First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Sars - I'm so happy to hear that things are progressing so well. Glad you're feeling OK, aside from being bloated. I was the same way - felt so gross by the end.

Ladysosa - WOW. 45 eggs!?!? You must be ecstatic. I hope you're feeling well.

JKB - I know easier said than done but try not to freak out just yet. Remember - a lot of people start off with low numbers and then end up OK.

Knit - I can't wait for your appt either! Try to keep yourself busy until then.

Babyw - Great news about the soccer clinic. Sounds like the perfect thing to fill up some dreary winter Saturdays. The weather Sunday was so bad! We didn't go anywhere.

Beagle - Good luck at your next scan!

Booger - I'm so happy to hear that your mock transfer went well! Woohooo. One step closer!

My first trimester screening went well. New pic in signature. Everything looked good on the sonogram but baby wasn't cooperating too well so I couldn't see very much - hard for the tech to get measurements. I had bloods and the materni21 test done - results in next week.
Great news Booger!

Oh & I forgot to mention I started working on my taxes a little. I am so curious about my refund this time. Adding up all my medical expenses. I can even deduct mileage. That's 162 miles each time I had an appointment with the RE!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

jkb - Hang in there! I am sending all the positive and sticky vibes that I can muster up your way. :dust:

knit - Congrats on your positive HPT. I really hope your beta goes well on Thursday.

LadySosa - Holy moly!! 45 eggs!!! That is an amazing haul! I hope you are feeling okay. I think a freeze all was definitely the right call. Can't wait to hear your fertilization report. How about them Seahawks???

Beagle - Our little bargain shopper! :haha: You sure know how to get the deals. I hope your husband's walk-through goes well!! Good luck to him.

babywhisperer - Glad you are feeling better. That's got to be a bit of a relief. I can only imagine what a group of 1-2 year olds playing soccer must be like - too cute!

sars930 - Glad to hear the stimming is going well. Just a few more days to go! Don't cancel dinner plans yet, even if you have retrieval that day, you might feel like going. Everyone is different.

moni - Sorry about your trip to the ER. That sounds so painful. I'm glad you were able to rest up and are feeling a bit better. :hugs:

Hello to kfs, Erin, Terri, Jen, weezy, and Amy!!! How are you ladies doing?

Ugh. Back to work this morning. At least it's another short week. Three days for me - woot woot! Weekend was nice. Skiing on Friday, housework on Saturday, and then Sunday DH and I went ahead and drove over to the city my clinic is in so we wouldn't have to do it all in one day (mainly since the weather was kind of crappy). Yesterday was my mock transfer to see if the hysteroscopy in December fixed my problematic bump and I'm ecstatic to report that it did. :wohoo::wohoo: This 3rd mock was a breeze!! I am so relieved. The nurses and my doctor were giving me high fives afterward. It was kind of funny. So, Lupron injections start Thursday and I'm on my merry way for transfer on February 23. :happydance:

Wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you!!
Can you guys remind me if you had spotting with your BFPs? I had some light pink/red this weekend and had more today. I know it can be perfectly normal, but am stressing a bit just because I can't go in for my beta for another two days. The nurse said it is fine but if I fill a liner, they would want to see me. Just hoping to get some anecdotal reassurance. Thanks!
Can you guys remind me if you had spotting with your BFPs? I had some light pink/red this weekend and had more today. I know it can be perfectly normal, but am stressing a bit just because I can't go in for my beta for another two days. The nurse said it is fine but if I fill a liner, they would want to see me. Just hoping to get some anecdotal reassurance. Thanks!

Spotting when af is due is very very common. I had a sch bleed at 9 weeks and all is fine. If you bleed and cramp a lot then call the Dr.
Congrats to jkb and knitgirl! You guys are pregnant now so that's all that matters. At least you didn't have a beta of 5. :growlmad: Wishing you the best.

booger-Awesome news. Phew! Now we wait some more. hee hee.

LadySosa-You'll have eggs for your kid and your kid's kid and your kid's kid's kid..hee hee. That is great. I hope 3/4 of them fertilize.

moni-Yikes about your ribs, but glad all is going to be ok. Scary mama.

beagle-Your shopping adventures always sound really fun. Enjoy!

kfs1-Nice update, babe.

I've been out of touch with the world the last few days while I was in GA and now i'm back. Nothing to report fertility wise, but the weather was so nice down there. We were right on the beach, and could watch the sun set and rise every morning and night. So pretty. I ran three times, and I really had a nice time with my moto. friends. It's good to see them twice a year instead of just in the summertime.

Hi to everyone else.
Terri so good to hear from you! The thread just isn't the same without you. :( I'm glad you had a good time in GA. Sounds wonderful to be right on the beach!

I just heard from the nurse with the fertilization report! 33 matured and 30 fertilized. Yahoo! Now we shall see how many make it to freezing...
Wow Lady - congrats on the great numbers!!

JKB - FXed the numbers go up considerably tomorrow!

Knitgirl - looking forward to your beta!

HI to everyone else. I am feeling better this week - spent the entire weekend cooped up indoors again so I think that has really helped. Got a lot of work the next couple of weeks - but I will be stalking.
LadySosa - HOLY MOLY!!! 45 EGGS & 30 FERTILIZED!! CONGRATS!! THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! I also coached a 6 - 7 year old soccer team many years ago. I did it for extra credit in one of my college courses hee hee. But it was SO hard. They DO NOT stay in position and ALL the players on the field just swarm around the ball. It is actually funny to watch if you're not the one trying to get them to listen and understand lol.

jkb11 - Congrats on the BFP!! Fingers crossed that it keeps rising!!!

Booger76 - I'm sooo happy for you that your mock went smoothly!! What a relief after all that drama and waiting :)

kfs1- Cute new picture!!

Moni - I hope you feel better soon!!

Beaglemom - Good luck to your husband!!

Hi everyone else!! Sorry for anything I missed. There was a lot I had to catch up on.

AFM - Last week I was sick (coughing, stuffy/runny nose, fever) and by Wednesday I could hear wheezing while trying to breath. It was also difficult to catch my breath. So Thursday morning I go to the Dr. and to my surprise I have pneumonia. WTF? I've never had that before and for some reason I thought you had to be REALLY, REALLY sick to have that?? I mean I was really sick but not as sick as I would think someone would be if they had pneumonia lol. So they gave my a shot of antibiotics right then and a prescription of antibiotics and an inhaler to take home. And being the crazy woman that I am, I went to Vegas anyway lol. The Dr. did say that the shot would make a huge difference by the next day and so I did feel a lot better by the time we left. I got tired really easily and struggled a little a bit at night but other than that we had fun. I got to rest yesterday and now I'm back to normal with just a little lingering cough. I also started AF yesterday!! Whoo Hoo!! I started my BCP and have scheduled my SHG for Monday. So I'm back in the game ladies :)
Congrats on such a great fertilization lady!! I'm very excited for you!

Booger- yay for such a smooth mock transfer! You are ready to roll!! It's awesome when your dr gets excited, let's you know things are fixed!

Amy- glad you have some antibiotics in you! Crazy lady going to Vegas with pneumonia!;) did you win some $$$? Lol. Fyi I love playing black jack!

Moni- hope your still feeling better! Take it easy with the busy week. But I know it makes it difficult when you aren't 100% and get behind.

Beagle- hope everything goes well with hubby's walk thru! I'm sure he will do great.

Knit girl- sorry you have had spotting. Praying everything goes great with your betas and it's just those lil beans snuggling in there, for their nine month stay:) I have heard of many people having the spotting as well.

SARS- you will be done with stimming soon!!

Kfs- love the new pic! I'm guessing girl for you:)

I will be at work tomorrow til 8 pm if it happens to not be busy I will update my beta but, we are usually slammed with all day running.

Terri- glad you had fun at the beach! I'm thinking about taking off and going for a couple days just for some relaxation. I know I sound all debbi downer but I've had 5 documented betas that do this and they will double a time or two then I start miscarrying. As well as couple other miscarriages where I just had a weeks worth of positive hpt then started bleeding. I'm praying this will be a miracle and have a drastic changes.
Good morning ladies!

Amy - Yay! So glad you are back in it!! What is an SHG? I don't know all my acronyms yet... :) How was Vegas? Where did you guys stay? I'm jealous!

Sars - how are you feeling? You said you may trigger Friday, right?

Kfs - yay for a good ultrasound! You are moving right along.

Afm, nothing too crazy to report. Actually, nothing to report at all. Haha. Oh - one exciting thing, we booked a weekend getaway to Cali in Feb! We are flying into San Diego on Friday the 20th, driving up to Huntington Beach to stay one night, then the next night we drive up to San Luis Obispo (staying at the Madonna Inn) to stay one night, then driving up to Carmel to stay another night, then we fly out of San Jose on Monday. So it will be a quick trip but I'm so excited to explore the beaches and get some sun. It will be right before the transfer so may as well get a little fun in before that. Amy - what part of Southern California do you live in?

Erin, Jen, how are you gals doing? Haven't heard from you in a while!
Hello ladies,

CONGRATS, to all the BFPs!!!! I am so happy for you ladies!!!

AFM- I have been taking a break. We will not be tranfering until the 18th because I didnt start the next cycle until January 4th. We need a minute to get our emotions together. I start stimming next week on the 27th. So excited and nervous at the same time.

How is everyone else?
LadySosa - HOLY MOLY!!! 45 EGGS & 30 FERTILIZED!! CONGRATS!! THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! I also coached a 6 - 7 year old soccer team many years ago. I did it for extra credit in one of my college courses hee hee. But it was SO hard. They DO NOT stay in position and ALL the players on the field just swarm around the ball. It is actually funny to watch if you're not the one trying to get them to listen and understand lol.

jkb11 - Congrats on the BFP!! Fingers crossed that it keeps rising!!!

Booger76 - I'm sooo happy for you that your mock went smoothly!! What a relief after all that drama and waiting :)

kfs1- Cute new picture!!

Moni - I hope you feel better soon!!

Beaglemom - Good luck to your husband!!

Hi everyone else!! Sorry for anything I missed. There was a lot I had to catch up on.

AFM - Last week I was sick (coughing, stuffy/runny nose, fever) and by Wednesday I could hear wheezing while trying to breath. It was also difficult to catch my breath. So Thursday morning I go to the Dr. and to my surprise I have pneumonia. WTF? I've never had that before and for some reason I thought you had to be REALLY, REALLY sick to have that?? I mean I was really sick but not as sick as I would think someone would be if they had pneumonia lol. So they gave my a shot of antibiotics right then and a prescription of antibiotics and an inhaler to take home. And being the crazy woman that I am, I went to Vegas anyway lol. The Dr. did say that the shot would make a huge difference by the next day and so I did feel a lot better by the time we left. I got tired really easily and struggled a little a bit at night but other than that we had fun. I got to rest yesterday and now I'm back to normal with just a little lingering cough. I also started AF yesterday!! Whoo Hoo!! I started my BCP and have scheduled my SHG for Monday. So I'm back in the game ladies :)

Glad you're feeling better and were able to enjoy your trip. I swear there are so many colds, flus, viruses going around, stay healthy ladies!

Lindsey that's an awesome fertilization report. You must be thrilled!
Hello ladies,

CONGRATS, to all the BFPs!!!! I am so happy for you ladies!!!

AFM- I have been taking a break. We will not be tranfering until the 18th because I didnt start the next cycle until January 4th. We need a minute to get our emotions together. I start stimming next week on the 27th. So excited and nervous at the same time.

How is everyone else?

Heyyyyy, how are you? I'm glad you checked in, I was hoping you'd be starting again soon. I'm sure it took a bit to switch gears emotionally. Try and go into this cycle with a positive mindset, we are all rooting for you and this thread has been on a great bfp streak. Hope you're feeling good.

Afm, not much to report, got a call from the Dr and my ultra screen came back normal for Trisomy 13, 18, and 21. I hope we hear about the gender early next week. It would be great if we found out by Fri since dh's bday is Sunday. I am very excited to be 1/3 of the way done, but I also realize it's the last time I will have just Jack to take care of. I hope he transitions well with less attention from me. I am going to miss the time with him alone. That's part of the reason I think this soccer clinic will be great, to teach him group dynamics. And I think we might need a bigger bed going fwd!

How's everyone doing? Beagle good luck with dh's walk thru!
BabyW: I can't even imagine how cute Jack and all those little ones playing soccer will be! Hope you're feeling better.

Beagle: Hope your husband’s walk through goes well. You are such a great bargain shopper. I love thrifting and antiquing. The weekend before I started the meds I found the most adorable pair of vintage baby moccasins. They’re the only thing I have bought yet. I have them on my dresser as motivation for those shots. I’m now up to three a night and it’s definitely a bit psychologically harder. I had to do four because my Follistim pen ran out.

Booger: I’m so, so excited for you that the mock went so well! You’re on your way now!

KFS: Congrats on the scan. It must have been pretty amazing.

Terri: Glad you got to take a time out to recharge. Sounds like a great trip.

Amy: What a champ! Vegas with pneumonia! I love Vegas. We usually go out for March Madness, although it is not a trip I’d be taking preggo. Where did you guys stay? Glad to hear you feel better and are back on track

JKB: Praying hard for you lady that you get good news and things turn around for you!

Lady: Wow that’s an awesome fertilization report. Terri’s right, you’ve got eggs for days. Your trip also sounds awesome! Get the baby free getaways in while you can.

I just got back from the doctor myself. She’s pleased with how I’m progressing. My left follicles are lagging behind the right, which are all 17-20 MM. The left are 10-14MM. So, she’s trying to balance my meds to get them to catch up and make sure the right doesn’t get too big. I’m going back in Thursday and Friday for bloodwork and an US. She still is thinking I’ll trigger Friday with a Sunday ER but it could be a day earlier.

I’m a little bummed because she told me I have to stop running to avoid jostling the ovaries. Although, she is encouraging us to be very active so she gets some fresh ones on Sunday. Typically, I’d consider that good news. But frankly, it was so uncomfortable the other night I’d much rather be allowed to run than that. haha

Now, I have to come up for an excuse for my running club. I organize it and I never miss a run. We ran when it was -3 two weeks ago. And I said I was running earlier today. I need a mysterious injury.
BabyW: I can't even imagine how cute Jack and all those little ones playing soccer will be! Hope you're feeling better.

Beagle: Hope your husband’s walk through goes well. You are such a great bargain shopper. I love thrifting and antiquing. The weekend before I started the meds I found the most adorable pair of vintage baby moccasins. They’re the only thing I have bought yet. I have them on my dresser as motivation for those shots. I’m now up to three a night and it’s definitely a bit psychologically harder. I had to do four because my Follistim pen ran out.

Booger: I’m so, so excited for you that the mock went so well! You’re on your way now!

KFS: Congrats on the scan. It must have been pretty amazing.

Terri: Glad you got to take a time out to recharge. Sounds like a great trip.

Amy: What a champ! Vegas with pneumonia! I love Vegas. We usually go out for March Madness, although it is not a trip I’d be taking preggo. Where did you guys stay? Glad to hear you feel better and are back on track

JKB: Praying hard for you lady that you get good news and things turn around for you!

Lady: Wow that’s an awesome fertilization report. Terri’s right, you’ve got eggs for days. Your trip also sounds awesome! Get the baby free getaways in while you can.

I just got back from the doctor myself. She’s pleased with how I’m progressing. My left follicles are lagging behind the right, which are all 17-20 MM. The left are 10-14MM. So, she’s trying to balance my meds to get them to catch up and make sure the right doesn’t get too big. I’m going back in Thursday and Friday for bloodwork and an US. She still is thinking I’ll trigger Friday with a Sunday ER but it could be a day earlier.

I’m a little bummed because she told me I have to stop running to avoid jostling the ovaries. Although, she is encouraging us to be very active so she gets some fresh ones on Sunday. Typically, I’d consider that good news. But frankly, it was so uncomfortable the other night I’d much rather be allowed to run than that. haha

Now, I have to come up for an excuse for my running club. I organize it and I never miss a run. We ran when it was -3 two weeks ago. And I said I was running earlier today. I need a mysterious injury.

Go with a stomach bug, this when when you're prego they will be like, ohhh you were sick and it was b/c you were prego!!
jkb11 - I love playing black jack as well. Unfortunately all I did was lose money :(

LadySosa - a SHG is a Sonohystogram. I assumed all of us had one before our retrieval/transfer. Usually they do this to make sure nothing will prevent the embryo from implanting. This time they also want to make sure the procedure I had didn't leave any scar tissue. I live in a city called Rancho Cucamonga. It is about 40 mins outside (east) of Los Angeles in a suburban area. My RE is in Pasadena, which you might be more familiar with since that's where the Rose Bowl/Rose Parade is.

Hi Brighteyez - So nice to hear from you again.

Sars930 - We stayed at The Mandalay Bay. Next time I think I want to stay at The Cosmopolitan. It's one of the newer hotels on the strip and it was absolutely gorgeous. We also ate dinner at the top of the Stratosphere at the restaurant that rotates. That was also beautiful.
jkb11 - I love playing black jack as well. Unfortunately all I did was lose money :(

LadySosa - a SHG is a Sonohystogram. I assumed all of us had one before our retrieval/transfer. Usually they do this to make sure nothing will prevent the embryo from implanting. This time they also want to make sure the procedure I had didn't leave any scar tissue. I live in a city called Rancho Cucamonga. It is about 40 mins outside (east) of Los Angeles in a suburban area. My RE is in Pasadena, which you might be more familiar with since that's where the Rose Bowl/Rose Parade is.

Hi Brighteyez - So nice to hear from you again.

Sars930 - We stayed at The Mandalay Bay. Next time I think I want to stay at The Cosmopolitan. It's one of the newer hotels on the strip and it was absolutely gorgeous. We also ate dinner at the top of the Stratosphere at the restaurant that rotates. That was also beautiful.

Thank you Amy. Glad to be back, how are you doing?
Hi everyone! I've been on a little break...I ended up in the hospital last week. I must have had a virus last Monday and Tuesday because I was sooooo sick. Then wednesday I passed out and fell in my kitchen. Baby is totally fine but they said I was really dehydrated. Well, duh I had barfed up my entire body I think! 3 liters of iv fluids made me feel better and just taking it easy. I had my follow up appt yesterday after being discharged from the hospital and i fainted while I was there! Holy crap! So I'm on iron supplements and a whole bunch of other stuff for nausea and acid reflux. I am exhausted. Oh and 5 hemroids came and went this last weekend. Can I get a break!? Lol so I've been online shopping and taking Epsom salt baths. I have been trying to catch up on reading....

Ladysosa, omgosh!!! 45! You must have been so uncomfortable! Glad they are out of you now!
Jkb, I'm crossing my fingers for you!
Knit girl, congrats!!!
Beagle your transfer is so close and I haven't forgotten about your progesterone!
Hi brighteyez, I'm glad you checked in
Babyw, I can't wait to hear the gender. I just know it's a girl! Thanks for the recipe. I'll be trying that this week. I sleep on an incline and it's been so uncomfortable.
Hi to Erin, Terri, Kfs, Booger, Amy and everyone else I missed! I'm on my phone typing today..
This baby moves all of the time now! Of course after I woke up on my floor last week she wouldn't so I freaked out. Then I get to the hospital and they are asking how far I am blah blah and so I said 20 weeks and I just want to see her moving because I'll just die if I hurt her. You wouldn't believe what the nurse said..."well, at 20 weeks it's not considered a viable pregnancy but I'm sure she's fine." WHAAAAAAT!? I almost jumped on her from my bed. What a bitch. My husband has delivered babies at 20 weeks that lived just fine. And I told her that. Unbelievable. Anyway, baby was totally fine. Apparently there is lots of padding in there to protect them but I didn't know how hard I fell or what I fell onto. Ugh!
Someone asked and I can't remember who but if we have a name and yes we do! We've had it for 2 years. Haha! Her name will be Charli. I'm between two middle names so I'll fight with myself a little longer about that. ; ) wait til you feel your babies have the hiccups. It's the weirdest thing!

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