ttcdfw, don't lose hope! TTC is literally the most stressful thing ever, probably because it's something we can't control, but it will happen for you. Most of the advice that I have seen on other threads/forums are all along the lines of "once you stop actively trying, that's when you get pregnant," so I'm sure there is some truth to that - still, when you want it so badly, it's hard to be NOT stressed. Hugs to you, and I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that all of us ladies are in this together 
DH and I have been together for six years, married three this coming October, and I really wish we could get a BFP before our anniversary - it would be such a nice surprise going into the new year! I feel like I'm "out" this month, for no real reason other than having regular pre-AF symptoms.

DH and I have been together for six years, married three this coming October, and I really wish we could get a BFP before our anniversary - it would be such a nice surprise going into the new year! I feel like I'm "out" this month, for no real reason other than having regular pre-AF symptoms.