First ivf march 2014! Please join me!

Peachy my dr told us they see higher pregnancy rates with a 5dt. Of course either way can result in pregnancy but I'll really be praying for 5dt.
Buny that house in Colorado sounds amazing! It's so beautiful there.
Full day of work today but then I'm off to have some fun with dd tomorrow while she's out of school for spring break.
@Peachy- As much as I wish it were true, 3dt does not have anywhere near the same success rate as 5dt. Especially on a per-embryo success scale. Yes, lots and lots of women get pregnant from 3dt- I mean, that was the only available form of IVF for a very long time, and it does definitely work, but the chance of implantation of a blastocyst is more than double that of a 3dt embryo.

With the way an embryo grows- the first few days are based on if fertilization happened correctly and then on the health of the egg alone. So if you have a lot of embryos make it to day three, you have healthy eggs and sperm that are capable of fertilization. At day three, the genetics of the embryo kicks in. This happens around the 6-8 cell mark. From there, the embryo genetics can either thrive or fail. The longer the embryo is kept in the lab, the more that is known about its health. So when the embryos are transferred back at d3, there is no way to know how healthy the embryo actually is.

A day 5 transfer is the ideal transfer date because this is a day that the embryo would actually be in the uterus after natural conception. Placing an embryo into the uterus on day 3 in not the ideal condition for the embryo. The fallopian tubes have a much different blend of nutrients than the uterus and the embryo should still be there at day 3. This is why they move the embryos to a different culture medium on day 4 when growing them to blastocysts. By placing the embryo into the uterus on day 5, the embryo is placed in the correct environment, just prior to implantation, after giving the embryologist the most information possible.

Some of the top IVF doctors in the world are beginning to push to get rid of 3dt saying that if an embryo cannot make it to blastocyst in the lab, there is no way it can make it within the uterus, and that transferring possibly faulty embryos on day 3 is actually unethical and unfair to couples pay OOP for insanely expensive treatments. They say that the lab conditions that we are now able to attain are ideal for embryonic development, and moving an embryo back to the uterus at d3 does not give it a better chance, it only give the clinic an opportunity to charge the client for transfer. Obviously, the clinic makes more money with a 3d embryo transfer than on a failed cycle. However, if an embryo would not have made it to d5 in the lab, there is no way it would make it to d5 in the uterus either.

In ideal conditions only about a half to a third of embryos that make it to day three will be strong enough to make it to blastocyst stage, whether in the lab or the uterus. That means that if you have two embryos sitting in the lab at d3, there is a still a good chance that neither of them is actually strong enough to make it. But by going ahead and transferring the embryos then, the clinic is still able to charge you for the transfer. This is why after a 3dt the clinic still does not freeze the remaining embryos until d5 or d6.

I am not trying to sink anyone ship or make anyone feel bad, but I really do think it is important that we all understand the process we're going through. :thumbup:

Note: There are some clinics who only transfer 3d embryos that have passed the Early Embryo Viability Assessment test, which does a much better job at selecting embryos capable of becoming blastocysts, but this technique is not widely used. Most clinics still use the standard grading system. It's worth asking your clinic if they are able to employ a higher tech method to evaluate the first 3 days of embryo development. The extra cost associated with the test is generally worth the increase in success rate.
lanet- What are your plans for tomorrow? Have a good day at work today! :wave:

Red- How are you feeling today, hunny? Everything going well?

AFM- Just got back from the RE. Had blood drawn and an appt scheduled for tomorrow's consultation. Managed to work through all the grieving in the last couple days and am ready to go in tomorrow and get the plan for the next cycle. Feeling good and like this next cycle is going to be "the one"! I didn't have that feeling the last couple cycles, but I just feel so healthy right now!
LADIES! I have MAJOR news!!

DH may be getting a new job WITH 3 CYCLES of IVF INSURANCE!!!

He applied for this job a few months ago, went through about 20 hours of interviews, and at the end the company said they really want him but couldn't afford him. (They're a pretty new company on a tight budget.) He was so bummed out because this is a job he really, really wanted. Well, he just got an e-mail from that company's HR department saying that they think they've found a way to pay him what he's worth! If all goes well we'll be moving to NYC as soon as we're done here in Prague. So even if I don't get pregnant this next cycle- we'll be able to get a home again (I don't care if it has to be a rental!) and even be able to do IVF for the same price we're paying currently- maybe even less! And no more traveling to Prague. All with enough of a raise for DH to cover the higher cost of living in NYC!

I am so, so, so, so hoping that this offer goes through. If all goes well, DH will start his new job on May 12!!!

Omg ladies- my prayers may have finally been answered!
Buny I have read what you are saying and I have read the oopposite. I do not believe nor do the 2 clinics I have been to have double the success rate with 5dt. As with most things in ivf patients are apples and oranges. Me having tubal issues is a whole other story than a woman with DOR or a couple with MFI. As I learned after my tubal reversal even women with ridiculously short tubes can conceive and the embryo gets to the uterus much faster and still makes a baby. The RE's I have spoken to have told me with the embryo there is no substitute for the womb as of it and it is harder to culture to day 5 as their needs change so when things aren't looking optimal it's best to put them back. Unfortunately with humans involved there is always room for error. I am well aware that we can find anything on the Internet to tell us what we choose to believe. I do not believe that every embryo that becomes a baby from a day 3 transfer would have gone to day 5 and there is absolutely no way to prove it either way. A friend of mine had 1 poor quality embie on day 3 and I can't remember what the deal was now with fragmentation but she has a happy healthy 6 month old and my 2 very good quality blasts (4 actually from my 2 transfers and 1 was highest grade and hatching) has left me with empty arms. That's just a fact that can't be argued with. Perhaps some are picky about being in a dish. What works for one person will not work for another.
Buny that sounds amazing and I truly hope this works out for you!!!
Mono so jealous of your little one moving around!

Messica how are you holding up? Hope time is moving quickly..

Amanda if you're still out there we're still thinking of you and hope all is well!!

Tulip I hope you are feeling better and getting excited about plans with hubby. My history teacher finally gave up on ivf and ttc and they adopted a baby (David) and 4 months later she was pregnant with another son. I can't begin to imagine the stress and craziness we put on ourselves really messes up our bodies. .
Peachy- You are definitely right. It is not a strict 3d vs 5d divide. When they put in more embryos on day 3 it does a lot to balance off the rates. Just because the per embryo success rate is proven to be lower doesn't mean that the overall live birth is lower for each transfer day. It all depends on how many embryos are transferred. You put 4 beautiful 3d embryos in one group of women and only one perfect blastocyst in the other group, and you're likely to have the same overall success rate in each group. The difference is that in the 5dt group you've lost less transferred embryos over all, and you're looking at a much lower chance of multiples (and therefor much lower rates of high risk conditions, miscarriage, and stillbirth) while still retaining the same live birth rate. This is all I was talking about. <3
Buny so happy for you! That plus be amazing for you.
We are going to an amusement park tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be nice.
I'm currently listening to pregnant people chatter at my will be me soon right?
Peachy or Buny or anyone else, what do you think about my situation with my dh and I both normal but his sperm being covered with antibodies. I mean the dr says 60% chance but is that better or worse than some situations? It's nearly impossible to find info on this.
lanet- Have an amazing time at the amusement park! And yes- I know you will get your BFP very soon! I really believe that! From my understanding, antisperm antibodies don't matter if you're doing ICSI. They can cause major problems with natural IVF fertilization, but with ICSI, you totally bypass the antibody issue. If you have antisperm antibodies they can 100% prevent natural conception, but with ICSI, you have an amazing chance of success! For reference, my doctor put my first cycle success rate forecast at 65% with a single 5dt and I was 29 at the time.
Lanet I know it's crazy difficult but try not to hung up on stats. It's impossible to find the same couple with the same hormone levels with the same diets /lifestyle ,habits, response to meds etc. I was a given a 60% success rate after my transfer. Well it turned out that all that mattered was the 40%. With my miscarriage it happens in like 1% of cases. Same with my second ectopic in the same tube that just had a salpingectomy. When they tell me I have a 2% chance I will walk out with a baby! You are young and healthy and your chances will change as your cycle progresses. Honestly I am more nervous for you than for myself as I have more chances. Just keep praying and believing and more than anything have fun tomorrow and enjoy life. Stress and fretting bogs down our innards : )
Hi ladies! SOrry I have been MIA :( Alot has happened, I ended up doing 11 days of stims and on Monday I triggered. While on the phone with the nurse that was telling me what to do, after that was done she proceeds to tell me that we will have to freeze all eggs!! I was absolutely devastated to say the least. She said that my progesterone had risen and was out of sync with my uterus lining. I only had 7 follicles!! So we went for ER on yesterday morning and got 5 eggs. The embryologist called this morning and 3 fertilized! SO now we are hoping and praying that all three make it to day 3 for the freeze. We will be doing a FET next cycle.

I will do some catching up on you all.
Hi Amanda! I'm sorry you have to do a fet, I know it's disappointing to wait but lots of people have success with frozen. And I've even heard some think it better bc your body hasn't been through the trauma as in a fresh cycle. I hope and pray your embies make it!
Peachy, they gave you 2% chance with ivf?
Buny and peachy, thanks, I do have a good feeling about things, cautiously, but you're right about antibodies preventing bfp naturally so I do feel like this is our first actual shot.
Thanks Lanet... I am a nervous wreck, it seems the worrying never stops.. It's always something! How are you? Have you found out anything on your embryo's?
I'm not there yet, start stims around the 28th. But Peachys at that stage!
Amanda was everything going well while you were being monitored? When did they know your progesterone was off?
Amanda so sorry things aren't going as you'd hoped. When will you find out they were able to freeze them. For your age and issue it does seem like a low number on that many days of stims but it's quality that matters. Gals get 20 eggs and end up with only a few embryos.

No Lanet I was saying how I am always against odds so if they did give me a 2% chance I'd feel good about it.
Amanda was everything going well while you were being monitored? When did they know your progesterone was off?

Apparently they test progesterone the day you are to trigger and that is when they noticed it was high (2.0, and dr don't like it above 1.0)
Amanda so sorry things aren't going as you'd hoped. When will you find out they were able to freeze them. For your age and issue it does seem like a low number on that many days of stims but it's quality that matters. Gals get 20 eggs and end up with only a few embryos.

No Lanet I was saying how I am always against odds so if they did give me a 2% chance I'd feel good about it.

I will find out Saturday. My AMH is really low, which was a major shock so that is what contributed to the few follicles..

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