first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

I think the best you can do is go to the doctor fertileflower. Atleast she can tell you what's up. :)
how is everyone today?

My back is killing me and my abdomen is cramping but besides that all is good :)
Sounds like some good signs. Even if it is early lol. I'm doing good. No real symptoms. Feeling constipated though. Probably due to not having any caffeine today :haha: random waves of nausea after I eat which could all be in my head. Just ever so patiently waiting to test in 9 days! :)

Fertile flower how are you?! On the edge of my seat waiting for you to test again! :)

Magical, hoping AF stayed away!
I hope it is good signs and not just me imagining things again... hahah...

Fertileflower can't wait to hear your new results. :)

Magicalmom hope your af stayed away...

We are here for you two :)

Lots of babydust. :dust:
magicalmom2be It's by no means a for sure yet. :/ How's things on your end?
Hoping you will get your BFP.

Velathria and Gina, what DPO are you on?
I know you are still early in the tww.
Baby dust and hope this is our month!

AFM. Well, no news is good news? I woke up this morning with pre a/f cramps again. Felt miserable and that it would start any moment. Took another IC. No discernible line. Felt my heart sink. Looked at the tests from yesterday. The two blanks now have faint evaps. The positive is still positive and definitely purple/pink but there is now a bit of a dye run around part of the line. I'm still confident that one is a definite positive. So I am so confused right now!!!
How can one be a clear positive within the time limit and then the other ones being negatives? Still going from hope to despair and back to hope again!
Oh that is rough... best bet though is going to the doc... or when is your af supposed to come?

I'm on dpo 5 so not that far in... having aches and really tired but that could be pre-AF symptoms. .. so not getting my hopes up....
Fertile it could be that you are right on the edge of the hcg level needed for the test. So it might show up on some and not others. Like if it needs to be at 25 and you are at like 24. Or if it is different brands or even different lots it could change the sensitivity a little. I am keeping my FX for you.

I am 4 dpo. Seems like it is going pretty quick. Had a dream about getting a blazing positive last night. So hoping it will happen when I test. I have 6 FRERS waiting for me at my house right now :)
Yeah it actually is isn't it? I'm busy with my son just starting playschool... so proud of him ... he already didn't need mommy after one day... :'( he is growing up so fast.... he looks so cute with his little uniform on :)
I really really want that bfp this time.

Lol gina your all read :) oh btw my opk kits finally came xD 5 days too late. Lol but they have pregnancy tests in them so atleast I will have plenty
Velathria, I would, but I don't have a good gp set up here yet. (New town, been here 6 months and rarely go to the Dr for anything)
I also don't want to go through all that hassle and extra cost only to be disappointed.
I'm not even buying a FRER yet. A/F was due yesterday and is usually quite on time. Especially with these type of cramps. It would still not be completely abnormal to be just one day late, it happens.

Gina, that's what I am thinking/hoping it is. If that positive was a false positive, it was so convincing they need to warn people for that! I haven't read anywhere that it would be likely it would be a false one. It did have really dark dye on the control line, more so than the others. So maybe it's a matter of there being more dye so more would stick for the same amount of hcg?

I asked DH if he wanted to be here when I tested and he said it's up to me. He is SO chill about it that it is both comforting and upsetting depending on my mood! lol
I didn't tell him about the positive yet though. I don't want to get his hopes up if it's a dud.

I'm not doing this next month.

It's great you ladies are so close cycle buddies this month!!! FC and baby dust!

MagicalMom, thinking of you also!
Oh ok didn't know. .. that sucks then lol...

Best bet then is to try the FRER. Those can detect pretty well. Have you been trying cheap ones?
That makes sense that they would have different amounts of dye. True false positives are extremely rare. I'd say take a better test or wait it out. I understand not wanting to get a bfn on a frer but it would be the most likely to show something. When I got faint positives on frers in august the IC were still completely white. So hopefully if you are getting something on a IC you would get a decent line on a frer! Just make sure to get the old style! Not the new curved ones. The new ones have indents that make it look like a bfp when it's not. :dust:
I'm so glad I have you ladies to turn to!
I know you can relate.

I have read a lot more about false positives and it really, really, really sounds like mine is a BFP. They were the dollar tree Assured brand.

I'll probably give in and buy a FRER. Will wait until later so when DH comes home from work so he can cuddle me if I fall apart. :) Also, been drinking waaay to much fluids to be able to test for a few hours.
Gina thank you for the tip about not getting the curvy FRER or I would have.

My new mantra is "a line is a line, no matter how faint" and it wasn't even that faint! It was definitely visible without any squinting, it had color, and it showed up right after the dye had ran off. Got a little bit darker as it dried.

I really hope this is it. Couldn't handle another month of this. Baby be here! :)
Can't wait to hear about your definite bfp ;) in stores I can only find the old frers in the combo pack with the fr gold. Hopefully the ones I just bought online are the old style, they say they are but who knows. Last time I didn't even get the same type of test as I ordered lol. So so excited for you. It definitely sounds like a bfp to me! :)
I was feeling better until I read this. Now I am feeling less so.
There was just one clear line for a day, but today that test is a bit smudgy. The line is still there and clear, it just has some lighter pink around it which it didn't yesterday.
I know they say not to look at the test afterwards but....:(

"One of the main reasons for seeing a False Line, (although rare) – is due to a dye run. That happens when the dye doesn’t run across the test smoothly and can get stuck on certain parts of the test. Whenever that happens, Sometimes it can cause a Line to appear where a true one would have had HCG been detected in the Urine. Although it looks very promising to the naked eye, it’s not considered to be a true positive. "
But now I just read this and feel better again:

"So I thought I would sit and write a few facts about various similar tests. I am a clinician and I also have much experience using various tests within laboratories or clinical settings. I have also been trained in the medical micro-biology (lab-testing). The home pregnancy tests are 'assay' tests which rely on specific reactions between chemicals, to produce colored lines. The 'control' lines of the home pregnancy tests are assayed areas which are designed to react with specific chemicals commonly found in urine, and which, when detected, react with the chemicals in the control-line assays (strips/areas) and turn them a certain color (pink or blue depending on the test used). However, the 'pregnancy' assay (test -area/strip) is designed to change color only if it comes into contact with the HCG hormone – the 'pregnancy' hormone. HCG is only produced when an egg has been fertilized. So then, if no conception has occurred, then no HCG will be produced by the body, and therefore, no HCG will ever be found in the urine.
The 'pregnancy' line contains different molecules to the molecules of the 'control' lines; and the molecules in the pregnancy line/strip (the pregnancy test-assay) will only react – and change color – in the presence of one other molecule; and that is the HCG hormone. No other molecule or hormone will cause it to change color."

This makes a lot of sense. Will stick with this thought process. "A pink line is a positive line"
I don't think it's a false positive. Your period is late and you had such crazy symptoms all tww. If it was just random dye I don't think it would have looked like a line so much. Maybe a squinter or a half line but not a full light line.
Gina, I am starting to sway to think you're right again.
I've read some more since it will be on my mind anyway and learned
that hpt's even of the same brand and batch can have various levels of
sensitivity. So with how dark the control line was also, maybe it really was
picking up a little bub and the other tests were just not quite that sensitive yet?

I'm planning on picking up a FRER and testing in about 4-6 hrs from now. I find it so difficult not to drink anything. Super thirsty! (which is a good sign!!) I am also such a weepy mess, that I feel it's a good sign. lol! I get a bit moody before a/f but this is a bit much, even for me. Hopefully pregnancy hormones!!!
Of course I'm right :P FX for you!! I am the same way you are. Just constantly looking up as much info as I can whenever I'm in limbo. Lol. Can't wait for you to get that clear :bfp:
So pissed. Get home and the tests are the damn curvy ones. Someone specifically asked on it if they were the new or old design and the seller said they were the old design. Ugh. Now to decide whether I just keep them or try to return them. That's twice amazon has screwed me on FRERs.
Hahaha we women should be banned from the internet. Just had a good old cry lol... was watching best of me... my bf just laughing away at me... so weird thing I have been feeling unusally tired and crazy dizzy spells...

Fertileflower you are Def pregnant... I can feel it... I bet when you get your frer test you will get a clear bfp :) oh I'll be soo so happy for you :)

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