Hey there newcomer ^^ yeah i agree with gina.. those cycles def sound like annovulatory but let's hope this month will be better. But be prepared that it could be another no go... you could also be ovulating but no period. I read somewhere where that can happen too.. So who knows you should def do temping.. try the digis def just to also have that covered. Don't be discouraged if you dont get a peak on them.. I didn't but i still ovulated due to my chart ^^
and about the temping; i have a son and he sometimes wakes a lot or only once or not at all which makes me sleeping pretty all over the place too yet it still worked with temping ^^ just make sure you temp around the same time and i'd do it vaginally if i were you because i don't know how it works with a mouth guard but just to make sure i'd do it there ^^
Hopefully you do ovulate and get a bfp quickly ^^ Fingers crossed that you have a really short ttc journey. And believe me we all know what it feels like with being disappointed.. ^^
Ps: did you always have a normal cycle before you went on BCP? Ever had any problems with that? You could still go and get like a pre-ttc check out from your doc before starting just to rule out things that might get in the way. Can't hurt getting blood done and just a pap smear and stuff ^^
oh and the cute little things under our posts are signature.. if you push on top USER CP, it'll lead you to your account page and then on the left scroll down until you see Signature.. there you can make your own. ^^ and if you want to add your chart from fertilityfriend then just get the bbcode from their page ^^ you just costumize it however you want ^^ good luck
and again welcome
Gina- Yay for high on opk ^^ oh hopefully this dye will help this month round ^^ i have a good feeling for you
gag- I'm sorry about your FIL.. Hope he gets better.. That's always rough to do ttc.. i'd say just go with how you guys feel this month. Try to still keep an eye on how you O and stuff this cycle but take it how it goes.

you should def give us a piece of your positive outlook about ttc

we all need that
AFM for some reason i am super super horny the last few days... i think me and DF are doing it more then we have in the last few months XD don't know where this is coming from...
and omg my thrush i gone i think.. I have watery cm up the wazzoo!! yay !! XD i'm so happy... even if i'm not pregnant this month atleast my body is going back to normal hopefully ^^ and also i feel so relaxed this time around. I don't know what dpo i am on this time so i'm not obsessing about symptoms which is so relaxing..