Praying for you, Gina! Hope you get your BFP, Tough Mudder Baby!! I like the approach of if it sticks that's amazing, if not I wasn't trying anyway. It definetly feels 10x less stressful this way. Hoping your symptoms are a sign!
Esperanza, I agree with pp - don't leave! Everyone here is so truly happy for you. And we need some babydust! haha! I love to read your updates, and we need your input!
Hope you're doing awesome, mini
Hi RexMom! :wave: I've heard many many times how the relaxed approach got people their BFPs - coughESPERANZAcough - lmao! I don't know what it is about it, but sometimes it sneaks up on you. Maybe that will be the case for Gina too
AFM, I had one day of pink spotting, one day of brown spotting over Labor Day weekend... Thought I would finally get AF (cycle days nearing the 60's) but no. Just weird spotting. That has never ever ever happened before..

Still taking HPTs just in case (I don't feel or suspect pregnancy at all, but testing just to make sure) So I'm getting more lost as this appt approaches. Please let my OB/GYN give me some help.. Trying to stay positive but it's hard.
A friend at DH's work told him that he and his wife were TTC a couple months ago - and they are now pregnant. When DH told me, I was genuinely happy for them and said, "Aww, yay! how cool!" (thinking I know how TTC feels and glad for her success story) and he just said "yeah" all quick and deep-toned. Not sure if he has some feelings he has yet to share with me. In the past, I've cried to him how "everyone but me" gets pregnant, and he's always been so supportive. Now I'm wondering if it's taking a toll on him. Our NTNP time to us was more like, NTNP but secretly hoping - Which almost felt like light-weight TTC. I keep reminding myself that I've only been TTC since July, but it just feels like its been so much longer with NTNP.... Vent over!
What's everyone up to this weekend?