first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

I am 9 dpo today and my temp went up again. Hoping it's because I implanted and not because I'm catching whatever my husband has. He has been throwing up and feverish for 2 days. Trying to take care of him without catching what he has lol. I'm really tempted to test soon but I seem to forget until I'm already going to the bathroom so maybe I'll hold out. I have felt really positive about this month but weirdly I have no symptoms. Only thing I've noticed is I seem to have really bad allergies every other day. Don't think it's pregnancy related but who knows. All last week every other day I would not be able to stop sneezing. It's been weird. Oh and I had some pretty bad cramps really low in my pelvis yesterday but I say that's because my pants were too tight haha. Hoping we see some more BFPs soon.
Oh Vel! AF still a no-show?! FX FX FX!!

gina: yes! that sounds promising. I've had very low pelvic cramps too! constant for 2 days now, and a back ache. Hoping hoping hoping!
I was two days late and AF arrived nice and painfully today. :(

Oh well guess next month then... never thought it take this long... how about you guys?

How are you feeling les?

Hope this is your month gina :) at least we have one bfp for this month hahah
So sorry AF came Vel. Its the absolute worst when she is late. I agree i never thought it woukd take this long. Im on cycle 9. I should be giving birth this month. I naively thought that it would just take one month of us having sex at the right time. Boy was i wrong. :hugs: Enjoy your engagement. Your bfp is coming! Any idea when you guys are thinking to get married? I hated that question when I first got engaged but I'm being a hypocrite and asking anyways :haha:

Afm FF officially calls my chart triphasic! Weirdly excited about that haha. I really feel that I am pregnant. But I am not overly excited. It's just become such a pattern for me to get pregnant and then lose it. I feel like I will get some faint lines and be done with it. But my temps do look super promising. Even taking the progesterone cream last month my temps had started to drop by now and they keep going up this month. I'm hoping it is because of the little bean in there and not because I am fighting off whatever sickness DH had. I've had really bad acid reflux lately. Have to sleep on my back propped up on pillows. Not sure if that's a pregnancy thing or not but it's getting really bad. But that's pretty much all that's going on with me.

:dust: to all of us!
@Vel: So sorry the witch got you! Hope you and DF are still enjoying the glow of your engagement.

@gina: Your chart does look great! I had zero of my usual symptoms last cycle too. I also had a triphasic chart, but not until after my BFP at 11 DPO. Hoping with every fiber of my being that you get the same result.

@rex and fertile: How are you getting along?

AFM, I've never been so happy to be so sick. Fatigue, nausea, extreme thirst, and frequent urination all hit me like a train just 1 day after my BFP. I couldn't hide my symptoms so the MIL knows now. I had a bit of IB...again the day after my BFP, but not one bit of spotting since, and my line is now darker than control. All good signs that we're doing well so far, but it's still hard to shake the fear of mc. I'm 4 weeks today, and my 8 week scan is scheduled for 2/5. I'm sure I'll feel better once I can see our little ball of quickly dividing cells. We've decided to call it sprout and/or gremlin for now.

Final note: I'm kicking myself for stressing out during the tww. The first sign turned out to be a BFP. All the symptoms/signs followed. There was no way I could have figured it out sooner.

Wishing you all the best O times and most zen of twws! :dust: for another September baby in here!
Les you make me so hopeful :D as much as symptoms suck it means that little one is doing good. Love the sprout/gremlin nickname :) the next 4 weeks will go by so fast! If I am pregnant FF puts me due Sept 18th which is my late grandmother's birthday :) she passed away last January. I was actually planning to announce my August pregnancy to my mom on that day since it was her first birthday since she passed and I knew my mom would need some cheering up. Unfortunately that ended in a chemical but I think it would be really cool to have my baby's birthday that day. Turn it back into a happy day :) so glad you are doing well! :)
Gina: I'm so excited for you to test!!! Can't wait. I have a good feeling for you.

Vel: I HATE the witch even more when she's late! It's a relief when she comes though, and you know you have a fresh start. If this isn't the cycle for me, I'm getting some dang OPKs and getting back to temping!

Les: SO EXCITING! Please pop in and keep us updated. I'm so fascinated by pregnancy. I hope your MS eases off soon!

AFM: I'm relatively symptom-free aside from achey cramps and backache, the cramps aren't as constant now, so I hope it was implantation! Happened 7-8DPO, and now my bbs are SO full, but not sore. I had a couple shooting pains. The most hopeful sign has been restless legs, hard time sleeping, and my hip bones are aching, which I hope is a sign of stretching for a little bubba to grow!
3 going on 4 DPO with insemination...feeling muscle soreness-like cramps in my entire stomach, slight apathy, sensitivity to bright lights, and a short bout of nausea earlier[then again I hadn't eaten yet]
Welcome :hi: Sounds like a good sign trinity.

AFM chart is no longer triphasic.. temp went down this morning. Still have a little hope but not holding my breath. I've taken a few IC and nothing. I can create a line but I know it's just line eye. Think I might wait until Sunday to test with a real test. That's when AF is due so if she doesn't show I'll test.

**TMI alert**

4 dpo and and had nausea and diarrhea this morning--I'm starting to worry that the reason my stomach is sore is because I hadn't had a proper bm in 2 days and it's coincidental...but I still feel sore even now. So hoping that's not the case
It's possible but who knows. It could also be left over ovulation pain. I hate that there are no clear cut signs.

AFM been cramping all day, not really AF cramp (I only usually cramp during af anyways not before) but it feels more like hunger cramps or something but being as it started after I ate I know it isn't that. And I've been having backaches randomly. It comes and goes but when it's there boy is it strong. Hope it's all good things not bad but I did take an new style frer tonight, might have a slight line but not enough to call anything. Won't be taking anything other than IC until at least sunday. No use wasting tests for nothing.
I almost bought a test today but figured I have no chance of even a faint BFP this early. I woke up feeling weird pokes in my lower back...the same type of pain in my right side too. I was super hungry today and ate a ton. Now I'm nauseous probably from all the food lol...little bit of lotion white CM but not an abundance.

This has got to be the worst part!:wacko:
It really can drive you insane. Try not to test too early. I learned that after a few months. Unless you have an event or something that you need to know if you are pregnant it's just not worth the crazy to find out early. Lots of women on here find out by 10 dpo but that's not the normal. I'm 14 dpo and only getting slight lines. It gets way to expensive to test early. If you need to buy ICs. (Internet cheapies) i like Wondfo as a brand. They say they are 25 miu but they seem to be much more sensitive than that. I've seen women get good lines on those with only a slight line on a FRER. But you can definitely break the bank if you aren't careful.
Yeah I agree with gina... don't test too early... itS just frustrating...

Gina it still sounds promising for you.. got my fingers crossed for you :)

Its funny how you tell yourself your not gonna stress at the beginning of the cycle and then tww comes and you end up getting more and more worked up about symptoms again xD

I think me and df didn't BD that much so that might be it.

We are still enjoying our engagement... and about the date.. well we are planning for summer next year.. already have a venue and gonna go look at dresses with my MIL. :) she's is so wonderful. Like a good friend hahha.. never thought I'd be so close with my MIL :D

I'm so excited to get married. Keep looking at all the wedding stuff hahaha
That is so great you get along with your MIL so well! Especially with your family so far away. That will make things so much better to have someone to do wedding things with. So exciting!

I think this might be the month for me! :) I'm so excited. If my levels are doubling every 48 hrs they would only be around 8 right now so hopefully by Tuesday I'll have a decent line on a FRER. I sleep so crappy because I'm always excited to temp hoping it will still be up. Haha. Hoping it sticks
Omg gina!! I'm so excited if it is :) can't wait to find out too :) I really hope this is it for you :)

Yeah it helps a load that they are so supportive here :) I even out to a few bars with her. She is a riot xD
Gina: I am so hopeful! Any updates? Is AF due today?

Trinity: welcome! TWW is the worst part, but I look forward to it. Having the BD and temps and waiting to O outta the way and just holding out hope that THIS is the cycle. It's a stressful but hopeful time. How are you today?

Cel: your MIL sounds fun! Where are you in your cycle?

AFM: looks like AF came a day early. Luckily I was busy with golfing and hosting friends from out of state, and we're cooking a huge feats tonight, so I'm distracted. Ordering OPKs tomorrow!
Yeah, I was stupid and tested today. :bfn: of course. Lucky it was an .88 drugstore test.

What I am so confused about is: if I haven't implanted yet, is it even possible to be having symptoms just from a fertilized egg? Or is this for sure my imagination....
Trinity it could be both. Every time I have been pregnant I know it right away. I am very sensitive to changing hormones. As soon as a baby is conceived your body knows it so most people say it's in your head but I know from experience it is possible.

Rex so sorry AF showed :( :hugs: glad you have a distraction. yes she is due today for me. I did spot a little when checking my cervix but that's it so far. It was light brown and only for a few hours. Temp is still up so hoping by Tuesday I'll have a good line on a FRER and not another chemical.
Rex: So sorry for the early AF.. hopefully with the opks it'll be this month :) I am CD 5 today so just starting. :)
TRINITY : sorry for that :bfn: hope you get your :bfp: soon. :) and I agree with gina. When I was pregnant with my son. .even a doctor told me I wasn't but I just knew I was. ;)

Gina: Hope spotting isn't a sign of AF coming. Got my fingers crossed for you tightly. :)

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