First cycle on Clomid... anxious :(

Haha i like it! I'd tie my husband to the bed if he said he wasnt in the mood, two years of trying and first round clomid - im catching that egg no matter what! Haha!
Morning ladies,
I'm pretty sure I'm 2dpo today, feeling good about our timing, my body's reaction to clomid, & this month in general!
Headed on vacation for the week, a good distraction from the dreaded 2ww!
How's everyone else doing today?
Where's everyone from?
Celebrating Canada Day or 4 of July this week?
EAandBA_TTC...That's great! Enjoy your vacation! FX for you! Afm...Im 1dpiui, got my positive opk Thursday so went in yesterday for iui and bd. Hopefully I did ovulate. So now comes the dreaded 2ww. I'm in Washington state so we'll be celebrating the 4th of July! Good luck!!!
Enjoy the vacation! Celebrating Canada Day here...nice long weekend, 2 days of work, then off for 4 more days for a soccer tournament in another city(dd is in, and her bday), back to work for a few days, then off for another 4 days for OH's bday...hopefully it'll all keep me distracted enough this cycle :)

Can't wait to hear that you all got bfps this cycle :) :dust:
So between leaving very early yesterday, and waking up early to get to the woods today... And my thermometer was in the car... I missed the 2 most important days of temping! I'm almost positive I o'd so maybe I'll just skipping temping the rest of the month & try to relax? Because right now I'm wicked stressed I haven't "confirmed o"...
If you know you O'd, then maybe just relax and enjoy the vacation :) If you are really stressed about it, just temp only tomorrow morning, and see the higher temp, then maybe it'll ease your mind :)
First time tempting through entire cycle. How does it look so far ladies? Any chance???


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Your chart looks great! ... oohh not long now before you can start testing... when will you start?
Thanks River54....Im probably going to wait until the actual 2wks. I'm too scared to test b4 then. Just don't want to be disappointed. I just hope and pray this is my cycle. Kinda nerve wrecking. What about you? And how are you?
I am good, just waiting to O, which may actually be today. Trying opks a bit this cycle, see how they are, opk this morning (smu) was almost + but not quite. Sometimes it is hard to tell! Probably do another one later today before we leave.
In past cycles, I've tested way early (10dpo) ...I wanted to know the earliest I could. But I'd get disappointed, and then start second guessing myself. I kept seeing ladies on the forum get faint lines at 9dpo etc, and want it to happen to me. This cycle, I won't be able to test until we get back, so not quite 2 week wait maybe about 12dpo? I won't be able to temp much when we are gone either, so I'll be more in the dark about things. I did have a bunch of ICs to test with, so I am not wasting too much $ on it. Though I almost used up my stash for the last wonky cycle. I think I have about 3 left.

FX for you! Can't wait to find out! :dust:
River54...I've read alot of women getting BFP early as well, but I'm just scared. I may do one at 10dpo, and then on the exact 2ww date. I try to stay positive about it, but at other times I'm not so sure, and I haven't had any symptoms besides cramps and creamy cm (which I hear can be at anytime of your cycle) getting a BFN is going to really crush me, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for a BFP! I'm tempting every morning and I did the OPKs with the smileys. I have the FRER tests. I hope we both get out BFPS! Enjoy yourself! FX to you as well!!!
Morning all, not been about for a while not had much to report, am cycle day 16 today, have been using OPK's but not even had a faint line! I o'd cd19 or 20 last month so am hoping it's the same this month, but am really really paranoid that i won't O at all, is that possible? To O one month and then the Clomid not work the next?? I'm not having any monitoring at all, haven't had any except one blood test last month to check to see if i O'd. Feeling a bit confused if i'm honest xx
Hi All!

Just catching up with everyone's updates and thought I'd post my own. I had my first 14 day scan today after my first round of chlomid. not really sure what to make of it, I had three follicles 19, 22, and 26 but the doctor says my body has reacted too well and I'm not allowed to take it on my next cycle!!

His words were "I can't tell you not to have intercourse but good luck"

Was he trying to use scare tactics to imply I'm gong to give birth to a litter? I'm going to try anyway but I don't want him to give me also hope.
@ MrsOvery: First time around OPK's worked well for me, along with temping to confirm... But the past 3 months I haven't had a positive, different brands, multiple times a day.. I know I'm Oing because I've had pre-O ultrasounds & post-O bloodwork... So I would'nt count only on OPK's especially if you're not being monitored... Just keep BDing!
I've also heard clomid can delay ovulation as it's 5-9 days after your last pill typically... Good luck
How's everyone doing today? Enjoy the holiday? Afm...Yesterday was horrible! Temp drop and really severe cramps, quite unbearable. Temp went back up today. I'm praying this is my month. So scared though. FX FOR US ALL!!!


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Hi ladies, mind if I join? I will be starting my first round of 50mg clomid this next cycle. I am so excited and nervous. DH and I have been ttc for awhile but I have anovulatory issues. I might have O'd maybe 6 times this past year.

This cycle might end next week or it might be another 20 days. I didn't temp this cycle so I'm not sure if it was anovulatory or not. I'll also be going in on cd3 for blood work to test for pcos.

Good luck to everyone! :hugs:
Hi NDtaber! I'm in my first round of 50mg clomid too : )

I've got a question for everyone actually, is it normal to experience ovulation pain whilst on clomid? I've always gotten mid cycle pain but this month it seems a lot worse, like a sort of squeezing feeling.
dimps_ everyone reacts different while in clomid. I got ovulation pain a few days before ovulation, so I'd say its normal.

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