First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi everyone! I've been on a little break...I ended up in the hospital last week. I must have had a virus last Monday and Tuesday because I was sooooo sick. Then wednesday I passed out and fell in my kitchen. Baby is totally fine but they said I was really dehydrated. Well, duh I had barfed up my entire body I think! 3 liters of iv fluids made me feel better and just taking it easy. I had my follow up appt yesterday after being discharged from the hospital and i fainted while I was there! Holy crap! So I'm on iron supplements and a whole bunch of other stuff for nausea and acid reflux. I am exhausted. Oh and 5 hemroids came and went this last weekend. Can I get a break!? Lol so I've been online shopping and taking Epsom salt baths. I have been trying to catch up on reading....

Ladysosa, omgosh!!! 45! You must have been so uncomfortable! Glad they are out of you now!
Jkb, I'm crossing my fingers for you!
Knit girl, congrats!!!
Beagle your transfer is so close and I haven't forgotten about your progesterone!
Hi brighteyez, I'm glad you checked in
Babyw, I can't wait to hear the gender. I just know it's a girl! Thanks for the recipe. I'll be trying that this week. I sleep on an incline and it's been so uncomfortable.
Hi to Erin, Terri, Kfs, Booger, Amy and everyone else I missed! I'm on my phone typing today..
This baby moves all of the time now! Of course after I woke up on my floor last week she wouldn't so I freaked out. Then I get to the hospital and they are asking how far I am blah blah and so I said 20 weeks and I just want to see her moving because I'll just die if I hurt her. You wouldn't believe what the nurse said..."well, at 20 weeks it's not considered a viable pregnancy but I'm sure she's fine." WHAAAAAAT!? I almost jumped on her from my bed. What a bitch. My husband has delivered babies at 20 weeks that lived just fine. And I told her that. Unbelievable. Anyway, baby was totally fine. Apparently there is lots of padding in there to protect them but I didn't know how hard I fell or what I fell onto. Ugh!
Someone asked and I can't remember who but if we have a name and yes we do! We've had it for 2 years. Haha! Her name will be Charli. I'm between two middle names so I'll fight with myself a little longer about that. ; ) wait til you feel your babies have the hiccups. It's the weirdest thing!

Dear Lord woman! Are you ok? Hydrate, rest and get some nutrients however you can. Try that recipe I sent, it will calm the stomach. My good friend was super sick her whole pregnancy and could only stomach chocolate shakes and that was here and there. She got powdered greens and protein and added it into the chocolate shake to get her nutrients. I'm glad you weren't hurt and the baby is ok. I've heard this stomach bug going around is brutal. Pedialite helps a lot too. As for what the nurse said, I would have told her she wasn't a viable nurse and to get me someone else who gives a damn. The attitudes of some people really make me shake my head. Aren't the hiccups cool! It used to make me laugh how often Jack got them. You could see my stomach move when it would happen.

As for it being a girl, we'll see soon enough....I had a thought today of the nurse calling me and telling me it was a boy and I was ever so slightly disappointed and that caught me off guard. I've always been thinking boys are easier, no drama, no mean girl bs, hormones, heart breaks, but I think I would feel like I missed out on the experience. I never thought I'd be wishing for a girl deep down. I also think w/ all the brothers dh has and the fact no girls have been born in my or his fam for ages meant I was more likely to just have boys...still could be. As a matter of fact, a friend who had 2 boys was only sick with one of them and she was totally convinced she was having a girl. Either way I am so excited to give Jack a sibling. They are going to be so close.
Jen - so glad you are okay! Passing out is my biggest pregnancy fear. I am not great at hydrating or eating on a regular schedule.

Amy - I am not sure why, but your town sounds so familiar to me. Must have heard it on tv or something. My fav thing I found in Vegas was Roulette machines! I also played the table. One lady actually told us to bet numbers based on previous numbers. Odds were it wouldn't fall on that number again. Crazy gamblers are, welll, crazy! We just liked having fun. We were playing dates & my husband played the wrong wedding date! But we won so I didn't get mad. :) When you go to a casino, you just have to bring the money you are willing to lose...& have fun.

Another Vegas story...we walked past a place with this world's bets hot dog or it was a $1.99 hot dog...can't remember. But I love hot dogs...I also love cheap food. So I begged to go there & he said no, this is Vegas...we are not going to eat hot dogs. Well a couple weeks later we saw that place on the travel or food channel as one of the best in the country...I was so mad! I hear no hot dogs while prego...not cool.

Brighteyez, glad you are back...are you doing another IVF cycle or FET? I couldn't remember if you had any frozen after the last cycle.

So ready for next week I can hardly stand it!!! We may go to the mountains that weekend too. We shouldn't spend the money...but we also need so have some fun.
My iron levels were really low. I'm not a big red meat eater so I'm trying to get it other ways. My dr says that's why I'm so tired. Like the levels are half of what they usually are. So that made me feel better, as long as I'm not the laziest pregnant person in the world right? It was so scary. I felt light headed and dizzy so I remember throwing a bowl into my sink, then a loud ringing in my ears, then it was just black. I noticed when I woke up I was dripping sweat and my sweater was on the counter. I must have ripped it off! I'm so hydrated my pee is's crazy. No working out and no doing too much. So I'll just chill on my couch. My dogs were fighting over something and I go to look what it orange. I have no idea where it came from! Oh and I love love love hot dogs usually. Especially at a baseball game. Or Costco. But lately, not really liking the idea of them. I'm supposed to be on a bland diet. Haha bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. All I want is spicy nachos today and root beer. 19 more weeks!
BabyW I'm so glad Jack always had them because she has them a couple times a day and I felt a little bad! I read that she is now practicing swallowing amniotic fluid so that's why she gets them. Little overachiever in there practicing all day long. Always stops whenever Mike tries to feel so at 3am if she's moving, I'll put his hand there and she calms right down. So fun!
Hi ladies!

Jen - I'm so sorry that you ended up in the hospital!! I'm glad that everything is okay but that must have been very scary. :nope: I hope you're feeling better now.

babywhisperer - Glad your tests came back normal! I bet you can breathe a small sigh of relief now.

brighteyez - Go good to hear from you!! Sometimes we all just need a break to regroup. Won't be long before you are back at it. Good luck!!

Beagle - I love hot dogs too. My husband is disgusted by them. I know they aren't healthy and should only be enjoyed occasionally but when we go to a baseball game, I just have to have one. Sometimes they just hit the spot.

Amy - I'm sorry that you got so sick too!! This thread has had quite the bad luck with illnesses lately. I guess it's that time of year. Glad you are feeling better now and that you were still able to enjoy your trip to Vegas. And woohoo for AF and getting moving along with your FET!!

sars930 - Glad to hear you are progressing nicely! Did you think of an excuse for you running group. That was one of the hardest things for me while stimming too was not being able to go out for a good run. But after a little reading on ovarian torsion it made total sense why it's a bad idea. Plus, towards the end of stimming when I could really feel my eggs getting bigger, even walking fast was a bit uncomfortable. Good luck!

LadySosa - Your trip sounds lovely! I love Huntington Beach. A little sunshine and warmth does a body good. Can't wait to hear your next progress report.

jkb - I hope your beta went well today!!!

Terri - Good to hear from you. Glad your trip went well. Yes, a little more waiting for me. But at least this time I feel like I am moving along instead of just stuck in a holding pattern.

knitgirl - Good luck with your beta tomorrow!

Howdy to everyone else! Hope you're all doing well.

Not much going on here. It's been sunny and nice out the last couple of days so I've been trying to take advantage of it. :bunny:
Oh my god Jen. You can't catch a break. I am very prone to fainting, I have very low blood pressure, so I know that exact sensation you are describing. I can't imagine how scary it would be if I was pregnant. Glad you're home and resting. You should've told that nurse to shove it. So insensitive.

Now, I really want a hot dog thanks to all this hot dog talk.

Booger, I think I'm just going to claim I got stuck at work late. A lot of us work together so they know that is a hazard of the job. We play trivia afterwards, so, I do want to go for that. I don't want to claim totally sick but that was a good idea BabyW. They're all so nosy and for sure will take note if I don't drink. Damn journalists. =)

I'm really glad I clarified on no running or boot camp classes anymore because they've given us no restrictions and she's urged us to have sex. My nurse actually goes to my hot yoga class, so I saw her after my appointment Saturday and my RE knew I was going.

My RE just mentioned as she was cleaning up after today's US don't make any plans this weekend because it could be Saturday or Sunday. Oh, and no rigorous activities.

I asked no running and she said no way. And did a hilarious imitation of power walkers, no offense to anyone who does. Just try to imagine this 95-pound Asian lady in a chunky sweater, grinning mock power walking, holding an ultrasound probe in one hand and then waving her hand and saying, "Eh.. power walking's not satisfying. The elliptical is OK."

JKB:Hope the beta results were good. Knitgirl: good luck tomorrow!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Haha SARS!!! Have you ever watched speed walking on the Olympics? It's hysterical. You know what my go to excuse is? I have a UTI. Haha nobody questions that. Ever. Now I think it will be "I can't, I have a hemroid." Haha I can't even have a full wax! It blows. My waxing gal is so cute. She said we will make sure you're cleaned up before delivery. I said I'm not really that worried about a few hairs, if you saw my behind after the most painful bowl movement I've ever had, you'd agree. I told my OB yesterday if I have push THAT hard during labor she better hope she's not on call that weekend. Lol! It was the scariest thing I've seen on my body.
Oh, but if any of you do (and I hope you don't) get them, Epsom salt in a hot bath with lavender oil really takes the swelling out. Plus your dr will give you a cream that shrinks them down to a non scary size. I don't mean to freak anybody out!!!
Jen - so glad you are okay! Passing out is my biggest pregnancy fear. I am not great at hydrating or eating on a regular schedule.

Amy - I am not sure why, but your town sounds so familiar to me. Must have heard it on tv or something. My fav thing I found in Vegas was Roulette machines! I also played the table. One lady actually told us to bet numbers based on previous numbers. Odds were it wouldn't fall on that number again. Crazy gamblers are, welll, crazy! We just liked having fun. We were playing dates & my husband played the wrong wedding date! But we won so I didn't get mad. :) When you go to a casino, you just have to bring the money you are willing to lose...& have fun.

Another Vegas story...we walked past a place with this world's bets hot dog or it was a $1.99 hot dog...can't remember. But I love hot dogs...I also love cheap food. So I begged to go there & he said no, this is Vegas...we are not going to eat hot dogs. Well a couple weeks later we saw that place on the travel or food channel as one of the best in the country...I was so mad! I hear no hot dogs while prego...not cool.

Brighteyez, glad you are back...are you doing another IVF cycle or FET? I couldn't remember if you had any frozen after the last cycle.

So ready for next week I can hardly stand it!!! We may go to the mountains that weekend too. We shouldn't spend the money...but we also need so have some fun.

Beagleman - glad to be back. I will be doing a fresh IVF because I only had 1 frozen embryo. So my RE wants me to a fresh cycle.
Sars - I am not sure about hot yoga after transfer. You are supposed to keep your core warm to help the embryo implant, but not over heated. I do know my yoga instructor always asked before class if we were pregnant because no pregnant people.
Oh there's definitely no hot yoga after the tramsfer. I know that for sure. I meant in the next few days beforehand.
Crazy busy day, I will catch up on postings tommorow but, wanted to give an update. My beta did double! Went from 29 to 61. Of course with it still being low I'm rechecking it on Friday. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. Please keep praying. Hope for number to be at least doubled on Friday as well.
jkb - Hooray! I hope your next Beta on Friday is even better.
Jkb - that's great news! She's growing! Keep growing little bean! Can't wait to hear the progress on Friday.

Knit - GL today! Can't wait to hear the news!

Jen - OMG! You poor girl! That sounds soo scary! And the hemorrhoids - ick... not so much fun either. I hope I don't get those. :(

Brighteyez - good to hear from you! I agree sometimes we need a mental (and physical) break from all this craziness. I'm glad you're ready to jump back in.

Amy - I've heard of Rancho Cucumonga before I think, and definitely Pasadena. California is so lovely. You are so lucky to live there! I'm always trying to get my hubby to move there but he's like, "I don't want to live like a poor man!" Haha cause the cost of living is so high. Although it's pretty high here in Seattle too.

We stayed at the Mandalay Bay back in August when we went to Vegas (my first time!), and I really, really liked it. I thought it was definitely the prettiest, and the least smoky, but didn't like how far it was from the strip. I've heard good things about the Cosmopolitan.

Beagle - you deserve a little getaway! And oh boy, you'll be pregnant before you know it!! You must be getting excited.

Hi Booger and BabyW and everyone else!

I have ZERO motivation at work today. Why isn't it Friday yet?? I heard from my nurse yesterday with another update, still 30 embies hanging on as of yesterday (day 2) - 24 good quality, 5 fair quality and 1 poor quality. She mentioned the most attrition happens between days 3 and 5, so I suppose between today and Saturday will be the most telling. With this many embies, I think we'll only transfer one. My MIL is like "transfer two! transfer two! I want twins!" I'm like, YOU don't have to carry them in your belly! Besides with twins the risk for complications goes up and I don't want to tempt fate.

Tonight I start on a low dose of Lupron for the next few month or so, then oral estrace + vaginal endometrin in mid-Feb. Did you guys see any side effects with the Lupron and/or estrace/endometrin if you took it?
One quick thing I keep forgetting to mention...the estrogen is making me have so much CM. It is actually to the point of being gross. I am wearing a liner now every day. Otherwise my underwear will get wet & I will feel gross all day. Where are the days when we were excited about CM? I am excited thinking it means my body is probably where it should be.
That is wonderful, wonderful news JKB! Let's keep seeing those number rise!!!!
Whew LadySosa, 30 hanging on! What awesome news. Let's hope they all keep at it and you can have as many kiddos as you like! While there is a small part of me that's like twins would be great to do it all at once and be done, I don't think I could handle it. It's great that your family is so excited for you guys!
LadySosa - Good to hear your embryos are still growing away. You'll definitely have plenty enough to choose from by the end. I say transferring one sounds like a good idea. I start Lupron tonight too. I have only taken it one other time and it was only for a few days back in November when we thought we might be transferring in December. I didn't notice any side effects and I'm hoping it stays that way. I'll start taking oral estrace on Feb. 5.

I have read where CM can get plentiful while taking estrogen. Sorry it's gone overboard. Only one week until transfer, Beagle!!!! :happydance:

knitgirl - I'm so anxious to hear your beta results. Good Luck!!! :thumbup:
LadySosa, I was okay on Lupron first two times, but not the third time. I used it for down-regulation too (instead of BCP), which is a higher dose during down-regulation. If I only had to be on that dose for 10 days or so, I was usually fine. But my third time, I had the hysteroscopy during down-regulation, so I was on the darn Lupron for longer, and it did start to bother me a lot then. I was okay after I switched to the lower dose though.

jkb, I'm SO pleased that your beta doubled! Praying for another doubled number on Friday!

Jen, wow, what a story!! I'm so glad everything is okay! You've had a time of it, huh??

brighteyez, happy to see you check in, I've been wondering about you!

sars, so you'll probably be going this weekend, huh? That's great!!! How exciting! Can't wait for an update. :thumbup:

beagle, about a week until your transfer!! I know you are SOO ready!

terri, how great to hear from you!! We've missed you!!

kfs, so glad the first tri screening went well!! Love the new u/s pic!

BabyW, I'm pretty sure if I were you, I'd be hoping for a girl too. :) If I already had a boy, I would be thinking how nice it would be to just be able to experience one of each.

knit, do you have a beta today?? Or did I miss a post somewhere?

moni, glad to hear you're feeling better this week!

Amy, SO excited you're back in the game, lots of good stuff coming this way!!

booger, that's great that your mock went well this time! I knew it would after the hyst! I'm thrilled to hear things are finally getting under way for you.

Hi to anyone I may have missed!

AFM, the reason I've been away so long is because I've truly felt like complete crap. My motivation has been zero, because all I've been able to think about is "What is wrong with me???" I know I told you girls about the exhaustion and weakness. But its more than that too... I can sometimes hear/feel my heart pounding in my head, and even though I'm exhausted all day, at times I feel a jittery nervous feeling at the same time, and I really don't sleep much at night. I can't do much of anything without being out of breath. In fact, some moments, I can't even have a conversation without being out of breath. I finally decided to listen to my body and go to the doctor for bloodwork. It honestly just felt like so much more than just pregnancy symptoms. Turns out, pregnancy has thrown my thyroid out of whack. My TSH is really low, which means overactive. It has just about every system in my body working overtime. My heart, my metabolism, my nervous system, etc. They are doing a full thyroid panel now (T3 and T4), because those levels help determine what's wrong. If those numbers come back okay, they said my body will likely resolve the issue on its own. If not, I may have to be on meds to stabilize my thyroid and prevent complications in the pregnancy. I'm sure glad I have another scan tomorrow, because this just throws one more worrisome thing into the mix, ha!
Hi ladies!

Jen - I'm so sorry that you ended up in the hospital!! I'm glad that everything is okay but that must have been very scary. :nope: I hope you're feeling better now.

babywhisperer - Glad your tests came back normal! I bet you can breathe a small sigh of relief now.

brighteyez - Go good to hear from you!! Sometimes we all just need a break to regroup. Won't be long before you are back at it. Good luck!!

Beagle - I love hot dogs too. My husband is disgusted by them. I know they aren't healthy and should only be enjoyed occasionally but when we go to a baseball game, I just have to have one. Sometimes they just hit the spot.

Amy - I'm sorry that you got so sick too!! This thread has had quite the bad luck with illnesses lately. I guess it's that time of year. Glad you are feeling better now and that you were still able to enjoy your trip to Vegas. And woohoo for AF and getting moving along with your FET!!

sars930 - Glad to hear you are progressing nicely! Did you think of an excuse for you running group. That was one of the hardest things for me while stimming too was not being able to go out for a good run. But after a little reading on ovarian torsion it made total sense why it's a bad idea. Plus, towards the end of stimming when I could really feel my eggs getting bigger, even walking fast was a bit uncomfortable. Good luck!

LadySosa - Your trip sounds lovely! I love Huntington Beach. A little sunshine and warmth does a body good. Can't wait to hear your next progress report.

jkb - I hope your beta went well today!!!

Terri - Good to hear from you. Glad your trip went well. Yes, a little more waiting for me. But at least this time I feel like I am moving along instead of just stuck in a holding pattern.

knitgirl - Good luck with your beta tomorrow!

Howdy to everyone else! Hope you're all doing well.

Not much going on here. It's been sunny and nice out the last couple of days so I've been trying to take advantage of it. :bunny:

Hello Booger - I am glad to be back. I missed you ladies!!!

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