First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin, Thanks for checking in. Sorry to hear you are dealing with this! Good for you for listening to your gut. When you know something isn't right, you know it isn't right. Hopefully the tests bring you some solutions.

It is pretty common for pregnancy to throw your thyroid out of whack. It happened to my sister-in-law both pregnancies but she went under active. She didn't determine it until after my niece and nephew were born. Good luck!
Erin - glad you figured out what was up. I am sure a simple solution will come from this. And also a lesson to those of us not not assume everything is normal pregnancy stuff. If you think there is more to it, just put in a call to the dr.
Hi everyone - lot's to catch up on, but work is busy right now. But yes, had my beta drawn this morning at 7am and still waiting for the results. Eeeek!!!

I will post back with the results but prob won't be able to write a full post until tmr.

Thanks for thinking of me!
Hi Erin! Good to hear from you. So sorry you're not feeling well. That sounds miserable. I am glad that they figured out what is going on tho, now at least you can take steps to fix it and hopefully start feeling better a.s.a.p.! Will the meds make you feel better if that's the route to take?
Oh, and I'm a little afraid to ask given the context, but what exactly is CM?
LadySosa, I was usually okay on Lupron, except the third time. I used it for suppression too (instead of BCP), which is a higher dose during suppression. If I only had to be on that dose for 10 days or so, I was usually fine. But my third time, I had the hysteroscopy during suppression, so I was on the darn Lupron for longer, and it did start to bother me a lot then. I was okay after I switched to the lower dose though.

jkb, I'm SO pleased that your beta doubled! Praying for another doubled number on Friday!

Jen, wow, what a story!! I'm so glad everything is okay! You've had a time of it, huh??

brighteyez, happy to see you check in, I've been wondering about you!

sars, so you'll probably be going this weekend, huh? That's great!!! How exciting! Can't wait for an update. :thumbup:

beagle, about a week until your transfer!! I know you are SOO ready!

terri, how great to hear from you!! We've missed you!!

kfs, so glad the first tri screening went well!! Love the new u/s pic!

BabyW, I'm pretty sure if I were you, I'd be hoping for a girl too. :) If I already had a boy, I would be thinking how nice it would be to just be able to experience one of each.

knit, do you have a beta today?? Or did I miss a post somewhere?

moni, glad to hear you're feeling better this week!

Amy, SO excited you're back in the game, lots of good stuff coming this way!!

booger, that's great that your mock went well this time! I knew it would after the hyst! I'm thrilled to hear things are finally getting under way for you.

Hi to anyone I may have missed!

AFM, the reason I've been away so long is because I've truly felt like complete crap. My motivation has been zero, because all I've been able to think about is "What is wrong with me???" I know I told you girls about the exhaustion and weakness. But its more than that too... I can sometimes hear/feel my heart pounding in my head, and even though I'm exhausted all day, at times I feel a jittery nervous feeling at the same time, and I really don't sleep much at night. I can't do much of anything without being out of breath. In fact, some moments, I can't even have a conversation without being out of breath. I finally decided to listen to my body and go to the doctor for bloodwork. It honestly just felt like so much more than just pregnancy symptoms. Turns out, pregnancy has thrown my thyroid out of whack. My TSH is really low, which means overactive. It has just about every system in my body working overtime. My heart, my metabolism, my nervous system, etc. They are doing a full thyroid panel now (T3 and T4), because those levels help determine what's wrong. If those numbers come back okay, they said my body will likely resolve the issue on its own. If not, I may have to be on meds to stabilize my thyroid and prevent complications in the pregnancy. I'm sure glad I have another scan tomorrow, because this just throws one more worrisome thing into the mix, ha!

Erin, I'm glad you trusted your instinct and got bloodwork done. Pregnancy also threw my thyroid out of wack but in the other direction and I have Hashimoto's now and on Synthroid. The great thing is that sometimes pregnancy can regulate the thyroid naturally, but getting blood work done on a monthly basis during pregnancy is very wise and you will be fine. Have them test for Hashimoto's b/c you can go back and forth between hyper and hypothyroid. You caught it early and they will get you regulated fast. Rest easy mama, you will be fine and so will the baby. It's amazing how in tune with our bodies we can become through this process.

Jen you have been to war with symptoms girl. And yes if you're getting them now you'll likely get them if you labor. It's amazing what we go through. Have you tried drinking prune juice and taking Colace? I've even done the smooth move teat to help. With the extra blood in our bodies we need so much more water it's crazy. I hope the worst is behind you, pun intended.

Jkb, woohoo for doubling betas!!!!!! That's awesome, have faith girl it's growing!!! I will keep the thoughts and prayers going.

Knitgirl thinking of you.

Beagle your shopping habits are funny. I wish I could get motivated to bargain hunt. I've started looking for a double stroller on Craigslist and I will probably sell my single stroller on there too. I have the uppababy vista and love it but want a double that I can position a bunch of ways like the Citi. You should be a personal shopper for people. Seriously.

Afm nada mucho. Feel good today, kncking on wood the nausea is history. Still get the chills at night but then I just go to bed, think it's my body saying that it's been a long day of commuting, working, cooking dinner and playing with the baby for the hr I get every night. I so wish it was more. Last night I was asking him where Mommy's nose was and he grabbed it, and then I pointed to my belly and said baby, Mommy has a baby in there and he touched my belly and looked up at me. I wonder how much he will understand as I get closer to my due date.

Looks like snow here this weekend finally! I want to play with him in the snow so badly!!!
Wow that's a lot of post!! Hope I catch everything!

Knit-can't wait to hear your results!! I wish we could get them instantly!!

Sosa- your numbers are amazing! Remind me, are you doing PGS? I was not not a fan of lupron but I do feel all the medicine will be worth it in the end. For me, lupron made me extra emotional and sleepy.

Erin- sorry you are having to deal with this! I hope it straightens itself out so you can transition into the nesting phase of pregnancy:). I am really glad you listened to your body and followed up with your doctor because regardless it's best to have them overseeing your care and your sweet little boy. Hang in there.

Jen! I'm so glad your little one checked out fine. Falls during pregnancy our scary. Please stay hydrated! Could you get hubby to give you an IV bolus if you start vomiting again? I know you have really struggled with hyperemesis. Sometimes an extra liter of fluids can make all the difference.

Beagle- I know you are in the countdown!!! Can't wait for you to be post procedure. Did your hubby have his walk through yet?

Bright eyes- good to hear from you! And yes everyone needs a break to refresh during this crazy process. Good luck with your stimming!!

SARS, booger,Terri, Amy, moni, and babyw- hi ladies:) and I know I'm missing some. I'm gonna have to go back!! I really appreciate all the prayers ladies please keep Em coming! In the past my betas will double in the beginning but then start dropping. Praying that want happen this time.
Well it is easy for me to do the baby stuff. I look at Target & at the Once Upon a Child Consignment store. But for me, I am not very good at shopping at places like TJMaxx or Goodwill for clothes. It exhausts me. But for baby it is easy...just look for the right size & go...not like for us...we can never trust a size on the tag...almost always have to try on especially bottoms. I hate how women's clothes are marketed. I was telling my husband for baby it is easy because they can't say no to something. They have no clue what is going on.

My husband's walk through is on Wednesday. It is in a store out of town so we are going there Sunday so he can do a pre walk to prepare. Good news for me because right near some consignment, Targets, & Buy Buy Baby. The date is making me nervous because I have seen some folks have their FET get rescheduled for whatever reason. Hoping that is not going to happen with me. I really want my husband to be able to be there.

He said last night in a week we will be one day fromt he transfer. I said that sounded so dumb how he worded it :) He asked if I would be able to sleep the night before. I said yeh...I am out early every night & I haven't even started the P yet. I was only up for my retrieval because I was uncomfortable & then started to feel pain.

Side thought...on January 31st last year I did my first IUI with my gyno. We started small stuff earlier like HSG & clomid. So I am hoping on January 29th I will have my LAST fertility treatment for baby #1...just under a year later. I am still not really having any doubts or fears. Still completely positive & determined. It has been a long year.
Sorry I can't write more right now, but wanted to let you guys know that my beta came back as 429!! I'm 16dp6dt.
Congrats knit girl!!!! That's awesome! Are you thinking 2:):):):) I am!
Great beta!!! Wohooooo!

I was totally fine on lupron. No side effects there!

Beagle, I wore a liner everyday from start of estrogen and progesterone until now. This CM does not slow down! Yuck! But I'm actually used to it now. Haha!

I'm doing colace, miralax and some other pill DH brought home last night. I feel gross but 18 more weeks and 6 days and it's done! I'm drinking tons of water but I almost feel like it would be easier to give myself an IV. Haha it did make me feel better.
Erin did they check your iron? I'm on iron now because I was anemic. I have been so so tired. Even more than I was the first trimester. I'm exhausted from how tired I am If that makes sense.

So today I took my pups to the vet for their shots and nail clippings. They hate the vet so much. So, I have to drug Carl (the almost 3 year old) and he literally slept on my neck the whole way there. While I was driving! Then they both freaked out at anyone trying to touch my belly. Protective! They're usually such sweet dogs but if anyone came near me they flipped out! What a day! I have to say the iron is helping me feel better too. I hope the bowel movement happens soon...I'm literally waiting for a trip to the toilet. This is what my life has come to people! DH thinks I should write a book or blog. Too many things happen to me to not do it I think! At least I'm keeping a sense of humor about it all!
Ha ha! I think I should be able to have a service dog during pregnancy to ward off the belly touchers...still not sure how I will handle that.

I bought a supply of pantyliners anyways for the P gel or any spotting I may have. I refuse to buy any tampons!!! Because my next step is pregnancy!!!

Great news knitgirl!

Day is almost over!
That is awesome knit!! Congrats! So happy for you. :)

Jen - I cannot believe you are already in countdown mode! Time flies so fast! P.s. I love that your dog's name is Carl. That is hilarious.
Oh I am so ready. I'm not even afraid of labor or contractions anymore really. I'm just ready to be finished so I don't care if it hurts.
I know isn't it a funny name for a dog? I swear my neighbors think I have a little old man at my house that I yell at and tell to "go pee!"
Awesome, awesome beta Knit! So happy for you!!!

Jen, you absolutely kill me. I'm sorry all of this keeps happening to you but you are so funny when you tell stories about it. You should write a blog. I also now have to look into speed walking in the Olympics. I'm sure this can provide some amusement.

AFM, I'm a tad bummed because apparently my estrogen is skyrocketing. They dialed back my Follistim last night but didn't tell me why. I guess from Monday to Wednesday it went from 600 to over 2,000. My right follies are ready to go but the left are still lagging. My RE was hoping to at least get me one more STIM shot tonight on the lower dose, take my ganirelix and then have me trigger at 2 a.m.

But my estrogen is over 3,000 now. So, I'm triggering at 2 a.m. and my ER is scheduled for Saturday at 2 p.m. She didn't seem confident any of my eggs on the left will be ready to go. They were measuring around 14 MM today. So, a little down because it sounds like I'll be getting half of the 14-16 she thought.

But I'm trying to stay positive. If this is my only set back this has been a very smooth process all things considered.

I'm going back in tomorrow afternoon to see if the trigger worked.

Looks like I will go get to dinner Sunday. I'm gonna be ready to since I won't be able to have anything from midnight Friday until 2 p.m. Saturday.

Totally unrelated but in a you never know who else is going through this... I'm feeling sad but also optimistic for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Theytried three IUIs back in 2013 with no luck and it was very trying on them. I thought they'd given up on fertility treatments. But when I let her know we'd be missing the family lunch Saturday for my ER (hubs family is a big Italian clan and we do sauce, a boozy, belly bursting affair) my SIL mentioned they just had a consult with a new RE. She's on some meds while they go through testing. I'm sad for them they have to go through this but happy they didn't totally give up. They'd be awesome parents. And it is fun to think maybe our kiddo could have a cousin close in age. My brother is not close to having kids and my other BIL/SIL are done. My niece is 7 and my nephew is 4.
Jen - I'm sorry that your stories of pain entertain us so much but I LOVE that you have such a good sense of humor about it all.

Sars - I can't believe your retrieval is so late in the day! I would be super cranky having to go that long without eating. That's rough. I hope that your left follicles catch up. They still have another day and a half after you trigger. Are you going to have to do a freeze all since your E2 is so high?? Or were you planning on doing that anyway? I can't remember.

Erin - I'm glad you decided to call the doctor and that they were able to figure out what was going on right away. Treating your thyroid should hopefully be pretty simple. I really hope you're feeling better soon!!

babywhisperer - Glad that nausea has stayed away the last few days. Hopefully, that's a thing of the past!

beagle - I hope your husband's walk-through goes well. If he gets the job, will you have to move? I plan on just smacking hands if people try to touch my belly. Seriously. I'm not a touchy person, at all, so I'm hoping it doesn't happen very much. I have never had the desire to put my hand on someone else's belly so it seems so weird to me. Even when my sister was pregnant and asked me touch her belly it weirded me out. Everyone is different - people just better give me my space! :haha:

Have a good evening everyone!

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