first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Gina I would do that FRER just to check and see if the test are doozys... and I hope you do ovulate this month :)

Magicalmom you seem like you got it all down :) it has to work this time. Got my fingers crossed for you :)

Fertile flower a uti is so not fun.. drink lots of cranberry juice. That used to help me. :)
Well the maca root and green tea I am using must be working cause I am having crazy watery cm... and also yesterday I already had pain on both sides of my ovaries. .. which is weird..

Let's hope this is my month. :) I hope you caught the egg fertile. Lots of baby dust for you :dust:

AFM I am coming down with a crazy cold.. feel so sluggish and tired... I have been falling asleep so early... don't know when we will get to BD... don't want to take all those meds... guess I'll just suck it up xD although BF and I did DTD last night... don't know how I did it.. I was already half asleep lol.

Hope I can get the energy to do this for a week.

FX for all of us that this is our month. :)
Thanks for the positivity Vel and Gina. All we can do is move forward right? I am rather bummed that AF was only 3 days this time and the cycle before I had a really short LP. I'm scared to go in too, but January is still my plan. I think I'll send DH in for a sperm analysis first though.

I know it'll happen for the majority of us given enough time. I had a friend who finally has a beautiful baby boy after 2 years of trying. Here's hoping it doesn't take that long!

Sorry to hear about the uti fertile. Those are the worst! That's why I still clean off every time. They say that the swimmers are in there in a matter of seconds. I figure those that are lost weren't the strong ones who were going to make it to the egg anyway ;).

Happy O time to all, and best of luck to those in the tww!
Leson, I've read that Vitex as well as EPO helps lengthen your lutheal phase.

I try to clean off afterwards every time too, I only lay with my hips raised for about 30 min but not all of it comes back out right away.

Vel, I hope you have a speedy recovery from your cold. I've read that it's common to get colds around conception, because the body lower the immune system so it doesn't attack the foreign invaders.

AFM, I am more confused than ever. I was unable to take an OPK yesterday because there was no way I was holding my urine with that nasty UTI. But this morning, I took an OPK with somewhat diluted urine (more so than usual for sure) and guess what, BLAZING positive again!!

I had left ovary pain last night, and was pretty sure I ovulated or just had ovulated from that side. Then I woke up this morning with extreme right side ovary pain. Extreme to the point I could barely move.

I am also super constipated, my lower belly area is super swollen and hard and full of blue veins. Also hunger pains and very itchy boobs. All usual TWW symptoms except the blue veins.
I know OPK's that stay positive can mean pregnancy but I took a ic just because I had one and that was stark negative which I knew it would be.
But what's going on? Positive OPK's for 3 days and all these symptoms and pain?
Ugh, I can't bd much more.

Also, when we bd last night, nothing came back out! I mean, nothing! Usually most of it comes out when I go to rinse off, but sometimes it takes a few hours for the rest to come out. But this time, nothing. I could feel DH ejaculating, and it had been 24 hrs almost on the dot since last time, so certainly there should have been SOMETHING?
Well, this is, by far, the worst ovulation cramps and symptoms I've had!
Ironically, no ovulation spotting which I had last two months. With pain like this I'd imagine it would be some bleeding. I hope everything is alright in there.
The pain is still terrible and I am nauseous and can barely walk around. Even thought about going to urgent care.
It will all be totally worth it if I get a sticky bean out of it though!!
Well, while I'm waiting for someone here or DH to comfort me I discovered this.
Thought it was interesting. Especially this part that could apply to me right now as I really feel and hope I ovulated through the night with all that extreme pain and I'm turning the big 4 0 soon :

For some, the OPK turns positive a couple of days before ovulation. For others, it’s the day before. The older you get, the shorter the interval of time between a detectable surge in LH and the release of your egg. By the time you are in your late 30’s, the LH surge may come on the very day you ovulate. And by the time you are over 40, the egg may have already been released by the time you have enough LH in your urine to turn a kit positive."
hey fertile flower :) sorry i havent answered.. been so sick... and exhausted... but i think i'm recovering..

i'm sorry your having a hard time with the ovulation.. Maybe you have released more then one egg and thats why you are having positives for such a long time...

I read that once ... you said you are taking all kinds of stuff right? some of it can help having hyperovulation sooo it might be very well possible...especially i read that women around 40 have a higher chance of getting multiples..

That be the only reason i'd have in mind.. But i really hope you caught the egg (or eggs ;) hehehe... ). Lots and lots of baby dust for you :) :dust:

AFM took a OPK a sec ago and i got two lines but the one line is fainter than the test line.. doing these OPKs for the first time... But def BDing tonight :)

so excited that its that time again and then TWW will be on its way again :)

How is everyone else?
@Fertile: So sorry you've had so much pain this time around! Hope you're feeling better. It is definitely possible to ovulate from both ovaries within a 24 hour period, and multiples are more common the older you get. Also, you're not alone! My first cycle off bcp, I had darker than control opks for 3 days, but when I compared them all, the middle day was the I marked that as my peak. Hoping the best for you this cycle!

@Vel: Isn't nice to have a test that actually shows something after all the BFNs? Happy O time and lots of FX this cycle!
Vel, wishing you a speedy recovery!! Yes, I am taking quite a few supplements. I don't think I could sustain a twin pregnancy, I'm of smaller statue. I would LOVE to be able to, just don't think that could work. :/
Good luck bd'ing!! That is usually the most fun part for me (besides from the stress), the "ovulation days".

Leson, thank you!! I have always (last two months really) had just one day of a definite positive. Today I'm on day two, so maybe you ladies are right.....I much rather imagine that than that I am going to miss the window with just one day.

Magicalmom & Gina, thinking of you both!

AFM, Still terrible UTI. No BD yet today, DH is working even though it's Sunday and I am in a lot of pain anyway. We did manage to bd yesterday evening about 6-7 hrs after my first for sure positive OPK. I really, really felt I ovulated yesterday, I had SO much ovulation and ovary pains in both ovaries. Then in the evening/late night,everything calmed down and I think ovulation was over.

Then, today I took another OPK hoping to see that the LH surge was leaving to back up my knowing I ovulated yesterday. BLAZING POSITIVE again, and with quite diluted urine since I can't do a hold b/c of the UTI.

I need a break. I am in so much pain and bd'd out. I don't have EWCM so I need to bd close to the release of the egg so the spermies lives long enough to hit it. But this is becoming very difficult to keep up with.
Hi ladies. I took the weekend off from BnB. Just catching up now. I did take a FRER on Saturday and I could probably trick myself into seeing a line but it was pretty much negative. So no idea what was happening with the Wondfos but I'm done taking them for now. Started opks and started temping. Just want to make sure I O this month. Already having pain on my left side so I think I will. That maca root seems to really affect me.

Velathria hope you feel better! Bd'ing when your sick is no fun!

Fertile hopefully nothing came back out because your cervix was super open and it all made it in! FX for you. I wouldn't worry about not being able to carry multiples. Your body knows what it can do. Sorry your in so much pain this month. I have a feeling I will be too. I already have pain and O isn't until the end of the week. But it will all be worth it!

Sending baby dust to you all!
Fertileflower: I'm sorry your having such a hard time this month... I hope it's all worth it :) hope you caught that egg :)

Gina: I took the weekend off of it too lol...glad your ovulating like you are supposed to :) and hopefully this is the month :) :dust:
The maca root is Def working on me... I am only getting faint positives and already I have a wet pool in my underwear xD (warning TMI ;-p) bf and I got to DTD last night and it was amazing... better then usual... I think those damiana capsules are working ;) still a bit sick but feel better. My son is pretty badly sick though so we try to use the time when he sleeps for a bit... yet slept all night with my son cause he was coughing so much.

Hope everyone else is doing good :)
Hey ladies!

Vel… Gina… and Fertile – Thanks for the support, ladies! You make TTC a lot less stressful for me. Fx, this is our time! :hugs:

Fertile – Sorry to hear about the UTI! I hope it’s gone by now! Feel better, hun, and like Vel says…drink plenty of cranberry juice! I agree with the other ladies that you may have released more than one egg this cycle! Especially since it’s taking a while for the OPKs to stop picking up on the surge(s). According to your CM, it sounds like you may be done with O. Fx, the spermies have fertilized those eggs and they are one their way to your uterus!

Vel – Sorry to hear about your illness! Sounds like it’s been a tough one! Praying for a speedy recovery, love!!! :flower: Sounds like you’re feeling better with all that great :sex: last night!!! How is your OPK experience? Dark line, yet? Hope your son feels better, too! Poor thing!

Gina (and Vel) – I took the weekend off from BnB for the most part. I have soo much catching up to do! This is the first month I didn’t do maca, so we’ll see how it goes. Gina, glad the FRER was able to give you a little bit more closure, so you can move forward with this month. Would you say those Wondoflo’s are reliable? I would rather believe those Wondoflo's suck than to think you lost your babies. :hugs:

Leson – Sending baby dust your way! Praying that this is your cycle! :hugs:
Magicalmom idk what to think about the wondfos. The chemical in august the wondfos didn't show a thing. This time they kept a line the whole time. I have no doubt it was a chemical this time. My body seems to be acting the exact same way it did in August as far as CP and CM. I don't have high hopes for this cycle as DHs hip has been bothering him alot lately and I've been feeling really drained. I'm not even at O yet and already feel like we won't BD enough. But hopefully things will turn around in time.
I do think I got farther along this time due to the morning sickness and aching boobs I had so I figured thats why the wondfos picked up something buy I don't know why it didn't go away.
Gina, I'm happy you are back and feeling a bit better. A break is definitely helpful sometime! I still would rather have cp and know I can at least make it that far than nothing. At least a baby is trying to come through, and it's all energy at the core so the same baby could keep trying. No loss there that we can know of for sure.
Also, it doesn't seem from what I've read on the boards that less sex means less babies as long as the timing is right, that's all that matters. I am thinking me and DH is doing it too much, but if it's meant to be, it will happen.

Vel, that sounds really good! Happy BD'ing! Wishing your little one a speedy recovery. Glad you are feeling better!!

Magical, I hope you had a good weekend! What CD are you on now? Baby dust to you!

AFM, I still have the UTI but it's a lot better, didn't end up in ER. Also managed to bd yesterday. Then today I took another OPK just to make sure my surge was over (being I've only had ONE day of surging detected previous months) but nope, STILL a blazing positive at 48 hrs after the first positive.
Had to laugh at DH, he is really antsy to start with the oral again, but I forced him to bd once more this morning for good measure w/out it just in case something is off and I did not in fact ovulate yet.

But my body temperature is higher, I was nauseous when waking up and I have pretty much no cramps at all anymore. My CM has gone from watery and abundant to very creamy but still very abundant.

Certainly I must have O'd??? Probably yesterday and not the day before I'm guessing. I wish I had been temping now. Maybe I did O from both ovaries. This is a first for me so not sure what to think about it.
Magicalmom- thank you :) I am feeling better today already.... just a bit tired but besides that I am feeling better.. ready for some :sex: ;) opks is getting just a little bit darker but not much from yesterday. .. you can only see the difference if you hold them next to each other. Lol but I think I'm getting how they work. :) must be close to O'ing... felt pain but I couldn't pin point on which side.

Gina- don't think that... you might be super tired now but maybe by the time you ovulate... you'll have your eery back and maybe by then your dh will be feeling better :) you must think positive ;) I thought when I was sick that I wouldn't be able to but we still did it :) so it's all good :)

Fertileflower - how are you feeling now? Is the uti better? I understand how you feel with all the Bd'ing... it gets stressful when you have to do it all the time without a break...

Leson- hope this month goes well for you :) FX that this is it :) Lots or babydust your way :dust:
Fertileflower that does sound very confusing lol... I'd be all over the place if I were you lol... I'd say both ovaries ovulated and that's why it's so weird. .. I've never heard of it being so long with the LH surge... open it works out for you this month fertileflower :)
Gina -- I'm definitely sorry for your losses, because I know the feeling. :hugs: And I agree with Fertile...the same baby is trying to come through. I'm also big into astrology... maybe the baby's preference is to be a Virgo or Scorpio, instead of a Cancer, Libra, or Leo. idk... But what I do know is, your sticky bean is coming soon! :hugs: Fx, this IS YOUR cycle!

Fertile -- Glad you're feeling better from your UTI! And poor DH can't retire just yet with those blazing positives! TTC gives a whole new meaning to "sex slave!" :haha:

Vel -- So glad you're feeling better and I hope you get a + OPK soon! That's when the fun really begins!
Mmmh the same baby is coming through... well he/she is a fighter then hahaha...

I hope we all get lucky this Christmas. ... I am asking Santa for a Christmas miracle :D

Wouldn't that be great :)
Thanks magicalmom :) hoping for that positive opk soon too :)
Vel, yes it's been confusing, and tiring! lol! I've never bd'd this much in my life, combined! haha Hopefully there is now at least one sticky bean baking though!

Magical, sex slave is the word! Normally dh wears me out, but I think I finally wore him out. I think he was on the verge of crying this morning! haha! He said no more baby talk or even sex for a while now. I know him though, so I give that about a day! Hah! But, we did have sex 17 times in 14 days in a row. I can't even believe it. I am concerned about low sperm count.

So here is what has happened.

After the positive OPK yesterday morning we had sex early evening. Then I could feel myself ovulating and I am guessing the egg released around 12-4am (so early this morning). I tried to wake DH up for some more bd but he could not finished poor (lucky) man!

Then this morning, I FINALLY got a stark negative OPK!!! YAY!! We bd'd once more with a nice finish before he begged me for mercy. I granted it, being, I'm in dire need of a break too!!

I'm not sure if I released one or two eggs. I did have O pains on both sides during the last few days but who knows? I definitely ovulated though, because I woke up being super hot and nauseous which is a big sign for me besides the -opk. I did read that not only does several days of positives often happen with twins, but it seemed that a higher average of BFP's came out of it too for women!
So hopefully there is at least one, maybe two little beans in the egg/s already or en route! YAY!

I will check back in with you ladies a bit later today. I need some R & R and maybe a nap! :)
Fertile -- OMG! :rofl:You had me dying laughing reading about you and DH and how he was on the verge of crying!!! But 17+ times, 14 days in a row???? :shock: That's a freakin' world record!!! If you don't get a BFP, I'm going to be raging mad for BOTH of you! lol... You guys put in A LOT of work! Let me send some EXTRA baby dust your way for all that hard work! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Gina, Vel, Leson -- How's it coming?

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