First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I finally got some meds in me last night. I don't really like taking them & if I don't feel horrible, I try to just fight it off naturally. But I do NOT want my body trying to fight bad stuff & waste all its energy when it should be focusing on growing a baby! So I took a 12 hour sudafed last night, ate ramen, drank hot tea, took 4 ibprofen (major headache & pressure), & a dose of robitussin cough. It was early in the night, so I don't feel all groggy today. I do not plan to do that every night...just wanted a kick start to my body. But I don't drink caffeine much anymore. It used to never affect my sleep. But last night I was up & & out of sleep & going to the bathroom. I think it is because my tea had caffeine in it. But I feel great this morning. Took another 12 hour sudafed. My poor husband. I make fun of him because he can never buy anything without talking through it with me or texting me pics. So last night I told him I wanted the 12 hr generic sudafed. I want it to cover as many symptoms as possible but especially chest congestion, sinus congestion, & headache. I was sniffling & sneezing as well. So he brought me home sudafed sinus & allergy. I was like there are NO cold symptoms on here. He offered to go back out but I said don't worry about it. It seems to be doing a good job. The plan for dinner is some chicken soup I originally bought for my TWW to stay warm. It is a mix you add water & chicken...should be really good & hearty...just what my body needs!
SARS- excited you get to start! And it's awesome that you don't have to take BCP. I always despise them! Good luck with the meds. We are here to answer your questions:)

I took a test this am and it's negative at,this point. I will say my urine was pretty diluted as well. So here's to hoping for tomorrow.

Good luck testing...I don't think there is reason to worry. I think I was reading a thread the other day & most people said 7 days past. But I think I may start testing at 4 like you are.
Thanks girls. I am remaining positive. I only held urine for about 6 hours and right before bed I drank two and a half bottles of water. I am terrible for not drinking all day long until dinner so with ivf one main focus is trying to stay hydrated so I figured it was more important than getting a positive test this am. I going to buy some frers today because I just have the dollar stores test at home but I will say in a past pregnancy my hcg was only at 6 and a dollar store cheapie gave me a positive.
Since I had a 6day blast transfered and I'm 4 days post transfer, that makes me the equivalent of 10 dpo right?

Beagle- I hope you start feeling better fast! Seems you are doing all the right things! You should also take extremely hot showers/bath it will help you drain.
Oh gosh, I didn't realize some of you got released so early! But of course, now that makes sense, since I recall you saying you'd been released and we congratulated you, ha! Not sure where I got that from then, unless I just read others' stories on other threads or something. But I'd swear my original paperwork when starting IVF seemed to allude to around 11 weeks. Maybe that was outdated info though... who knows!

Physically, I'm just feeling ridiculously exhausted. Not just sleepy tired, but almost weak... not sure how to explain it, except that my body barely wants to stand long enough to shower, and I get exhausted just walking from my car into my office at work. I mean, I am WIPED. Sometimes I sit here at my desk and a wave of exhaustion will hit me, and I have to close my office door and put my head down on my desk. It's really bad, LOL. Obviously, all of this is welcome, as I'll do whatever I have to do for a baby. But i have to say, the only thing that gets me through some days is knowing this is hopefully a first-tri thing! Because the worst part is when I lay down to go to sleep at night, as exhausted as I am, I can't always sleep very well. :wacko:

A less debilitating symptom is that I get hungry super fast and without warning too (to the point of feeling a tad faint and shaky), so I'm making sure I have a snack on me at ALL times, and staying on a schedule of eating something small every 3 hours or so. For me, that has been a must.

This is how I was with my 1st. I cannot stress enough how much water to drink all day, and usually stop by 7 so you're not getting up 5 times a night. I kept nuts and other small snacks in my bag to eat b/c you literally go from 0 to famished in a blink. The fatigue does dissipate as you get to the 2nd trimester, but I know how brutal it can be right now. It's like you're a limp noodle and everything takes a lot of effort. I allowed myself a piece of dark chocolate in the afternoon as a little pick me up and it did the trick. Hang in there, it gets better.

As for sleeping, with the events of the last 2 weeks I have had a hard time falling asleep untila friend told me a breathing exercise. It's 4-7-8, breathe in for 4 secs, hold for 7 and exhale for 8. It slows your heart rate and relaxes you. I have done this the last 2 nights and it has helped me fall back asleep.

How are you doing Knitgirl?
This is how I was with my 1st. I cannot stress enough how much water to drink all day, and usually stop by 7 so you're not getting up 5 times a night. I kept nuts and other small snacks in my bag to eat b/c you literally go from 0 to famished in a blink. The fatigue does dissipate as you get to the 2nd trimester, but I know how brutal it can be right now. It's like you're a limp noodle and everything takes a lot of effort. I allowed myself a piece of dark chocolate in the afternoon as a little pick me up and it did the trick. Hang in there, it gets better.

As for sleeping, with the events of the last 2 weeks I have had a hard time falling asleep untila friend told me a breathing exercise. It's 4-7-8, breathe in for 4 secs, hold for 7 and exhale for 8. It slows your heart rate and relaxes you. I have done this the last 2 nights and it has helped me fall back asleep.

How are you doing Knitgirl?

Thank you BabyW! Reading this made me feel like i was reading my own experience! Limp noodle is the perfect description... When prego women say "tired", I always just assumed sleepy all day long. But since I also feel super weak and my legs sometimes feel like they don't want to hold me up, and even folding towels is a huge task, I started wondering if something was wrong (iron deficiency or something). But sounds like this isn't uncommon, so that gives me some peace of mind. Thanks for the breathing exercise too! I will try that. I have other random things that I try when I get into bed sometimes, but this is the first I've heard of the 4-7-8 exercise.

So, how are you doing??
Terri good luck with your natural tww! Glad you had a good night out as well as being able to discuss with hubs where you stand.

Kfs- it's like I know you are soooo right on I need to hold off but I'm so impatient. I will admit I have left over opk test and I took one today knowing it wouldn't show anything. I'm kinda

Erin- I LOVE your ticker! Hope the fatigue ends for you soon.

Baby w- I can't wait for your gender result. Are you feeling girl or boy???

As far as symptom spotting for me. I have the tender breast as well as a horrible break out. Both of which I am attributing to PIO shots..... However I keep thinking about the saying of little girls suck all the beauty from the momma and with little boys moms glow. And knowing they put a girl in makes me hopeful!!!

So excited for you to test!

At this point I would be surprised with all the nausea and chills if they say I'm having a boy. A boy would be easier, but I would feel like I missed out on being a Mom to a girl. I have spoken to people that felt a lot worse with their second and it was the same gender as the first. Each pregnancy is different. A close friend of mine is having her 2nd and shes 3 weeks ahead of me, feels great just like her 1st boy and now shes having a girl. So who knows, but I will be happy either way for different reasons. I do know dh wants a girl as does his Mom.

I'm feeling pretty good today so far which is awesome. I wish I felt better on weekends so I could enjoy myself and have more fun with Jack. When a wave hits me I am on the couch, bundled up under a blanket and miserable. We will be heading out to my in laws this weekend for the day since they haven't seen Jack in a month. Other than that, maybe a nice date night for me and dh if we can get a sitter.

In other real world news, they've raised the terror threat in NYC due to what happened in Paris. It's times like this that I really dread commuting since I take 3 trains in and 3 trains out of the city every day. I pray nothing happens.
Thanks girls. I am remaining positive. I only held urine for about 6 hours and right before bed I drank two and a half bottles of water. I am terrible for not drinking all day long until dinner so with ivf one main focus is trying to stay hydrated so I figured it was more important than getting a positive test this am. I going to buy some frers today because I just have the dollar stores test at home but I will say in a past pregnancy my hcg was only at 6 and a dollar store cheapie gave me a positive.
Since I had a 6day blast transfered and I'm 4 days post transfer, that makes me the equivalent of 10 dpo right?

Beagle- I hope you start feeling better fast! Seems you are doing all the right things! You should also take extremely hot showers/bath it will help you drain.

I always take hot showers anyways. They used to make a product that was a disk you put in the shower that dissolved. It would put great vapors in the shower steam. I don't think they make them anymore. But what you said did remind me I have some bath salts made for the same thing...may try those tonight in a hot bath.
Sars - Congrats on starting - the sooner the better I say. And I'm jealous about the BCPs. I HATE them.

JKB - Nooo. Step away from the tests, girl. Don't stress yourself out just yet - try to hold off before testing again if you can.

Beagle - Hope you feel better!

Erin - Wow. I can't believe how tired you are. I feel more tired than usual but not THAT tired. That said, I think it's a good sign! :) Let's just hope that it only lasts during the first trimester for you.

Babyw - I've had a lot of people guess that I'm having a boy because of my lack of symptoms but really, who knows?!?!? Every pregnancy is different, right?

Hi everyone else!
Sars - Congrats on starting - the sooner the better I say. And I'm jealous about the BCPs. I HATE them.

JKB - Nooo. Step away from the tests, girl. Don't stress yourself out just yet - try to hold off before testing again if you can.

Beagle - Hope you feel better!

Erin - Wow. I can't believe how tired you are. I feel more tired than usual but not THAT tired. That said, I think it's a good sign! :) Let's just hope that it only lasts during the first trimester for you.

Babyw - I've had a lot of people guess that I'm having a boy because of my lack of symptoms but really, who knows?!?!? Every pregnancy is different, right?

Hi everyone else!

Haha I know I need to just that but I'm so bad:dohh:
I'm gonna guess boy for you and girl for baby w!
Beagle glad you're feeling better. Try a humidifier too, they help.

Terri good luck in the natural 2ww. I haven't had a girls night in a long long time. I hope you take that trip!!!

I haven't really been on because work was so busy last week, that I didn't want to even open my computer over the weekend. I started to write this at around 9am and am just able to get back to it now, because work is again so busy.

Thanks to everyone for thinking of me yesterday. The transfer went well. They transferred two 6 day blasts, one was hatching and is AB and the other was expanded and AA. We were told the transfer went really well, so now we wait. I started having a little cramping today, so am hoping that is a good sign. I've been on the PIO injections for almost a week, and that has given me sore boobs and I cry easily. The injections are not as bad as I thought they would be, not all that painful thank goodness, and there was only one time where I bled a fair amount. My DH is amazing at giving me the shots.

I'll try to check in daily. I read online that some women have gotten a BFP at 5dp5dt, which would be 4dp6dt ... fingers crossed! I'll prob start testing tomorrow morning, just because it's hard to just sit and wait.

I haven't really been on because work was so busy last week, that I didn't want to even open my computer over the weekend. I started to write this at around 9am and am just able to get back to it now, because work is again so busy.

Thanks to everyone for thinking of me yesterday. The transfer went well. They transferred two 6 day blasts, one was hatching and is AB and the other was expanded and AA. We were told the transfer went really well, so now we wait. I started having a little cramping today, so am hoping that is a good sign. I've been on the PIO injections for almost a week, and that has given me sore boobs and I cry easily. The injections are not as bad as I thought they would be, not all that painful thank goodness, and there was only one time where I bled a fair amount. My DH is amazing at giving me the shots.

I'll try to check in daily. I read online that some women have gotten a BFP at 5dp5dt, which would be 4dp6dt ... fingers crossed! I'll prob start testing tomorrow morning, just because it's hard to just sit and wait.

Crossing fingers, those sound like 2 awesome blasts!!! I can't wait for you to test!
Y'all I was so sick all day yesterday and now today! Nausea is back and I tried EVERYTHING for acid reflux and nothing helped so they prescribed me some stuff last night. I threw up all damn day and I was considering urgent care. That's how bad I felt. Couldn't keep anything down.
Jkb, my face was a mess the first trimester! They really do suck the beauty out of you! Haha!
BabyW I am convinced you are having a girl. I remember my sickness really being bad week 9-11. I'm also going to try your breathing sleep exercise.

Booger so sorry to hear about your dog! I'm glad you got to be there though. I'm going to be a mess when my dogs get old or sick.
Y'all I was so sick all day yesterday and now today! Nausea is back and I tried EVERYTHING for acid reflux and nothing helped so they prescribed me some stuff last night. I threw up all damn day and I was considering urgent care. That's how bad I felt. Couldn't keep anything down.
Jkb, my face was a mess the first trimester! They really do suck the beauty out of you! Haha!
BabyW I am convinced you are having a girl. I remember my sickness really being bad week 9-11. I'm also going to try your breathing sleep exercise.

Booger so sorry to hear about your dog! I'm glad you got to be there though. I'm going to be a mess when my dogs get old or sick.

Sorry mama, that's an awful feeling to have. I swear by a concoction my Grandmother makes and I know it sounds gross it tastes like lemonade. You take boiling water, add cream of tartar powder, juice of lemon and a little orange and let it cool. Then you sip an ounce an hr. I can find out exact measurements from my Grandma if you want.
That would be great! I will try anything...and the pregnant girl in me didn't even think it sounded gross! Lol
I have a very faint bfp!:) done with a frer, urine held for 8 hours. Praying she sticks & keeps on growing. I really want to see and hear her heart beat.
Ahh, jkb!! Yayyy!! I jumped on specifically hoping to see an update, and it was the news I was hoping for! Oh, she is totally gonna stick and keep on growing, I just know it!! So exciting!:happydance:
Knit - I know I posted you a congratulations message yesterday but it seems to have disappeared! Anyway, congratulations on the successful transfer! Sounds like you had some really strong embryos. :)

JCM - Aww - you poor thing. Hope you're doing better today.

JKB - Congrats on the positive frer!!! :happydance:
Knit, I'm so glad your transfer went well and it sounds like they put in some nice looking blasts. :) And yes, I got a very faint line at 4dp6dt. Jkb is 5dp6dt. And I'm pretty sure BabyW was really early too. Not that it happens every time, so don't get discouraged if not! That's still really early!

Jen, sooo sorry your nausea is back with a vengeance. :( How are you feeling today?? Better, I hope. Are you certain it's pregnancy related, or could you have caught a bug?
Thanks girls!!! I'm cautiously excited, but one step closer to being able to hold her!!!

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