First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin, Love the photo change. I'm waiting for my blood results back, which could result in 3-6 weeks of BCP if she doesn't like where they are. (But this is the second time I've done the CD3 blood test and US and she was happy where I was last time.)

I had 13 follicles all measuring pretty close, although some of the ones on the right were about 1MM larger. I'd start with 150 of Follistim tonight. My other meds are Ganirelix and Pregnyl. My nurse said I'd be taking them later in the cycle for suppression and then (I think) the Pregnyl is the trigger. Not sure on that. My nurse said I would be taking two ovulation suppression meds, one my RE would dilute for me that I'd take over a longer period. I'm not sure if the Pregnyl can be used that way?

Then of course I have the progesterone for later.

It's funny everyone hates being on BCP. I've never minded it. I liked it because it helped my skin so much.

Ok, now on to catch up on the thread.
OK... all caught up...

I’m Sara as well. Just no H. Sars was a nickname from my roommates in college. (My last name began with an S).

Nice to hear everyone’s real name. Now I have to try to line them up with the screen names.

Hope you’re feeling better Beagle and that our pregnant ladies’ yucky symptoms have subsided.

Knitgirl I hope you're seeing some great test results.

JKB- That’s awesome news!!!! Get comfy little girl, you’ve got 9 months in there.

Booger - I hope your week starts looking up. I’ve certainly had quite a few doozies like that lately. I find it’s nothing a good, long run and a bottle of wine can’t solve.

LadySosa- glad to hear everything is going well so far.

Last night, we cracked a bottle we've been saving for the past few years from Napa, which was fun. Since I'm hoping I soon won't be able to drink for a long time I figured it was worth opening a spendy bottle.
Well, it's probably obvious but I am an Amy too!

Thanks for the empathy ladies. Things will get better. I have been working 10 hour days so that I can take Fridays off. That means I only have 1.5 days left this week. That already makes me feel better. Especially since I have Monday off of work too!

Sars - Funny you mention it - my face is clearer with the BCP. To be honest, it hasn't been that bad lately. I think it's because I have gotten used to them. Pregnyl will be your trigger and the Ganirelix is to keep you from ovulating before egg retrieval. Those are the exact same drugs I used, except that I also took a low-dose shot of hCG every night with my Follistim. I was on 300 units of Follistim but I took 150 in the am and then another 150 in the pm. It was definitely the easiest shot since I had the pen. Hardly even felt it most days. Good luck!!!

I have been enjoying a glass of wine or beer each night too. Figured I might as well do it while I can. I've also started training for a half-marathon. The weather has been cooperating so it's been great to get out and run in the fresh air.
My name is Katie. :)

I know we had to hold out during the tww. I can't remember if we had to before that or not. About the ER, I was ok that say but realllly sore the following day and the day after. Like - the next day I couldn't really stand up straight. Guess everyone's different!
I have a lot of catching up to do. Jkb-awesome news!! Congrats.
Knitgirl-glad all went well wih the transfer and I can't wait until your test date.
Jen-sorry you're having nausea again. I thought you were out of that stage. Booo.

BabyW- I gotta say, I love Tsunami!! I may have to call you that from now on. Hope all is getting better with you.

Booger-sorry you've had such a horrible week. Make up with your friends. It's no fun not being friends with people you love. They don't come around often. :hugs:

ERose- limp noodle? That made me laugh, but sorry you're feeling weak and yucky. Hopefully it'll go away soon and you'll get some strength back.

Beagle-hopefully your meds will knock that cold right outta the park. Baseball's coming!! Chicken noodle soup is so good.

Amy-I was having an issue with hubs not being ready to be a dad and being responsible, so I was going to go back on the pill because I can deal with his irresponsibility, but I'm not risking having a kid with a dad who may or may not be around. When I told hubs that, he got a clue really quick (thankfully). So, I'm going to stay off the pill for a few months and see how it goes. I'll probably call shady grove next month and see what they say. I should go to a follow up appointment but I don't feel positive about what they will say so I kind of feel a smidge defeated.

Hi to kfs1/Sars and whoever else I missed. More next time. Have a great week, sunshines.
Terri- so good to hear from you. Thanks for the congrats! I'm glad you spoke with hubs and he got what you were saying. You are in my thoughts and I hope in the next little bit you get a big surprise! Is shady grove your only option or is there another facility near you? You obviously had implantation last time because you had +hcg. Which is a huge step. Maybe PIO ??? Or did you already do them?
Terri - It's hard for me to get excited over baseball with Jeter gone and A-Rod coming back.

I am glad you were straight with your husband. I was worried about him with the stories about his immaturity. Sounds like he is waking up and realizing what a baby is all about. My husband needed the same talk.

Shady Grove has a good rep right? If you are taking a few mo the off you and hubs should try supplements. For ego and sperm quality. After my final results it is something I wish we did. I am happy with my 2. But even pgs has no guaranty so more would have been better. I think we would have had better results if my husband had kept taking supplements.

Keep stopping by. We are love reading your posts!
Terri - Good for you girl for talking to your husband!! I hope his straightening up his act and taking this more seriously now. Didn't you mention something about having some polyps? Maybe that could be something to think about before you move on to your next round? Worth mentioning at your next appointment. In the meantime, no TTC thoughts. Just have fun on your trip!

Babyw - Didn't you have your appt yesterday?
Terri - good to hear from you! I'm glad you were able to talk with your husband. I read the comment above and it got me thinking. If you do have polyps, I'm surprised your RE didn't want you to have them removed. My RE found a polyp in my uterus and required that it be removed before moving ahead with IVF, as he said it could cause problems with implantation and increase risk of miscarriage. If you go back to your RE, you might want to talk to them about that.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - I'm also glad to hear you had a nice discussion with your DH about things. Sometimes it's really hard to get them to understand what's up, you know? I hope he gets it now and you two are on the same page. You really should follow up with your clinic. At least maybe for the peace of mind. I doubt they'll be too negativeif that's what you are worried about. Don't feel defeated!!! I still think your chances are good if you take another shot. The statistics are in your favor now. Maybe having those fibroids taken care of is something to think about it. I have read where, depending on their location, they can impact fertility. Thanks for the advice about my friend. It's trying situation (well, at least for me) and I'm struggling over whether to keep the friendship or not or if it's just time to let it go. :shrug:

Beagle - I hear you about Jeter and stupid A-Rod. Ugh.

Babywhisperer - How did your scan go?

How is everyone else doing??

It's my Friday! Hooray! And I'm going skiing tomorrow with a group of lady friends. :happydance: What does everyone else have planned for the weekend? We have Monday off from work and it's my big appointment for my mock transfer. Finally! I'm not going to lie, I'm super nervous the hysteroscopy won't have fixed the issue. I hope that's not the case but I'm trying to mentally prepare myself just in case. I guess we'll just move ahead with the transfer. There's not much else we could do at this point.
kfs - Look at your ticker! I can't believe you are 12 weeks now! :happydance:
Good morning everyone!

Booger - I'm sure the mock transfer will go great! I've got my fingers crossed for ya that all goes well. Don't be too nervous. Take a deep breath.

Terri - So good to hear from you! I'm glad you had a talk with the hubs and that he seems to understand now. It's good to be on the same page. Take your time in having the follow-up appointment. No harm in waiting till you're ready.

Oh man you guys, my brain feels so mushy. I don't know what's going on but I am just having such a hard time making it thru the week. I'm having a hard time focusing. This is the world's longest week!!! Friday can't come soon enough. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep. Between work and Spanish class and the stupid injections...Ugh. I'm getting really cranky too. My stomach is getting to the point of feeling like a pin cushion (now I get it, haha). I just want to stay home, curl up and not see or talk to anyone.
Terri - Good for you girl for talking to your husband!! I hope his straightening up his act and taking this more seriously now. Didn't you mention something about having some polyps? Maybe that could be something to think about before you move on to your next round? Worth mentioning at your next appointment. In the meantime, no TTC thoughts. Just have fun on your trip!

Babyw - Didn't you have your appt yesterday?

Indeed I did, all look great. Baby was flipping all over the place. I will find out gender from blood test in 2 weeks, but technician said her gut says girl, but too soon to really tell. Here is the pic we got.


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Hang in there, LadySosa!!! It can get rough emotionally, for sure. One more day and it's the weekend. :hugs:

Babywhisperer - Glad the scan went well. Love the picture!
Wow, BabyW (or should I say tsunami, hehe)! You can see her face so clearly! So exciting!!
Booger - I think I thought you already had your 2nd mock. I am sure it will be fine.

I will try to work on our hardwood floors this weekend. My husband is working the weekend. He did the hard part on his days off. But he is horrible about making sure the boards click in to place. We really need to do it together...I hate using the saw & he can't make it fit. So I have to pull up about 3 or 4 rows & redo it. Not a big deal. I just don't understand why he can't see it. You can clearly feel it is not in place. Oh well.

We are off on we are taking a trip to Charlotte. It's about 2 1/2 hours. There is an Ikea there & some other cool stuff we don't have locally. So we are going to look at the baby furniture there to see what we think. I just need some ideas on where to start. No plans on buying anything.
Terri Glad you had a good talk with your DH. Hope he get his act together. Am I reading you have a polyp? I have had 2 over the last 18 -24 months. Been told it's generally benign but may cause mid cycle spotting and cause confusion with implantation bleeding so best to remove it. enjoy your time away from TTC xx
Baby w love the ultra sound pic! Congrats on everything checking out ok and possibly a girl!!!

Lady Sosa- sorry it's one of those weeks for you. Hang in there. Not much longer!

I took another test this am. It's a tiny bit darker but not much. Which makes me worry. I'm not going to test tomorrow but will on Saturday. That way there's a full 48 hours for it to double.
How fast did y'all's test get darker??( ladies with bfp)
Baby w love the ultra sound pic! Congrats on everything checking out ok and possibly a girl!!!

Lady Sosa- sorry it's one of those weeks for you. Hang in there. Not much longer!

I took another test this am. It's a tiny bit darker but not much. Which makes me worry. I'm not going to test tomorrow but will on Saturday. That way there's a full 48 hours for it to double.
How fast did y'all's test get darker??( ladies with bfp)

I think as long as it is not getting lighter it is fine. Have you told your office you have a positive? Maybe they will move up your test date.
Baby w love the ultra sound pic! Congrats on everything checking out ok and possibly a girl!!!

Lady Sosa- sorry it's one of those weeks for you. Hang in there. Not much longer!

I took another test this am. It's a tiny bit darker but not much. Which makes me worry. I'm not going to test tomorrow but will on Saturday. That way there's a full 48 hours for it to double.
How fast did y'all's test get darker??( ladies with bfp)

Thank you. In the beginning they don't get incrementally darker from one day to the next, but after 2 days you should notice as it doubles in that span of time. Each test even in the same box can be different. Some of my tests after getting a bfp didn't make full lines, they were fragmented, bad ink batch. Take a breath, you are prego, relax and let your body do what it knows to do. And look at it like this, you have enough hcg to register on a hpt and it has gotten darker. You are well on your way lady!! Congrats again!

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