First IUI - Looking for IUI Buddies!

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I've been injecting myself 1 or 2 times every day this cycle, so the trigger shot was nothing. Honestly, the needles are so thin you don't feel it at all!
Pnutsprincess, what a journey I am telling you! My hubs was with his ex-wife for 5 yrs and no babies. But, I have an almost 14yr old step son from his relationship before that. So... i think he is good. But we shall see. He didn't have time to do his SA this week before our IUI so we are just moving forward this round and doing it during the procedure itself. As it is, the doc thinks is was my cervix issues so fingers crossed!

It has been quite a journey. Good luck hun I hope this is the only IUI you need. I will be praying for you!
I am So happy I found this forum... let alone this thread. It is wonderful to share these intimate experiences with others that truly understand. Sending you all big huge hugs and lots of baby dust your way!!!!
Thanks Pnuts! I wish you the very best too!!!! xo

I feel the same way Jazzy! It's been wonderful to get the support I need through all these ladies. To think - we don't know one another, never met but we become important people in our journey to conception!
I hope this cycle works for you! XO When do you get to test?
Exciting! How long are your cycles?
I have a 30-33 day cycle on average so some times I don't ovulate until CD18 :(

I am starting cycle monitoring on Saturday morning. Very early. YUCK.

It really stinks going in on Saturday or Sunday morning...I have had to do both and although I am grateful that they are open on the weekends, I much rather be sleeping!!

Well, my cycles are screwed up so they are anywhere from 44-58 days long normally, and I can ovulate anywhere from for me, this is a big improvement!!

I didn't sleep in last Sat. for my CD3 & no sleeping in this weekend & most of next week. Balls!!!!!

Wow, that's a loooong cycle! I would think they will trigger in the "average" CD.
Pnuts - Thanks for sharing your journey.
I am also a step-mother of an 8 yr old girl. We have her part-time.
We had a baby girl the summer of 2011 but I gave birth at almost 32 weeks & she passed away 5 days later due to an infection. We've been trying to conceive baby#2 since Feb of 2011. We've had our preliminary fertility screening. Loads of ultrasound & blood tests. Everything came back with great results. This is our first cycle trying IUI.
Hrmmm. That's all I think?

I am so sorry for you loss, I could not imagine. I wish you a BFP with this IUI and a HH9M. Good luck hun, This will be my first IUI as well

I really hope for a bfp too. We could really use a bright light at the end of our journey. My sac tore & that's why I went into PPROM. I will do all I can to prevent it from happening again. But i am also told that it's a fluke & the likelihood of it happening again is none. I can only hope.
I've been told many times: no strenuous working out or major diets when trying to conceive. So just take it easy. Walking, yoga, low impact is the best way to go!

one more day & I'll be going in for my CD10!
Ladies - those of you that have gotten your IUI's already - what CD did you get your trigger? I'm trying to get an idea when I may be able to expect it next week.

Hi Barbikins! Triggered on CD 13, IUI on CD 14 and "prescribed BDing" today on CD 15.

:hangwashing: -->just thought this was cute:haha:

When do you usually O on your own?
When did you start your clomid? I am wondering if we will be around the same time!

Amcolecchi - I think I'll get my period tonight so I'll start clomid either Sunday or Monday. We'll have to have a thread to cheer you on training for your marathon!

Anyone who's taking clomid... do you take it at a particular time? or with food? or before food?
I've been told many times: no strenuous working out or major diets when trying to conceive. So just take it easy. Walking, yoga, low impact is the best way to go!

one more day & I'll be going in for my CD10!
Ladies - those of you that have gotten your IUI's already - what CD did you get your trigger? I'm trying to get an idea when I may be able to expect it next week.

Hi Barbikins! Triggered on CD 13, IUI on CD 14 and "prescribed BDing" today on CD 15.

:hangwashing: -->just thought this was cute:haha:

When do you usually O on your own?

LOL nice animation :)

OK cool - thanks. I am told I"m going to get two IUI's in this cycle. And I"m sure they'll tell us to BD as well.

I usually O on my own between CD 15 & CD18. Depends on my cycle. It varies.
Hey can I join :D going too be starting my 1st iui cycle 50mg clomid & trigger& prog supp

Af due in 10 days so then I'll get started :D I have. A question though my hubby's count yesturday was 120million will this be decreased a lot when it's washed ?? X
Welcome betty! are you doing IUI or IVF? Or opted out of IVF? I just notice on your signature you mention IVF.

The count doesn't get decreased perse when you get a wash. It separates the sperm from the semen which is a good thing. Also, they take the strongest swimmers out of the pool to inseminate. So you get a great concentration of the best sperm.
Aww thank you qwerty!!! I am on cd5 and currently on clomid 3-7, so we are somewhat close!

I take my prenatal pill with breakfast and my clomid pill with dinner same time every night like 5:30-6 p.m...I have a sensitive stomach so I always take my pills with my food but it says you don't have to!
Welcome betty! are you doing IUI or IVF? Or opted out of IVF? I just notice on your signature you mention IVF.

The count doesn't get decreased perse when you get a wash. It separates the sperm from the semen which is a good thing. Also, they take the strongest swimmers out of the pool to inseminate. So you get a great concentration of the best sperm.

We are still doing the process for ivf egg sharing which will be may/June
But whilst we wait my hubby wanted us too have an iui !! Lol bless him so now were doing a 3 cycle package but then if we don't get BFp we will just move straight onto ivf :D if the 1st cycle on clomid is a bust I'll notch up too injectables but there just more expensive so trying this 1st :D

That's good it doesnt decrease it his speed was 55% so Fingerscrossed something will happen lol when are you going for your iui ?? Xx
What is Egg Sharing? They are not your eggs?
That's so nice that hubby is invested as he is. I wish you all the best for IUI. Is there a reason you wouldn't be able to conceive through IUI?
IUI is a less evasive & less expensive route for sure. I really hope it works for you. Crossing my fingers!!!!

Naw, the sperm wash actually sounds like a great option. Take all the best swimmers & put them where they need to be? I think so! LOL
So for this reason I hope it works for us. And with triggered ovulation at the best possible time - that should really increase our chances. We have unexplained fertility issues. I haven't had a laprascopy or did a more thorough investigation of DH's sperm but if this 1st cycle doesn't work I will inquire about DH getting his sperm checked. I don't want to do anything more invasive unless we've gone through the allotted amount of IUI's recommended first. WE can't afford IVF so I don't know what we'll do if this doesn't work.
I am going in for my CD10 tomorrow morning for monitoring. I won't know when I'm getting IUI done for sure but it should be next week some time. I'm estimating around Wednesday.

When are you starting CM for your IUI? What CD are you?
Goooooood morning, ladies!!!

Qwerty - I take my pre-natal in the morning and I take my Clomid right before I go to sleep. I am like Amcolecchi with a sensitive stomach to meds and also I didn't want to experience more symptoms and per the doc's recommendation sleep thru most of them! I still was moody though :-/

Bettybee - welcome!!! I took my trigger last night and get my IUI Saturday morning :happydance:
Jazzy so excited for you!!!!! Hope It goes great! !!!
Yes what is egg sharing?

Egg sharing is where I would get matched with a receipt some one who needs donor eggs and Iam
The donor so I get free ivf just have tol pay for screening once it gets too egg collection time they split half of my eggs eg. 5 for me 5 for receipeint

It's just a long process as you have tol be mac the by eye colour eg.

So theirs no reason why we can't concieve naturally I have my daughter who I comcieved just on clomid :) but my hubby is in the army so we miss ovulation a lot !!! And I have low prog so treatment is the way forward !!! For me the iui is very expensive in the uk !! It's like 1200 just for 1 go thats roughly $2000 !!! A lot of money !!! Ivf egg sharing is 1000 so if these 3 iuis fail that's the way forward !!

I hope this works for you hunnie !!! There is egg sharing & you get paid $5000 for donating eggs in america !! Xxx
Wow, Bettybee! I never really knew about that. I think if my eggies were good and I was done having my own that I would donate. I think that is so beautiful to share that opportunity of pregnancy!
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