First cycle on Clomid... anxious :(

MrsOvey - No that is completely normal, i have a similar situation and feel exactly the same. When you want it so bad and people are just popping them out like its nothing it can hurt a lot and play with your emotions (as if that isnt happening already!) :hugs:

afm - 3 dpo now and this is the first month i havent really stressed about it, we only dtd the day before ov, day of ov and day after. Normally i'm like a woman possessed and we need to do it every second day for at least a week before :wacko: Unfortunately im battling cystitis again, seem to get it every couple of the months, the joys :dohh:

How is everyone else?
I'm now on cd28 so af would be here this weekend..did my fourth test this morning to make sure I'm still pregnant and I am thank I'm going to call the clinic when they open and let them know. have been getting the strangest cramps and twinges, hoping that's it just burrowing in! also woke in the middle of the night with a stomach upset which isn't like me, think this wee one might be causing it which is fine with me...i actually want morning sickness just so I feel pregnant lol. still really anxious...googling miscarriage rates etc....aghh...
I'm glad i'm not over reacting, went to my mum's for dinner yesterday, it took her 2 hours to mention anything, and then all she said was have you spoken to your brother lately, and because i didn't gush about how exciting it all was, she didn't say anything more until i was leaving when she commented 'you didn't say anything when i mentioned your brother'. What am i meant to do, jump up and down and shout and scream that i am so totally over the moon for them? I;m sure she wouldn't like to hear what i really felt. She knows nothing about my situation! I simply replied, it's a bit early to be telling people and for someone who didn't even want kids, she's doing well with having 2!! :( i feel horrid x
scan booked....3 weeks I'm getting excited! decided if everything is ok will then tell our families after the scan. the sister also hinted a risk of twins as my prog was 140 on cd21...aghh..!
Wowsers, that's high! It'll only get higher tho :) x
I'm now on cd28 so af would be here this weekend..did my fourth test this morning to make sure I'm still pregnant and I am thank I'm going to call the clinic when they open and let them know. have been getting the strangest cramps and twinges, hoping that's it just burrowing in! also woke in the middle of the night with a stomach upset which isn't like me, think this wee one might be causing it which is fine with me...i actually want morning sickness just so I feel pregnant lol. still really anxious...googling miscarriage rates etc....aghh...

eeee! congrats! praying for a sticky sticky bean for you! :flower:

I cannot stop myself from peeing on those darn sticks, even though in the back of my mind im thinking "well the trigger could still be in my system, so dont get your hopes up" 9days past my IUI/11 past the trigger, did one for fun last night (held for about an hour) and tah-dah, a faint faint line, this morning, the same...not holding my breath, the Dr's office said wait......but i cant!! lol :dohh:
That's great ss83!

MrsOvey - don't feel horrid - she doesn't know about your situation. I think the reply was fine, and warranted even if you weren't ttc.
Also - I too wish our unexplained IF was something to explain... I feel as well sometimes that I get pushed through the protocol. I currently keep thinking - what if it is a mucus problem or implantation problem, then clomid won't help anyways, and these cycles are yet more wasted time...seriously 25 cycles of absolutely no bfps, timing good, etc...something is wrong. OH hates it when I think that way, and that we'll only conceive with more help...I just get soo frustrated sometimes.

Melly Belly - I hope there is good news from you in the next few days :)

Wanttobemum - I am probably 3dpo as well! (ff gave me weak ch)

So, I got tonnes of O pain the past couple days, cm has dried up from being quite fertile, but my temp hasn't risen very much. I have weak cross hairs on ff because of it. Going away today and can't decide if I should temp, or don't bother...starting to lean towards not bothering since it won't matter too much to miss 3 days of temps...But if I didn't O, and my body is going to gear up for it again soon... oh I dunno...I hope this is not a long cycle. And I really do hope that this cycle will be it!
How's everyone doing? Hoping I see more BFPs this month. TTC is so very stressful. Have you feeling up and down, always wondering WHY ME? But of course we have no answers. Seeing ppl around you getting pregnant and you aren't isn't a great feeling. Two ppl I know are preggo. One who was having yea of infertility finally got a BFP and another who already has two kids and didn't plan this last one is preggo. I just want it to be all of our month. According to my FF chart I'm 7dpt/7dpo...Hope and pray I get a BFP soon! FX for us all


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Oh, I forgot to mention, when i went to the pharmacy to pick up my very first dose of Clomid, there were two pharmacy techs there that day, one older woman that im familiar with, and another younger girl that i didnt know, no big deal right? Yeah, the younger girl that rings me up and hands me my Rx looks like she is going to pop she is so first thought was great, lets have the incredibly pregnant girl hand over the "make you ovulate" drug to the obviously not pregnant customer...but then i was hoping that maybe it could be a transfer of pregnancy luck by her touching the bag the pills were desperate, ill take secondhand baby dust! :baby:
Hi ladies,
Catching up after a few weeks today.
I'm 10dpo, maybe only 8, and a negative this morning.
I've felt very withdrawn, antisocial, and negative this month in general... More just going through the motions... I'm so sick of seeing negatives, and hubby is starting to feel the stress too.
Just looking for some good news soon!
EAandBA_TTC...I totally understand how you feel. Tired of the BFN's! Tested yesterday as well, saw the faintest line, then tested this am and saw nothing. This is my crazy chart. AF should arrive Friday :( praying for your BFP


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oh my goodness melly belly, you got your bfp too! just noticed your signature/status.

amazing news hon, congratulations!x
Hi ladies,
Catching up after a few weeks today.
I'm 10dpo, maybe only 8, and a negative this morning.
I've felt very withdrawn, antisocial, and negative this month in general... More just going through the motions... I'm so sick of seeing negatives, and hubby is starting to feel the stress too.
Just looking for some good news soon!

its so hard...i feel very much the same so when i saw your post i wanted to send a virtual :hugs:

we just have to keep moving forward and every when everything is right it WILL happen. PS - its still early days testing wise and you never know so keep on going. if its not going to be this cycle it WILL be another.
Af got me. I will be starting clomid this cycle. Nervous about it but hoping it gets me my rainbow baby!
Good luck schultzie18!
MsBee21niya - your chart looks great!
EAandBA_ttc - How is it going?
Melly Belly - congrats hun!
MrsOvey - How are you doing?

FX & :dust: :dust:

afm - just in the tww. Just waiting...:coffee:
Hi all just checking in! Hd my mid cycle scan yesterday (clomid free month) and I had one follie at 18mm , the FS is now saying my issue is not growing the egg but releasing it? Likely to have a trigger shot next month - does the nurse do these or do I do it myself?
Hi all just checking in! Hd my mid cycle scan yesterday (clomid free month) and I had one follie at 18mm , the FS is now saying my issue is not growing the egg but releasing it? Likely to have a trigger shot next month - does the nurse do these or do I do it myself?

As far as i know, you do them, or actually, you can have your partner help, because they are usually injected into the gluteus muscle (that would be just above your butt) and it is kind of a hard angle to get to

I did my own, and honestly, being a nurse might have helped a smidge, but i can say it was easier for me to inject myself as far as the needle went (and yeah, it looks gigantic, but mine was a 3" long 22 gauge, much smaller than the needles they use when you donate blood) i positioned it, took a deep breath and stuck myself...just make sure the bevel (the open part of the tip) is facing up and it shouldnt be horrible :thumbup:
Took my first clomid pill today. I am a little worried about being able to BD when the time is right. DH and I will be out of the state attending my brothers wedding.

I hope I O this month with the help of clomid. The last 2 months were anovulatory for me.

Good luck to everyone!
NDTaber9211...FINALLY! Hope it helps you, and makes you O. Good luck!! FX!

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