First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I have a very faint bfp!:) done with a frer, urine held for 8 hours. Praying she sticks & keeps on growing. I really want to see and hear her heart beat.


Let's hope this thread stays on a winning streak! ;)
I have a very faint bfp!:) done with a frer, urine held for 8 hours. Praying she sticks & keeps on growing. I really want to see and hear her heart beat.

So exciting - congratulations!!!!
I'm very excited! Can't wait for you to test!!
Good morning! :coffee:

I didn't end up testing this morning, because I know it is way to early. But I had some more cramping yesterday and a little this morning. Also started feeling dizzy a few mins ago. And yesterday I was ready for bed by 7:30. I'm sure it's just from the progesterone, so am not letting those things get my hopes up, but I'm feeling really positive about the cramping.

Fingers and toes crossed!!!
Morning ladies! :flower:

jkb - :happydance::happydance::happydance: Hooray!!!! So happy for you. This is awesome. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

knitgirl - Wahoo on your transfer!!! Can't wait to see your test results, too.

JCM - Awwww, I'm sorry you are still so sick. I hope it was just buggy thing and that it's gone now. :hugs:

Erin - Sorry for the exhaustion! Hopefully, that's something that will pass quickly too. :sleep:

Beagle - I hope you're feeling better too!! Oh, and I forgot to say earlier that I really hope your husband can get one of those two promotions you mentioned. That would be great!!

kfs - Enjoy your lack of symptoms! It sounds like a lot of others are miserable. I can't believe that you are already almost in the second trimester. Crazy how times seems to fly for others!!

Sars - Hooray on getting started so soon! So lucky you don't have to do the BCP lead in.

Terri - Glad you had a good night out with your bestie. Those times are the best! And glad to hear you put a deposit down on your trip!! Hopefully, the talk with your husband was good. Have you decided about going back on birth control?? I bet your Super Bowl party menu is amazing - you're always cooking what sound like the best food.

babywhisperer - It's times like these when the terror threat gets raised that I'm glad I live in Podunkville. I'm sure I'd be a little nervous too if I were you! But I imagine you get used to it over time?? I can't even imagine having to commute by train. I am so spoiled. My office is 2.5 miles from my house. But there are times where living in this little drives me insane! People are pretty conservative and there's not a lot to do for entertainment. Oh well, everything is a trade-off, I suppose.

LadySosa - How are you doing????

Hello to everyone else!!!

I am having a $hit week. Sorry for the profanity but that's the only way to describe it. No motivation at work, ready to get things moving with my FET and having a personal crisis with one of my good friends. Ugh. Sometimes being an adult is just the pits. :grr:
Jkb - congrats! You must be so excited! Grow, little girl, grow!

Booger - sorry you're having a crappy week. The waiting can be so hard. January is the worst month in my opinion! And yes, I hear ya, sometimes being an adult stinks. Sometimes I look at my dog before I go to work, and I'm like, you've got it made dude. Sleeping all day, dreaming, dozing, not a care in the world. But then I remind myself that there's a lot of cool things that come with being a human (and an adult)...if not just to have opposable thumbs. ;)

Babyw - yikes on the terror risk! Stay safe lady! Hope you're feeling better.

Jen - sorry about the nausea! That does not sound fun.

Erin - hope your energy picks up!

Beagle - sorry if you already mentioned this, but when is your transfer?

Knitgirl - congrats on a successful transfer! Can't wait to hear results. What made you decide to transfer 2 embryos?

Afm - the stimming is going well, the menopur and follistim are becoming easy peasy. The needles don't hurt and I can just get them done with barely any thought. However my nurse wanted me to start with Ganerilex this morning. THAT needle hurts. I tried two attempts this morning and I wasn't able to pierce the skin. I had to have my hubby do it. I had BW and US yesterday and they said I have lots of follicles and my lining is looking good. It's still early stages tho. I go back on Fri for more. I am just now starting to feel a little symptomatic. I was feeling very cranky yesterday and this morning. And today my belly is starting to feel a little bloated. Questions to you ladies:

1) When are we NOT supposed to have sex? Is that after the transfer? Not that I've been feeling like it anyways.
2) Is there any recovery time after the ER? Or can I just go right back to work the next day?

Hope you guys have a great morning!
Knit girl- I do wish I would have been able to hold out til 6dpt to test but I'm not that patient, but I agree there is no way you would get anything 2 days after. I made a huge dinner last night and went and picked up my grandma to join us. It helped to be busy but relaxed.

Booger - I hope your week gets better! I think being unsure and then being ready to get the transfer over with is just part of the process. "The sun will come out tomorrow.....";)
I was told to not have unprotected sex starting 15 days before ER.

I actually felt fine after my retrieval...I went home the rest of the day. It was the weekend & I was off the next week...but I could have gone back to work the next day if I wanted. I never used the pain meds I was prescribed...ibprofen did the trick for me. And I only really used that when my body just felt off. No real pain just minor bloating & cramping.

But everyone is different.

My transfer is set for Jan 29th. My first scan is on Friday. Booger I know how you feel with the have had to wait much longer than me! But the positives on the thread just make me more impatient! I am just so excited for everyone & it makes me antsy & excited.
knit, I feel like the cramping is a good sign too.:thumbup:

booger, sorry you're having a sh!t week! I hate when I'm unmotivated at work, ugh. I end up procrastinating things, and that makes for busier days later on, ha! I know its hard too when you're looking so forward to getting started with a FET! Its just about all I could think about too.

LadySosa, it seems all clinics are different, but my clinic didn't have an issue with sex during STIMs. The no-sex thing started after transfer for me and just went through test day. Everyone's ER recovery seems to be a bit different too, but unfortunately for me, mine wasn't one of the super easy ones. I was quite uncomfortable for the rest of the day, and that night. I had to take the vicodin that night to sleep because there was literally no comfortable position for me to lay in. But luckily, it was short-lived. The next day I was only uncomfortable for about half the day. After that, just a teensy bit, but mostly just bloated. When I went in for my transfer, I was still bloated and still had a little fluid in my abdomen, so I guess that explained my experience. I think it's been pretty easy-peasy for the others so far.

beagle, yay for the 29th, wuhu!!! So exciting that it's coming up! I'll make sure i have your date correct on the front page.
I don't remember if we had restrictions on sex. Haha. We're not super frisky and I was away from my DH for most of the stimming anyway. Plus, there was no way he was getting anywhere near me once I could start to feel my follicles getting big.

I went back to work the day after retrieval. I was a little tender but I felt good enough to go to work and it was a day where I was running around and on my feet all day. I did take some Tylenol 3 the day of retrieval but mainly just so I could sleep well that night since I was a little crampy.

Yes - I'm just getting more impatient. I have gone from my episodes of doubt to just wanting my baby now! Hehe. January and February are the worst months too, in my opinion. But it's January 14 so it's almost half over already. I'm just in a mood - this too shall pass!
I know I am counting down until my first scan. Usually when the scans start, the days start going by faster. One when more meds are added it seems to be faster. I won't start P until after my bloodwork on the 23rd.

Work is so SLOW for me right now. I just sit at my computer all day with almost nothing to do. Everything is at a stand still...waiting on my bankers to get some things moving for me.

Erin, glad you have your scan pic up. I suppose they confirmed only 1 baby in there :) I am pretty sure my FET date was already updated on page 1...but thanks for keeping that going. I love looking at our progress & who is next in line. I think our successes & waiting list are almost even now!
jkb11 - YAY!!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you.

Knitgirl - Congrats on your transfer. I can't wait for you to test.

Booger76 - I'm sorry you've had a shitty week. I hope it gets better :)

LadySosa - We were just told not to have sex after the ER all the way until after my test date. Then after I got a positive I was told to keep abstaining. I was never told anything about not having sex before hand, and we actually BD a few days before the ER to "clean the pipes" lol. I was told it was fine to go back to work the next day. Just keep advil on hand, in case you need it.

Beaglemom - Are you feeling better today? I started getting sick last night. At first I thought it was my allergies but I woke up this morning with congestion in my chest, so now I know it's something more and we're leaving in two days. Boooo!!!

Babywhisperer - Keep safe girly. That is scary!! I also think you're having a girl. We should take a poll lol.

Erin - I hope the exhaustion doesn't last for much longer. But isn't it worth it :) I love the new picture too.

JMC - I hope you feel better soon!! That sucks to be having morning sickness this late in your pregnancy. There should be a rule that it stops immediately at 12 weeks lol :)

Terri - I miss you!! How are you? I was thinking about you and your BCP. Have you guys considered, not trying but not preventing? Or do you just want to eliminate any chance for a while?

I was thinking, I would love to know everyone's first name. I know Erin's and Terri's of course. And Booger76, because we have the same name lol. And Jen's. But I would love to know Beaglemom, Babywhisperer, jkb11, knitgirl, LadySosa, kfs1, Sars. I'm sorry if they've been mentioned before and I missed it. And of course if you don't want to share, no problem.
I have a very faint bfp!:) done with a frer, urine held for 8 hours. Praying she sticks & keeps on growing. I really want to see and hear her heart beat.

Yeah!!!! I had a good feeling and still do!! Congrats! So happy for you.

Jen here is the recipe:
1 pint boiled water
juice of 1/2 orange or 1/4 cup OJ concentrate
Juice 1/2 lemon or 1/4 cup lemon juice
1level tsp cream of tartar
sugar to taste (I use very little)
let chill and sip 1oz per hour
Jkb - congrats! You must be so excited! Grow, little girl, grow!

Booger - sorry you're having a crappy week. The waiting can be so hard. January is the worst month in my opinion! And yes, I hear ya, sometimes being an adult stinks. Sometimes I look at my dog before I go to work, and I'm like, you've got it made dude. Sleeping all day, dreaming, dozing, not a care in the world. But then I remind myself that there's a lot of cool things that come with being a human (and an adult)...if not just to have opposable thumbs. ;)

Babyw - yikes on the terror risk! Stay safe lady! Hope you're feeling better.

Jen - sorry about the nausea! That does not sound fun.

Erin - hope your energy picks up!

Beagle - sorry if you already mentioned this, but when is your transfer?

Knitgirl - congrats on a successful transfer! Can't wait to hear results. What made you decide to transfer 2 embryos?

Afm - the stimming is going well, the menopur and follistim are becoming easy peasy. The needles don't hurt and I can just get them done with barely any thought. However my nurse wanted me to start with Ganerilex this morning. THAT needle hurts. I tried two attempts this morning and I wasn't able to pierce the skin. I had to have my hubby do it. I had BW and US yesterday and they said I have lots of follicles and my lining is looking good. It's still early stages tho. I go back on Fri for more. I am just now starting to feel a little symptomatic. I was feeling very cranky yesterday and this morning. And today my belly is starting to feel a little bloated. Questions to you ladies:

1) When are we NOT supposed to have sex? Is that after the transfer? Not that I've been feeling like it anyways.
2) Is there any recovery time after the ER? Or can I just go right back to work the next day?

Hope you guys have a great morning!

We transferred two this time because that is the recommendation for women my age, and we did not do PGS. Hoping at least one of them stick and is healthy!!
I am feeling much better. I skipped the Sudafed this morning to see how I feel. I feel this weak feeling in my throat. Like an ache. Hard to explain. But overall I think the cold is being kicked out finally.

My name is Sarah
Jkb - congrats! You must be so excited! Grow, little girl, grow!

Booger - sorry you're having a crappy week. The waiting can be so hard. January is the worst month in my opinion! And yes, I hear ya, sometimes being an adult stinks. Sometimes I look at my dog before I go to work, and I'm like, you've got it made dude. Sleeping all day, dreaming, dozing, not a care in the world. But then I remind myself that there's a lot of cool things that come with being a human (and an adult)...if not just to have opposable thumbs. ;)

Babyw - yikes on the terror risk! Stay safe lady! Hope you're feeling better.

Jen - sorry about the nausea! That does not sound fun.

Erin - hope your energy picks up!

Beagle - sorry if you already mentioned this, but when is your transfer?

Knitgirl - congrats on a successful transfer! Can't wait to hear results. What made you decide to transfer 2 embryos?

Afm - the stimming is going well, the menopur and follistim are becoming easy peasy. The needles don't hurt and I can just get them done with barely any thought. However my nurse wanted me to start with Ganerilex this morning. THAT needle hurts. I tried two attempts this morning and I wasn't able to pierce the skin. I had to have my hubby do it. I had BW and US yesterday and they said I have lots of follicles and my lining is looking good. It's still early stages tho. I go back on Fri for more. I am just now starting to feel a little symptomatic. I was feeling very cranky yesterday and this morning. And today my belly is starting to feel a little bloated. Questions to you ladies:

1) When are we NOT supposed to have sex? Is that after the transfer? Not that I've been feeling like it anyways.
2) Is there any recovery time after the ER? Or can I just go right back to work the next day?

Hope you guys have a great morning!

Forgot to add this response to your other questions. Our RE said no intercourse during stims because the ovaries can get so big and they could get injured. I decided to take the day off after my ER just in case I needed it. It was nice as I was still a little sore. Glad to hear you are doing pretty well with stims!
My name is Lindsey. :) Nice to 'meet' you! Hehe.

Thanks everyone for the answers to my questions. It sounds like every clinic is different!

We are undecided about how many to transfer. We are leaning towards two, almost like, if we have twins, we'll be done (at least for a while!) with building our family! But it all depends on how the embies turn out. We keep going back and forth...
jkb11 - YAY!!!! Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you.

Knitgirl - Congrats on your transfer. I can't wait for you to test.

Booger76 - I'm sorry you've had a shitty week. I hope it gets better :)

LadySosa - We were just told not to have sex after the ER all the way until after my test date. Then after I got a positive I was told to keep abstaining. I was never told anything about not having sex before hand, and we actually BD a few days before the ER to "clean the pipes" lol. I was told it was fine to go back to work the next day. Just keep advil on hand, in case you need it.

Beaglemom - Are you feeling better today? I started getting sick last night. At first I thought it was my allergies but I woke up this morning with congestion in my chest, so now I know it's something more and we're leaving in two days. Boooo!!!

Babywhisperer - Keep safe girly. That is scary!! I also think you're having a girl. We should take a poll lol.

Erin - I hope the exhaustion doesn't last for much longer. But isn't it worth it :) I love the new picture too.

JMC - I hope you feel better soon!! That sucks to be having morning sickness this late in your pregnancy. There should be a rule that it stops immediately at 12 weeks lol :)

Terri - I miss you!! How are you? I was thinking about you and your BCP. Have you guys considered, not trying but not preventing? Or do you just want to eliminate any chance for a while?

I was thinking, I would love to know everyone's first name. I know Erin's and Terri's of course. And Booger76, because we have the same name lol. And Jen's. But I would love to know Beaglemom, Babywhisperer, jkb11, knitgirl, LadySosa, kfs1, Sars. I'm sorry if they've been mentioned before and I missed it. And of course if you don't want to share, no problem.

Well I'll find out soon enough if it is indeed a girl. Maybe the fatigue of working and coming home to a 1yr old is throwing me for a loop. It sucks I can't eat healthy while feeling nauseous. I need bread to soak up the acidity. I can't eat big meals, have to graze basically, too much food and it sits and I feel il. Digestion slows while prego so eating smaller meals helps.

My name is Sue! My nickname back in my single and drinking tequila days was Tsunami. It fit then but definitely not now!
My name is Kimberly :)

We had no sex restrictions until now that we are in the tww. But I will wait a long time just to be safe. All my previous miscarriages have started a day after having sex.... Not sure if there is any connection but I'm taking no chances. Poor hubby. At least he got his experience with all his semen samples he provided;)

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