Thanks for the love, ladies!
Have fun with your OPKs, Velathria! I love OPKs, because it's another reason to POAS, and the only test that give me guaranteed

As far as the green tea
I havent used it for TTC. Ive heard mostly good things about it, though. Interesting that you are already having watery cm. Thank goodness for OPKs, because CM can be a little tricky.
Gina Im so sorry that youre going through all of this.

Im sorry you had another loss through this chemical, and pray this never happens again for you. Im not big into going to doctors, either. And it seems youve explored options that will help you prevent this from happening again moving forward.
Its tough finding a doctor you can connect with! I cant tell you how many doctors Ive gone to that other people swore by and loved to death, but when I went, there was no connection. I wanted to find one before I got pregnant, in hopes of getting the prescription grade prenatals and folic acid, but Ive either been too busy or too lazy.
Fertile I'm in love with these soft cups, but have been leery of not catching 100% of the sperm as I slide it inside of me. I try best to scrape and scoop as Im sliding it up, but who knows.

I also didnt realize until now that most women push it all the way up to their cervix, and periodically check back to smush it and smear it against their cervix some more. First time I did it, I was just doing it to keep the sperm from coming out. Now, Ive been doing the push it up against the cervix method.

Hope it works!
Sorry, Fertile, that you still have more BDing to do! Thats one thing I dont like about TTC
it makes sex a chore
taking all the fun and sexiness out of it. Mind you, I keep DP out of the loop with my TTC plans, which takes a lot of the stress out of it
really, for him. But for me, its becoming such a chore. i remember last cycle, after O, we didnt BD again until 14 DPO. That break was much needed!