First IUI - Looking for IUI Buddies!

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Good Luck Jazzy! I hope you end up getting you BFP!

Thank you, Pnutsprincess :hugs: It's just soooo super emotional. And on top of it, my hubs is telling me at the last minute that he wants me to drive the night before to go pick up my step-son 2 1/2 hours each way. I LOVE the kid. LOVE. I feel so selfish but I am like REALLY this weekend. I am a beyotch right now huh?[/QUOTE]

I know how that is My stepson Daniel is over 30 hours away in MA one way. We are actually trying to get to Fort Drum, NY to be closer, that will be a 6.5 hour drive one way. I know after doing IUI I wouldn't want to drive that long, and I love my stepson very much.
No you are not being a bia...I would just want to rest too after getting and IUI...sitting in a car, driving for that long is super tiring!! I hope you guys can work this out!!!
Hello Ladies,
How are you all doing? Are we all TTC #1 or do any of you have any children? I will tell you more about me and my hubby. My husband and his ex wife had a son January 2005 named Daniel. My husband had more morph then, than he does now. His first tour was in 2003- 2004, but he was not around too many chemicals or radiation. His last tour in 2009-2010 he was exposed to excessive radiation, chemicals, heat and radiation. When he got home from this tour, his ex wife had gotten pregnant, she had Tyler March 7, 2011<- My husband does not think Tyler could be his because his morph was 2% and at the time they had intercourse he was way past drunk and was smoking 2 packs of cigs a day and chewing tobacco. Tyler does not even look like him, he looks like a friend of my husband's Kyle, who had been living with Seth's ex-wife for 3 months before Seth got home.
Seth's ex-wife left for MA to go to a funeral Nov 2010 and decided she wanted a separation, so Seth decided to give her a divorce. Seth and I got together January 2011, but had been friends since Oct 2010. We just clicked, we stated NTNP late Feb 2011. shortly after we started TTC and a year had past and we started doing test. Finally my doctor referred me to a fertility specialist and that's where we are today we found out I don't have fertility issues, my husband does. Here we are trying to conceive our first together and a part of me is hoping we will end up with twins. One of each would be awesome and then we can be done. I would like to have 4 of my own, but I will settle with one of each. I am honestly not picky, Seth really wants a girl.
Good Luck Jazzy!!!!

OMG ElleT613 I know!! Walking is so hard rather than running. I have a dog, so I do walk him everyday, when it's not too cold out, but I definitely will take your advice and do what you are doing. My IUI isn't for another week so I am going to work out now and then that 2ww just do walking and some light lifting! Are you going to take a prego test? Did the docs tell you when to "expect" the witch because they are making me ovulate earlier than normal (if clomid did it's job) so I am not sure when to expect it! Hopefully never, but you know what I mean :)

Only one week away-- that is exciting!!

You know- I have to start taking progesterone tonight after our prescribed BDing:haha:. However, they never tested it! I did have an early mc a few months ago so perhaps they are just taking precaution...

Zimmy - glad to know the nurses told you to keep up your regular activity! At least I'll feel comfortable with the low impact exercise I plan to do!
Sounds great ladies! Yes, I'm ttc #1. Had an early mc a couple of years ago. I think its important to keep up some activity level, and honestly the nurses all told me to keep teaching my high impact stuff, but I know that if I did and the IUI didn't work I'd always wonder. Light weights and yoga, walking, etc. I think are a great idea. Zumba too!

I hate that we both have the M/C in common... I had an early one in March of 2010. Here is to a successful IUI for both us :hugs:
I've been told many times: no strenuous working out or major diets when trying to conceive. So just take it easy. Walking, yoga, low impact is the best way to go!

one more day & I'll be going in for my CD10!
Ladies - those of you that have gotten your IUI's already - what CD did you get your trigger? I'm trying to get an idea when I may be able to expect it next week.
Pnuts - Thanks for sharing your journey.
I am also a step-mother of an 8 yr old girl. We have her part-time.
We had a baby girl the summer of 2011 but I gave birth at almost 32 weeks & she passed away 5 days later due to an infection. We've been trying to conceive baby#2 since Feb of 2011. We've had our preliminary fertility screening. Loads of ultrasound & blood tests. Everything came back with great results. This is our first cycle trying IUI.
Hrmmm. That's all I think?
Hi Barbikins - I triggered at 10 pm on CD 12, Had IUIs on CD 13 and CD 14....
Zimmy - you had to do your own trigger? They dont administer it at the clinic?! Oh my.............
OK CD12 sounds reasonable. They take an average 28 day cycle perhaps?
it would be perfect b/c I have my step daughter on Monday morning & Thursday morning to take to school. Which means I wont get to the clinic any earlier than 8am & its SO damn busy at that time. So I really hope she's not with us the mornings we have to inseminate.
Hi Barbikins! I am triggering for my first IUI tonight at 10pm which is CD14. My IUI is scheduled for CD 16 on Saturday. I am excited :happydance:
Today you're triggering?!
So wait - we have to do this on our own at home?! Really?!?!?!

I'm so curious to know when I"m going to be triggered! I CANT WAIT!!!
Pnutsprincess, what a journey I am telling you! My hubs was with his ex-wife for 5 yrs and no babies. But, I have an almost 14yr old step son from his relationship before that. So... i think he is good. But we shall see. He didn't have time to do his SA this week before our IUI so we are just moving forward this round and doing it during the procedure itself. As it is, the doc thinks is was my cervix issues so fingers crossed!
Amcolecchi - thanks for the reassurance. We decided that it is just too much to do the drive this weekend. I feel bad but at the same time, just so tired this whole week from the hormones and stress. Plus he is 14, so he has an abundance of energy! It would be hard to keep up with it. Did I mention we are in the process of moving too? lol... gluttons for punishment!

Barbikins - Yup all on our own. Hubs has been assigned the lovely duty. Basically we pinch the fattest part of my tummy and jab it in real fast. It is a smaller sized needle so not too bad.

Karena!!!! Omg... can you see the vindictive smile my DH will have! lmao
Amcolecchi - thanks for the reassurance. We decided that it is just too much to do the drive this weekend. I feel bad but at the same time, just so tired this whole week from the hormones and stress. Plus he is 14, so he has an abundance of energy! It would be hard to keep up with it. Did I mention we are in the process of moving too? lol... gluttons for punishment!

Barbikins - Yup all on our own. Hubs has been assigned the lovely duty. Basically we pinch the fattest part of my tummy and jab it in real fast. It is a smaller sized needle so not too bad.

Karena!!!! Omg... can you see the vindictive smile my DH will have! lmao

So glad to hear that you decided together that it is too much, it really is...this entire process is exhausting and I feel like adding anything onto it sometimes feels impossible! I can't believe you are in the process of moving about adding something onto the IUI process - jeez, you are crazy! Good luck moving!!

And oh yes - I can just see it...although I would be happy seeing it from my DH if he were only here! lol I think it is interesting that some people have it done at the docs and some do it at home - lucky us I guess huh!!
Today you're triggering?!
So wait - we have to do this on our own at home?! Really?!?!?!

I'm so curious to know when I"m going to be triggered! I CANT WAIT!!!

I am the same way...all this waiting is torture! As soon as we find out when we will trigger, then we wait for IUI, then the 2ww...always waiting it seems hahaha I have to do Menopur injections right now at home and then I will have to do the trigger shot at home too, my first Menopur injection is tonight, hopefully it will be easy!!
I dunno how I feel about injecting myself LOL
I hope my hubby's up for the task!!!! Thanks for the info.

Karena - this cycle feels like the longest yet. I can't wait!
What CD are you on? I'm CD8 today.
@barbikins Today is CD11 for me, I went in for monitoring and my eggies aren't ready yet! Soo...injections until Saturday and then I go in again Sunday for monitoring...I'm praying that I will be ready to trigger Sunday evening! When do you go in for monitoring?
Exciting! How long are your cycles?
I have a 30-33 day cycle on average so some times I don't ovulate until CD18 :(

I am starting cycle monitoring on Saturday morning. Very early. YUCK.
Exciting! How long are your cycles?
I have a 30-33 day cycle on average so some times I don't ovulate until CD18 :(

I am starting cycle monitoring on Saturday morning. Very early. YUCK.

It really stinks going in on Saturday or Sunday morning...I have had to do both and although I am grateful that they are open on the weekends, I much rather be sleeping!!

Well, my cycles are screwed up so they are anywhere from 44-58 days long normally, and I can ovulate anywhere from for me, this is a big improvement!!
Pnuts - Thanks for sharing your journey.
I am also a step-mother of an 8 yr old girl. We have her part-time.
We had a baby girl the summer of 2011 but I gave birth at almost 32 weeks & she passed away 5 days later due to an infection. We've been trying to conceive baby#2 since Feb of 2011. We've had our preliminary fertility screening. Loads of ultrasound & blood tests. Everything came back with great results. This is our first cycle trying IUI.
Hrmmm. That's all I think?

I am so sorry for you loss, I could not imagine. I wish you a BFP with this IUI and a HH9M. Good luck hun, This will be my first IUI as well
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