First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Hey everyone. Been so stressed out this tww I haven't been able to get on BnB. Will try to check in more, not sure if I'll be able to. Tested with a 10iu/mL test today (9dp3dt) and got a BFN. Grumble... I've been emailing my doctor for a couple days trying to find out what the plan will be if this cycle fails and she seems to be ignoring me. If I haven't heard back by Monday, I'm just going to go to the clinic, demand a beta, and sit there until I get an appt. This is ridiculous.

In other news, ya'll might find these interesting:

The first study is from 2000 and shows that sex in the tww, especially around transfer, aids in implantation:

The next is a doctor talking about seminal fluid and it's positive impact on implantation:

The third is one of the current IVF textbooks, published last year, that states female orgasm is fine during the tww and, again, brings up the benefit of intercourse within two days of transfer on implantation. (pg 262, bottom left, top right): female oragasm on implantation rates&f=false

Wish I had this info a week and a half ago!
Bunny- So sorry for the BFN :hugs: Is it still early at 9dp3dt? I thought I remembered reading some ladies did not get one until 11dp3dt. When is OTD?
There's no OTD at my clinic. Just, "Do some hpt's and let us know how it goes." It's a little maddening, but apparently it's the norm in this country. 11dp3dt is what they say for the normal tests (25iu/ml sensitivity), but these are "clinical strength" or something (10iu/ml sensitivity) so they are supposed to show today. At least 98% accuracy at 9dp3dt. I tried two different lots (batches?) of the high accuracy tests, plus two other normal brands, and everything was BFN, so I'm thinking it's the real deal.
So sorry Buny :hugs: I hope they get things figured out for you. Perhaps RE is on vacay? I don't know about sex but my fresh cycle I was having orgasms in my sleep after transfer(I know it was from all the hormones) and I got a BFN.

Seoul I would love to hear my report as well but all I will get today is a recorded message of when my transfer is. I will hear nothing about them til I go in for transfer. Still pissed. Don't feel too bad for Lanet the high here today is in the 20's again but I have to work anyways : ). What's progynol the equivalent to here? So exciting to get moving!
@Peachy- Yeah, it's just sex, not female orgasm that helps. Apparently there is something in semen that helps the embryo to implant.
So sorry Buny but it really is a bit early still, it's only 12dpo...
And about the sex, interesting, but semenal fluid doesn't reach the uterus, that's why in iui they have to wash it, bc the semenal fluid can cause severe contractions, normally the cervix filters it out. At least that's what I remember. But I've been wrong before! I'm really most likely going to be too scared for sex after transfer...actually I think my packet might say no sex until beta, I'll double check. At this point I don't think I'll do acupuncture or pineapple either. If it's meant to be it will be.
Peachy I'm anxious to know when your transfer is. Seoul it's exciting to get things started!
Lanet each time mine has said no sex/orgasm. I was freaked that it was happening to me (why couldn't it happen in everyday life) but lots of other women said they had the same issue. I have to work at 1:30 and call the line at 2 . That should be interesting. Hubby has to come down tonight to give me my PIO injection so I may make him sit there with me the rest of the night if my anxiety is high.
@lanet- These are the tests my doctor said would show by today with a 98% detection rate, proven by multiple lab studies, so I'm going to go ahead and let myself grieve for this cycle. And, no, seminal fluid doesn't reach the uterus. However, the chemicals in seminal fluid are absorbed into the body and sperm do travel into the uterus. Did you read the study and textbook? The study is published in the Oxford Journal, one of the top scientific publications available, and the textbook is one of the most current IVF textbooks available to those studying to be RE's, published just this last year. This is the most current, up to date, scientifically proven information available, definitely not an old wives tale like pineapple. I'm not telling anyone they have to have sex (that would be weird), but the study (and others like it) show a clear and remarkable improvement in embryo implantation rates for women exposed to seminal fluid during this small window of time. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the findings.

The rules about no sex/orgasm are not based on recent scientific evidence; they're based on rules from 20+ years ago that many clinics simply stick to because it's common policy. Other clinics have revised these policies in the last decade, accepting the recent findings into their methods. There are even clinics that currently inject seminal fluid into the vagina at transfer to aid in implantation.
Yes I read them, and I'm not in any position to say either way, I'm only a hair stylist lol. I'm just saying, knowing my high anxiety, I would be too scared personally, to go against my dr etc. but I could totally just have him inject some semen into me! Maybe I will actually try that. I think it's the actual act of sex that scares me. And unfortunately you can find studies that contradict other studies. In my opinion those studies contradict themselves a bit, stating the risk of injection after transfer, and of uterine contractions, and saying there was no difference in pregnancy rates, but in viable pregnancy, and then saying it could be bc those couples conceived naturally? But they don't think so. That's what scares me about the pineapple as well, some say it helps, others say it causes uterine contractions. I wasn't advising anyone to do anything either, just stating my personal feelings on it.
I don't know about fluid either but I do know they have you ibuprofen and valium not only to relax mentally but physically as well because they do not want uterine cramps/contractions and sex/orgasm causes those. In a perfect world we'd all be having great sex everyday and get pregnant the first month while still having sex everyday but there's a reason we have to be more careful. What works for one will not work for another. At the end of the day this is a long hard tedious process and if you aren't comfortable with your RE and their practices you should find another one that does things differently. My motto is to not do anything I would blame myself for or regret later. That's why I skip the glass of wine that's probably harmless and take my meds at exactly the same time even though there's leeway.

Now even though it's chilly the sun is out even though it's like a dark cave at work. Hubby was really sweet and tried telling me not to go but honestly I should keep busy either way.
I was thinking next cycle I might just have DH make, um, "donations" without much actual BD'ing if that makes sense. Get some of those needle-less syringes or something to inject it with. There are several studies and textbooks I've found that say female orgasm is fine, it is what they're currently teaching as fact, but I'm always too sore for the week after collection so I don't think I'd be able to have actual sex.
Buny next time you could always use a friendly condom and a baster? I certainly don't think it would hurt anything and I know this is an excruciatingly painful time for you and I hope your RE answers you soon so it's one less thing to stress about. I know late positives usually don't end up well and I try not to indulge in false hope as well. I need to face it and move on. Hopefully the changes you make for your next cycle make your dream come true :hugs:
I finally asked about BD'ing the other day, something my RE had never brought up but that I'd been avoiding engaging in since it seemed to be the common policy at most clincs. Anyway, my RE is fine with sex during stims and between collection and transfer. She recommends abstaining from sex (due to concerns about orgasm) from the time of transfer until 5dp3dt/3dp5dt. I was avoiding sex altogether since so many clinics say to, but now that I've read up on all this, I think I'll get back to sex starting 8 days past collection and supplement with seminal fluid until then. DH will be much happier and I think it will really benefit our relationship.
Lanet is it sunny there ? Shouldn't be since you get it warmer : ). Got real cold last night so all that had melted froze and made the world a skating rink. I will let you know as soon as I can when transfer will be. If it's tomorrow I may have a meltdown and still have to deal with work so we shall see. I know 3dt work all the time but have been reading nothing good about my follicle/eggs retrieved situation. Seems like a big possibility is that I stimmed to quick (8 days is short) and fried them so they wouldn't release from the follicle. Can't wait til I get to take all that valium : )
I always have sex during stims and my clinic want you to 2-3 days before retrieval anyways so they get a fresh sample. I would have sex now (and I'd like to) but I have a string hanging from my stitch that I cannot dislodge. I can feel it every time I insert my pill in my Jay Jay and it creeps me out. I have been crazy traumatized HA : )
Buny next time you could always use a friendly condom and a baster? I certainly don't think it would hurt anything and I know this is an excruciatingly painful time for you and I hope your RE answers you soon so it's one less thing to stress about. I know late positives usually don't end up well and I try not to indulge in false hope as well. I need to face it and move on. Hopefully the changes you make for your next cycle make your dream come true :hugs:

Thanks, Peachy. I'm just trying to find things I can do that might possibly help next cycle. After this next cycle, we will be out of passport days for three months, so will have to take a break from IVF if I'm not pregnant. That's really scary for me to think we'll just have to stop trying. So anything I can do better next time around, you know?

I spent most of the morning grieving and trying to wrap my head around things- now just trying to make a list of all the things that came up this last cycle that I want to make sure I do differently this next time around. So far I've got: Get back on the supplements I was on with my first cycle, get to bed early at the same time each night, cut out gluten again, keep active, and now add in seminal fluid around transfer. DH has been on supplements for a week and a half now and making sure to clear the tubes regularly which he generally doesn't do (sorry, tmi), so hopefully that's helping. I just need to feel like I've got everything lined up for the next try. I don't know how many more BFN's I can take, you know?
I always have sex during stims and my clinic want you to 2-3 days before retrieval anyways so they get a fresh sample. I would have sex now (and I'd like to) but I have a string hanging from my stitch that I cannot dislodge. I can feel it every time I insert my pill in my Jay Jay and it creeps me out. I have been crazy traumatized HA : )

I think I missed the bit about the stitch during my disappearance the last several days. What did you get a stitch for?
It's so they can pull my cervix down for transfer it's at a funny little angle. I understand completely but i hope you know waiting a few months isn't not trying so don't look at it that way. The body and mind can only take so much and even if you do have to take a break you'd still be doing lots to get ready mentally ,emotionally and physically for next cycle. I read that waiting between fresh cycles improves egg quality. I too am tired of waiting for my baby but if I get a BFN this cycle I will wait a month to do a fet if that's even a possibility and if not I will wait 3 cycles to do another fresh. I like having a plan in place and if I do have to wait I plan on taking off 10 lbs a month which isn't hard when you focus and maybe enjoying my summer in the meantime.
Peachy I really hope you get good news, and I can't wait for you to get to take that Valium either;) maybe that should be the standard for all through a cycle? Lol. 8 days is fast, I was wondering about that, how is it fast tracked? Or why? Esp since we are on close to same protocol. But I'm sure your RE knows best.
And's really sunny here, but so windy!!
Buny I'm just so sorry, I can't even imagine the devastation of a failed cycle, ESP since this will by my only chance unless i have frosties. I agree to not think of a break as not trying but I know that's so hard.
Hi ladies!

Buny, I'm so sorry about your bfn, I hope there is still a chance for you. Mine came 10p5dt and the line was clearly there but not what I would call dark. So fingers crossed.

Peachy - keep us updated on your call

I got all of my info from the clinic and we are good shape!!
Beta on Monday (15dp5dt) was 155
Beta today (17dp5dt) was 410
First ultrasound is scheduled for March 24th!

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