about the things that stood out to me from the experience and anything I could tell you which could be helpful with your L&D experience! I hope I helped and feel free to ask me anything or PM me!! If you need any tips on keeping up with 2 at the same time than don't hesitate to ask. I remember the advice I always got when I asked about taking care of twins was to keep them on the same schedule, well this advice never worked out for me. I can tell you more about this another time, since I am falling asleep typing this!! LOL! Good luck tomorrow!! Please update us girls when you get the chance!!! :hugs::hugs:
Thinking of you and the twins today I hope all goes well - today you become a mummy :cloud9:

You have done amazingly getting them to 36 weeks
What exciting news! I can understand your trepidation - surgery is surgery. But this kind of surgery is different : you have your two little miracles at the end of it! <3

Wishing you all the best for the surgery, that everything goes smoothly - and that both of them do brilliantly earth-side :)

Looking forward to hearing all about it once you're up to it xoxo
Hope you were able to get some rest last night. Very exciting and nerve racking news all rolled into one. Hope everything went smoothly today and you're all doing well. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little beauties!!!
I bet things are crazy right now with the two little ones here but I can't wait to hear all about it when you are up to it! Congrats :)
I am hoping that you are your precious twins are all doing wonderful! I hope L&D went smoothly and you are healing up good! Congrats! :flower:

I wanted to add to my previous post, I was thinking about when I was pumping for the twins and how I was a super star at one point! I had like 60 bottles of milk in the NICU freezer when they were small at one point. The hospital can give you lots of plastic storage bottles for the freezer.The nurses would give me big bags of them to take home. I think if you like pumping it is one way to get ahead of the game and keep up with two hungry babies! If I remember correctly you can keep milk frozen for up to a year. I also had one boob that made twice as much milk as the other. Weird, I know but no matter how much I pumped it still stayed that way! I also personally liked bottle feeding because I could keep track of how much each baby was eating since weight gain is a big concern when they are really small,plus it is really nice to have DH be able to help out with bottle feeding from time to time when you need a break.I wish I could of stuck with pumping longer but this is some advice I thought might be worth sharing! Good luck! I hope you 4 are doing good! I am excited and looking forward to seeing your update! :hugs:

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