I saw the doctor last night and blood was all good! i asked when the first scan would be and he said i could have a 6 week dating scan! Has anyone had this? is it safe to do? What am i likely to see??
Also a couple more questions, they are advising me to have the flu shot. is that really necessary? has anyone else had it? i'm normally wary of vaccination as i had an allergic reaction when i was a baby to my MMR, broke out in a rash, and then developed vitaligo. but i've been fine since. But i'm concerned about the flu as before we were ttc another doctor said we should have our flu shot but not to ttc for 3 months after, as our honeymoon was then we didn't want to have to take precautions so didn't have the shot. so why would we have it once there's a baby in there is it not bad?
Also, anyone else have severe bloating at 5 weeks? i look like a have a 5 MONTH bun in the oven! I normally get bloated but never this much! just wondered if anyone else has had similar symptoms?