Hi girls! Hope everyone is having a great day! Guess what? It's hump day!! Which means I'm closer to Saturday (when I plan to start testing) lol! Woohoo!!
I picked up a couple extra Walmart cheapies today while I was there so I may cheat and POAS early just to satisfy my own sick curiosity! LOL
I had my dr appointment with the endo today an....I have Hashimotos hypothyroidism. He said that my AM blood cortisol is high but that the it isn't high enough for cushings disease thank God. The high level can also be from stress or the weight gain. He said the antibodies that can attack my thyroid are really high. Normal is under 34 and mine is 357. Sooo...he put me on Synthroid 50mg. Blood work and checkup in 2 mos. I feel so validated now! I have been telling my OBGYN for 4 years that something is not right with my thyroid but he always says that I'm just borderline - but my mom has hashimotos so it would make sense to believe me! Duh. But basically, if your cortisol is really high and your thyroid is really low it is impossible to lose weight which makes 100% sense to me as to why I've had so much trouble and even under the best circumstances when I'm very strict on my diet and I exercise I still barely lose or even sometimes gain! The good news is that all of my other bloodwork looks great - and I lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks, woohoo!
Today my boobs are still tender/nips especially but I haven't really paid attention to much else because I went to the water park with my SIL all afternoon. Got a sunburn (even with 50spf!) but otherwise had a great time and was so busy that it really kept my mind off things!![]()
Hey esperanza! You must've been posting as I was posting. Thinking of you! Hoping for afor you soon!
Hey esperanza! You must've been posting as I was posting. Thinking of you! Hoping for afor you soon!
Thank you dear ttcdfwI hope the same for you!
Thanks guys. The antibiotics are helping but my mouth is swollen to the point my jaws won't close so chewing is out of the question. Smoothies and soup for the last week.. cant wait to get them out!
Esperanza, I usually cut out alcohol for the 2WW. I have read it isn't a big deal until you get a BFP (as long as your not getting black out drunk) but I try to get in the habbit at least. It's so hard going to my inlaws . They always have some new alcohol to taste and coming up with excuses not to is difficult. We don't want them knowing we are trying so they will be more surprised when we get a bfp!![]()
Wow gina, I'm so sorry about your tooth!! I feel so bad for you! Did all the meds kick the infection to the curb? I hope so!
I get what you mean about being 'ok' more or less with missing eggy this month. I am praying for you and whatever will be, will be!
Mini, hang in there!! The waiting is TOUGH! I am 9dpo (according to FF) and got another BFN! It's sooo disappointing, but my tests are cheap, too, so we'll see.
Ksierra - any updates?
Esperanza, same thing?
I was out of pocket yesterday. DH took an unexpected day off and I was really irritated with him so I went with a girlfriend to an orchard and got fruit, veggies etc, then we went to see a movie. I didn't get home til about 10pm lol.
I have to say that I have been extremely irritable but it could be PMS. My boobs are also incredibly tender and my nips are on FIRE. I have several $0.88 walmart tests so I've been taking 1 a day lol - allso far. But I'm about to go grocery shopping and think I'll pick up some FRER for Tuesday!
Hope y'all are having a lovely weekend so far~!