I just read this, and if it's accurate, then FOR SURE I have a little sticky bean!
I still can't tell for sure about the second test, but the control line is lighter on that one so it would make sense if the test one doesn't show up since the first was so faint but with a much darker control line.
OMG you ladies!!!! I am afraid to believe it!! I need one more confirmation!!!
"I work in a urines lab, so I may be able to shed some light on this situation! A pregnancy test is only valid to read between 3-5 minutes (some brands may be read as early as 2 minutes, but they should never be read after 5 minutes). So, I'm not sure what color an evaporation line is, but I would say that ANY line you see in the test area between 2-5 minutes would be considered a positive, as long as the control line is showing clearly!" (https://community.babycenter.com/post/a852805/evaporation_line_vs._faint_positive)