first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Gag-I'm sorry your out :hugs: but at least you see positivity in it ^^ I bet next month will work out ^^
Gina-hahah I can see how they would screw that up haha xD I like it lol.

Les-sorry your not feeling well. Hope you don't stay sick long. :hugs:

AFM so looks like my temps finally are constant.. no up or down. Seems more like they are gradually rising so that's good right? I don't think I'll be getting crosshairs because of the missing temps. But next month I'll be sure to take it every morning. I'm used to it now. Do it automatically. ^^
Vel- thank you! :hugs: no reason not to be positive.. This was our first month and I've had the mirena in for eight years. I'm pleasantly surprised my body leveled out so quickly. Not to mention my dh and I get another month to enjoy the process. I've waited 31 years to be a mom.. One more month isn't going to be detrimental.
Ji-ner :rofl: I read it as geener like you intended when I first saw it, but I totally see how ppl have ruined it for you! It is funny though :p We'll stick to Gina haha

Glad you like temping, Vel!

Les, love the video!!

Gagrl, fx for next cycle <3 it will happen soon I'm sure <3

AFM, 2DPTS, didn't take any tests this am, I woke up at 330 too tired to fool with it and had to pee too bad lol so when I got up at 8 i was just over it. Am going to test tomorrow before work though, might even stick with testing every other day. It was a nice break. Successful BD last night with EWCM (no mistaking it!!), no preseed needed! It seems like everything is just showing up and acting as it should. Praying it will continue to go so well. Seems like such a stretch though. Feeling less crampy though so I think I ov'd yesterday. Going to BD tonight as well, doctors orders :winkwink: and might go another day or two to play it safe. DH is loving it, so why not? Lol!
Wifey, thank you. Keeping my FX for you.

AFM, I'm ready to start a new month. I have contemplated not temping this month even though it's only our second TTC as we have a bunch of stress with my father in law in the hospital already, but I also don't want to miss my O day either because I'm not temping.. So I'm going to order some opks off Amazon I think.. I know my dh is really upset about this whole thing with his dad and I don't want to stress him out anymore by TTC.
Hi all! I'm new to this thread and to the forum but feeling like this is such a great resource and online community!, My husband and I are excited to actively start TTC this cycle. I have been off of BCP (Yaz) since January and have had two LONG cycles (41 and 46 days). I'm pretty sure both were anovulatory based on length and monitoring of CM, but wasn't consistently temping or using OPKs. It's been an anxious few months for sure!

We are now ready to actively TTC and I'm HOPING that my cycle begins to regulate a bit this time. My husband is raring to go and has major baby fever himself and announced this morning that we need to start BDing every other day now! I'm a little concerned that based on the length of my past two cycles, we might burn out before I'm even close to ovulating... Also don't want to get discouraged if this is another anovulatory cycle...

Any insight or advice to starting our TTC would be most welcomed. I plan to use the Clearblue Digital Ovulation tests and am hoping to temp consistently this cycle, though I find it very difficult as I often wake up in the night and wonder how accurate my temps are.

Thanks in advance for any advice guys! :)
Sorry about impending AF Gag. Great attitude tho!

Vel temps look good! Steady temps are a good thing!

Wifey soooo happy things are going well!

Faye, :hi: it does sound like those may have been annovulatory cycles. I hope you start ovulating soon. I took yaz for a year or so and hated it but most people will get back to regular cycles within a few months. I always wake up during the night and I can temp no problem. I do prefer temping vaginally but this month I've been doing it orally again so my temps are a little more crazy than previous months as I breathe through my mouth at night. But it will still show a definite trend. I'd say if you are worried about running out of steam, you can do every few days until you get a high on the opk (or none at all until then) doctors don't actually recommend BD constantly when it's not around O. I mean if you want to that's fine but they say it won't increase your chances. It will only increase things if you don't track when you O at all so to make sure you don't miss it. You don't want it to turn into a chore (which it easily can) so just listen to your body and DTD when you want to, not when you feel you have to in order to keep to a schedule. Hope your ttc journey is a short one!

Afm high on my cb digi today! So it looks like my old one was broken as I haven't gotten anything other than a low in months. It was so nice to see that flashing smiley. Still having dye or spotting from my HSG but I hear that's actually good for :spermy: the dye creates a great environment for it so hopefully it works. I was sooo afraid I already O'd just because I was having fertile signs before my HSG but getting that and then my really low temp this morning looks like I still have a chance :)
Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Gina! You are very knowledgeable! :)

I am hoping that I can get back to regular cycles soon. Kicking myself for not going off of BCP sooner, but I was just so nervous about how my body would react.

I was sort of tentatively planning to temp vaginally too, as I wear a mouthguard at night (for grinding- it's super cute) and wasn't sure if that skews temps... My DH will definitely be weirded out, but he'll have to get over it!

And your BDing plan sounds like a good one! Just so nervous that this will be another crazy, anovulatory cycle and we'll feel so discouraged.

And one more question-- how do all of you have those cute graphics and info at the bottom of your posts?!
Welcome Faye. You can go to User CP and Edit signature to add a description of you're family/where you're at in your TTC journey. The little graphics will be on the right.
Hey there newcomer ^^ yeah i agree with gina.. those cycles def sound like annovulatory but let's hope this month will be better. But be prepared that it could be another no go... you could also be ovulating but no period. I read somewhere where that can happen too.. So who knows you should def do temping.. try the digis def just to also have that covered. Don't be discouraged if you dont get a peak on them.. I didn't but i still ovulated due to my chart ^^

and about the temping; i have a son and he sometimes wakes a lot or only once or not at all which makes me sleeping pretty all over the place too yet it still worked with temping ^^ just make sure you temp around the same time and i'd do it vaginally if i were you because i don't know how it works with a mouth guard but just to make sure i'd do it there ^^

Hopefully you do ovulate and get a bfp quickly ^^ Fingers crossed that you have a really short ttc journey. And believe me we all know what it feels like with being disappointed.. ^^

Ps: did you always have a normal cycle before you went on BCP? Ever had any problems with that? You could still go and get like a pre-ttc check out from your doc before starting just to rule out things that might get in the way. Can't hurt getting blood done and just a pap smear and stuff ^^

oh and the cute little things under our posts are signature.. if you push on top USER CP, it'll lead you to your account page and then on the left scroll down until you see Signature.. there you can make your own. ^^ and if you want to add your chart from fertilityfriend then just get the bbcode from their page ^^ you just costumize it however you want ^^ good luck <3

and again welcome

Gina- Yay for high on opk ^^ oh hopefully this dye will help this month round ^^ i have a good feeling for you :)

gag- I'm sorry about your FIL.. Hope he gets better.. That's always rough to do ttc.. i'd say just go with how you guys feel this month. Try to still keep an eye on how you O and stuff this cycle but take it how it goes. :) you should def give us a piece of your positive outlook about ttc :D we all need that :rofl:

AFM for some reason i am super super horny the last few days... i think me and DF are doing it more then we have in the last few months XD don't know where this is coming from...
and omg my thrush i gone i think.. I have watery cm up the wazzoo!! yay !! XD i'm so happy... even if i'm not pregnant this month atleast my body is going back to normal hopefully ^^ and also i feel so relaxed this time around. I don't know what dpo i am on this time so i'm not obsessing about symptoms which is so relaxing.. :)
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Feel excited to have found such a supportive community :)

And thanks for the feedback and advice, Vel. Am definitely planning to temp and use digital OPKs. And will temp vaginally just to be safe. Trying to be optimistic and not get too stressed or obsessive. Will upload my FF chart once I have some data to report!

In terms of my cycle before BCP-- I wish I remembered more and paid closer attention! I've been on BCP since I was 19. Did not have any issues before going on BCP and got my period regularly. Went on the pill purely for contraceptive purposes. Not sure how long my cycles were then unfortunately...

I see my OBGYN annually and she always reports that things look great. I did go in for a pre-conception visit but that was about a year ago (had to put off getting pregnant when I took anew job unexpectedly). She did some blood work and said everything looked good and pretty much just said, "Call me when you're pregnant!" What would blood work have been testing for?

Thanks again guys! <3
Thats great you did everything then ^^ so now you just have to wait till your body goes back to normal from the bcp and then you'll probably conceive right away ^^

Bloodwork only checks if you have an deficiencies, thyroid problems or anything else that might prevent you from getting pregnant ^^ but i'm glad you are healthy ^^

And no problem about the warm welcome. This is a great group you found here. I have to say these ladies are amazing. They are so supportive and if you need advice or even just somewhere to vent or anything just talk to us ^^ And can even be something that has nothing to do with ttc ^^ everyone is super supportive :)

FX your cycle is normal this time around :)
Guys I think I talk about you all too much to my hubby. He had a dream last night that I had you all over to my house to hang out and he was connecting the screen names to faces all night. :rofl: :haha:
Guys I think I talk about you all too much to my hubby. He had a dream last night that I had you all over to my house to hang out and he was connecting the screen names to faces all night. :rofl: :haha:

Lol Gina that's hilarious. My husband asked me how I can talk to random woman about TTC, and I'm like, babe these ladies understand.. There is no judgement lol.
Exactly! We may all be strangers but we are all going through the same thing and can be here for each other.
We must have a soul connection, Gina -- Totally had a dream last night that I ran into you at WalMart, and we just went about our day together since then :rofl: I remember thinking in my dream, "I run into this girl everywhere!" :haha: I wish!!

I'm totally down for a BnB reunion one day -- I vote we go to Lesondemavie's and get some California love <3 <3 I feel like I get so much better information from other people than reading articles, too. It's so much easier talking to ladies who have "been there, done that" than just random comments on WebMD or stuff. Before I joined BnB, my google searches would always lead me here, and I would get the best answers. I loved creeping on it and reading peoples updates. Eventually, I couldn't take it and had to join the convo! I'm pretty sure I'm a lifer. Can't wait to have a pregnancy journal, pregnancy buddies, and someday a parenting journal. This is the best support system possible for me. <3

Welcome, Faye! <3 :hi: <3

AFM, 2DPO and symptom free. This TWW is going to be killer! Even DH was like WTF when I told him I won't have a reliable result until the 24th. We DTD the past 4 nights in a row - we must have a good chance! Might try to keep him going tonight to be sure. My OPKs are still blazing positive, and IC's are still faint. Might pick up some dollar store hpt's tonight and compare those lines to my IC's. I'm not concerned that the IC's are faint, but it seems weird to me. I've found many "test out the trigger shot" HPTs and they start faint, go BFN, then either come back with BFP or stay BFN. So since mine seem normal to other womens, I feel just fine with it. But just interested in seeing if another brand would come up darker.
Awe! Maybe that's why I slept so bad last night! :haha: I am all for a bnb get together!! I read alot of forums before I ended up on this one. Even posted on one and got some rude comments. Everyone on bnb is so much nicer and more understanding than on other forums.

Your opks might still be so positive because of the hcg. Some of them pick up hcg too. It must be fun to see a second line even though you know it's just the trigger!
My bad hahaha :p

It is so fun!! Lol! Just hoping it comes back once I get BFN - or ideally, I'd keep the BFP and it will just get stronger towards the end. I can't stop thinking about how much I want this. It's going to be a long TWW!
Wifey I'm so excited to follow along with your tww.

I'm all for a reunion.. Selfishly though I'd vote for somewhere on the East coast lol.
Haha you're all welcome here in sunny California wifey (although recently it's just been pouring rain - which we desperately need). Hope you get to keep that BFP!

Trying to figure out if I have a fever or O'd early or just didn't sleep well. I don't remember waking up, but I did have a bad dream. My opks are still negative but getting there. I'm going with fever for now. Guess we'll see what my temps do tomorrow. Being sick in the fertile week is so confusing!
Gag I'm in CT so east coast would be easier for me too but I wouldn't mind an excuse for a trip to Cali ;)

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