MissBee - I did get a +opk on cd12. The doc said it could be anywhere from 5-10 days after the last pill taken.
Coralym - I took out my +opk and ff changed my O day to cd29, so I'd be 9dpo. (I wanted to see if ff thought I had O'd again...software doesn't have that param, but it did think I O'd later if I took out the +opk...so, sort of confirmed 2xO?) bfn on tests, no af, no spotting, just waiting.
wanttobemum - great that you have no side effects yet! I too browse the baby stuff sometimes - it is fun. Though I get down about it too because we haven't gotten even a hint of a bfp yet.
I am getting fairly frustrated about it all. I should have been mid way through my second cycle of clomid by now, and try for another good chance...instead, I wait.