First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Don't have a lot of time today to post but just wanted to pop in and say I'm so sorry Booger. That must've been just heartbreaking. But yes, it sounds like you absolutely did the right thing for Buddy. My heart goes out to you. He is surely in doggy heaven now.

Jen - how exciting!! Wow, I can't imagine seeing something moving inside me. Must be weird!

Knitgirl - GL today!

Stimming is going fine, they decreased my follistim dosage a bit cause the estrogen was a little high. I felt really crummy on Sat. Had a headache, felt crampy and bloated. And I was coughing too. And Friday - woo, get outta my way. I was feeling so emotional. I was depressed, stressed, on the verge of tears all day at work. I started my period Sat so it must've been PMS symptoms. But Sunday I felt a thousand times better and today I feel pretty good. Sat I almost fainted giving myself the injection cause the menopur hurt. So last night my DH did the injections for me cause it was easier for him to do it so I didn't have to look. It is getting easier tho. Anyways, hi to everyone else! Hope you guys had a good weekend!

Sorry you were feeling crummy. It might help to mix the menopur first and do the Follistim then the Menopur. If it sits a while it doesn't sting.

Jen, I'm sorry about the heartburn. I had it with Jack for a little while and even water gave me heartburn. They can give a prescription that helps a ton btw. Isn't the baby movement cool!! I swear the more I laid still the more he would move. and by the end he clearly favored one side and it would slope down to my side. I could tell his butt was near my ribs. It was like the scene from Alien. Enjoy all the wonderful weirdness!

Afm not much to report. Still having nausea, this time it was off and on Thurs-Sun. Afternoons into night time is when it really is the worst. Wed is the big sonogram and blood test. I'm having crazy prego dreams where I wake up angry or upset at dh, and I was a human puddle on the couch watching a video on FB of soldiers coming home and surprising their kids at school. I was a blubbering mess.
Hi girls! Thanks to Sis, Floridasian, Wish, and Sarah for jumping over to say congrats! You girls are awesome. :flower:

knit, good luck today!! Can't wait to hear an update!!

jkb, so you're thinking about testing tomorrow?! I have to admit, I'm excited! I know what you mean about causing undue stress though. I felt a little crazy testing at 4dpt, to be honest. But when I did, I just told myself not to be disappointed if there wasn't a line yet, because it is still early! So as long as you can remind of yourself of that, I dont see any harm. My line was really faint at 4dpt, and certainly didn't come up right away. The pic I posted was the one I took on 5dpt. I had a day6 blast as well, and I remember feeling some really noticeable cramps the night of my transfer and the next morning, so I always had a feeling it implanted soon after they put it in!

Terri, did you have a fun girls' night with your bestie?? I hope so, you certainly deserve it! I'm sure it feels good to get back to focusing on YOU right now, and doing the things you've always loved doing. What's the status on hubs joining you in Mexico?

LadySosa, I was so relieved to read that your meds came on time! How exciting that you've started. I'm happy it's going well, and that you feel better today! Those meds can really mess with a person's head (and body!) sometimes.

beagle, sorry you're feeling kinda crappy, but glad its just about the end of that! So excited for your first scan this week!! YAY! Oh, btw, I'm still using my Crinone for a few more weeks, but if I have any left at the end, I'll be sure and ship it out to you, no prob! Since I KNOW you are getting prego soon, you'll still need it at that time. :winkwink:

Jen, I've heard so many women saying their babies won't move whenever they want them to, and they're as active as can be when nobody else is around, hehe!! Looks like your little girl is a stubborn one, huh? Or maybe a night owl, since she tried to keep you up all night! I love that!

booger, SO sorry about Buddy, I really truly am. :( My dog is around 8 or so, and he's such a part of the family, that I have a hard time imagining our household without him. I know how sad I'll be when that times comes, so my heart goes out to you and DH. That's never an easy thing.

Hi to everyone else! Nothing new to report here. I found this odd since everyone's RE kept them through much of their first-tri, but my RE told me that I could either come in for one more scan with them in 2 weeks, or I could just go ahead and switch to my OB, and they could just give me a schedule on when/how to ween off my Crinone and E patches in a few weeks. That surprised me, especially since my initial paperwork said they do what everyone else's RE does, and don't "graduate" you to your OB until around 10-11 weeks. Oh well... regardless, I told them I'd go ahead and come back for one more scan in two weeks since they gave me that option. I'm assuming my OB probably wouldn't do another scan for a while, and I would like to have one more, sooner. So that will be the 23rd.
Afm not much to report. Still having nausea, this time it was off and on Thurs-Sun. Afternoons into night time is when it really is the worst. Wed is the big sonogram and blood test. I'm having crazy prego dreams where I wake up angry or upset at dh, and I was a human puddle on the couch watching a video on FB of soldiers coming home and surprising their kids at school. I was a blubbering mess.

Oops, I posted before I saw your post!! I'm super excited about your big sonogram. :) :) You must be excited to see the little one again. Is that the appt when you'll find out the gender too?
Terri - I hope you had a good time with your bestie!! Some good girl time always makes me feel better.

LadySosa - I'm glad your med situation worked out and that you were able to start!!

Beaglemom - I love the cake reveal idea!! That would be so fun and exciting!!

JCM - Congrats on feeling the baby move. That is so exciting. I love that you get along so well with your step kids. I've had 2 step moms, so I know what a nightmare it can be if the person is not kind or mature enough to handle the situation. Some people are just not meant to be a step parent. It's a lot harder than people realize.

Knitgirl - Good luck today!! We're all thinking about you!!

Booger76 - I am SO SO sorry for your loss. I know it was the best thing to do for him but that still doesn't make it any easier. I can only imaging how you must feel.
I always think it's so crazy to hear those "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories. A moving tumor, that's a new one for sure LOL!!!

Hi to everyone else!!

AFM - We are going to Las Vegas this weekend. I am so excited, I love Vegas. It will be so good to just get away and have some fun :)
AFM - We are going to Las Vegas this weekend. I am so excited, I love Vegas. It will be so good to just get away and have some fun :)

Have fun in Vegas!! I like going there too! It will definitely be good to get away. :)
Lady Sosa - the follistim really messed me up...headaches & such...but my body got used to it fast. Also, are you taking both meds at the same time? I used the follistim to disolved the menopur...I found one shot to be really awesome & easy. Maybe ask your nurse if you can do that.

Erin - thanks for the offer on meds...let me know if you have any left over. I have 2 boxes I am ordering, a box the office gave me & some Jen is sending me. 1 bos is 1 week. And I have no idea how many weeks to plan to take it. Just can't believe I can't be switched to endometrin after a positive. They said no studies confirm it is ok...chances are it is ok, but not willing to do it until studies support it. My office is all about studies! Which is a good thing.

Amy - have fun in Vegas. We went once & it was fun...but too hot because of the time of year (July); we were there a week which is a bit much...& me & my husband are not big drinkers when we are alone. I think if people had gone with us we would have been drinking the whole time (we were much younger then ;)). Our fav thing was we made a trip to the Grand Canyon...I don't think I have seen anything else in this world more amazing than the Grand Canyon.

Speaking of alcohol, I feel like I should be drinking my wine all up the next week or 2. We don't drink a lot. And I don't want it sitting around my whole pregnancy. I don't exactly buy the nice wine that gets better with!

It's funny...I never wanted a fall baby...I didn't want to be pregnant in the summer & just a lot of other things. But I am just so happy to have the option, you know? It will be nice having the pool to swim in at least!
Someone on another thread asked me how to determine EDD with IVF. I found this counter & thought some of you would find it helpful.
Hi ladies!

Thanks for the kind words everyone. It was very hard to let him go but definitely the right move. And I already feel better than yesterday, which was better than the day before so I know it won't be long until things are back to normal. I went for a nice, long run yesterday which was very helpful.

LadySosa - I'm sorry the injections are being a little bit of a bugger. Follistim gave me a pretty consistent, nagging headache. I just tried to stay hydrated and drank a ton of water. It seemed to help some. Keep us posted on how it's going.

Beagle - I try to keep telling myself the same things - that I'm healthy, that our embryo is normal, that my uterus should be nice and pretty now, and that all these things should help lead to implantation. In my head, I know things are lined up as perfectly as I can make them be........ I'm still nervous there is something weird that's going to pop up. I guess it's just my cynical nature. Prepare for the worst and I can't be let down. Which is not the best attitude to have. I need to start giving myself pep talks. :haha:

Amy - Have fun in Vegas. I've only been to the airport. Everyone I've known that goes has fun so whoop it up while you are there and before you're preggo!!

Erin - I don't blame you for taking advantage of the extra scan while you can. I'm not sure what I'll get since I won't be going back to my RE if I end up pregnant. Seeing as he is located 4 hours away, I'll do my beta here locally and go to my regular OB/GYN right away. Not sure if they will do an early scan or not.

babywhisperer - Sorry the nausea is still hanging around. I hope it leaves you alone soon enough. Good luck with your sonogram and blood test on Wednesday!! Time is flying by for all you pregnant ladies - well, at least it seems like it for those of us sitting here on the sidelines waiting to jump in.......

Ugh. I cannot seem to get back into a groove at work after the holidays. I have a ton of stuff to do and none of it is appealing. I hate this time of year.
Beagle - Can't wait to hear how your first scan goes. Hope you start to feel better soon.

Booger - OMG. I'm so, so sorry about buddy. It was one of the hardest things that we had to do for sure. Know that he had a GREAT life and that he's in a better place in doggie heaven - young and running around, being silly.

JKB - I know you're anxious but try to hold off a bit longer just so you don't get a false negative if you can. :)

LadySosa - Glad you're feeling OK. The menopur burned for me, too. Everyone on here told me to inject the menopur slowly and it really does help. Try it tonight.

JCM - Thanks for sharing the kicking story. I will FREAK once I start to feel anything different for sure. :)

Babyw - The videos of soldiers coming home from war always KILL me. I'm seriously a blubbering disaster, too! Woohoo for you sonogram on Wednesday! I have to wait until next Monday and I'm dying!! I just hope everything is OK, ya know? It's still so early and things can still happen.

Erin - My RE released me a lot sooner than I had expected, too - around 7 weeks. I guess that's a good sign though, right??? :)

Amy - A Vegas trip sounds perfect! Hope you have a great time!

Terri - Hey there lady. How was your weekend?

Nothing much here. I'm really getting anxious for my 12-week scan next week. I just hope all is well. I will feel so much better once it's over.
Hi girls! Thanks to Sis, Floridasian, Wish, and Sarah for jumping over to say congrats! You girls are awesome. :flower:

knit, good luck today!! Can't wait to hear an update!!

jkb, so you're thinking about testing tomorrow?! I have to admit, I'm excited! I know what you mean about causing undue stress though. I felt a little crazy testing at 4dpt, to be honest. But when I did, I just told myself not to be disappointed if there wasn't a line yet, because it is still early! So as long as you can remind of yourself of that, I dont see any harm. My line was really faint at 4dpt, and certainly didn't come up right away. The pic I posted was the one I took on 5dpt. I had a day6 blast as well, and I remember feeling some really noticeable cramps the night of my transfer and the next morning, so I always had a feeling it implanted soon after they put it in!

Terri, did you have a fun girls' night with your bestie?? I hope so, you certainly deserve it! I'm sure it feels good to get back to focusing on YOU right now, and doing the things you've always loved doing. What's the status on hubs joining you in Mexico?

LadySosa, I was so relieved to read that your meds came on time! How exciting that you've started. I'm happy it's going well, and that you feel better today! Those meds can really mess with a person's head (and body!) sometimes.

beagle, sorry you're feeling kinda crappy, but glad its just about the end of that! So excited for your first scan this week!! YAY! Oh, btw, I'm still using my Crinone for a few more weeks, but if I have any left at the end, I'll be sure and ship it out to you, no prob! Since I KNOW you are getting prego soon, you'll still need it at that time. :winkwink:

Jen, I've heard so many women saying their babies won't move whenever they want them to, and they're as active as can be when nobody else is around, hehe!! Looks like your little girl is a stubborn one, huh? Or maybe a night owl, since she tried to keep you up all night! I love that!

booger, SO sorry about Buddy, I really truly am. :( My dog is around 8 or so, and he's such a part of the family, that I have a hard time imagining our household without him. I know how sad I'll be when that times comes, so my heart goes out to you and DH. That's never an easy thing.

Hi to everyone else! Nothing new to report here. I found this odd since everyone's RE kept them through much of their first-tri, but my RE told me that I could either come in for one more scan with them in 2 weeks, or I could just go ahead and switch to my OB, and they could just give me a schedule on when/how to ween off my Crinone and E patches in a few weeks. That surprised me, especially since my initial paperwork said they do what everyone else's RE does, and don't "graduate" you to your OB until around 10-11 weeks. Oh well... regardless, I told them I'd go ahead and come back for one more scan in two weeks since they gave me that option. I'm assuming my OB probably wouldn't do another scan for a while, and I would like to have one more, sooner. So that will be the 23rd.

They released me to my ob at 8weeks, you're all good. I also stopped the progesterone at 9 weeks. How are you feeling?
Afm not much to report. Still having nausea, this time it was off and on Thurs-Sun. Afternoons into night time is when it really is the worst. Wed is the big sonogram and blood test. I'm having crazy prego dreams where I wake up angry or upset at dh, and I was a human puddle on the couch watching a video on FB of soldiers coming home and surprising their kids at school. I was a blubbering mess.

Oops, I posted before I saw your post!! I'm super excited about your big sonogram. :) :) You must be excited to see the little one again. Is that the appt when you'll find out the gender too?

I will get the Maternity21 test and they will tell us the gender, takes about 10 days to get results back.
Booger-so sorry about Buddy. It's tough but he's in a good place now and lived an awesome life with you and your DH.

So excited reading everyone's updates. Keep 'em coming.

Knitgirl-hope all went well today. Take it easy.

AFM- my night out with my bestie was nice. We always have a good time and it's so relaxing and refreshing. Non-stop talking and laughing does a body good. Hee hee.
I called the travel agent and put down a deposit for both of us and told hubs that the final payment is due at the end of April. We'll see what happens. I'm not holding my breath though. Whatever. I think I'm almost in a natural TWW so who knows what will happen. I did have a good talk with DH and I told him that I may go back on the pill. He wasn't very supportive of that. Ha ha. Now it seems he gets it for the time being. It was a sucky football weekend for both of us, but there's always next year. We are moving forward with the Superbowl party though. My menu is planned and I'm psyched.

Hi to everyone I missed. I am reading along.
Oh gosh, I didn't realize some of you got released so early! But of course, now that makes sense, since I recall you saying you'd been released and we congratulated you, ha! Not sure where I got that from then, unless I just read others' stories on other threads or something. But I'd swear my original paperwork when starting IVF seemed to allude to around 11 weeks. Maybe that was outdated info though... who knows!

Physically, I'm just feeling ridiculously exhausted. Not just sleepy tired, but almost weak... not sure how to explain it, except that my body barely wants to stand long enough to shower, and I get exhausted just walking from my car into my office at work. I mean, I am WIPED. Sometimes I sit here at my desk and a wave of exhaustion will hit me, and I have to close my office door and put my head down on my desk. It's really bad, LOL. Obviously, all of this is welcome, as I'll do whatever I have to do for a baby. But i have to say, the only thing that gets me through some days is knowing this is hopefully a first-tri thing! Because the worst part is when I lay down to go to sleep at night, as exhausted as I am, I can't always sleep very well. :wacko:

A less debilitating symptom is that I get hungry super fast and without warning too (to the point of feeling a tad faint and shaky), so I'm making sure I have a snack on me at ALL times, and staying on a schedule of eating something small every 3 hours or so. For me, that has been a must.
Terri, so glad you had fun with your bestie. :) Remind me, what part of Mexico are you going to? I LOVE Mexico. So, back on the pill, huh? Is that a definite, or are you still just weighing your options? I'm sure you're enjoying this break, it was much needed. GL in your natural TWW though! And how fun that you're having a super bowl party, wish I could come. :) We haven't heard what anyone here is doing yet...

kfs, i'm excited about your 12-week scan too!! I'm sure everything is going to be perfect! Cant wait to hear all about it. :)

babyW, so excited that you're finding out gender soon!! :thumbup:

booger, that makes sense since your RE is so far away! Maybe your OB will be kind enough to do an early scan for you like an RE would, since you're doing IVF!
Terri good luck with your natural tww! Glad you had a good night out as well as being able to discuss with hubs where you stand.

Kfs- it's like I know you are soooo right on I need to hold off but I'm so impatient. I will admit I have left over opk test and I took one today knowing it wouldn't show anything. I'm kinda

Erin- I LOVE your ticker! Hope the fatigue ends for you soon.

Baby w- I can't wait for your gender result. Are you feeling girl or boy???

As far as symptom spotting for me. I have the tender breast as well as a horrible break out. Both of which I am attributing to PIO shots..... However I keep thinking about the saying of little girls suck all the beauty from the momma and with little boys moms glow. And knowing they put a girl in makes me hopeful!!!
Erin - I can't believe you are so far along already! Time is flying by! I know I will be the same with snacking...I am not so great at eating on a regular schedule as it is.

Terri - Good luck on your break. I hope you can relax & maybe figure out which direction you are headed. I am sure everything will work itself out.

It has been raining all day today. I am eating ramen (picante chicken!). Hoping the broth & spice will help with my cold symptoms...I seem to be getting worse. I am also drinking some OJ. I will get my husband to bring me home some meds.
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

knitgirl - Good luck today!!! I hope your transfer goes nice and smooth.

JCM - How exciting to feel your baby girl moving around in there. Even if it's keeping you awake. I laughed when you said you freaked out about seeing her move. It reminded me of a crazy story about one of my friends. Her sister apparently got pregnant and didn't realize it until she went into labor. Now, I know this is one of things that seems simply impossible to any of us but "apparently" she didn't know. When my friend asked her how she didn't know based on the fact she was gaining weight and how she didn't feel the baby move, her sister just said "well, one time we saw my stomach move but just thought it was moving tumor"!! Um, wouldn't that be enough to make you go to the doctor??? I don't know the sister at all but she doesn't sound too smart to me.

Beagle - You are almost on your way! Hopefully, your spotting has stopped. I love your positivity. I wish I could muster some up!!!

jkb - How exciting about your transfer of a girl!! Can't wait to hear your test results. You said you were going to start testing tomorrow, right??

Terri - Hope you had a nice night out with your bestie. Sorry your Ravens lost but I'm sure you are secretly happy (or not so secretly happy) the stupid Cowboys lost, too!

LasySosa - How is the stimming going?? You feeling okay? Hopefully, everything is going well.

Hello to Amy, babywhisperer, Erin, sars, kfs, moni, and weezy!!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

Well, our weekend wasn't so great. We ended up having to put our sweet Buddy down on Saturday. :cry: We obviously knew the time was near but I still don't think one is ever ready to really say goodbye. I'm just glad we were able to be there with him and he was able to go peacefully. I cried pretty much all day Saturday and I looked like shit at the retirement party we had to go to but oh well! He was my dog for almost 13 years and it just feels weird that he's not here. But he was a good boy and I know we did the right thing.

Im so very sorry to hear about your loss. I've had to do the same thing a couple times and it is just devastating. You did the kind thing, but it is never easy. :hugs:
Oh Booger, I'm so, so sorry. Putting down a dog is the WORST! But you always know when it is time. The house just feels so empty after I'm sure.

Congrats to Erin on the boy!!

And JKB congrats on the girl! I can't imagine how long the wait must feel. FXed she's getting settled in there.

AFM: AF decided to show up four days early throwing a wrench in a few things. But as long as everything falls into place, it looks like I'll be starting my meds Wednesday. I'm going in for CD3 US and bloodwork and my RE is expecting to give me the go ahead. Meds are ordered and enroute to my house.

I'm not doing a BCP led in start. My RE only said she'd do it with me If I needed it for timing purposes for a vacation or something.

Excited to be starting but it is going a tad faster than expected.
SARS- excited you get to start! And it's awesome that you don't have to take BCP. I always despise them! Good luck with the meds. We are here to answer your questions:)

I took a test this am and it's negative at,this point. I will say my urine was pretty diluted as well. So here's to hoping for tomorrow.
jkb, its still super early! I know this wait is torturous, but hang in there. 4dpt is too early for most. I bet you'll see that BFP pop up in the next few days.:thumbup:

sars, yay for starting meds on Wed! So did your RE not feel that you needed any suppression at all? Or are you taking Lupron or anything? How lovely if you don't have to use either!

knit, did you have your transfer? How'd everything go? Did I maybe miss a post?

beagle, hoping your cold symptoms go away soon. Its never fun being sick, but especially right before you're about to start an IVF cycle! I know you probably want to feel as close to 100% as possible.

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