I'm in Texas so Central Standard Time. I'll be testing right before I head to work so around 7:15-7:30! What about you guys?
Gina, I guess it's either AF or implantation? If implantation, testing tomorrow probably won't show anything either but I'll still give it a shot if no AF by then.
Am in GMT +2, so its almost 9:00 pm here.
I will test with FMU.
Now am having a weird pain in the side of my breast, underneath my armpit. I had it a couple of days ago on the right one.
Well, lets see if I see something tomorrow morning!
Fingers crossed for you Esperanza!!! I'm hoping all of us get a big fat (or hell even a little tiny) BFP tomorrow. Gina what time in the morning will you test?
I don't have my hopes up. More just going to test to be sure before I get my teeth out. I don't want any doubt in my mind going into it. So you'll be testing around 8 my time. I'll make sure to check! FX you get that positive! No matter how faint it is! Lol.
Ok! am excited already!
Gina how is your nausea? Any sign of AF yet?
Am glad you guys are testing in the morning, so I will run some errands in the morning here and then come home and maybe I can see an update here already!
Hey Esperanza. Nausea isn't bad today. A little here and there. I already think I had AF. Just really light so it might not have been. if it was I'm on CD5 right now.
BFN for me too! So frustrating. I guess I'll wait another few days and test again. If I don't get anything in another week, I will be making an doctor appointment to get blood tests done.
That's so frustrating! Latest I have ever been was 6 days. To this day I still have no idea what happened that cycle. I was convinced I was pregnant but no test would show it and then I just randomly started 6 days late. We weren't trying at that point so it was a relief. That's the only time other than being pregnant I have ever been late. FX that BFP shows soon!
I have another weird update. I woke up with an awful headache this morning, and have noticed pinkish CM/very light spotting this afternoon. Could be AF on her way, but no cramps. I'm so over this cycle!
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